DMWG :: Volume #34

#3375: One the hammer decides the universe

Boils to me!” “都给我滚开!” The sound of unequalled exploding drinking, appears near the ears of all people, heaven-shaking indescribably tragic, feeling of that shrieking and howling wildly, even is appalling, the complexion is also becomes extremely dignified. 一声无与伦比的爆喝之声,出现在所有人的耳边,惊天地泣鬼神,那种鬼哭狼嚎的感觉,甚至令人毛骨悚然,脸色也是变得极其的凝重。 The origin of this sound, after is that flame sword qi, before that flame sword qi, the flame form, stands erect together before, look incomparable sharp, stares is being gigantic at present the incomparable cauldron furnace, looks at steadily, seems having an extremely cruel color. 这声音的来源,便是那一道道火红色的剑气之后,在那火红色的剑气之前,一道火红色的身影,屹立在前,眼神无比的犀利,凝视着眼前硕大无比的鼎炉,目不转睛,似乎带着一股极其暴戾的色彩。 The flame long hair, raise up, is bringing ice-cold bloodthirsty flavor, that gentle and reserved aura, causes Jiang Chen and the others, silently is gazing at this flame form, no one has acted rashly. Depending on a moment ago that flame sword qi, they then knows that this fellow, is not simple, is this perhaps the refiner grandmaster in legend? 火红色的长发,根根竖起,带着一股冰冷嗜血的味道,那种阴柔气息,使得江尘等人,都是默默的注视着这火红色的身影,谁也没有轻举妄动。就凭刚才那一道道火红色的剑气,他们便是知道,这个家伙,绝不简单,这或许就是传说之中的炼器宗师? Is he!” “是他!” Sword Dongliu sinking sound said that look narrows the eyes, he has recognized this person, the precisely Drawing Sword Sect guest sentiment elder, is that in the Li sword tomb, old evildoer/monstrous talent that ten thousand years are not born. 东流沉声说道,眼神微眯,他认出了这个人,正是拔剑宗的客情长老,也就是那个在骊山剑冢之中,万年不出世的老妖孽。 Who is this?” “这是谁?” The silver-haired man brow tight wrinkle, expression also more comes dignifiedly, because of this person, was really too strange, that flame sword qi, exploded to shoot from his cauldron furnace, but he did not have a point pressure, both hands is vibrating unceasingly, seems controlling the present cauldron furnace. 银发男子眉头紧皱,神色也是越来凝重,因为这个人,实在是太诡异了,那一道道的火红色剑气,从他的鼎炉之中爆射而出,而他却毫无一点的压力,双手不断的抖动着,似乎在掌控着眼前的鼎炉。 When I am very young, has seen his one time, as the Drawing Sword Sect non-native official invited to serve at court elder, the toba tartars dragon Yu's strength, in God Sovereign Realm middle stage, now his strength only will be stronger. Moreover he is genuine refiner Grandmaster, nobody knows that his strength strong, nobody knows that what divine weapon treasure he can refine, since I know that his exist(ence), never sees him to refine any divine weapon treasure for Drawing Sword Sect. However actually receives the Drawing Sword Sect courteous reception.” “在我很小的时候,见过他一次,作为拔剑宗的客卿长老,拓跋龙宇的实力,就已经是在神皇境中期了,现在他的实力只会更强。而且他还是一个真正的炼器大师,没有人知道他的实力有多强,更没人知道他能够炼制出什么样的神兵宝器,自从我知道他的存在,就从未见过他为拔剑宗炼制出任何一件神兵宝器。但是却受到拔剑宗的礼遇。” Sword Dongliu said in a low voice, at this time, only then he knows that this flame form, is actually. 东流低声说道,这个时候,也只有他知道,这个火红色的身影,究竟是谁。 Refiner grandmaster?” “炼器宗师?” A Jiang Chen brow wrinkle, this fellow, indeed has many skills evidently, even if he, is not necessarily able above controlling the cauldron furnace has the so reach a high degree of proficiency method, but Jiang Chen long time did not have the refiner, but by his present strength, if refines low grade Primal Origin Treasure Tool, should be a cinch. 江尘眉头一皱,看样子这个家伙,的确是有两把刷子,即便是他,也未必能够在掌控鼎炉之上有着如此炉火纯青的手段,不过江尘已经很长时间没有炼器了,但是以他现在的实力,如果是炼制一件低级混元宝器,应该还是不在话下的。 As for middle-grade Primal Origin Treasure Tool, Jiang Chen cannot guarantee, but he refines now, is actually middle-grade Primal Origin Treasure Tool. 至于中品混元宝器,江尘也不敢保证,但是他现在炼制的,却是一件中品混元宝器 Although Jiang Chen had not seen, but had actually induced, that Primal Origin Treasure Tool, is similar to wreaking havoc Mad Dragon is ordinary, struggles, because Primal Origin Treasure Tool has own soul, refines Primal Origin Treasure Tool, lives, is Tool Spirit, wants fuses Tool Spirit and Primal Origin Treasure Tool completely only, moreover must tame Tool Spirit, is a quite difficult matter. 江尘虽然还未看到,但是却已经有所感应,那件混元宝器,如同一条肆虐的狂龙一般,挣扎不已,因为混元宝器都有着属于自己的灵魂,炼制混元宝器,随之而生的,就是器灵,想要将器灵混元宝器完全融合唯一,而且还要驯服器灵,是一件相当艰难的事情。 This toba tartars dragon Yu, seems is taming Tool Spirit, regardless of his strength for the time being, can refine leave the middle-grade rank Primal Origin Treasure Tool, the generation of absolutely not commonplace. 这个拓跋龙宇,似乎就是在驯服器灵,他的实力暂且不论,能够炼指中品级别的混元宝器,绝非等闲之辈。 He refines now, should then be peerless divine sword in Sect Master mouth.” “他现在炼制的,应该便是宗主口中的绝世神剑。” Sword Dongliu said that no one has acted rashly, but that toba tartars dragon Yu as if no mood to respond them, because only then Jiang Chen knows that the present is the refiner most important time, can not have a wee bit careless, otherwise might waste all previous efforts. 东流说完,谁也没有轻举妄动,而那个拓跋龙宇似乎也没有心情搭理他们,因为只有江尘知道,现在是炼器最为重要的时刻,不得有一丁点的马虎,否则的话就有可能会前功尽弃。 , The toba tartars dragon Yu hand grasps the heavy hammer suddenly, one after another pounds toward that flame cauldron furnace, this, lets all people are bewildered, only Jiang Chen, the complexion transforms slightly, because of the law of this refiner, gave own Hammer Technique with initially Craftsman God unexpectedly, is without change! 陡然之间,拓跋龙宇手握重锤,一锤一锤的朝着那火红色的鼎炉砸下去,这一幕,让所有人都是一脸茫然,唯独江尘,脸色微微变换,因为这炼器之法,竟然与当初匠神交给自己的锤法,一般无二! „It is not right, he is not Shangguan Hongyan, but he likely has the extremely important relations with Shangguan Hongyan, otherwise, he is impossible to obtain this Hammer Technique. This in the method with Craftsman God Manual, is actually has such high similarity......” “不对,他不是上官鸿雁,但是他很可能会跟上官鸿雁有着极其重要的关系,否则的话,他是不可能得到这锤法的。这跟匠神谱之中的手段,竟然是有着这么高的相似度……” Jiang Chen deeps frown, but he knows that now at this moment, is not the opportunity that begin, all people silently are anticipating, raises the head to hope, if began at this time, will inevitably become attacked on all sides. 江尘眉头紧锁,不过他知道,现在这一刻,还不是自己动手的机会,所有人都是默默的期待着,翘首以盼,如果自己在这个时候动手的话,势必会成为众矢之的的。 However at this moment, the Jiang Chen biggest interest, is not only peerless divine sword in that flame cauldron furnace, but this toba tartars dragon Yu's background, actually he is, why can Hammer Technique in Craftsman God Manual? Although is only simple preliminary Hammer Technique, but has so reach a high degree of proficiency flavor, but Jiang Chen can affirm that this fellow should learn a Craftsman God Manual fur/superficial knowledge, otherwise, is decidedly impossible to be so difficult, if oneself, perhaps this peerless divine sword, soon has completed. 不过此时此刻,江尘最大的兴趣,已经不仅仅是那火红色鼎炉之中的绝世神剑了,而他这个拓跋龙宇的背景,他究竟是谁,为什么会匠神谱之中的锤法呢?虽然只是简简单单的初步锤法,但是却已经有着如此炉火纯青的味道,不过江尘可以肯定,这个家伙应该只是学到了一丝匠神谱的皮毛而已,否则的话,断然不可能这么艰难的,如果是自己的话,这绝世神剑,或许已经快要完成了。 Do not make me know that who you are.” “千万不要让我知道你是谁。” Jiang Chen muttered was saying that he is will not let off this person absolutely, oneself through him, could discover the Shangguan Hongyan news, perhaps. 江尘喃喃着说道,他是绝对不会放过这个人的,自己通过他,或许能够发现上官鸿雁的消息,也说不定。 At this time, toba tartars dragon Yu's expression was even more dignified, but he is actually not able to change at present the aspect, oneself to refine this handle Primal Origin Treasure Tool, had been through repeatedly the innumerable years, the innumerable dangers and difficulties, collected the innumerable treasures, immediately must refine successfully, but this Tool Spirit was really extremely stubborn, he is unable to tame it thoroughly, Tool Spirit was attacking the cauldron furnace unceasingly, but toba tartars dragon Yu's situation also very difficult. 这个时候,拓跋龙宇的神色越发凝重,可是他却无法改变眼前局面,自己为了炼制这柄混元宝器,已经是历经了无数的岁月,无数的艰难险阻,凑齐了无数的珍宝,才马上要炼制成功了,但是这器灵实在是太过桀骜了,他根本无法将其彻底驯服,器灵不断的冲击着鼎炉,而拓跋龙宇的处境也是十分的艰难。 Jiang Chen knows that this fellow falls into the bottleneck now, even is region in a dilemma, is unable to continue to maintain this handle peerless divine sword, moreover will therefore become will possibly fall short. 江尘知道,这家伙现在已经是陷入瓶颈了,甚至是进退两难的境地,根本无法继续维系这柄绝世神剑,而且很可能会因此而变得功亏一篑。 It seems like was the time I helps your one.” “看来是时候我来帮你一把了。” Jiang Chen corner of the mouth reveals wipes the light smiling face, he needed take action at this time, otherwise this peerless divine sword, will thoroughly possibly collapse, under the impact of Tool Spirit, this handle peerless divine sword, will become extremely difficult, will want to cast, difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 江尘嘴角露出一抹淡淡的笑容,他这个时候必须要出手了,否则这绝世神剑,可能会彻底崩溃,在器灵的冲击之下,这柄绝世神剑,将会变得极其艰难,想要熔铸而成,难如登天。 The Jiang Chen pupil reduces, the hand grasps heavy hammer, gives the final word directly, pounding maliciously to that flame cauldron furnace, among immediately, that flame sword qi, restraining, the Tool Spirit thorough formation, was sealed in peerless divine sword gradually. 江尘瞳孔紧缩,手握重锤,直接是一锤定音,狠狠的砸向那火红色的鼎炉,顿时之间,那一道道火红色的剑气,渐渐收敛,器灵彻底成型,被封于绝世神剑之内。 This, has shocked all people, is complete has not thought including toba tartars dragon Yu that oneself struggles here for a long time peerless divine sword, was decided the universe by a bystander hammer unexpectedly, has handled directly, but toba tartars dragon Yu thinks without enough time that because of his yearn for something even in one's dreams Primal Origin Treasure Tool, was refines finally successfully, middle-grade Primal Origin Treasure Tool, even if were God Sovereign Realm expert, was regards, if the treasure were common. 这一幕,震惊了所有人,连拓跋龙宇也是完完全全没有想到,自己在这里挣扎已久的绝世神剑,竟然被一个外人一锤定乾坤,直接搞定了,不过拓跋龙宇来不及多想,因为他梦寐以求混元宝器,终于是炼制成功了,中品混元宝器,即便是神皇境强者,都是视若珍宝一般。 The flame long sword, delimited stream of light, the light able to move unhindered, directly is cuts to break that cauldron furnace. 火红色的长剑,划出一道流光,光影纵横,直接是斩破了那鼎炉。 Hahaha, refine finally, the father refine finally! Peerless divine sword, my peerless divine sword.” 哈哈哈,终于炼成了,老子终于炼成了!绝世神剑,我的绝世神剑。”
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