DMWG :: Volume #32

#3142: The thousand li (500 km) ten thousand miles, the wall collapses delapidated

Lan Yingjie and Lan Zi , can only meet one's fate with resignation finally, obey the arrangement of All Living Things Temple, but to them, arrived here from afar, behavior what meaning? To not go on an expedition, to be informed and experienced, to enter in Great Thunder Sound Temple illusion, strives for hegemony with various Xiong? 蓝英杰蓝紫,最终也只能听天由命,顺从众生寺的安排,但是对于他们而言,千里迢迢来到这里,所为何意呢?不就是为了征战,为了历练,为了进入大雷音寺幻境之中,与诸雄争霸吗? Lan Yingjie tight is gripping the fist, this is he in history biggest humiliation! 蓝英杰紧紧的攥着拳头,这是他有史以来最大的屈辱! The gentlemen may kill, not shame! As the Mu Clan genius juniors, this ratio has even killed his pain, a brave soldier, you make him guard the granary, to make person sighed? Lan Yingjie is so, what a pity, facts speak louder than words, he indeed cannot step All Living Things Bridge, this point, has let him in front of Jiang Chen, the defeat must collapse completely, defeats quite pitifully. 士可杀,不可辱!作为牧族天才子弟,这甚至比杀了他更加的痛苦,一个骁勇善战的战士,你让他镇守粮仓,岂不是令人唏嘘蓝英杰便是如此,可惜,事实胜于雄辩,他的确是没能踏上众生桥,这一点,已经让他在江尘面前,败得一败涂地,败得相当的凄惨。 Lan Luo sighed, if did not have before and Jiang Chen's to oppose each other with equal harshness, surmounted All Living Things Bridge without Jiang Chen, but they were actually detained here, perhaps Lan Yingjie and Lan Zi, not so pitiful, but this was the destiny makes it so, can say that they took the consequences for own actions. 蓝骆叹息一声,如果没有之前与江尘的针锋相对,没有江尘跨越众生桥,而他们却被滞留在这里,或许蓝英杰蓝紫,也不会如此的可悲,但这就是命运使然,也可以说他们自作自受。 The day behaves badly lives probably, from behaving badly cannot live, they were compelled in the hopeless situation by themselves, whom also has the resentment resulted in? 天作孽犹可活,自作孽不可活,他们是被自己逼到了绝境之中,又怨得了谁呢? Jiang Chen is on the contrary tranquiler than anyone, because Jiang Chen emerges, has given Lan Yingjie and Lan Zi biggest satire, was similar to palm of the hand pulling out maliciously on their bodies, let Lan Yingjie even is no time to deal with it. 江尘反倒是比谁都要平静,因为江尘脱颖而出,就是给了蓝英杰蓝紫最大的讽刺,如同一巴掌狠狠的抽在了他们的身上,让蓝英杰甚至是措手不及 Today, then by Jie Yan Junior Brother, bringing everyone to go to the Great Thunder Sound Temple ruins, our six big temples, reach agreement in six months, gets together in the Mount Yanling under foot, goes to Great Thunder Sound Temple, at that time, will have many expert to appear, other six big temples, is not the generation of commonplace. Above, vitally is careful, the old monk and others you triumphal returned to turn over. Amitabha.” “今日,便由戒严师弟,带诸位前往大雷音寺的遗址,我们六大寺院,相约在半年之后,齐聚燕灵山脚下,前往大雷音寺,彼时,会有很多的强者出现,其余六大寺,也都不是等闲之辈。一路之上,切要小心谨慎,老僧等你们凯旋而归。阿弥陀佛。” Jie Gan Grandmaster holds their palms together, above gentle facial features, is having the light happy expression. 戒乾大师双手合十,慈祥的面容之上,带着淡淡的笑意。 Yuan Qing, Yuan De, Yuan Bao, Jie Yan Junior Master goes as you like.” 元清,元德,元宝,随你们戒严师叔而去吧。” The Jie Gan Grandmaster voice has not fallen, three wear the youth of frock, then steps forward from Jie Gan Grandmaster behind, strength, is makes the person be flabbergasted, three people have achieved Half Step God Sovereign Realm realm, this war, All Living Things Temple has also put out the complete method, three Half Step God Sovereign Realm genius disciples, this has almost blocked their mainstay. 戒乾大师话音未落,三个身着僧袍的青年,便是从戒乾大师身后跨出,实力之强,也是让人咋舌,三人都是达到了半步神皇境境界,这一战,众生寺也是拿出了全部的手段,三个半步神皇境天才弟子,这几乎是堵上了他们的中流砥柱。 The person of All Living Things Temple strength, lets four large clans some brand-new understanding, after all as this leadership of going on an expedition, All Living Things Temple has also put out this grade of strength, does not calculate extremely surprised, if on the contrary their strengths are too low, instead will make four large clans feel All Living Things Temple nobody available. 众生寺实力之强,让四大族的人也都有了全新的认识,毕竟作为这一次征战的主导,众生寺拿出这等实力,也并不算太过吃惊,相反他们的实力如果太低的话,反而会让四大族觉得众生寺无人可用。 But four large clans, Half Step God Sovereign Realm expert, only then four, separately are Luo Binwang, Xuanyuan Yumo, Dou Bai as well as Lan Mao (blue lance), Luo Nushen cannot achieve Half Step God Sovereign realm, if battles, which one is good and which one is bad, is the unknown number. 而四大族这边,半步神皇境强者,也只有四个,分别是洛滨王,轩辕雨魔,斗白以及蓝矛,就连洛女神都是未能达到半步神皇境界,但是若是交战起来,孰优孰劣,还是未知之数。 Monk, is waiting for me, if some people dare to move your fine hair, my Jiang Chen will certainly it frustrate the bone to raise the ash, making him always not probably be reincarnated.” 和尚,等着我,若有人敢动你一根汗毛,我江尘必将其挫骨扬灰,让他永世不得超生。” In the Jiang Chen heart pledged secretly that he knows these time was entered in the All Living Things Temple going on an expedition team luckily, otherwise, if a Monk solitary person facing such many expert, can be a life and death war surely, moreover very possible result quite pitiful. 江尘心中暗暗发誓,他知道这一次幸亏是自己进入了众生寺的征战队伍之中,否则的话,若是和尚孤独一人面对如此之多的强者,必定会是一场生死大战,而且很可能结局会相当的凄惨。 Jiang Chen has the enormous confidence to affirm that the person in that Great Thunder Sound Temple illusion, can be Monk mostly, but did not fear that 10,000 fear the eventuality, if not for Monk, in Jiang Chen heart then relaxed, if Monk, he can with all artificial enemies, for his brothers, that have inevitably why not? 江尘有极大的信心可以肯定,那大雷音寺幻境之中的人,多半会是和尚,但是不怕10000就怕万一,若不是和尚,江尘心中便可大定,若是和尚,他势必要与所有人为敌,不过为了自己的兄弟,那又有何妨呢? All are ready, depart nears, on the face of Lan Yingjie, wrote all over ended with dismal, after this war, will be very possible he therefore to be unable to recover, because in four large clans , he was weakest that even weakest Jiang Chen was inferior continually. 一切准备就绪,出发在即,蓝英杰的脸上,写满了落幕与悲凉,此战之后,很可能他都会因此一蹶不振,因为在四大族之中,他,是最弱的那一个,甚至连最弱的江尘都不如。 Six big temples build up, all people are ready in full battle array, sole All Living Things Temple has seven Half Step God Sovereign, the words of other five big temples , has no time to let, this exterminates to be reincarnated the living buddha, captures the plan of God Suppressing Monument, should not plan for day two days, it seems like Monk day, compared with oneself, perhaps also quite sad, can arrive at today step by step, is suitable is not easy, what is most important, he was compelled into Great Thunder Sound Temple illusion, was equal to that was compelled to the life and death hopeless situation. 六大寺院集结,所有人都是严阵以待,单单众生寺就是有着七位半步神皇之多,其他五大寺院的话,也是不遑多让,这场剿灭转世活佛,夺取镇神碑的计划,应该已经不是策划了一天两天了,看来和尚的日子,比起自己,恐怕也是相当的难过,能够一步步走到今天,也是相当的不易,最重要的是,他被逼入了大雷音寺幻境之中,就等于是被逼到了生死绝境。 Mount Yanling, as Great Thunder Sound Temple once the ruins of resplendence, around entire Mount Yanling in 300,000, was air-to-air like the mountain, the mountain peak disintegration, the ancient wood dry cane, the birds cleared, the blown sand walked the stone, it can be said that bleak, quite sad. 燕灵山,作为大雷音寺曾经辉煌灿烂的遗址,整个燕灵山周围三十万里,都是空空如山,山峰崩碎,古木枯藤,鸟兽散尽,飞沙走石,可以说是一片荒凉,相当的悲戚。 Does not know where hears 1-2 Yin Crow cries, extremely dismal, as if once was buried in the person above this endless Buddha earth innumerably, calling out in grief of becoming silent. 不知道从哪里传来一两声阴鸦的叫声,极度的悲凉,仿佛无数曾经葬身于这片无尽佛土之上的人,默然无语的悲鸣。 Is frightened by the slightest sound, spiritual energy does not have, not long, here is the entire Divine World spiritual energy richest place, Buddha Ancestor by the unsurpassed supernatural power, persuaded underground spirit vein giant dragon, makes Mount Yanling all over the world the spiritual energy richest place, for said that series Divine World, has laid the absolute foundation. 风声鹤唳,灵气全无,曾几何时,这里是整个神界灵气最为浓郁的地方,佛祖以无上法力,感化了地下的灵脉巨龙,才使得燕灵山成为普天之下灵气最为浓郁之地,为佛道一统神界,奠定了绝对的基础。 Past, above Western Extremity Divine Region, Buddha Boundary series eight sides, world normalizing, even if Central Region Divine Land, unmanned with it contending, trillion years ago Mount Yanling, Great Thunder Sound Temple, is Divine World is broadest, was lordliest, most made the place of pilgrimage one yearned. 昔日,西极神州之上,佛界一统八方,天下归一,哪怕是中州神土,亦无人与之抗衡,亿万年前燕灵山,大雷音寺,乃是神界最恢宏,最气派,最令人向往的朝圣之地。 Some many expert come with admiration, many influence world thoughts of returning home, Buddha Ancestor elegant demeanor, unsurpassed, Divine World first, nobody leaves its right. Buddha Ancestor not wants not to strive, quietism and inaction, but, some people want to fight on this day after all, some people must displace after all, becomes the unsurpassed King, forever will keep the years river. 有多少强者慕名而来,有多少势力天下归心,佛祖风采,盖世无双,神界第一,无人出其右。佛祖无欲无求,清静无为,但是这天下,总归是有人要争,也总归是有人要取而代之,成为无上王者,永留岁月长河。 This is the history, is the years of thrillingly rushing. 这是历史,更是令人激动澎湃的岁月。 Countless person mind yearn, lie prostrate in worship, the prestige of Buddha Ancestor, buddhist art is boundless, spreads over above the Divine Region earth, the singing in praise of the Buddha is intermittent, persuades the innumerable birds evil people, the fierce liao beast, making Divine World peaceful, auspicious. 无数人心神向往,顶礼膜拜,佛祖之威,佛法无边,传遍神州大地之上,梵音阵阵,感化无数鸟兽恶徒,凶猛獠兽,使得神界太平,一片祥和。 However, when things reach their extreme they turn back, the prosperity and decline honor or disgrace, trillion years of years, Mount Yanling already no longer in the past the honor, innumerable expert, went on an expedition in this, Buddha Ancestor falls from the sky, Buddha Boundary is split up, Venerable draws back disperses without the trace, the arhat casualty are innumerable, Buddha god shape entirely to extinguish, nobody must in escaping death by a hair's breadth. 但是,物极必反,兴衰荣辱,亿万年岁月,燕灵山早就已经不复当年荣光,无数的强者,征战于此,佛祖陨落,佛界四分五裂,尊者退散无踪,罗汉死伤无数,佛陀神形俱灭,无人得于幸免于难。 Said the death of the emperor, the world turmoil, Nine Regions Eighteen Counties, fell into the aspect of doing things their own way once again, Central Region Divine Land stood erect as before not but actually, Western Extremity Divine Region actually already no longer in the past honor. 佛道崩殂,天下动乱,九州十八郡,也是再度陷入了各自为政的局面,中州神土依旧屹立不倒,西极神州却已不复当年荣光。 Present Buddha Boundary, present Mount Yanling, already was unvisited, nobody once remembers that here once was the entire Divine World most magnificent place, here once had the God Emperor theory saying that electrifies listeners, once had the war of Heavenly King, shook under heaven-shaking! 如今的佛界,如今的燕灵山,已然是人迹罕至,没有人曾记得,这里曾是整个神界最辉煌的地方,这里曾有神帝论道,语惊四座,曾有天王之战,震惊天下! The years of history, traceless do not have mark, after trillion years of years, only invariable, are head piece of blue sky, but alternation of Buddha Boundary, become the Western Extremity Divine Region biggest sorrow. 历史的岁月,无痕无迹,亿万年岁月之后,唯一不变的,便是头上这片青天,而佛界的更迭,也成为西极神州最大的悲哀。 The thousand li (500 km) ten thousand miles, the wall collapses delapidated, is reminded of dear ones who have left, the pagoda no longer, the idol collapses, Buddha Boundary, did not have an once appearance again. 千里万里,宫墙颓圮,人去楼空,佛塔不再,神像坍塌,佛界,已经再无一丝曾经的样子。 Is hard to imagine, once magnificence, had how fire imagination, Jiang Chen was also in the heart sighed why oneself hasn't lived in the age of that wind and cloud border meeting? Oneself enter the Divine World time, late was too too late, has missed the war of antiquity, has missed the Divine World turmoil, missed to say the death of the emperor, the age of having missed all expert always remember. 难以想象,曾经的辉煌,有多么的令人神往,江尘也是心中感叹,自己为何没有生在那个风云际会的年代呢?自己进入神界的时间,太晚太晚了,错过了上古之战,错过了神界动乱,错过了佛道崩殂,错过了一切强者都会被铭记的年代。 Jiang Chen is stroking the sinking sand of under foot, a defeated buddha lamp, touches gently, then changes to the flying ash, disseminates in between Heaven and Earth. 江尘抚摸着脚下的沉沙,一只残败的佛灯,轻轻一碰,便是化作飞灰,弥散在天地之间 Blustery, everywhere yellow sand, when Jiang Chen steps into above this lands, he really has the feeling of seeming to have met before, Monk, are you in that Great Thunder Sound Temple illusion seriously? 风起云涌,漫天黄沙,当江尘踏入这片土地之上的时候,他竟然是有种似曾相识的感觉,和尚,你当真身在那大雷音寺幻境之中吗?
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