DMWG :: Volume #27

#2694: To the gu of soul

Little Xian.” 小仙。” Bai Yumo summoned in a low voice. 白羽墨低声呼唤道。 The Yu Jingxian whole body trembles, that flash that complexion sudden change, turns around suddenly, she cannot believe that eye advance party the person, unexpectedly is own elder sister, Yumo, after she marries into White Ink City Bai Family, then changes name to Bai Yumo. 羽惊仙浑身一颤,脸色骤变,猛然间转身的那一霎那,连她自己都不敢相信,眼前站着的人,竟然是自己的姐姐,羽墨,而在她嫁入白墨城白家之后,便是改名白羽墨 Eldest sister...... Really is you?” “大姐……真的是你吗?” Yu Jingxian shivers was saying, among flashes, innumerable grievance and feeling sad, shortly all will be falls in torrents, the tears will flow copiously. 羽惊仙颤抖着说道,一霎那之间,无数的委屈与心酸,顷刻间全都是倾泻出来,泪水夺眶而出。 Hundred years have not seen, present Little Xian, early is not the past little girl.” “百年未见,如今的小仙,早已经不是昔日的小女孩了。” Bai Yumo opened the bosom, Yu Jingxian throws during the arms of elder sister directly, affectionate between sisters, did not need to talk too much, Bai Yumo could also look, this time Yu Jingxian was very thin, worry and disturbance in eye, suffering from injustice with pain, it goes without saying. 白羽墨张开怀抱,羽惊仙直接扑进了姐姐的怀抱之中,姐妹之间的情深,无需多言,白羽墨也看得出来,此时的羽惊仙无比清瘦,眼中的担忧与忐忑,委屈与痛苦,不言而喻。 Two sisters support to sob, Bai Yumo cannot control own sentiment. 两姐妹相拥而泣,白羽墨也是控制不住自己的感情。 Father he now how?” “父王他现在怎么样了?” Bai Yumo incomparably worried that looks to the father above hospital bed, now has lost consciousness, but also aura remains, quite weak. 白羽墨无比担忧,看向病床之上的父亲,如今已经是不省人事,只不过还有一丝气息尚存,相当的虚弱。 Father over a hundred years, always so, I went Tianqi Mountain Range with the Third Brother Fifth Brother, obtained Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart, skilled artist Saint Doctor Wang Lingzhi said that so long as there is Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart, can save the father. Because the father needs the close friend, takes Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart as to live, can continue the life for the father, the present father, is thorough life-force completely.” “父亲已经上百年了,始终如此,我跟三哥五哥去了一趟天祁山脉,得到了赤霞古藤心,妙手圣医王灵芝说,只要有赤霞古藤心,就能够救下父王。因为父王需要换心,以赤霞古藤心为生,才能够为父王续命,如今的父王,已经是彻底的生机殆尽。” Yu Jingxian expression gloomy saying. 羽惊仙神色暗淡的说道。 Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart, really useful?” 赤霞古藤心,真的有用吗?” Bai Yumo asked. 白羽墨问道。 Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart is Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine ties, ten thousand years grow one, the vitality extremely formidable, I guess should.” 赤霞古藤心乃是赤霞古藤所结,万年才长出一颗,生命力极其的强大,我猜应该可以。” Yu Jingxian said. 羽惊仙说道。 Today a weaponry outside city gate, then greets Wang Lingzhi?” “今日城门外的阵仗,便是迎接王灵芝?” Bai Yumo continues to ask. 白羽墨继续问道。 Yes.” “是的。” Why hasn't that given the father to see a doctor?” “那为何还不来给父王看病?” Bai Yumo delicate eyebrows tight wrinkle. 白羽墨秀眉紧皱。 Big Brother Second Brother must give a welcoming dinner to the Wang Lingzhi reception, after saying must bathe, tomorrow can for the father see a doctor.” “大哥二哥非要给王灵芝接风洗尘,说要沐浴之后,明日才能够为父王看病。” Sets at own father not to attend , the person who these over-detailed formalities, harm is actually great, these two fellows, were really more and more useless, really irritates me.” “置自己的生父于不顾,这些繁文缛节,倒是害的人不浅啊,这两个家伙,真是越来越不中用了,实在是气死我了。” Bai Yumo clenches teeth, but is actually not able to change these, after all now she is the person of marrying, cannot be considered as is the person of Yu Family, now the father is critically ill, naturally is needs the eldest brothers in their family/home in maintenance the order, such does, although is quite not satisfactory, but she many did not say anything. 白羽墨咬着牙,但是却无法改变这些,毕竟现在她已经是嫁出去的人了,并不能算得上是羽家之人了,如今父亲病危,自然是需要他们两个家中的长兄去维护家中秩序的,这么做虽然极为欠妥,但是她也不好多说什么。 Now Big Brother the Second Brother absolutely did not have the beforehand appearance, since the father fell ill, in their eyes, only remaining fights for power and profit, they even hope...... We hope that the father fell ill since then, in that case, they well control the family, becomes the household head.” “现在大哥二哥完全没有了之前的样子,自从父王病倒之后,他们的眼中,只剩下争权夺利,他们甚至希望……希望父亲从此一病不起,那样的话,他们才好掌控家族,成为一家之主。” The Yu Jingxian tears blurred eyes, only then before own elder sister, she appears so delicate, moreover these words she also can only say that listens to own biological elder sister, if other people listened, feared that will say also her side door heretical ways, had no regard for elders and superiors. 羽惊仙泪水模糊了双眼,只有在自己的姐姐面前,她才会显得如此的柔弱,而且这番话她也只能说给自己的亲姐姐听,若是旁人听了去,怕是又会说她旁门左道,目无尊长了。 „Can these that you said that real?” “你说的这些,可都是真的?” Bai Yumo even more is angry, it seems like present Yu Family, early no longer the past glory, harmonious is also only the false appearance in surface. 白羽墨越发生气,看来如今的羽家,早已经不复当年的荣耀,和睦也只是表面上的假象而已。 How dare does Little Xian lie before the elder sister? Let alone they are also my brother, how I will stab them.” 小仙怎敢在姐姐面前说谎?更何况他们也是我的哥哥,我又怎会中伤他们呢。” Bai Yumo saw the helplessness in Yu Jingxian eye, if no reason, was not for many years so, she cannot. 白羽墨看出了羽惊仙眼中的无奈,如果不是事出有因,不是经年如此,她也不会如此说来的。 „, Is from infancy to maturity steadiest by Old Third, which did he go?” “从小到大,以老三最为稳重,他去哪了?” Third Brother was just sent the Dragon Gate range a short time ago, in the mine pit had some conditions, the Third Brother is dispatched to investigate thoroughly this matter, should also be the meaning of all elders, was feared that he will have the dispute with the Big Brother Second Brother, moreover several elders are the Big Brother Second Brother's people, Third Brother any dependency, he has not disdained so, therefore also received in invisible pushes aside.” “三哥前不久刚被派去了龙门岭,矿井上出现了一些状况,三哥被派遣彻查此事,应该也是诸位长老的意思,就是怕他会跟大哥二哥起争执,而且几位长老都已经是大哥二哥的人了,三哥没有任何的附庸,他也不屑如此,所以也是在无形之中受到了一些排挤。” Although Yu Jingxian in the surface did not say, but her anything is clear. 羽惊仙虽然表面上不说,但是她什么都是一清二楚。 Absurd! Since I came back, then I absolutely will not let Yu Family so in a turmoil . Moreover the father has not died now.” “岂有此理!既然我回来了,那么我就绝对不会让羽家如此乌烟瘴气,况且现在父王还没死呢。” Bai Yumo has stood suddenly, expression is solemn, the heroic bearing is vigorous, after accompanying the bride to her new home into Bai Family, she is half a lifetime army horse, at this time absolutely not by common custom tired, Bai Yumo firm disposition, informed and experienced comes out above battlefield, the tempering of blood and fight, lets in her eyes, has filled the dignity and overbearing of serviceman soldier. 白羽墨霍然间站了起来,神色冷峻,英姿勃勃,自从嫁入白家之后,她便是半生戎马,此时绝对不会被世俗所累,白羽墨的刚强性格,也都是在战场之上历练出来的,鲜血与战斗的磨砺,让她的双眼之中,充满了军人战士的威严与霸道。 You keep here looks at father first, I have a look at these two non- loyal sons, actually to have placed the what kind position the father.” “你先留在这里看着父亲,我去看看这两个不孝子,究竟把父亲放在了何等位置。” Bai Yumo turns around to depart, the eye contains cold intent. 白羽墨转身离去,眼含冷意。 Moonlight like shade, moonlight like demon. 月光如影,月色如魅。 Jiang Chen stood before the garden, he felt that Yu Jingxian, her sorrow, disturbed, felt sad, was all looked by Jiang Chen in the heart, was his heart, was such bitterness, although she betrayed herself, bringing Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart to go, but he is unable to forget, is unable to regard any matter not to occur. 江尘站在了庭院之前,他感觉到了羽惊仙,她的悲哀,忐忑,心酸,无一不被江尘看在心中,可是他的心,还是那样的酸涩,尽管她背叛自己,带着赤霞古藤心而去,可是他还是无法忘记,也无法当成什么事情都没有发生过。 Said is the love, is somewhat forced, but also such as the fishbone in the throat, could not say, was actually not cruel enough to make her sadder. Her frown and smile, every word and deeds, in the Jiang Chen's mind, can hardly be removed, perhaps this is an indescribable oppressive reason, falls in love to kill, hates to leave. 说是爱,有些牵强,但却又如鲠在喉,说不出来,却又不忍心让她更加难过。她的一颦一笑,一言一行,都在江尘的脑海之中,挥之不去,或许这便是难以言喻的一段虐缘吧,相爱相杀,相恨相离。 Reason that Jiang Chen changed the appearance, does not want to make Yu Jingxian see itself again, in that case, only meets two difficultly, she solitary will be also no use, feels inferior. 江尘之所以改变了容貌,就是不想让羽惊仙再看到自己,那样的话,只会两相难,她也会更加的孤独无助,自惭形秽。 Jiang Chen gaze narrows the eyes, he must investigate with Divine Soul, but when own Divine Consciousness passed over gently and swiftly Yu Jingxian father Yu Huagan, was shaken by powerful soul power suddenly extremely draws back. 江尘目光微眯,他要用神魂探查一番,不过就在自己的神识掠过羽惊仙的父亲羽化乾的时候,突然间被一股极其强悍灵魂之力所震退。 The Jiang Chen retreat three steps, the under foot is actually as stable as Mount Tai, in the foreheads completely is the dignified color. 江尘后退三步,脚下却是稳如泰山,眉宇之间尽是凝重之色。 Good fearful soul power, this person, should be to the gu of soul, feared that is its soul power, several nearly have dried up.” “好可怕的灵魂之力,这个人,应该是中了离魂之蛊,怕是其灵魂之力,已经几近枯竭了。” In the Jiang Chen heart thinks that at this moment Yu Jingxian also walked from the room, the sound that because Jiang Chen withdraws just now, has alarmed her. 江尘心中想到,这一刻羽惊仙也是从房间之中走了出来,因为适才江尘退后的声响,惊动了她。 Who are you?” “你是何人?” Yu Jingxian looks at Jiang Chen said that beautiful pupil glittering, actually some different feeling. 羽惊仙看着江尘说道,美眸闪烁,却有些不一样的感觉。 I am follow young lady Bai Yumo to come.” “我是跟随大小姐白羽墨而来的。” Jiang Chen is gazing at Yu Jingxian, at that moment, Jiang Chen does not have the hatred to Yu Jingxian, even if were she initially left itself, he did not have any blame, because he knows at this moment finally that she won the Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart goal at risk of life, for saves own father. 江尘注视着羽惊仙,那一刻,江尘羽惊仙没有恨意,即便是她当初离开了自己,他也没有任何的责怪,因为这一刻他终于知道,她拼死夺走赤霞古藤心的目的了,为的就是救自己的父亲。 Jiang Chen wants to hate her, but how regardless of actually unable to hate. Her pain with struggling, completely is because the emotion dispute in her heart, Jiang Chen is not does not understand, but is not willing to mention, was the person of brushing past, was better, made him feel at ease. 江尘想要恨她,但是却无论如何也恨不起来。她的痛苦与挣扎,完全是因为她心中的情感纠葛,江尘不是不懂,而是不愿意去提起,做个擦肩而过的人,更好,也更让他心安。 In front of the love, Yu Jingxian does not have choice to submit, she deeply is loving that by the man who she thrusts the abyss, but is actually not able not to save own father, all these do not conflict, but made her throughout in contradictory and guilty passed. 爱情面前,羽惊仙没有选择屈服,她深爱着那个被她推入万丈深渊的男人,但却无法不去拯救自己的父亲,这一切并不冲突,但是却让她始终都在矛盾与愧疚中度过。 Your look, looks like my friend very much.” “你的眼神,很像我的一个朋友。” Yu Jingxian gawked a moment later, said in a low voice. 羽惊仙愣了片刻之后,低声说道。
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