DMWG :: Volume #26

#2540: Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart true body

However this oppression at heart, was really too heavy, let Flying Eagle and Hong Yan and the others pants for breath continually, was becomes exceptionally difficult. 不过这心里的压迫,实在是太重了,让飞鹰红岩等人连喘息,都是变得异常的艰难。 Under Heavenly Fire, how can there be to end the egg? Heavenly Fire of that being disillusioned sky, now actually became their life and death tribulations. 天火之下,岂有完卵?那破灭天空的天火,如今却成为了他们的生死劫。 Does not manage, said advanced again.” “不管了,先进去再说。” Flying Eagle is drawing Xiong Zhan, has crashed in raging fire burning down Tree Cave, Hong Yan also rapidly entered. 飞鹰拉着熊战,冲进了烈火焚烧的树洞之中,红岩也迅速的进了去。 Xue Liang, the feather Third Brother, leading them to enter Tree Cave.” 薛凉,羽三哥,带他们两个进入树洞吧。” The Jiang Chen sinking sound said. 江尘沉声说道。 Yu Jingfan and Xue Liang, are bringing Yu Huafan with Yu Er'niang, walks toward Tree Cave. 羽惊凡薛凉,带着羽化凡羽二娘,向着树洞走去。 Jiang Chen, you must live.” 江尘,你一定要活着。” Yu Er'niang rending saying. 羽二娘撕心裂肺的说道。 Finally azure garment young girl and Old Ape, looks at each other one, entered in Tree Cave, braves the raging flame. 最后青衫少女与老猿猴,也是对视一眼,进入了树洞之中,冒着熊熊烈火。 Jiang Chen mind like still water, with Li Zongheng four eyes contact, is only their two, as before is calm and composed. 江尘心如止水,与厉纵横四目相对,唯独他们两个,依旧是气定神闲 „Don't you fear death?” “你不怕死吗?” Li Zongheng said. 厉纵横说道。 „Did you fear?” “那你怕不怕?” Jiang Chen asked. 江尘反问道。 Has died a time person, did you say?” “死过一次的人,你说呢?” Li Zongheng smiled suddenly. 厉纵横突然间笑了。 I do not fear death, because I will not die.” “我不怕死,因为我不会死。” Jiang Chen as before is arrogant, wild overbearing. 江尘依旧是傲气十足,狂放霸道。 That is inferior to us at this Heavenly Fire domain war, how?” “那不如我们就在这天火领域一战,如何?” Li Zongheng fearless life and death. 厉纵横无惧生死。 This Heavenly Fire domain, should be only laughs uproariously. Although Heavenly Fire is strong, falls suddenly , don't you think the fishy?” “这天火领域,应该只是一个噱头吧。天火虽强,突降而下,你不觉得蹊跷吗?” Jiang Chen light say/way. 江尘淡淡道。 Is some fishy, since I enter since here that moment, I thought that here is somewhat strange, likely is not one friendly.” “是有些蹊跷,从我进入这里的那一刻起,我就觉得这里有些诡异,不像是一处善地。” A Li Zongheng brow wrinkle. 厉纵横眉头一皱。 „A bigger plot, should to arrive.” “更大的阴谋,应该就要降临了。” The Jiang Chen voice falls, in Tree Cave, then spreads blood-curdling scream. 江尘话音一落,树洞之中,便是传出一声惨叫 Jiang Chen lowers the head the fiery red seed in looks at hand saying: 江尘低头看着手中的火红种子说道: This should just be Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart part of energies, true Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart, but also in this Tree Cave.” “这应该只不过是赤霞古藤心的一部分能量而已,真正的赤霞古藤心,还在这树洞之中。” Li Zongheng does not doubt him, because of blood-curdling scream one, explained all. The next quarter, Jiang Chen and Li Zongheng simultaneously rush to Tree Cave. 厉纵横不疑有他,因为刚才的惨叫一声,已经说明了一切。下一刻,江尘厉纵横同时奔向树洞之中。 Since later, Jiang Chen impressively discovered that in this Tree Cave, the book is a different hot space, the fearful raging flame, unceasingly is all ascending, Wu Ying (traceless) that Flying Eagle and Xiong Zhan, vanished did not have the trace, Yu Jingfan and Xue Liang as well as Hong Yan and the others, but also in fierce fought Divine Beast White Tiger, Old Ape is the strength falls short, but azure garment young girl, was supporting by the arm him, relations between azure garment young girl and Old Ape, then made the Jiang Chen heart live the doubts. 进入之后,江尘才赫然发现,这树洞之中,本就是一处异火空间,可怕的熊熊烈火,全都是不断的升腾着,飞鹰熊战,已经消失的无影无踪了,羽惊凡薛凉以及红岩等人,还在悍斗神兽白虎,老猿猴已经是力有不逮,而青衫少女,则是搀扶着他,青衫少女与老猿猴之间的关系,则是更加让江尘心生疑惑。 Divine Beast White Tiger compared a moment ago, even better, must be blessed by God. 神兽白虎比起刚才,更胜一筹,如有神助。 Flying Eagle and Xiong Zhan, had all been swallowed by him, in this Tree Cave, is his supreme headquarters, here his strength unceasing increasing.” 飞鹰熊战,全都是被他吞掉了,这树洞之中,就是他的大本营,在这里他的实力不断的攀升。” The Xue Liang sinking sound shouted to clear the way. 薛凉沉声喝道。 Good sly fellow, I have not really guessed wrong, this is a good play of your director. Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart!” “好个狡猾的家伙,我果然没有猜错,这都是你一手导演的好戏啊。赤霞古藤心!” The Jiang Chen's words, let Divine Beast White Tiger and Old Ape, is the whole body shakes. 江尘的话,让神兽白虎老猿猴,全都是浑身一震。 What? Divine Beast White Tiger is Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart!” “什么?神兽白虎就是赤霞古藤心!” Yu Jingfan and the others shocks all, this will Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart, how possibly be he? 羽惊凡等人无不震撼,这赤霞古藤心,怎么可能会是他呢? The Li Zongheng look narrows the eyes, coming out that he looks, Divine Beast White Tiger felt that a pressure, in other words, Jiang Chen's guessed, is completely correct. 厉纵横眼神微眯,他看的出来,神兽白虎感觉到了一丝压力,也就是说,江尘的猜测,完全是正确的。 Jiang Chen already suspected that these four clear hearts, simply is not Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart, but Divine Beast White Tiger to/clashes from Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine, although is Divine Beast White Tiger, but does not have the White Tiger masterstroke of least bit, let alone inherits to remember that in addition pledging to fight to the death of Old Ape mutual, confirmed the idea in Jiang Chen heart, this Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart, will inevitably be Divine Beast White Tiger, without doubt will have him. 江尘早就怀疑,这四颗晶莹之心,根本就不是赤霞古藤心,而神兽白虎又是从赤霞古藤之中冲出来的,虽为神兽白虎,可是却没有半点的白虎神技,更别说传承记忆了,再加上老猿猴的誓死相互,更加确认了江尘心中的想法,这赤霞古藤心,势必就是神兽白虎,无疑有他。 Divine Beast White Tiger, unexpectedly is Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart.” 神兽白虎,竟然是赤霞古藤心。” Yu Er'niang calls out in alarm one, but she knows that now this White Tiger is inflation even more, the strength was when production costs rise , prices rise too, Flying Eagle and Xiong Zhan is also swallowed by his one, currently Xue Liang Hong Yan with Yu Jingfan, anytime has the danger. 羽二娘惊呼一声,可是她知道现在这白虎已经是越发的膨胀,实力也是水涨船高,飞鹰熊战已经是被他一口吞掉了,现在薛凉红岩羽惊凡,更是随时都有危险。 The azure garment young girl moves slightly, but too many surprised, because in her eyes, this Scarlet Cloud Ancient Vine Heart, have not had any relations with her. On the contrary is her Old Ape, the look stubbornly is staring at Jiang Chen, oneself think flawlessly, but after all was looked through by Jiang Chen, the eyes of this fellow, are really quite sinister. 青衫少女微微一动,但却并没有太多的惊讶,因为在她眼中,这赤霞古藤心,跟她没有任何的关系。反倒是她身旁的老猿猴,眼神死死的盯着江尘,自己以为天衣无缝,但是终归还是被江尘看破了,这家伙的眼睛,着实是相当毒辣啊。 Boy, you really make me love and hate, likes your being talented, the talent different reported that hates your extremely intelligent, the strength is outstanding, you can not need the volume to come, but enters the person in this Tree Cave, must die. Or since you step into this endless abyss time, has been doomed the result.” “小子,你真是让我又爱又恨啊,爱你的才华横溢,天赋异禀,恨你的聪明绝顶,实力超群,你本可以不用卷进来,但是进入这树洞之中的人,都得死。或者说,从你们踏入这无尽深渊的时候,就已经注定了结局。” The Old Ape sinking sound said that expression Yan Jun (severe), Divine Beast White Tiger shows disdain for the outstanding heroes as before, present he, suppressed Hong Yan and the others completely, scene constraining extremely. 老猿猴沉声说道,神色严峻,神兽白虎依旧是傲视群雄,现在的他,完全压制了红岩等人,场面极其的压抑。 red-clothed formation!” 红衣阵法!” Hong Yan coldly snorted, the form dodges, a thirteen red form, changes to together terrifying red-clothed formation, is stranded Divine Beast White Tiger. 红岩冷哼一声,身影一闪,十三道红色的身影,化作一道恐怖红衣阵法,将神兽白虎困在其中。 red-clothed formation quite powerful, is Hong Yan trump card, under God King Realm can break this formation person, is similar to extremely rare general. 红衣阵法相当强悍,是红岩杀手锏,神王境之下能够破掉这阵法的人,如同凤毛麟角一般。 Roar roar “吼吼” Was only a pity that Divine Beast White Tiger is that pinch of extremely rare exist(ence), under shouts out, a strength falls ten brightness, red-clothed formation under the Divine Beast White Tiger crush, the thorough smashing, Hong Yan flying upside down goes, the blood sprinkles the expansive sky, Divine Beast White Tiger rises with a spring, clear heart of Hong Yan in his hand, annexed into within the body, his imposing manner, rose once again. 只可惜,神兽白虎便是那一撮凤毛麟角般的存在,大喝之下,一力降十慧,红衣阵法神兽白虎的碾压之下,彻底粉碎,红岩倒飞而去,鲜血洒满长空,神兽白虎一跃而起,将红岩与他手中的晶莹之心,一并吞入了体内,他的气势,再度疯涨起来。 Moreover at this moment, Divine Beast White Tiger also fell gaze on the body of Jiang Chen and Li Zongheng. 而且这一刻,神兽白虎也是将目光落在了江尘厉纵横的身上。 All of you, become my delicacy.” “你们所有人,都会成为我的美味。” The Divine Beast White Tiger look narrows the eyes, then continues to fire into Yu Jingfan, Yu Jingfan retreat, Half Step hasn't God King Realm, how possibly selected unceasingly the real skill? 神兽白虎眼神微眯,转而继续冲向羽惊凡,羽惊凡不断后退,半步神王境,怎么可能没有点真本事呢? Swallow plume feather!” “燕翎羽!” The Yu Jingfan sinking sound shouted to clear the way, this was Heavenly God Tool Yan Lingyu in his clan, moreover Yan Lingyu in the hand of Yu Family person, must be blessed by God, the fearful feathers proliferated Changtian, in fiery red space, plume feather ascend, thorn to Divine Beast White Tiger. White Tiger roar heaven-shaking, under the attack of swallow plume feather, completely is motionless as mountain. 羽惊凡沉声喝道,这是他族中的天神器燕翎羽,而且燕翎羽在羽家人的手中,更是如有神助,可怕的飞羽遍布长天,火红的空间之中,翎羽飞升,刺向神兽白虎白虎一吼惊天,在燕翎羽的攻击之下,完全是不动如山 Good fearful fellow.” “好可怕的家伙。” Yu Jingfan has held breath a cold air/Qi, staggers retreat, in the look shocks completely frightened with. 羽惊凡倒吸了一口冷气,踉跄后退,眼神之中满是震撼与恐惧。 Praying mantis arm, when car(riage).” “螳臂当车而已。” Divine Beast White Tiger sneers, swallowed to Yu Jingfan, a Xue Liang sword cuts to fall, blocks Divine Beast White Tiger, his sword, has also filled golden yellow sword glow in this moment. 神兽白虎冷笑一声,一口吞向羽惊凡,薛凉一剑斩落,拦下了神兽白虎,他的剑,也在这一刻充满了金黄的剑芒 Good, you are also quite competent.” “不错嘛,你还算是比较有实力的。” Divine Beast White Tiger is not angry, changes Xue Liang, the sword in Xue Liang hand, becomes golden light is radiant. 神兽白虎也不生气,转向薛凉,薛凉手中的剑,变得金光璀璨。 Forgets the sword art gold Saint sword!” “忘剑诀黄金圣剑!” Xue Liang kills the four directions greatly, the golden color and red interweaves in Tree Cave, rays of light is radiant, Divine Beast White Tiger swallows the day, the forcing eight sides, welcomed the Xue Liang golden Saint sword directly, Xue Liang was compelled to draw back hundred meters. 薛凉大杀四方,金色与红色交织在树洞之间,光芒璀璨,神兽白虎吞天而起,力压八方,直接迎上了薛凉的黄金圣剑,薛凉被逼退了百米。 Divine Beast White Tiger is divine might is as before unparalleled, in swallowing Flying Eagle after two clear hearts of Hong Yan, the Divine Beast White Tiger strength, has achieved faintly somewhat the breakthrough critical point, moreover four clear hearts are his, the energy returns, in addition this in addition of Tree Cave holds, Divine Beast White Tiger is more and more terrifying. 神兽白虎依旧是神威盖世,在吞噬了飞鹰红岩的两颗晶莹之心之后,神兽白虎的实力,已经隐隐有些达到了突破的临界点,而且四颗晶莹之心本来就是他的,能量回归,再加上这树洞的加持,神兽白虎已经是越来越恐怖
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