DMWG :: Volume #21

#2064: Nine changes Golden Crow

The golden air wave just likes the tide is common, swept across the entire war stage, the Jin Tianyuan body rocked, has flown the upper air directly, his both hands empty delimited, open battlefield to come, to him and Jiang Chen this rank, fought is incomparably aggressive, even if fought the stage by lay down formidable restriction, perhaps but could not withstand two aggressive violence male powerful attacks. 黄金气浪犹如潮水一般,席卷了整个战台,金天源身躯晃动,直接飞上了高空,他双手虚划,开辟出来一个战场来,到了他和江尘这个级别,战斗起来都是无比生猛的,即便战台被布下了强大的禁制,但恐怕也承受不了两个生猛暴力男的强势攻击。 Come Jiang Chen.” “来吧江尘。” Jin Tianyuan loudly shouted, his whole person fighting intent unparalleled, he is the same with Jiang Chen, is the militant people, at this moment stands above fighting stage, goal no longer to obtain Golden Feathers Fan, but found one to be able the match of carefree war, is more rousing. 金天源大喝一声,他整个人战意无双,他和江尘一样,都是好战之人,此刻站在战台之上,目的已经不再是为了得到黄金羽扇,而是找到一个可以畅快一战的对手,更加让人兴奋。 Jiang Chen's appears makes Jin Tianyuan very excited, if Lien Chan does not fight today directly obtained Golden Feathers Fan, then regarding Jin Tianyuan, is really a meaning does not have. 江尘的出现就让金天源很兴奋,如果今日自己连战都不战就直接得到了黄金羽扇,那对于金天源来说,真是一点意思都没有。 Roar...... 吼…… Jiang Chen sends out Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering dragon roar, immediately turned into the Dragon Transformation battle condition, has flown above battlefield. 江尘发出一声惊天动地龙吟,立刻变成了龙变的战斗状态,飞上了上空的战场 Good abnormal body transformation skill.” “好变态的变身技能。” Many person sighed, but changes the body regarding Jiang Chen's this type, the people have not felt the accident, image that initially imprint got down, Jiang Chen is this battle condition, can promote ten times of battle strength instantaneously, extremely terrifying. 不少人唏嘘,不过对于江尘的这种变身,人们并没有感觉到意外,当初烙印下来的影像,江尘就是这种战斗状态,可以瞬间提升十倍的战力,极其恐怖 Jin Tianyuan moved, his both hands pinch the formidable law seal, that law seal made instance, turned into huge Divine Bird, supernaturally brave extraordinary, the body is carrying the fierce flame, calls out with Jin Tianyuan one, Divine Bird has killed the past toward Jiang Chen. 金天源动了,他双手掐出强大的法印,那法印被打出的瞬间,就变成了一只巨大的神鸟,神勇非凡,身上携带着烈烈火焰,伴随着金天源一声暴喝,神鸟向着江尘扑杀了过去。 Water Dragon Seal.” 水龙印。” Jiang Chen also moved, he makes Water Dragon Seal. 江尘也动了,他上来打出水龙印 Roar...... 吼…… Huge Water Dragon threw, roared heaven and earth, suddenly Jin Tianyuan with Divine Bird that displayed mutually hits together. 巨大的水龙扑了出来,咆哮天地,眨眼之间就和金天源施展出来的神鸟相互撞击到一起。 Bang...... 轰隆…… Two big terrifying attack dashes intensely, will be void thoroughly tearing, presents the terrifying big openings. 两大恐怖攻击激烈冲撞,将虚空都彻底给撕裂了,出现一个个恐怖的大口子。 Water Dragon, flamingo! 水龙,火鸟! incompatible as fire and water, but on this extreme battlefield, Fire Dragon very much obviously got the winning side, in the attribute is an enormous restraint . Moreover, Jiang Chen of 3-Tier Great Emperor rank, battle strength, but must suppress a Jin Tianyuan head, therefore fights from the beginning, Jin Tianyuan felt a formidable pressure. 水火不容,但在这种极致战场上,火龙很明显占据了上风,属性上是一种极大的克制,而且,三级大帝级别的江尘,本身的战力,还要压制金天源一头,所以战斗一开始,金天源就感受到了一股强大的压力。 Bang...... 轰隆…… Under the powerful attack of Water Dragon, the flamingo was thoroughly destroyed, in the opposite Jin Tianyuan eye reveals the incomparably shocking facial expression to come, complexion some are unattractive. 水龙的强势攻击之下,火鸟被彻底摧毁,对面的金天源眼中流露出无比震惊的神情来,脸色也有些不好看。 Clearly, Jin Tianyuan has not thought that Jiang Chen was unexpectedly tyrannical to this degree. 很明显,金天源并没有想到江尘竟然强横到了这种程度。 However Jin Tianyuan not slight being discouraged and fear, stimulated that he displays, the whole person golden hair makes widely known, starts to ferment a more formidable aggressive attack. 不过金天源并没有丝毫的气馁和畏惧,他表现的更加亢奋,整个人金发张扬,开始酝酿更加强大生猛的攻击。 Look, the Tianyuan Elder Brother must display nine changes Golden Crow, this was our Golden Clan most formidable attack, the Tianyuan Elder Brother has displayed eighth changed, did not know Jiang Chen to be able following.” “看,天源哥要施展九变金乌了,这是我们黄金一族最强大的攻击,天源哥已经施展到了第八变,不知道江尘能不能接下来。” I look not to have the issue, Jiang Chen was too formidable, although only then 3-Tier Great Emperor, but battle strength aggressive to the extreme, in the first collision, the Tianyuan Elder Brother fell a moment ago leeward.” “我看没问题,江尘太强大了,虽然只有三级大帝,但战力生猛到了极点,刚才第一次碰撞中,天源哥已经落入了下风。” Yes, is really an intense competion, person warm-blooded boiling that looks, Jiang Chen now is also our Golden Clan person, their two who wins, I do not have the opinion.” “是啊,真是一场激烈的比拼,看的人热血沸腾,江尘现在也是我们黄金一族的人,他们两个谁胜出,我都没有意见。” ............ ………… All people are excited, such fight, can represent peak of younger generation, this is the true genius competion. 所有人都激动不已,这样的战斗,才能够代表着年轻一代的巅峰,这才是真正的天才比拼。 Moreover in most people at heart, in subconscious accepted Jiang Chen, genius like Jiang Chen, can join Golden Clan, regarding them that is an excellent matter, this point can not be questioned. 而且在大多数人的心里,潜意识里已经接受了江尘,像江尘这样的天才,能够加入黄金一族,对于他们来说那是一件大好的事情,这一点是毋容置疑的。 Therefore, Jiang Chen or Jin Tianyuan, their two who wins to obtain Golden Feathers Fan, other people are very happy, in whose hand no matter because Golden Feathers Fan falls into, finally is used to resist Barbarian Race. 所以,无论是江尘还是金天源,他们两个谁胜出得到黄金羽扇,其他人都是很高兴的,因为不管黄金羽扇落入谁的手中,最后都是用来对抗蛮族的。 Above battlefield, eight huge Golden Crow Divine Bird circle in the Jin Tianyuan top of the head, these eight Golden Crow Divine Bird are lifelike, is ordinary just like real Divine Bird, each Divine Bird within the body, contains has moved mountains the terrifying energy, joins up to launch the attack, its might can be imagined. 战场之上,八只巨大的金乌神鸟盘旋在金天源头顶,这八只金乌神鸟栩栩如生,宛若真的神鸟一般,每一只神鸟的体内,都蕴含了排山倒海般的恐怖能量,联合起来发动攻击,其威力可想而知。 Jiang Chen, this move nine change Golden Crow is a I most formidable move, now I have practiced eighth changed, might terrifying, the lethality is greatly strengthened, you are more careful.” 江尘,这一招九变金乌乃是我最强大的一招,如今我已经修炼到了第八变,威力恐怖,杀伤力极强,你小心一些。” Jin Tianyuan loudly said. 金天源大声说道 Come, making me have a look fiercely.” “来吧,让我看看有多厉害。” Jiang Chen fighting intent unparalleled, he has to acknowledge that this Jin Tianyuan indeed is a good match, to the extreme, with such person fight, has let Jiang Chen tyrannicalally is very excited. 江尘战意无双,他不得不承认,这金天源的确是一个上好的对手,强横到了极点,和这样的人战斗,让江尘很是兴奋。 Nine change Golden Crow is Golden Clan alone gate Battle Skill, Jiang Chen regarding this Battle Skill, is the incomparable anticipation. 九变金乌乃是黄金一族的独门战技,江尘对于这一门战技,也是无比期待。 Eats delicacies ~ 啸~ Eight Golden Crow continuously sends out heaven-shaking to roar, afterward, eight Golden Crow continually become a straight line, crazy comes toward the Jiang Chen impact, but soon arrives at Jiang Chen near time, eight Golden Crow fused one suddenly, but its might far more than has promoted eight times. 八只金乌连续不断的发出惊天咆哮,随后,八只金乌连成一条直线,疯狂的向着江尘冲击而来,但快要到江尘近前的时候,八只金乌突然融合成了一只,但其威力何止提升了八倍。 This move, destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, even if ordinary 6-Tier Great Emperor to this move, does not die is also remnant. 这一招,毁天灭地,即便是一个普通的六级大帝对上这一招,不死也要残。 Changes Golden Crow facing this terrifying nine, Jiang Chen is also loudly shouted, he sends out heaven-shaking dragon roar, terrifying the air/Qi of taking a life disseminates from his within the body, that is a Great Dao flavor. 面对这恐怖的九变金乌,江尘也是大喝一声,他发出惊天龙吟,恐怖的杀生之气从他体内散播出来,那是一种大道的韵味。 Roar...... 吼…… dragon roar, terrifying Blood-colored Flying Dragon reappeared, this dark green dragon eye just likes blood-colored, does not have the least bit emotion, carries will that endless is taking a life, flushes away toward opposite Golden Crow Divine Bird. 一声龙吟,一头恐怖血色苍龙浮现了出来,这苍龙眸子犹如血色,不带半点情感,携带着无尽杀生的意志,向着对面的金乌神鸟冲去。 Good fierce fellow, Tianyuan has defeated.” “好厉害的家伙,天源已经败了。” 7-Tier Great Emperor cannot bear say. 一个七级大帝忍不住说道。 Right, this Jiang Chen is not really simple, you look at his attack, comprehended Great Dao flavor, that is say/way of the formidable taking a life, is almost the say/way of destruction, only if Tianyuan nine changed Golden Crow practices ninth changed, otherwise simply could not resist.” “没错,这个江尘真不简单,你们看他的攻击,已经领悟出了大道味道,那是一种强大的杀生之道,几乎是毁灭之道,除非天源的九变金乌练成了第九变,不然根本就抵挡不住。” Another 7-Tier Great Emperor also said. 另外一个七级大帝也说道。 The Jin Chixiao pupil lives the splendor, in the look is also reveals one to shock, clearly, Jiang Chen's performance, has given him a pleasant surprise. 金赤霄眸子生辉,眼神中也是流露出一丝震惊来,很明显,江尘的表现,也给了他一个惊喜。 Bang...... 轰隆…… The terrifying air wave sweeps across entire sky over, took a life Mad Dragon too to be really aggressive, that taking a life will, was true destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, among heaven and earth does not have anything cannot kill. 恐怖的气浪席卷整个上空,杀生狂龙实在太生猛了,那种杀生意志,才是真正的毁天灭地,天地间没有什么是不可杀的。 That eight change Golden Crow, is almost bumps into takes a life the Mad Dragon instance, was torn, by complete forcing. 那八变金乌,几乎是碰到杀生狂龙的瞬间,就被撕裂了,被完全力压。 dēng dēng dēng...... 蹬蹬蹬…… Jin Tianyuan was shaken fiercely, the whole person left the more than 10 step talent will to stand firm the body toward retreat, incomparable pale that his complexion changed, aura also started the disorder, merely this collision, his battle strength at least sharp decline half. 金天源受到剧烈震荡,整个人往后退出了十几步才堪堪稳住身子,他的脸色变的无比苍白,气息也开始紊乱了,仅仅这一次碰撞,他的战力至少锐减了一半。 In other words, if this is the war of life and death, by own present condition, only has dead end one today. 换句话说,如果这是生死之战,以自己现在的状态,今日只有死路一条了。 Brother Jiang, I lost.” 江兄,我输了。” Jin Tianyuan has been holding holding the fist in the other hand to Jiang Chen, even if he does not want, but also has to acknowledge that oneself is really not the Jiang Chen's match, eight change Golden Crow is unable to have the influence to Jiang Chen, the victory and defeat already the minute , to continue to fight, was meaningless, can only appear his Jin Tianyuan is not magnanimous, cannot lose. 金天源对着江尘抱了抱拳,即便他不愿意,但也不得不承认,自己真的不是江尘的对手,八变金乌都无法对江尘造成影响,胜负已分,继续战斗下去,也毫无意义了,只能显得他金天源不大度,输不起。
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