DMWG :: Volume #21

#2019: The return air spreads 【One】

Jiang Chen and Big Yellow Dog walked, Great Qian Empire returned to once more normal, but after this giant event, Great Qian Empire is also truly stands firm in East­ern Profound Territory, from now, will not have any bad risk again. 江尘大黄狗走了,大乾帝国再次恢复了平静,但这一次巨大的事件之后,大乾帝国也算是真正在东玄域站稳脚跟,从此以后,不会再有什么凶险了。 Nanbei Family wanted certainly quietly, Exquisite Paradise and Celestial Flower Valley and Great Qian Empire was in itself on good terms, so long as Immortal Courtyard take action, could not discover one to be able again with Great Qian Empire resistance exist(ence). 南北世家肯定是要沉寂了,玲珑福地花仙谷大乾帝国本身交好,只要仙庭出手,再也找不出一个可以和大乾帝国对抗的存在了。 But today Heavenly Peng Monster Emperor and Old Ancestor Blue Lotus also appear, three big Immortal Courtyard are not concerned about face, does not dare to Great Qian Empire take action, Monster Immortal Island and White Dragon Temple in the Immortal World influence, to be very big. 而今日天鹏妖帝青莲老祖同时出现,三大仙庭就算再不要脸,也不敢对大乾帝国出手了,妖仙岛白龙寺仙界的影响力,还是很大的。 Then the important matter, that was the breeze spread opening, reason that Jiang Chen entered Fengchi Immortal Courtyard, the goal was for arrival of this day. 接下来重要的事情,那就是小风驰界的开启了,江尘之所以进入风驰仙庭,目的就是为了这一天的到来。 Yan Chenyu kept Great Qian Empire calmly to cultivate as before, her cultivation base just promoted Great Emperor, precisely needed the stable time, calm and steady later Great Qian Empire, without doubt most suits the practice the place. 烟晨雨依旧留在了大乾帝国静修,她的修为刚刚晋升大帝,正是需要稳固的时候,安稳之后的大乾帝国,无疑是最适合修炼的地方。 Regarding Jiang Chen, this coming back, harvest also quite big, has settled first thoroughly itself and gratitude and grudges between Nanbei Chao, had finished a concern, he and Nanbei Chao battle such for a long time, to settling time. 对于江尘来说,这次回来,收获也是相当的大,首先彻底了结了自己和南北朝之间的恩怨,算是了却了一桩心事,他和南北朝争斗了这么许久,也是到了了结的时候了。 Has bumped then into old friend Old Ancestor Blue Lotus, has given his enormous pleasant surprise, not only there is a joy that the old friend meets, was makes Jiang Chen get rid of the entanglements of three big Immortal Courtyard temporarily, before the Immortal World catastrophe will soon arrive, temporarily solved itself and Immortal Courtyard gratitude and grudges, gave Jiang Chen to omit much troublesome. 然后就是碰到了老友青莲老祖,给了他极大的惊喜,不但有故友相见的喜悦,更是让江尘暂时摆脱了三大仙庭的纠缠,在仙界浩劫即将到来之前,暂时解决自己和仙庭的恩怨,还是给江尘省去不少麻烦。 Really has not thought that Blue Lotus the body of previous life unexpectedly is the White Dragon Temple abbot, but also is really unbelievable.” “真是没有想到,青莲前世之身竟然是白龙寺的方丈,还真是让人难以相信啊。” Jiang Chen sighed, regarding the Old Ancestor Blue Lotus status, must not say shocking, that is impossible. 江尘唏嘘不已,对于青莲老祖的身份,要说不震惊,那是不可能的。 This point no one has thought that but Old Ancestor Blue Lotus is formidable, more has the advantage to us, as far as I know, White Dragon Temple abbot cultivation base solely is not 6-Tier Great Emperor, Blue Lotus definitely also has the enormous promotion space, the resistance, the Buddhism can play the important role.” “这一点谁也没有想到,不过青莲老祖越是强大,对我们也越是有好处,据我所知,白龙寺的方丈修为可不单单是六级大帝,青莲肯定还有极大的晋升空间,对抗蛮界,佛门还是能够起到至关重要的作用。” Big Yellow Dog said. 大黄狗说道。 You said right, said according to Old Ancestor Blue Lotus that the Immortal World second catastrophe must approach, initially Sister Ning appeared also spoke the similar words, moreover initially we went to Desolate Barbarian Ancient Land to rescue your time, with own eyes has experienced terrifying, was enough to start the catastrophe time.” “你说的没错,按照青莲老祖所说,仙界的第二次浩劫就要来临了,当初凝姐出现也说了同样的话,而且当初我们前往荒蛮古地救你的时候,亲眼见识了蛮界的恐怖,也足以到了掀起浩劫的时候了。” The Jiang Chen nod said that all sorts of signs indicated that the new catastrophe must arrive quickly. 江尘点头说道,种种迹象都表明,新的浩劫很快就要到来了。 Regarding this changes the catastrophe that the entire Immortal World destiny and concerns the Immortal World life and death sufficiently, the Jiang Chen innermost feelings are the incomparable excitement and excitement, the person regarding him, that was the fertile nourishment, Ancestral Dragon Pagoda for sometime has not promoted, present Ancestral Dragon Pagoda, condenses to 57, once the catastrophe arrived, Ancestral Dragon Pagoda can obtain the enormous promotion, this point can not be questioned. 对于这场足以改变整个仙界命运和关乎仙界生死存亡的浩劫,江尘内心是无比的激动和兴奋,蛮界的人对于他来说,那就是肥沃的养料,祖龙塔有一段时间没有晋升了,现在的祖龙塔,凝聚到57层,一旦浩劫降临,祖龙塔就能够得到极大的提升,这一点是毋容置疑的。 Fengchi Immortal Courtyard, after Jiang Chen comes back, immediately by Dragon Hall one group of disciples sphering. 风驰仙庭,江尘回来之后,立刻就被龙堂的一帮弟子给围住了。 Yesterday Great Qian Empire had any big event they not to know, matter that but Monster Immortal Island had, they may hear, after all the Monster Immortal Island that big matter, wanted certainly the world to know, particularly Jiang Chen this celebrity, wants not to know difficultly. 昨日大乾帝国发生什么大事件他们不知道,但妖仙岛发生的事情,他们可都是听说了,毕竟妖仙岛那么大的事情,肯定是要天下皆知的,尤其是江尘这个名人,想让人不知道都难啊。 Our Junior Brother Jiang came back, my God, his cultivation base has promoted to Half Emperor, cracks a joke.” “我们的江师弟回来了,我的天,他的修为已经晋升到半帝了,开什么玩笑呢。” Heavens, this fellow will not take the medicine that what has made up greatly, this progress also was too rather aggressive a point, how long this passed, directly promoted Half Emperor, was this person?” 天啊,这家伙不会是吃了什么大补的药吧,这进步未免也太生猛了一点吧,这才过去多久了,就直接晋升半帝了,这还是人吗?” Is, if I guess right, Junior Brother Jiang of Half Emperor rank, displays that formidable body transformation skill again, perhaps Big Senior Brother was not his match.” “就是,要是我猜的没错的话,半帝级别的江师弟,再施展那强大的变身技能,恐怕大师兄都不是他对手了。” ...... …… Sees Jiang Chen to promote Half Emperor, the feeling that the Dragon Hall person one types must fall insanely, they are genius in genius, particularly like Hong Ying, Yu Feng and Duan Ren these people, is the eminents in genius, even if them the person, will never have so the terrifying being promoted speed. 看到江尘晋升到半帝,龙堂的人一个个都有一种要疯掉的感觉,他们本身都是天才中的天才,尤其是像红缨,余枫断刃这些人,都是天才中的翘楚,即便是他们这样的人,也从来没有将过如此恐怖的晋级速度。 In their opinion, Jiang Chen simply is a monster, abnormal was a little excessive. 在他们看来,江尘简直就是一个怪物,变态的有点过分了。 looks at that everyone Senior Brother Senior Sister, you eye covetously like this I, I will be embarrassed.” 诸位师兄师姐,你们这样虎视眈眈的看着我,我会不好意思的。” Jiang Chen quickly said. 江尘连忙说道 Excuse me, our Junior Brother Jiang also will be unexpectedly embarrassed.” “不好意思,我们的江师弟竟然也会不好意思呢。” Hong Ying teased. 红缨调侃道。 Junior Brother Jiang, I heard that your this time went to Monster Immortal Island to leave the given name, how you come to say to us now are with Heavenly Peng Monster Emperor such great person sworn brothers, was really too exciting.” 江师弟,我听说你这次去妖仙岛可是出了大名了,你现在就来给我们讲讲是如何跟天鹏妖帝那样的大人物结拜兄弟的,实在是太刺激了。” Is, that is Heavenly Peng Monster Emperor, your boy gives others sworn brothers unexpectedly directly, matter that this sounding so talked nonsense unexpectedly real, has not seen the same day scene with own eyes, simply was the greatest regret.” “就是,那可是天鹏妖帝啊,你小子竟然直接给人家八拜之交,这种听起来如此扯淡的事情竟然是真的,没有亲眼见到当日的场面,简直是莫大的遗憾啊。” Junior Brother Jiang, you must say to us well, Big Senior Brother lecture does not have the affective tone, a meaning does not have.” 江师弟,你得好好给我们讲一讲,大师兄讲的毫无情调,一点意思都没有。” ...... …… Yu Feng and the others came up sphering Jiang Chen, talked at once, nearby Yu Huafan that made did not know whether to laugh or cry, the time that Jiang Chen interrupted continually did not have. 余枫等人上来就把江尘给围住了,七嘴八舌,弄的一旁的羽化凡哭笑不得,江尘更是连插嘴的功夫都没有。 Good was good, you were endless.” “行了行了,你们还没完没了了。” Yu Huafan ill-humored saying. 羽化凡没好气的说道。 Urges to go faster, Big Senior Brother, you spoke a story atmosphere and affective tone do not have, we must today with the Junior Brother Jiang lying knee long talk.” “去去去,大师兄,你讲故事一点氛围和情调都没有,我们今天要和江师弟卧膝长谈。” Duan Ren impatient directly Yu Huafan to advancing on the side. 断刃不耐烦的直接把羽化凡给推到一边。 Yu Huafan helpless shaking the head, to this group of Junior Brother Junior Sister, but also is really means does not have, absolutely does not have the Big Senior Brother dignity. 羽化凡无奈的摇了摇头,对他这帮师弟师妹,还真是一点办法都没有,完全没有大师兄的威严啊。 Has saying that Dragon Hall indeed unites, Big Senior Brother does not have the Big Senior Brother rack, the people to gather together, probably is the true brothers and sisters is ordinary, this warm atmosphere, making Jiang Chen like very much. 不得不说,龙堂的确是团结,大师兄没有大师兄的架子,众人聚在一起,就好像是真正的兄弟姐妹一般,这种温暖的氛围,让江尘很是喜欢。 Was good, your this group of young brats, almost resulted.” “行了,你们这帮小兔崽子,差不多得了。” A sound never the distant place resounds, sees the Feng Jingyang idle courtyard steps to walk toward here, on the face is having the light smiling face. 一个声音从不远处响起,就见风景阳闲庭踏步般向着这边走来,脸上带着淡淡的笑容。 Master, your this time also is really the mental perception knows the bead, receives a good apprentice.” “师傅,您老这次还真是慧眼识珠,收到一个好徒弟呢。” Yu Feng said with a smile. 余枫笑着说道。 Also said with you for the vision of master.” “为师的眼光还用你说。” Feng Jingyang stared Yu Feng one, then said: Breeze spread the day after tomorrow to open, you also made the preparation.” 风景阳瞪了余枫一眼,然后说道:“小风驰界后天就要开启了,你们好歹也做做准备。” Knew the master.” “知道了师傅。” Hong Ying said. 红缨道。 Jiang Chen, you come with me.” 江尘,你跟我来。” Feng Jingyang greeted one, then turned around to walk backward. 风景阳招呼一声,然后转身向后走去。 Master is really the bias, alone has not asked me to chat.” “师傅真是偏心啊,就没有单独找我聊过天。” An envying envy of Duan Ren face. 断刃一脸的羡慕嫉妒。 How? Previous time you do the wrong thing, master looks for you alone, and has punished you maliciously.” “怎么没有?上次你做错事,师傅单独找你,并且狠狠惩罚了你。” Gets the hell out...” “滚蛋…” ...... …… Not far away, Jiang Chen arrives at side Feng Jingyang. 不远处,江尘来到风景阳身边。 Jiang Chen, your present status, even/including Weishi were afraid.” 江尘,你现在的身份,连为师都害怕了。” Feng Jingyang teased with a smile. 风景阳笑着调侃道。 Master chatted.” “师傅说笑了。” Jiang Chen grinning, he knows what Feng Jingyang finger is Heavenly Peng Monster Emperor and Old Ancestor Blue Lotus. 江尘咧了咧嘴,他知道风景阳指的是天鹏妖帝青莲老祖
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