DMWG :: Volume #19

#1891: To fighting Half Emperor

Bang... 轰隆… The old sovereign main imposing manner of directly initiated one just liked the Thunderclap explosive, he waved a palm, has made a phenomenon directly, the terrifying phenomenon turned into a tyrannical lion. 老皇主的气势直接引发了一声犹如惊雷般的爆响,他挥手一掌,直接打出了一片异象来,恐怖的异象变成了一头暴虐的雄狮。 The golden lion, beside the body surface sent out the transpiration flame, within the body is containing just liked the strength of mountain great antiquity, this struck, destroyed a side vault of heaven sufficiently, that lion was lifelike, probably lived to be the same, in the mouth torched, battered to go toward Jiang Chen. 金色的雄狮,体表之外散发着蒸腾火焰,体内蕴含了犹如山岳般的洪荒之力,这一击,足以毁灭一方天穹,那雄狮活灵活现,好像活过来一样,口中喷火,向着江尘就横冲直撞而去。 Opposite, Jiang Chen also moved, terrifying Golden Dragon Seal has hit directly, after before and Supreme Elder after the war, he was clear to his battle strength, Lord Immortal Sovereign late stage expert like the old sovereign, simply is not own match, regardless of the opposite party displays how formidable Battle Skill attack, is insufficient move of Golden Dragon Seal destroying. 对面,江尘也动了,恐怖金龙印直接就打了出来,经过之前和太上长老对战之后,他已经对自己的战力非常清楚,像老皇主这样的仙皇后期高手,根本就不是自己的对手,无论对方施展多么强大的战技攻击,都不够一招金龙印给摧毁的。 Roar... 吼… Golden Dragon tumbles, above battlefield, Golden Dragon, a lion, collided mutually by the most cut-throat stance. 金龙翻滚,战场之上,一头金龙,一头雄狮,以最凶狠的姿态相互碰撞到了一起。 Bang... 轰隆… heaven and earth vibrates, the entire imperial capital rocked, countless people were alarmed, above fierce positive was camouflaged, golden rays of light that but the collision sends out, fierce positive is dazzling, everywhere by the destructive strength flooding. 天地震动,整个帝都都晃动了起来,无数人都被惊动了,上空的烈阳都被遮蔽了,但碰撞散发出来的金色光芒,比烈阳还要耀眼,到处都被毁灭性的力量给充斥了。 Under innumerable say/way panic-stricken gaze, the lion that the old sovereign Lord displayed directly by Golden Dragon tearing, the strength of formidable counter- shaking, making the old sovereign Lord retreat the more than 10 zhang (3.33 m), the old sovereign advocated the mouth to spit the blood, a move was defeated, completely was not the match. 在无数道惊骇的目光之下,老皇主施展出来的雄狮直接被金龙给撕毁了,强大的反震之力,使得老皇主后退十几丈,老皇主口吐鲜血,一招落败,完全不是对手。 What?” “什么?” This bastard really so fierce? Cannot hit him including Immortal Venerate late stage expert.” “这个混蛋真的如此厉害了吗?连仙尊后期高手都打不过他。” Mother, this fellow simply is a anomaly, his growth was too fast, initially did not have to kill him reckless, gives opportunity that he grew, now became a big disaster.” “娘的,这家伙简直就是一个变态,他的成长速度实在太快了,当初没有不顾一切的杀了他,给了他成长起来的机会,现在成为了一大祸患。” We currently have Half Emperor expert to assume personal command luckily, otherwise, merely one Jiang Chen, we could not cope.” “幸好我们现在有半帝高手坐镇,不然的话,仅仅一个江尘,我们就对付不了。” ...... …… This looks in the eyes of all people, Great Clouds Empire here person cannot have maintains calm, to the present, all people have believed that Supreme Elder dies in the Jiang Chen's hand, old sovereign main defeat, explained all. 这一幕看在所有人的眼中,大云帝国这边的人没有一个能有保持淡定了,到了现在,所有人都相信,太上长老真的就是死在江尘的手中,老皇主的战败,已经说明了一切。 The Yun Tianzun fist grips tightly, the complexion was difficult to see the extreme, this was not he wants to see, regarding the Supreme Elder death, a final anxiety did not have at heart. 云天尊拳头紧握,脸色难看到了极点,这不是他想看到的,对于太上长老的死,心里最后的一点疑虑也没有了。 Exterminated Venerable unable to bear drew out the brow pressed, looked that also had certain change to the Jiang Chen's look, even if he has not cared Jiang Chen as before thoroughly, but he also has to acknowledge that Jiang Chen has seen most heaven defying evildoer/monstrous talent, was most terrifying genius. 灭绝尊者也忍不住蹙起了眉头,看向江尘的眼神也发生了一定的变化,即便他依旧没有将江尘彻底放在心上,但他也不得不承认,江尘是自己见过最逆天的妖孽,是最恐怖天才 The most shocking old sovereign Lord, he does not certainly believe that Jiang Chen can exterminate Supreme Elder, come up a move to be defeated now, he besides heaving a deep sigh Jiang Chen grows too quickly, but can also say anything. 最震惊的当然还是老皇主,他一直不相信江尘能够灭杀太上长老,如今自己上来一招落败,他除了摇头叹息江尘成长太快之外,还能说什么。 Crash-bang! 哗啦! Suddenly, Jiang Chen has displayed Five Elements Domain, just likes the tide is ordinary, instantaneously entire battlefield sealing up, the next quarter, Jiang Chen has displayed Great Void Technique, the body vanishes in a flash does not see, in hand that but he presents again, before arrived at the old sovereign main body, Heavenly Saint Sword just likes seizes the life lock, was puncturing to old sovereign main forehead. 突然,江尘施展了五行领域,犹如潮水一般,瞬间就将整个战场给封闭了,下一刻,江尘施展大虚空术,身躯一晃就消失不见,但他再次出现的手中,已经到了老皇主身前,天圣剑犹如一把夺命锁,对着老皇主的眉心就刺了过去。 „It is not good.” “不好。” The old sovereign Lord has a big shock, has not thought that Jiang Chen's take action such rapidness, the opportunity of least bit response not to oneself, after a move is defeated, comes up is killing strike, the old sovereign Lord understands at heart that Jiang Chen this not to the opportunity that oneself run away. 老皇主大惊失色,没想到江尘的出手如此之快,连半点反应的机会都不给自己,一招落败之后,上来就是杀招,老皇主心里明白,江尘这是不给自己逃走的机会。 „It is not good, exterminates Sir quick take action, old sovereign main danger.” “不好,灭绝大人快出手,老皇主危险。” Yun Tianzun is panic-stricken, if the old sovereign advocated, seriousness that then to the loss of Great Clouds Empire, is unable to imagine simply. 云天尊更是惊骇,要是老皇主死了,那对大云帝国的损失,简直是无法想象的惨重。 Exterminated Venerable take action, he changed into the black smoke to flush away toward battlefield together, the terrifying Half Emperor power and influence released directly, in the wink of an eye that piece of battlefield imprisoning. 灭绝尊者出手了,他化为一道黑烟向着战场冲去,恐怖半帝威势直接释放出来,瞬息之间就将那一片战场给禁锢住。 Exterminates Venerable not to think that Jiang Chen said kills kills . Moreover the movement arrives quickly inconceivable, but he has to advocate from the Jiang Chen's hand rescuing the old sovereign as before self-confidently. 灭绝尊者也没有想到江尘说杀就杀,而且动作快到不可思议,不过他依旧有自信把老皇主从江尘的手中给救出来。 Saw to exterminate Venerable take action, Jiang Chen corner of the mouth overflows one to sneer, at this time thinks that take action stopped, already late. 看到灭绝尊者出手,江尘嘴角溢出了一丝冷笑,这个时候才想起来出手阻拦,已经晚了。 Puchi! 噗嗤! Jiang Chen's movement, quick did not have the time concept, so near distance, in addition the suppression of Five Elements Domain, don't said that is Half Emperor, even if true Great Emperor comes, gives up any idea of saving the person from the Jiang Chen's hand, otherwise, Jiang Chen white mixed. 江尘的动作,快的已经没有了时间概念,如此近的距离,再加上五行领域的压制,莫说是一尊半帝,就算是一尊真正的大帝来,也休想从江尘的手中把人给救出去,不然的话,江尘岂不是白混了。 You...” “你…” The Jiang Chen ice-cold war sword pricked old sovereign main forehead, pierced the old sovereign main head. 江尘冰冷的战剑刺入了老皇主的眉心,洞穿了老皇主的脑袋。 scoundrel thing.” 混账东西。” Exterminates Venerable to be angry, the walking stick in hand flings together the ice-cold black glow, rushes to Jiang Chen. 灭绝尊者大怒,手中的拐杖甩出一道冰冷的黑芒,冲上江尘 Jiang Chen extracts to fight the sword like lightning, Great Void Technique displays once more, hides to exterminate the attack of Venerable with ease, fended outside the hundred zhang (333 m), simultaneously Five Elements Domain also received. 江尘闪电般抽出战剑,大虚空术再次施展,轻松躲掉灭绝尊者的攻击,闪避到了百丈之外,同时五行领域也收了起来。 Exterminates Venerable to be responsible for old sovereign in the hand, what a pity the old sovereign Lord at this moment, is a deceased person. 灭绝尊者一把将老皇主抓在手中,可惜此刻的老皇主,已经是一个死人了。 Bang... 轰… Just likes vast anger from exterminating Venerable within the body releases, circles in the sky, he has gotten angry thoroughly, he felt that his dignity soon did not have, face sweeps completely, although he does not care about the old sovereign main life, but before him, had guaranteed must save the old sovereign main life, now the old sovereign advocated is actually in front of own killing by the enemy, how this let exterminate Venerable not to be angry. 一股犹如汪洋般的怒火从灭绝尊者体内释放出来,盘旋在上空,他彻底怒了,他感觉自己的尊严都快要没了,颜面扫尽,他虽然不在乎老皇主的死活,但他之前保证了要保住老皇主的性命,现在老皇主却被敌人当着自己的面给杀死了,这让灭绝尊者如何不生气。 Old sovereign Lord.” “老皇主。” The Great Clouds Empire people have whooshed, is red the eye, the old sovereign Lord is in front of their to give to massacre, Great Clouds Empire two Immortal Venerate late stage expert, this completely died, entire Great Clouds Empire has been full of the desperate mood. 大云帝国的人都嘶吼了起来,一个个通红着眼睛,老皇主被人当着他们的面给残杀,大云帝国两个仙尊后期高手,就这样全部都死掉了,整个大云帝国都充满了绝望的情绪。 Kills, must kill Jiang Chen, revenges for the old sovereign Lord.” “杀,一定要杀了江尘,为老皇主报仇。” This damn bastard, my Great Clouds Empire lost in his hands was too serious, if cannot kill him, Great Clouds Empire these hero souls are unable to rest.” “这个该死的混蛋,我大云帝国在他的手中损失太惨重了,若是不能够杀了他,大云帝国那些英灵都无法安息。” ...... …… In the Great Clouds Empire people heart increased the extreme to the Jiang Chen's hatred, but during hatred, each moral nature deep place of person also has fear, Jiang Chen's makes them feel the incomparable fearfulness formidable, even if they have exterminate Jiang Chen's to be determined, but they are also clear, to massacre Jiang Chen, they must with the aid of exterminating the hand of Venerable. 大云帝国人们心中对江尘的恨意已经攀升到了极点,但在痛恨的同时,每一个人的心底深处还有着浓浓的畏惧,江尘的强大让他们感觉到无比的可怕,纵然他们有灭杀江尘的决心,但他们心里也非常清楚,要想杀掉江尘,他们必须借助灭绝尊者的手。 Exterminates the Sir, please have killed Jiang Chen.” “灭绝大人,请杀了江尘。” Yun Tianzun loudly shouted, the old sovereign main death of he has not blamed exterminates Venerable, the situation occurred really extremely in suddenly, no one has thought that Jiang Chen will launch an attack suddenly, moreover speed quickly to inconceivable, exterminated Venerable also indeed first take action, but was late one step. 云天尊大声喊道,老皇主的死他并没有责怪灭绝尊者,刚才的情况发生的实在太过于突然,谁也没有想到江尘会突然间就发难,而且速度快到让人不可思议,灭绝尊者也的确第一时间出手了,但还是晚了一步。 Does not need Yun Tianzun to remind, exterminates Venerable not to be impossible to let off Jiang Chen, he must make Jiang Chen die today, moreover death unusual is pitiful, he has the innumerable methods to make Jiang Chen bear the endless pain dead, in brief, he will not make Jiang Chen die with ease was too right. 不用云天尊提醒,灭绝尊者也不可能放过江尘,他今日一定要让江尘死,而且死的非常凄惨,他有无数的手段可以让江尘承受无尽痛苦而死,总之,他不会让江尘死的太轻松就对了。 „Does boy, how you want dead?” “小子,你想怎么死?” Exterminates Venerable to look to Jiang Chen, walking stick glittering in hand leaves gloomy rays of light to come unceasingly, looks is incomparable mystical Immortal Weapon(s), should say that is Demon Weapon is right. 灭绝尊者看向江尘,手中的拐杖不断闪烁出阴森的光芒来,一看就是一件无比神异仙兵,应该说是魔兵才对。 Death? Who lives whom dead, now concluded that was too early a point.” “死?谁生谁死,现在就断定,是不是太早了一点。” Jiang Chen said with a smile, in the eye besides the meaning of fight, could not see him to have the color of anxiety and fear of least bit. 江尘笑道,眼中除了战斗之意之外,丝毫看不出他有半点的紧张和畏惧之色。 Great Qian Empire here sudden shoulder changes incomparable is peaceful, normally Jiang Chen has killed the old sovereign Lord, they should cheer are right, but now is really not cheers, true anxious time, just arrived, can actually Jiang Chen resist Half Emperor, is this fights most essential. 大乾帝国这边突然肩变的无比安静起来,按说江尘杀了老皇主,他们应该欢呼才对,但现在真不是欢呼的时候,真正紧张的时候,才刚刚到来,江尘究竟能不能对抗半帝,才是这一战的最关键。 Boy, should you not think with a this Seat war?” “小子,你该不会是想着跟本座一战吧?” Exterminates Venerable somewhat surprised looks at Jiang Chen, from the Jiang Chen's expression he can listen, the opposite party evidently, must fight with, this makes his many somewhat surprised, because he cannot think through, the self-confidence that actually the opposite party where comes, dares by Half Step Immortal Venerate cultivation base, to resist formidable Half Emperor unexpectedly. 灭绝尊者有些惊讶的看着江尘,从江尘的语气中他能够听出来,对方看样子,是要和自己一战,这让他多少有些吃惊,因为他根本想不通,对方究竟是从哪里来的自信,竟然敢以半步仙尊修为,对抗一尊强大的半帝 You said right, I must fight your this Half Emperor, if were you dies?” “你说对了,我就是要战你这尊半帝,万一是你死呢?” Jiang Chen started to adjust own imposing manner, regarding him, to fighting Half Emperor, is one has the enormous challenging matter eventually. 江尘已经开始调整自己的气势了,对于他来说,对战半帝,终究是一件具有极大挑战性的事情。 Haha...” 哈哈…” Exterminates Venerable to laugh wildly loudly, he heard in this world probably the funniest matter. 灭绝尊者放声狂笑,他好像听到了这个世界上最好笑的事情。 Boy, your take action gives a try freely, this Seat must have a look but actually, self-confidence where you come.” “小子,你尽管出手试试看,本座倒要看看,你到底从哪里来的自信。” Exterminates Venerable not to think oneself by a Half Step Immortal Venerate challenge are an honorable matter, but now, he also really wants to have a look, this rampant extremely arrogant boy, actually must how fight with oneself. 灭绝尊者并不觉得自己被一个半步仙尊挑战是一件光荣的事情,但现在,他还真想要看看,这个嚣张狂妄的小子,究竟要如何跟自己战斗。 That tries.” “那就试试吧。” Jiang Chen moved, he waved to make Fire Dragon, formidable Fire Dragon Seal has swept across entire sky over, the terrifying flame made the entire heaven and earth temperature suddenly elevate. 江尘动了,他挥手打出了一条火龙,强大的火龙印席卷了整个上空,恐怖的火焰使得整个天地的温度都骤然升高。 Roar... 吼… The Fire Dragon eating delicacies day, waves Vault of Heaven, toward exterminating Venerable has attacked the past. 火龙啸天,舞动苍穹,向着灭绝尊者就攻击了过去。 Un?” “嗯?” Exterminated the Venerable complexion to have a change finally, before Jiang Chen and old sovereign advocated to the war, has not displayed the flame, therefore he does not know that on Jiang Chen had the so formidable flame, this moment Fire Dragon attacked toward oneself, exterminated Venerable suddenly to think that demon qi of oneself within the body is unable to transfer, probably saw the bane natural enemy was common. 灭绝尊者的脸色终于发生了一丝变化,之前江尘和老皇主对战的时候,并没有施展火焰,所以他根本不知道江尘身上有如此强大的火焰,此刻火龙向着自己冲击过来,灭绝尊者突然觉得,自己体内的魔气都无法调动起来了,就好像见到了克星天敌一般。 Damn, how this fellow will have the so fierce flame, before this type of flame, I can only display 50% battle strength to come.” “该死的,这家伙怎么会有如此厉害的火焰,在这种火焰之前,我只能够发挥出一半的战力来。” Exterminated Venerable unable to bear scold one, how he has not thought that in the Jiang Chen's hand, really had special restrains own thing, will give the restraint stubbornly. 灭绝尊者忍不住骂了一声,他怎么都没有想到,江尘的手中,竟然有专门克制自己的东西,而且将自己给克制的死死的。 „The Humph! boy, you thinks that such flame restraint can cope with this Seat? Really is funny, even if this Seat can only display 50% battle strength to come, kills you are very relaxed matter.” 哼!小子,你以为有这样的火焰克制就能够对付本座了吗?实在是好笑,即便本座只能够发挥出一半的战力来,杀你还是很轻松的事情。” Exterminates Venerable coldly snorted, the appearance of flame lets his accident, but he not, therefore produces dreads, Half Emperor cultivation base has given his formidable self-confidence. 灭绝尊者冷哼一声,火焰的出现让他意外,但他并没有因此就产生畏惧,半帝修为给了他强大的自信。 In fact just like also exterminated Venerable saying that Half Emperor, even if displayed 50% battle strength to come, Jiang Chen was not a match, regarding this point, before Jiang Chen, has thought that but he was choice challenges Half Emperor, reason also one, that was wrong path illusion. 事实上也正如灭绝尊者所说,一尊半帝,哪怕只是发挥出一半的战力来,江尘都不是对手,对于这一点,江尘之前就想到了,但他还是选择挑战一尊半帝,原因还有一个,那就是迷途幻境 Therefore, Jiang Chen must do now, is forces to exterminate Venerable to display wrong path illusion to cope with itself. 所以,江尘现在要做的,就是逼迫灭绝尊者施展迷途幻境来对付自己。 【The today's three chapters of numbers of words synthesized two chapters, hopes that everybody pays attention to my micro letter public number, above will issue that some related dragon marks topic over-formal languages . Moreover, that side the Dragon Marked War God traditional form publication have painted a portrait being the Dragon Marked War God character, several days later I will start to serialize on the micro letter public number.】 【今天三章的字数合成了两章,希望大家关注我的微信公众号,上面会发布一些有关龙纹的题外话,另外,龙纹战神繁体出版那边已经把龙纹战神的人物画像给做出来了,过几天我会在微信公众号上面开始连载。】
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