DMWG :: Volume #19

#1888: Presses up to the imperial capital

... 啊… That Supreme Elder sends out sad and shrill blood-curdling scream, fleshly body of whole person soon by Jiang Chen beating, from top to bottom is the blood, just like became a blood person, but as formidable Immortal Venerate late stage expert, he has not died as before, the vitality is very tenacious, is only his complexion, was difficult to see the extreme, in the look full was frightened, perhaps he has not thought that oneself will have such one day. 太上长老发出一声凄厉的惨叫,整个人的肉身都快要被江尘给打烂了,浑身上下都是鲜血,俨然成为了一个血人,不过身为一个强大的仙尊后期高手,他依旧没死,生命力还是很顽强的,只是他的脸色,难看到了极点,眼神中满是恐惧,或许他从来没有想过,自己会有这么一天。 Great Qian Empire officers all of a sudden peaceful, they are shocked has forgotten the revelry, at this moment, images of Jiang Chen in their heart, raises again, to true unattainable situation. 大乾帝国的将士们一下子都安静了起来,他们震惊的忘记了狂欢,这一刻,江尘在他们心中的形象,再一次拔高,到了真正高不可攀的地步。 Including Great Clouds Empire Supreme Elder completely is not the match of commander in chief, I as if saw the commander in chief led us to kill the scene of Great Clouds Empire imperial capital.” “连大云帝国太上长老都完全不是主帅的对手,我似乎看到了主帅带领我们杀到大云帝国帝都的场景了。” Right, the strength of commander in chief is immeasurably deep, must be killed by him including Immortal Venerate late stage, I as if saw he can resist the Half Emperor scene, thinks that is really thrilling.” “没错,主帅的实力深不可测,连仙尊后期都要被他杀死,我似乎已经看到了他能够抵抗半帝的场景了,想想真是让人激动。” This Supreme Elder had been finished, commander in chief will definitely not let off him.” “这太上长老完蛋了,主帅肯定不会放过他。” That also with saying? This is a war, does not have the victory and defeat, only then life and death.” “那还用说吗?这是一场战争,没有胜负,只有生死。” ...... …… Great Qian Empire here officers display is very excited, they do not have the means not to be excited, fights with such commander in chief together, is really an incomparably happy and exciting matter. 大乾帝国这边的将士们都表现的很是激动,他们没有办法不激动,跟着这样的主帅一起战斗,实在是一件无比痛快和刺激的事情。 Above battlefield, Supreme Elder feels Jiang Chen true terrifying now, his mood at this moment is incomparably complex, in has not battled before Jiang Chen truly, he will have a dream will not think of such scene, even if now, he as before just like dreamland. 战场之上,太上长老现在才感受到江尘真正的恐怖,他此刻的心情是无比复杂的,在没有和江尘真正交战之前,他做梦都不会想到这样的场景,即便现在,他依旧宛若梦境。 Supreme Elder not saying anything further, turns around to run, the fact had shown that oneself in any event was not the Jiang Chen's match, continued to keep here words, only had dead end one. 太上长老二话不说,转身就跑,事实已经证明,自己无论如何都不是江尘的对手了,继续留在这里的话,只有死路一条。 In fact, even if his present choice runs away, is dead end one, Jiang Chen never to the opportunity that the enemy will escape . Moreover, if Supreme Elder will run away on choice from the beginning, the hope will be very big, perhaps but by his present condition, cannot exit including Jiang Chen this Five Elements Domain, let alone left successfully. 事实上,就算他现在选择逃走,也是死路一条,江尘从来不会给敌人逃跑的机会,而且,如果太上长老一开始就选择逃走的话,希望还是很大的,但以他现在的状态,恐怕连江尘五行领域都出不去,更别说成功走掉了。 To this time, but also wants to run away?” “都到了这个时候,还想逃走吗?” The Jiang Chen desolate sound resounds, Five Elements Domain tightens, the Supreme Elder panic-stricken discovery, this piece of battlefield became Jiang Chen own battlefield, had been controlled by Jiang Chen thoroughly, the opportunity that oneself run away continually did not have. 江尘冷淡的声音响起,五行领域收紧,太上长老惊骇的发现,这一片战场已经成为了江尘自己的战场,被江尘彻底控制了,自己连逃走的机会都没有了。 Jiang Chen arrives in front of Supreme Elder, not minces matter own killing intent. 江尘来到太上长老面前,毫不掩饰自己的杀意 Jiang Chen, you cannot kill me.” 江尘,你不能杀我。” Supreme Elder said. 太上长老说道。 Why can't? Is your life more honored than others? In here, so long as is the enemy, must die, you said that I must kill you, Great Clouds Empire will not let off my, that will exterminate Venerable not to let off my, the nonsense reason that this type will not have the nutrition do not say, even if I will not kill you, they will not let off me, excuse me, the speaking incorrectly words, are not they do not let off me now, should be asks me to let off them to be right.” “为什么不能?你的命比人家尊贵吗?在我这里,只要是敌人,都得死,你是不是说,我要杀你,大云帝国是不会放过我的,那个灭绝尊者是不会放过我的,这种毫无营养的狗屁理由就不要说了,就算我不杀你,他们也不会放过我,哦,不好意思,说错话了,现在不是他们不放过我,应该是求我放过他们才对。” Saying of Jiang Chen unimpressed. 江尘不咸不淡的说道。 Jiang Chen, can't you to fighting Half Emperor self-confidently?” 江尘,你不会自信到可以对战半帝吧?” Supreme Elder hear Jiang Chen's meaning, even if dies to be imminent, he as before is somewhat surprised, this person indeed is rampant side, has not placed in the eye Half Emperor. 太上长老听出了江尘的意思,即便死到临头,他依旧是有些吃惊,这人的确是嚣张的没边了,连半帝都不放在眼中。 If you said that after having killed you, I personally commit suicide to your imperial capitals, extinguished that to exterminate Venerable.” “如你所说,杀了你之后,我会亲自杀向你们的帝都,灭了那个灭绝尊者。” The Jiang Chen's expression is very extremely arrogant, but extremely arrogant is mixing with the strong self-confidence as before, that is in the self-confidence from bone, making people think that is not aimless absolutely. 江尘的语气无比狂妄,但狂妄中依旧夹杂着浓烈的自信,那是发自骨子里的自信,让人觉得绝对不是无的放矢。 Haha, Jiang Chen, you were too extremely arrogant, this Seat acknowledged that you are ten thousand years of rarely seen unrivalled genius, is the peerless evildoer/monstrous talent, but your self-confidence, will harm yourself eventually, the great strength of Half Emperor, at is not you can imagine, wants to resist Half Emperor by your present strength, that courts death simply.” 哈哈,江尘,你太狂妄了,本座承认你是万年难得一见的旷世奇才,是绝世妖孽,但你的自信,终究会害了你自己,半帝的强大,根本不是你能够想象的,以你现在的实力就想要去对抗半帝,那简直就是找死。” Supreme Elder has laughed, thinking Jiang Chen must resist Half Emperor, this is in itself a huge joke. 太上长老大笑了起来,觉得江尘要对抗半帝,这本身就是一个天大的笑话。 Excuse me, this is not you worries, can I resist Half Emperor, you could not see.” “不好意思,这都不是你操心的,我能不能对抗半帝,你都已经看不到了。” Jiang Chen does not want again and Supreme Elder idle talk, Heavenly Saint Sword appears in the hand like lightning, a sword has delimited, cut the head of Supreme Elder directly, was decapitated. 江尘不想再和太上长老废话,天圣剑闪电般出现在手中,一剑划过,直接斩掉了太上长老的头颅,身首异处。 This Supreme Elder, can be considered as a current Great Qian Empire fiercest role, Immortal Venerate late stage, as before is not the Jiang Chen's match, was killed by Jiang Chen. 太上长老,可以算得上当前大乾帝国最厉害的一个角色了,仙尊后期,依旧不是江尘的对手,被江尘所杀。 This personally sees, is very difficult to imagine, if evidently is not Great Clouds Empire has Half Emperor to assume personal command, a Jiang Chen person, sufficiently entire Great Clouds Empire destroying completely.” “这要不是亲眼所见,真的很难想象,看样子如果不是大云帝国有一个半帝坐镇的话,江尘一人,就足以把整个大云帝国给灭掉。” Nine prince sighed, this time he comes out to go on an expedition with Jiang Chen, lets he harvests many are pleasantly surprised, miracle that constantly was created, to the present, he was completely numb, he thought that even if Jiang Chen can kill Half Emperor, he extremely in being startled. 九王爷唏嘘不已,这一次他跟着江尘出来征战,让他收获最多的就是惊喜,是不断被创造出来的奇迹,到了现在,他已经完全麻木了,他觉得,就算江尘真的可以干掉半帝,他都不会太过于吃惊。 Now, solely in the major officers hearts, in the heart of this nine prince, Jiang Chen soon was not deified. 如今,不单单是在各大将士心中,就连他这个九王爷的心中,江尘都已经快要被神化了。 Jiang Chen receives Five Elements Domain, in the hand is carrying the head of Supreme Elder, will treat must kill own enemy wholeheartedly, Jiang Chen will not always have the least bit to be lenient. 江尘收起五行领域,手中拎着太上长老的头颅,对待一心要杀自己的敌人,江尘从来都不会有半点手软。 Kills along with me to the Great Clouds Empire imperial capital.” “随我杀向大云帝国的帝都。” Jiang Chen fights the sword to shake, the body of his Dragon Transformation has not taken back, turns toward the direction of Great Clouds Empire imperial capital to speed along to go. 江尘战剑一震,他连龙变之躯都没有收回,率先向着大云帝国帝都的方向飞驰而去。 Saw on the Jiang Chen so crazy, innumerable officers face also appears the crazy color, nine prince and Yang Bufan also fighting intent soared to the heavens, follows Jiang Chen's behind, they know that the true decisive battle, must arrive, has seized the Great Clouds Empire half of the country, to with the time that it fought a decisive battle. 看到江尘如此的疯狂,无数的将士脸上也浮现出了疯狂之色,九王爷和杨不凡战意冲天,跟随江尘的身后,他们知道,真正的决战,就要到来了,已经占领了大云帝国的半壁江山,到了与之决战的时刻了。 Why they are clear Jiang Chen to kill now directly to the imperial capital, because of the Supreme Elder death, will definitely arouse the Great Clouds Empire true anger, even if their not initiative take action, Great Clouds Empire expert will also kill, that will exterminate Venerable also to appear, with it so, might as well on own initiative will kill, will create enough frightening to Great Clouds Empire. 他们都清楚江尘为何现在要直接杀向帝都,因为太上长老的死,肯定会激起大云帝国真正的怒火,就算他们不主动出手,大云帝国高手也会杀过来,那灭绝尊者也会出现,与其如此,还不如主动杀过去,给大云帝国造成足够的震慑。 This war, enough crazy, enough rampancy, enough Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, nobody knows that Jiang Chen can succeed, but all people long for this war, even if dies, they are also willing to participate in this war, must witness the result that this fights, regarding a soldier, at this time, the life and death not so seemed to be important. 这一战,足够的疯狂,足够的嚣张,足够的惊天动地,没有人知道江尘会不会成功,但所有人都渴望这一战,哪怕是死,他们也愿意参与这一战,要见证这一战的结果,对于一个战士来说,这个时候,生死似乎已经不那么重要了。 The Jiang Chen's goal is very simple, when the Supreme Elder death news has not passed to the Great Clouds Empire imperial capital, he directly kills. 江尘的目的很简单,在太上长老的死讯还没有传到大云帝国帝都的时候,他就直接杀过去。 This war, sooner or later must have a result, but after winning the Great Clouds Empire half of the country, this conditions were ripe without doubt, was cut to kill while Supreme Elder, is the take action best opportunity, a Supreme Elder head, gives the Great Clouds Empire imperial capital sufficiently, creates frightening and influence that is unable to imagine. 这一战,迟早是要有一个结局的,而打下大云帝国半壁江山之后,这个时机无疑已经成熟了,趁着太上长老被斩杀,正好是出手的最佳时机,一颗太上长老的人头,足以给大云帝国的帝都,造成无法想象的震慑和影响。
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