DMWG :: Volume #18

#1785: Feng Huazi

Makes your Sect Master come out.” “让你们门主出来。” The Jiang Chen's sound just likes Nine Heavens Thunderclap is common, sky over Wind Net Sect billowing turbulent, the sound wave disseminates ten thousand miles, clarity that entire Wind Net Sect listens. 江尘的声音犹如九天惊雷一般,在风罗门上空滚滚荡荡,音波传播万里,整个风罗门都听的清清楚楚。 Suddenly, entire Wind Net Sect was alarmed, innumerable outer disciple, inner disciple, core disciple, large quantities of elders, turned toward here to fly completely. 一时间,整个风罗门都被惊动了,无数外门弟子,内门弟子,核心弟子,还有大批的长老,全部都向着这边飞了过来。 Has overturned the heavens, dares wanderer Wind Net Sect unexpectedly, simply is regardless of the law and of natural morality.” “翻天了,竟然敢闯荡风罗门,简直是无法无天。” Where the avid follower, runs up to my Wind Net Sect to act unruly, must tear to shreds it surely.” “何方狂徒,跑到我风罗门来撒野,定要将其碎尸万段。” Courage was too big, no person dares to run up to sky over Wind Net Sect to shout and wrangle, who no matter the opposite party is, even if his 100 lives, insufficiently die.” “胆子太大了,从来没有人敢跑到风罗门上空大呼小叫,不管对方是谁,就算他有100条命,都不够死的。” ............ ………… The anger soars to the heavens, Wind Net Sect was angry, tranquil Wind Net Sect, fell into the middle of the chaos thoroughly, as this piece of Earth Domain super big faction, no person dares to run up to sect to act unruly. 怒火冲天,风罗门上上下下都愤怒了,本来平静的风罗门,彻底陷入了大乱当中,身为这一片地域超级大派,从来没有人敢跑到宗门内撒野。 In Ancestral Dragon Pagoda, Jiang Zhenhai looks at all these in the eye, the mood appears incomparably excited, so bold matter, perhaps also only then his son can look came out, he comes Immortal World, although the time is not long, but heard regarding Wind Net Sect, so the super big faction, in this piece of super big Earth Domain, simply is exist(ence) of jumbo. 祖龙塔内,江震海将这一切看在眼中,情绪显得无比激动,如此大胆的事情,恐怕也只有自己的儿子才能够看得出来了,他来仙界虽然时间不长,但对于风罗门还是有所耳闻,如此超级大派,在这片超级地域内,简直就是一个巨无霸的存在 Now Jiang Chen dares to enter Wind Net Sect with this way unexpectedly, is Jiang Zhenhai wants not to think, naturally, if makes him know that Jiang Chen in the Ethereal Immortal Territory fact, destroys including Corpse Yin Sect entire sect in his hands, perhaps will not think. 现在江尘竟然敢用这种方式进入风罗门,是江震海想都没有想过的,当然,如果让他知道江尘缥缈仙域的事迹,连尸阴宗整个宗门都毁在他手中的话,恐怕就不会这么想了。 Countless people have flown the upper air, dense everywhere is the person, Jiang Chen as far as the eye can see, even if the so formidable camp, cannot make his mood have the slight fluctuation as before, the scene compares with he had experienced, this is really not anything. 无数人都飞上了高空,黑压压到处都是人,江尘放眼望去,即便是如此强大的阵营,依旧不能够让他的情绪有丝毫波动,跟他曾经见识过的场面比起来,这实在不算什么。 The person who Wind Net Sect presents although are many, but so far, true formidable did not have, Immortal Venerate appears, only then several a person of virtue and prestige elders, cultivation base has achieved Half Step Immortal Venerate, with Dongfang Yu is a rank. 风罗门出现的人虽然多,但到目前为止,真正强大的还没有,仙尊一个都出现,只有几个德高望重的长老,修为达到了半步仙尊,和东方御是一个级别的。 What a pity the person of this rank, Jiang Chen completely has not placed in the eye. 可惜这个级别的人,江尘已经完全不放在眼中。 You looked quickly that in that person of hand is bringing, probably is Shen Senior Brother.” “你们快看,那人手中带着的,好像是沈师兄。” I go, will be Shen Senior Brother, how Shen Senior Brother to end up to turn out the so pitiful region, two arms both were cut, the injury will seem like very serious, this outcome what's the matter?” “我去,真的是沈师兄,沈师兄怎么会落得如此凄惨的境地,两条手臂都被斩掉了,伤势看起来很是严重的,这究竟是怎么回事?” Definitely is this fellow take action injury, so young has to defeat Shen Senior Brother strength, it seems like it is not the generation of being easy.” “肯定是这家伙出手伤害的,如此年轻就有着打败沈师兄的实力,看来也不是易于之辈啊。” „Is Humph! that also what kind of? Too rampant not necessarily is the good deed, this fellow has injured Shen Senior Brother, was equal to shaming our Wind Net Sect, now also brings injured Shen Senior Brother to arrive at Wind Net Sect to bluff and bluster, acted recklessly simply.” 哼!那又怎么样?太嚣张了不见得是好事,这家伙伤了沈师兄,就等于羞辱了我们风罗门,现在还带着受伤的沈师兄来到风罗门耀武扬威,简直是不知死活。” This fellow died, no person dares to make such matter to come, today 100 lives, insufficiently he died.” “这家伙死定了,从来没有人敢做出这样的事情来,今日就算有100条命,也不够他死的。” ............ ………… The innumerable disciples clench jaws, many people recognized Shen to fly, on the face filled has shocked with angrily, what shocked was this white-clothed youth really has the skill to fly to injure this Shen, what was angry was the opposite party is bold, dares to injure the representative of Wind Net Sect younger generation unexpectedly, this and shamed Wind Net Sect not to have what difference. 无数弟子都是咬牙切齿,很多人认出了沈一飞,脸上都充满了震撼和愤怒,震撼的是这个白衣青年竟然有本事将沈一飞伤害成这样,愤怒的是对方胆大包天,竟然敢伤害风罗门年轻一代的代表人物,这和羞辱风罗门是没有什么区别的。 „Who are you? Why rushes to my Wind Net Sect, why injures my Wind Net Sect genius?” “你是什么人?为何来闯我风罗门,为何打伤我风罗门天才?” An elder of whole face beard has stood, to Jiang Chen loudly said, Shen is flying now also in the hand of opposite party, he does not dare to act rashly, a Shen diving posture is Wind Net Sect number one genius, that is the Wind Net Sect key point trained object, since, sect on the body that Shen has flown does not know has consumed many energy and resources, now became the representatives of Wind Net Sect younger generation, the importance can be imagined. 一个满脸胡须的长老站了出来,对着江尘大声说道,现在沈一飞还在对方的手上,他也不敢轻举妄动,沈一飞身为风罗门第一天才,那是风罗门重点培养对象,一直以来,宗门在沈一飞的身上不知道耗费了多少精力和资源,现在已经成为风罗门年轻一代的代表了,重要性可想而知。 Lets your Sect Master and Great Elder comes out, you do not have the qualifications and I speak.” “让你们门主大长老出来,你没有资格和我说话。” Jiang Chen looked at that elder one eyes, saying of unimpressed. 江尘看了那长老一眼,不咸不淡的说道。 Did not have the qualifications almost not to give the air/Qi to be crooked that old man's beard. 一句没有资格差点没有将那老头的胡子给气歪了。 Really the grass, oneself what and the others thing, the senior official Inner Sect first elder, a person of virtue and prestige, who usually in saw itself not to give precedence out of courtesy three points, today does not know the young people who where braved, actually said oneself did not have the qualifications to stand speaks here, how this made him be able to bear. 真是草了,自己何等人物,长官内门的第一长老,德高望重,平日里谁见了自己不得礼让三分,今日一个不知道从哪里冒出来的年轻人,竟然说自己没有资格站在这里说话,这让他如何受得了。 Shen flies to be completely controlled by Jiang Chen, does not have including the ability of speech, can only the looks at situation continue to develop helplessly. 沈一飞被江尘完全控制,连说话的能力都没有,只能够眼睁睁看着事态继续发展。 Bold, I urged you to put Shen to fly immediately, perhaps also had the leeway of recalling.” “大胆,我劝你立刻放了沈一飞,或许还有挽回的余地。” That long boss sound scolds to say. 那长老大声呵斥道。 Old fogy, you are now rampant to me, one must be deeply grateful to me, today I come to here, to help your.” “老家伙,你现在对我嚣张,一会还要对我感激不尽,今日我来这里,是为了帮助你们的。” Jiang Chen to that elder open the mouth and said. 江尘对着那长老开口说道 „The impudent and shameless disciple who mother, where this comes, has injured Shen Senior Brother obviously, but must help our.” “妈的,这哪里来的厚颜无耻之徒,明明打伤了沈师兄,还来说要帮助我们的。” „Is this fellow an idiot? Our Wind Net Sect big influence, but also needs his miniature person thing to help us, what can he help our?” “这家伙是白痴吗?我们风罗门何等大势力,还需要他一个小人物来帮助我们,他能帮助我们什么?” Now Shen Senior Brother in his hands, it seems like also only then Great Elder and Sect Master appeared personally, otherwise he uses Shen Senior Brother to treat as to coerce, we do not have means take action.” “不过现在沈师兄在他的手中,看来也只有大长老门主亲自出现了,不然他用沈师兄当做要挟,我们也没有办法出手。” Must Immortal Venerate elder take action be good, this fellow has the strength to injure Shen Senior Brother, showing strength is very formidable, must know that Shen Senior Brother Immortal Sovereign late stage cultivation base, has been able to resist with the Half Step Immortal Venerate elder.” “必须仙尊长老出手才行,这家伙有实力打伤沈师兄,说明本身的实力还是很强大的,要知道沈师兄仙皇后期修为,已经可以和半步仙尊的长老对抗了。” ............ ………… The Jiang Chen's words made the Wind Net Sect people be able help shouting 'motherfucker', this fellow was causes trouble obviously, the pomposity of adding, was a big good man is the same with oneself. 江尘的话让风罗门的人都忍不住要骂娘了,这家伙明显就是来闹事的,还说的冠冕堂皇,跟自己是个大善人一样。 „The scoundrel thing, has a bit faster put my son.” 混账东西,快点放了我儿。” At this moment, a formidable imposing manner from the Wind Net Sect interior ascension, is carrying the formidable anger, the form arrived here together instantaneously, stood in Jiang Chen front not far away. 就在这时,一股强大的气势从风罗门内部升腾而起,携带着强大的怒火,一道身影瞬间来到了这里,站在了江尘前方不远处。 newcomer is a middle-aged person, looks like 40 years old high and low, is similar to Jiang Zhenhai, but cultivation base is actually incomparable tyrannical, but on the surface, with Yang Yu basically was a rank. 来者是一个中年人,看起来有40岁上下,和江震海差不多,但修为却是无比的强横,但从表面看,和杨宇基本上是一个等级到了。 Incomparably is excited, because was controlled by Jiang Chen that sees the person, Shen the mood of flies instantaneously changes, a few words could not say, was only the expression is quite rich, what a pity his father obviously could not understand this rich expression. 看到来人,沈一飞的情绪瞬间变的无比激动起来,但因为被江尘控制,一句话都说不出来,只是表情比较丰富,可惜他的老子明显是看不懂这丰富的表情啊。 Jiang Chen corner of the mouth overflows one to smile pale, the Lord came finally, looks at the eye at present this fellow is Great Elder in legend, the father who Shen flies, Shen Ao. 江尘嘴角溢出一丝淡笑,正主终于来了,看眼眼前这个家伙就是传说中的大长老,沈一飞的父亲,沈鏊 After Shen Ao appears, saw oneself son's pitiful condition, the formidable anger is unable to conceal, gaze turned into blood-red, his such son, usually in regards the treasure in hand it, starts to train since childhood strongly, trained Wind Net Sect number one genius it, it can be said that the pride of this whole life. 沈鏊出现之后,就看到了自己儿子的惨状,强大的怒火根本无法掩饰,目光都变成了血红色,他就这么一个儿子,平日里将其当成手中的宝,从小就开始竭力培养,将其培养成了风罗门第一天才,可以说是他这辈子的骄傲。 But present Shen flies, completely was actually given to discard, the both arms were cut completely, this situation, making Shen Ao almost spout a blood, his mood at this moment, others are unable to pay attention. 而眼前的沈一飞,却被人完全给废掉了,双臂全部被斩掉,这种情况,让沈鏊差点喷出一口血来,他此刻的心情,别人是无法理会的。 Boy, I, no matter you are, today you died, I made you put immediately flew, when the time comes will give you a happiness.” “小子,我不管你是谁,今日你死定了,我让你立刻放了一飞,到时候会给你一个痛快。” Shen Ao coldly said, if gaze can kill people, this moment Jiang Chen, put to death by dismemberment executes. 沈鏊冷冷的说道,如果目光能够杀人的话,此刻江尘,已经被凌迟处死了。 Shen Elder, so was why excited, I had not planned that must kill your son, I want to see your Sect Master and all high levels now, so long as they come out, I put Shen to fly, making your fathers and sons reunite.” “沈长老,何必那么激动了,我也没有打算要杀令郎,我现在只是想要见你们的门主和所有高层,只要他们出来,我就放了沈一飞,让你们父子团聚。” Saying of Jiang Chen unimpressed, regarding the threat of Shen Ao, his simply is aloof, he has experienced expert were too many, that and other peerless Venerable has not made his mood have the fluctuation like Li Wangye, small Shen Ao, but also simply has not achieved to let the situation that Jiang Chen is afraid, by his present strength, has Great Void Technique in the body, heaven and earth is big, any place can go. 江尘不咸不淡的说道,对于沈鏊的威胁,他根本就无动于衷,他见识过的高手太多了,像李望野那等绝世尊者都没有让他的情绪产生过波动,一个小小的沈鏊,还根本没有达到让江尘害怕的地步,以他现在的实力,有大虚空术在身,天地再大,任何地方都可以去得。 Small Immortal Sovereign initial stage, dares in front of this Seat rampant domineering, this Seat must kill you, simply is easy, in front of this Seat, you thinks that oneself is also capable of injuring my son?” “一个小小的仙皇初期,也敢在本座面前嚣张跋扈,本座要杀你,简直就是轻而易举,在本座面前,你以为自己还有能力伤害我的儿子吗?” Shen Ao has released the formidable imposing manner, has locked Jiang Chen all Internal Qi, evidently in looking for the opportunity flies to save from the Jiang Chen's hand Shen. 沈鏊已经释放出了自己强大的气势,锁定了江尘所有的气机,看样子是在寻找机会把沈一飞从江尘的手中救下来。 Right? Your take action gives a try freely, I must have a look but actually, before your take action , can I kill Shen to fly.” “是吗?你尽管出手试试看,我倒要看看,你出手之前我能不能杀了沈一飞。” Incomparable gloomy and cold that Jiang Chen's gaze also suddenly changes gets up, his gaze and Shen Ao gaze collides mutually, void sparks the spark directly. 江尘的目光也突然间变的无比阴冷起来,他的目光沈鏊目光相互碰撞,虚空中直接擦出火花来。 The Shen Ao anger was getting more and more exuberant, but he actually does not dare take action, a Immortal Sovereign initial stage fellow, dares to collide with thus and such and such gaze unexpectedly, moreover he could not see that in the opposite party eye has the color of slight fear. 沈鏊的怒火越来越旺盛了,但他却不敢出手,一个仙皇初期的家伙,竟然敢和自己如此这般目光碰撞,而且他看不出对方的眼中有丝毫的畏惧之色。 He cannot completely understand the opposite party, therefore he does not dare take action, because he does not have the least bit assurance, has not grasped to fly from the Jiang Chen's hand rescuing Shen, this type with the matter that oneself son take risks, he will not do. 他看不透对方,所以他不敢出手,因为他没有半点把握,没有把握将沈一飞从江尘的手中给救下来,这种用自己儿子冒险的事情,他不会去做。 „Who are you? Why can injure my son?” “你是什么人?为何要伤我儿子?” Shen Ao opens the mouth to ask. 沈鏊开口问道。 You one will know the reason.” “你一会就会知道原因了。” Jiang Chen smiled, before Wind Net Sect Sect Master has not appeared, he will not say the reason of matter, if made this Shen Ao running, to waste all previous efforts. 江尘笑了笑,在风罗门门主没有出现之前,他是不会说出来事情的原因的,万一让这个沈鏊给跑了,岂不是前功尽弃。 hū hū...... 呼呼…… Just fell on the Jiang Chen voice, the huge imposing manners from internal ascension of Wind Net Sect, Jiang Chen corner of the mouth overflow one to smile pale, these formidable imposing manners, are formidable Immortal Venerate expert release obviously, it seems like that the Wind Net Sect high level must appear, after all matter noisy is not small, moreover clarified must see their Sect Master. 就在江尘话音刚落,一股股庞大的气势从风罗门的内部升腾而起,江尘嘴角溢出一丝淡笑,这些强大的气势,明显是强大的仙尊高手释放出来的,看来风罗门的高层都要出现了,毕竟自己将事情闹的不小,而且摆明了是要见他们门主 Now appeared unable to solve the problem including Shen Ao this Great Elder, Sect Master naturally must appear. 如今连沈鏊这个大长老出现了都解决不了问题,门主自然是要出现的。 Quick, more than 10 formidable Immortal Venerate expert walked, arrives at the Shen Ao side, has an imposing appearance first, straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star, looks like the age and Shen Ao is similar, the imposing manner astonishing great strength, cultivation base went to the Immortal Venerate middle stage peak situation. 很快,十几个强大的仙尊高手就走了出来,来到沈鏊的身旁,当先一位,器宇轩昂,剑眉星目,看起来年岁和沈鏊差不多,气势惊人的强大,修为已经达到了仙尊中期巅峰的地步。 Sect Master.” 门主。” Shen Ao holds the fist in the other hand, other people bow to salute, newcomer is not others, precisely Wind Net Sect Sect Master, Feng Huazi. 沈鏊抱拳,其他人都躬身施礼,来者不是别人,正是风罗门门主,风华子 Feng Huazi nodded, then gaze looked that flew to Jiang Chen and Shen, aura of superior filled the air, making the person not dare to face, Wind Net Sect all elders and disciple, on the face reappeared the color of respect. 风华子点了点头,然后目光看向了江尘和沈一飞,上位者的气息弥漫开来,让人不敢正视,风罗门上上下下所有的长老和弟子,脸上都浮现出敬重之色。
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