DMWG :: Volume #54

#5264: He must be invincible!

Jiang Chen look one cold, this dark thing, indeed is a chimpanzee, tall and powerfully built, two zhang (3.33 m), devils, a carp hit, stood directly, discrete is staring at Jiang Chen and the others. 江尘眼神一寒,这黑乎乎的东西,敢情是一只黑猩猩,身材魁梧,两丈有余,凶神恶煞,一个鲤鱼打挺,直接站了起来,谨慎的盯着江尘等人 Father's stone berry, spits to me!” “老子的石浆果呢,给我吐出来!” Long Shisan is waiting for the chimpanzee, clenches teeth saying that this fellow braves suddenly, making Long Shisan have a scare, dark, gives to swallow the stone berry that they harbored intentions unexpectedly, can this also? 龙十三等着黑猩猩,咬牙说道,这家伙突然冒出来,让龙十三也被吓了一跳,黑乎乎的,竟然把他们心心念念的石浆果都给吞掉了,这还得了? Did not have, to be eaten by me.” “没有了,已经被我吃了。” The chimpanzee cracks into a smile to Long Shisan, filled to tease with taunt flavor, both hands patted striking one's chest, roared lowly, seeming like same toward the Jiang Chen and the others demonstration. 黑猩猩冲着龙十三咧嘴一笑,充满戏谑与嘲讽的味道,双手拍了拍胸脯,低吼一声,似乎是在朝着江尘等人示威一样。 Is good your gorilla, I thought that you are court death.” “好你个大猩猩,我看你是找死呀。” Long Shisan has not thought of this fellow unexpectedly so extremely arrogantly, even also ridiculed to them. 龙十三没想到这家伙竟然如此的狂妄,甚至还对他们嘲笑不已。 This fellow is not simple, he affirmed that has premeditated.” “这家伙不简单呀,他肯定早就已经有所预谋了。” Jiang Chen expression is dignified, this chimpanzee is not the fuel-efficient lamp, his speed, even Jiang Chen has to be cautious, this big fellow is seemingly simple and honest, but begins, absolutely is not good stubble. 江尘神色凝重,这黑猩猩可不是省油的灯,他的速度,连江尘都不得不小心翼翼,这大家伙看起来憨憨厚厚的,可是动起手来,绝对不是善茬儿。 He has hidden here, in this spring, Jiang Chen cannot discover, obviously its aura excels at concealing extremely, this surrounding Monster Beast, birds and beasts, dread his exist(ence), does not dare to survive in this surroundings. 他一直藏匿在这里,在这泉眼之中,江尘都没能发现,可见其气息极为擅长隐匿,这周围的妖兽,飞禽走兽,都是畏惧他的存在,才不敢在这周围生存的。 This gorilla can swallow this stone berry directly, definitely understands clearly in chest/heart, if Jiang Chen expects well, this fellow should protects Spirit Beast of stone thick liquid fruit tree. 这大猩猩能够直接吞掉这石浆果,肯定早已经是了然于胸了,如果江尘所料不错,这家伙应该就是守护石浆果树的灵兽了。 This stone berry, if I do not eat, fell down to waste, with its waste, was inferior that I ate.” “这石浆果如果我不吃,也掉下去浪费了,与其浪费,不如我吃了。” Gorilla old god in saying, thinks little. 大猩猩老神在在的说道,不以为意。 Long Shisan stares, this fellow said as if also has that a truth, because the first stone berry they had seen, indeed fell into the land directly. 龙十三一愣,这家伙说的似乎还有那么点道理,因为第一颗石浆果他们已经看到了,的的确确直接掉进了土地之中。 Your boy......” “你小子……” Long Shisan actually had nothing to say in reply suddenly. 龙十三一时间竟然无言以对。 You want the stone berry, has a dream, hurries to leave as early as possible.” “你们想要得到石浆果,做梦吧,趁早还是赶紧离开吧。” The gorilla has not begun to Jiang Chen and the others directly, seeming like good words persuaded is the same. 大猩猩并未直接对江尘等人动手,似乎是‘好言相劝’一样。 Said, you can obtain the stone berry?” “这么说,你能得到石浆果了?” Jiang Chen said with a smile. 江尘笑道。 „Can father obtain, closes your trifling thing? Looks at anything to look, refuses to accept you to nip me.” “老子能不能得到,关你们屁事?看什么看,不服你咬我呀。” The gorilla stared Long Shisan one contemptuously, both hands link chest, the look. 大猩猩瞪了龙十三一眼,双手环胸,眼神十分的轻蔑。 I depend on Sir!” “我靠恁大爷!” The Long Shisan anger flash was cancelled by this gorilla, if not Little Chen is pressing his anger, he already already take action. 龙十三的火气一瞬间被这大猩猩勾了起来,如果不是小尘子压着他的火气,他早就已经出手了。 We first use courtesy and then use force, how if you can tell us to obtain the stone berry, perhaps we can also put your horse, but if you are so obstinate, perhaps we must discuss well.” “我们先礼后兵,如果你能告诉我们如何得到石浆果,或许我们还能放你一马,但如果你这般执拗,或许咱们就得好好商量一下了。” Jiang Chen's corner of the mouth rises slightly, gradually restrains, in a flash, surrounding aura, becomes Yan Jun (severe) to get up. 江尘的嘴角微微上扬,逐渐收敛,一瞬间,周围的气息,都变得严峻起来。 Frightens me? When really the father was frightened in a big way, I had survived here in 8000, you think how many depends on your, can make me give up? Really laughable.” “吓唬我?真当老子是被吓大的,我已经在这里生存了八千年了,你以为就凭你们几个,就能让我俯首称臣?真是可笑。” A gorilla face disdains, the chest front chest muscles is vibrating unceasingly, does not dread, in Jiang Chen four people, most powerful is this Long Shisan, but he is also the nebula level five heavy days, but he is the nebula level six heavy days, the suppression of 1-layer Heaven, lets their scalp tingles sufficiently. 大猩猩一脸不屑,胸前的胸肌不断的抖动着,也是毫不畏惧,江尘四人之中,最强悍的莫过于这个龙十三,而他也不过是星云级五重天而已,而他则是星云级六重天,一重天的压制,足以让他们所有人头皮发麻。 Little Chen, this small orangutan gave me, did not need you to begin.” 小尘子,这小猩猩交给我了,不需要你动手。” Long Shisan also even more excited, having high morale, because he is also the monkey, Spirit Bright Stone Monkey, will he possibly recognize instigates? This fellow is crazier, he is also more excited. 龙十三也是越发的兴奋,斗志昂扬,因为他也是猴子,灵明石猴,他怎么可能会认怂呢?这个家伙越疯狂,他也就越兴奋。 Two monkeys contend, must have a wound! 两猴相争,必有一伤! Jiang Chen does not know that the monkey has several tenths assurance, but looks at his self-confidence, should be will at least not compare this gorilla weak many. 江尘也不知道猴子有几成把握,但是看他的自信,应该是至少不会比这大猩猩弱多少。 You are the small orangutan, your entire family is the small orangutan!” “你才是小猩猩,你全家都是小猩猩!” The gorilla angrily roars, with Long Shisan four eyes contact, both's anger, is the instantaneous ascension. 大猩猩怒吼一声,与龙十三四目相对,两者的火气,也是瞬间升腾而起。 Roar!” “吼!” Roar roar!” “吼吼!” Long Shisan changed, transforms the Spirit Bright Stone Monkey true body, the hundred zhang (333 m) apes and monkeys, blocked the sky, the gorilla also gawked, in the eye brings surprised. 龙十三摇身一变,幻化出了灵明石猴的真身,百丈猿猴,遮天蔽日,大猩猩也是一愣,眼中带着一丝惊讶。 Pretty good, without thinking of main family, hehehe, you think that you do change?” “不赖呀,没想到还是本家,嘿嘿嘿,你以为就你会变吗?” The gorilla also refuses to admit being inferior, the whole body is scared constantly grows, figure same place, unexpectedly with the Long Shisan body, not the slightest difference. 大猩猩也是不甘示弱,浑身发毛不断增长,身形一起,竟然与龙十三的身躯,一般无二。 But the chest front of gorilla, presented a birthmark of arc at this time, after he increases, gradually reveals. 只不过大猩猩的胸前,这个时候出现了一道弧形的胎记,在他变大之后,才逐渐显露出来。 This is...... heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape! Also was antiquity ferocious beast, 8000 life essence, has exploded the ape grown, this war, Brother Shisan was very difficult.” “这是……天地暴猿!也是上古凶兽,八千年的寿元,已经是成年爆猿了,此战,十三哥很难啊。” Yuan Ling held breath a cold air/Qi, exist(ence) of heaven and earth violent ape rank, absolutely is a side feudal lord, if not Chen family/home and Louwai Tower battles, the dark(ness) forest becomes the strategic location, here some people may never visit, many people know, in the dark(ness) forest exist(ence) extremely numerous antiquity Monster Beast, no one is wanting this turbid water. 袁玲倒吸了一口冷气,天地暴猿这种级别的存在,绝对是一方领主,如果不是辰家与楼外楼激战,黑暗森林成为了兵家必争之地,这里可能永远不会有人踏足进来,很多人都知道,黑暗森林之中存在着极多的上古妖兽,没人愿意趟这趟浑水。 However things have gotten to this point, they ran into this fellow, can only say that is they have bad luck. 但是事已至此,他们遇到了这家伙,只能说是他们倒霉。 A little meaning, it seems like you are qualified for my opponent actually.” “有点意思,看来你倒是有资格做我的对手。” Although Long Shisan startled is not chaotic, this heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape, extremely fierce, strength contention between both, is imminent. 龙十三虽惊不乱,这头天地暴猿,也是极为的凶猛,两者之间的力量角逐,已经是迫在眉睫。 Hehehe, your body, may not necessarily have me to be hard, looks at your soft and fair skin, perhaps also insufficiently I one eat.” “嘿嘿嘿,你这身子骨,可未必有我硬,看你这细皮嫩肉的,说不定还不够我一顿吃的。” heaven and earth suddenly/violently Yuanhei however smiles, the spiritual wisdom far supernormal person, can become this side Overlord, obviously his strength is not a vegetarian. 天地暴猿嘿然一笑,灵智远超常人,能够成为这一方霸主,可见他的实力也不是吃素的。 Nebula level six heavy days, even in Louwai Tower or Chen family/home, that still absolutely is exist(ence) of feudal lord rank, moreover in others domain, this fellow also refers to erratically has what terrifying method not to display. 星云级六重天,即使是在楼外楼或者辰家,那也绝对是诸侯级别的存在,而且在人家的地盘儿,这家伙还指不定有什么恐怖的手段未曾施展。 In the face of the absolute strength, any fancy method, makes a futile effort. 在绝对的力量面前,任何的花俏手段,都是徒劳无功的。 This fight, will be surely suspenseful, confusing. 这场战斗,必定会充满悬念,扑朔迷离。 Jiang Chen is Long Shisan has plundered in side, really has the sorrow of life, he will not stand by, can at crucial moments take action. 江尘会一直在旁边为龙十三掠阵,真有生命之忧,他绝不会袖手旁观的,一定会在关键时刻出手的。 However Jiang Chen respects Long Shisan! 不过江尘更加尊重龙十三 He is also worried for Long Shisan, Yuan Ling words, without a doubt, this heaven and earth suddenly/violently ape strength, compared with terrifying that they will imagine. 他也是为龙十三感到担忧,袁玲的话,毋庸置疑,这天地暴猿的实力,将会比他们想象的更加恐怖 Tone is actually big, did not fear that the wind flashed the tongue greatly, ate a stone berry, but also without and other displays, such iron. Snort.” “口气倒是不小,也不怕风大闪了舌头,吃了一颗石浆果,还没等发挥呢,头就这么铁了。哼。” Long Shisan instead chokes saying that two hundred zhang (333 m) giant apes, tread the mountain peak, the rock tumble, the fight is ready to be set off. 龙十三反呛道,两个百丈巨猿,踏下山峰,山石滚落,战斗一触即发。 All careful.” “一切小心。” The Jiang Chen urging said, the monkey wants take action, beams with joy before his woman well, shows domineering of man, moreover is similar, fighting spirit of Long Shisan instantaneous pull-up to extreme. 江尘叮嘱道,猴子就想要自己出手,也好在他的女人面前露个脸,彰显一下男子汉的霸气,而且又是同类,龙十三的斗志瞬间拉升到了极致 Similar, he must be invincible! 同类之中,他必须无敌!
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