DMWG :: Volume #54

#5239: Source air/Qi of excess load

The eye looks at solemn white situation is getting more and more difficult, Long Shisan also has no alternative, this situation, he is the first time meets. 看着穆一白的处境越来越艰难,龙十三也是无可奈何,这种情况,他更是头一次遇到。 Incessantly is solemn one white, less than several minutes, Yuan Ling also had such situation, now Long Shisan is in a dilemma, both women are incomparably difficult is panting for breath, aspect crisis, even made one worry. 不止是穆一白,没过几分钟,袁玲也出现了这样的情况,现在龙十三左右为难,两个女人都已经是无比艰难的喘息着,局面危机,甚至令人十分担忧。 What to do Little Chen...... this may.” 小尘子……这可怎么办呀。” Long Shisan smiles bitterly is looking to Jiang Chen, he is cares chaotically, at this time does not know how should deal, only then wanting to pin on Jiang Chen's. 龙十三苦笑着看向江尘,他是关心则乱,这个时候根本不知道该如何去应对,只有把希望寄托在江尘的身上。 First rests a meeting, now surrounding source air/Qi very strong, finds the source air/Qi thin point place, that side goes.” “先休息一会吧,现在周围的源气都是十分的浓烈,找个源气稀薄一点的地方,去那边吧。” This situation, anybody cannot affirm, will then have anything, Jiang Chen has not thought that someday can appear in this place richly, the source air/Qi made them start to suffocate, if really died in the source air/Qi sea, it is estimated that was also dies a worthy death. 这种情况,任何人都不能够肯定,接下来会发生什么,江尘也没想到,有朝一日能够出现在这种地方,源气浓郁的令他们已经开始窒息了,如果真的死在了源气的海洋之中,估计也算是死得其所了。 Does not have the skill also to insist one time, humph humph.” “没本事还硬要进来走一遭,哼哼。” Chen family/home genius cynically said, corner of the mouth brings to wipe the color of disdaining. 一个辰家天才阴阳怪气的说道,嘴角带着一抹不屑之色。 Yes, does not have a look at oneself anything level, these nine profound mausoleum chambers, are not any random trash can come.” “就是,也不看看自己什么水准,这九玄地宫,可不是什么阿猫阿狗都能够进来的。” Two people look at each other one, filled disdaining flavor. 两人对视一眼,都是充满了不屑的味道 Nine profound mausoleum chambers are the Chen family/home true treasure troves, but actually not everyone can adapt. 九玄地宫是辰家真正的宝地,但是却并不是每个人都能够适应得了的。 thing!” “混帐东西!” Long Shisan anger instantaneous ascension, visual Chen Ye child and the others. 龙十三怒火瞬间升腾而起,目视着辰烨子等人 Brother Shisan, ok.” 十三哥,算了。” Solemn one shakes the head white/in vain, tight holding on Long Shisan, for fear that he clashed at this time with Chen family/home expert, after all this is on others domain, moreover they said is not groundless, reasons for this include , because their strength is bad. 穆一白摇了摇头,紧紧的拉住龙十三,生怕他这个时候与辰家高手发生冲突,毕竟这是在人家的地盘儿上,而且他们说的也不无道理,究其原因,就是因为她们实力不济而已。 Long Shisan deeply inspires, at this time, they also can only swallow an insult. 龙十三深吸了一口气,这个时候,他们也只能忍气吞声了。 Has the skill, is not you decides, is Gu good oneself, here is not immortal palace Qiongyuan, careful falling miserably in a very easy task.” “有没有本事,也不是你们说了算的,还是顾好自己吧,这里可不是什么仙宫琼苑,小心阴沟里翻船。” Gaze of Jiang Chen coldy Chen Ye child and the others, these Chen family/home expert, is not the fuel-efficient lamp. 江尘冷冷的注视着辰烨子等人,这几个辰家高手,也不是省油的灯。 Jiang Chen, do not think that they fear you, I also fear you, Chen family/home genius, is no one can suppress, has the skill, our gesticulation gesture?” 江尘,别以为他们怕你,我也怕你,辰家天才,可不是谁都能够打压的,有本事,咱们比划比划?” Chen Dwelling place of the immortals look narrows the eyes, looks to Jiang Chen, has high morale, at daggers drawn. 辰玉楼眼神微眯,看向江尘,斗志昂扬,剑拔弩张。 Jiang Chen has the graciousness to my Chen family/home, Chen Dwelling place of the immortals, you best or restrain a point.” 江尘对我辰家有恩,辰玉楼,你最好还是收敛一点。” Chen Ji indifferently said, Chen Dwelling place of the immortals is talented, if really begins, the who wins and who lose, whose who is weak, but also really did not say. 辰姬冷漠的说道,辰玉楼的实力不俗,真若是动起手来,孰胜孰败,孰强孰弱,还真是不好说。 No skill honest dull here, do not hinder us and that's the end.” “没本事就老老实实呆在这里吧,不要妨碍我们就是了。” Chen Ye child shows a faint smile, however the indifference of, actually exceptionally obvious. 辰烨子微微一笑,但是其中的冷漠,却是异常的明显。 Yes, I look at you am obediently dull here. Hehe.” “就是,我看你们还是乖乖呆在这里吧。呵呵呵。” Chen Dwelling place of the immortals said, turns around then to walk with Chen Ye child and the others. 辰玉楼说完,与辰烨子等人转身便走。 Guarantees!” “保准!” Chen also looked at Jiang Chen one free of evil intention, they continue stand forth, after all at this time, their frame of mind were relative high, must find the source air/Qi rightest place. 辰无邪也看了江尘一眼,他们继续向前走去,毕竟这个时候,他们的心气儿都是相当之高的,务必要找到源气最为合适的地方。 The Jiang Chen slight nod, looks at each other one with Chen Ji, the people had not said that rapid stand forth. 江尘微微点头,与辰姬对视一眼,众人也是并未多说,迅速向前走去。 Big brother, toward do not go at heart, these fellows have keen eyesight in withstand/top.” “大哥,你不要往心里去,这些家伙一个个都是眼高于顶。” Chen consoles to say green. 辰青青劝慰道。 Yes, these people were also were usually used to sloppily, it is estimated that in Chen family/home was also that day boss Old Second his Old Third person, why to be angry with them, we prepared here.” “是啊,这些人平时也是散漫惯了,估计在辰家也都是那种天老大老二老三的主儿,何必跟他们生气的,我们就在这里准备一下吧。” Chen fine jade said in a low voice, comforts big brother Jiang Chen, at this time, big brother Jiang Chen violent temper, will for fear that fight with these people. 辰璐低声说道,宽慰江尘大哥,生怕这个时候,江尘大哥的火爆脾气,会跟这些人斗起来。 Relax, I know fairly well, now Yuan Linggen one stemming from this condition in imminent danger, how I will fight with them white/in vain recklessly, does not have the significance, as for them, can have many weights, along with them goes.” “放心,我心中有数,现在袁玲跟穆一白都是出于这种岌岌可危的状态,我怎么会不顾一切跟他们斗呢,毫无意义,至于他们,能有多少斤两,就随他们去吧。” Jiang Chen gives a calm smile, present he has varied startled no longer is the initial enthusiastic youth, having a plan for the present, being to be solemn white Genyuan a Ling to be out of the danger to be good. 江尘淡然一笑,现在的他早就不一惊不再是当初的热血青年了,为今之计,就是要穆一白跟袁玲脱离危险才行。 Said, recently has read to pursue with wild fruit reading, traded the source switch over, reading aloud the timbre were many, Android apple may.】 【讲真,最近一直用野果阅读看书追更,换源切换,朗读音色多,www.yeguoyuedu.com安卓苹果均可。】 Big brother!” “大哥!” The Long Shisan look is blazing, heavily nods. 龙十三眼神炽热,重重点头。 Here source air/Qi is excessively abundant, although we can also keep calm, that is because our talent enough, the strength is stable enough, but their two obviously somewhat could not endure, the source air/Qi in within the body are getting more and more, is the fatal threat.” “这里的源气过盛,我们虽然还能够保持冷静,那是因为我们的天赋足够强,实力足够稳定,但是她们两个明显有些吃不消了,体内的源气越来越多,就是致命的威胁。” Jiang Chen said seriously. 江尘郑重说道。 Only then tries, can look attract the source air/Qi from their within the body, but...... such words, possibly you unusual pain.” “只有试一试,看看能不能从她们体内将源气吸出来了,不过……那样的话,可能你就会非常的痛苦。” Jiang Chen said, Long Shisan is also the incomparably serious nod, he does not fear death, let alone for own love. 江尘说完,龙十三也是无比严肃的点头,他不怕死,更别说为了自己的挚爱了。 Your one person must withstand the source air/Qi of three people to absorb, your body, may not be able to support.” “你一个人要承受三个人的源气吸纳,你的身体,可能也会撑不住了。” Chen shakes the head green, this to them, satisfies thirst by drinking poison. 辰青青摇了摇头,这对于她们来说,就是饮鸩止渴。 That cannot sit waiting for death.” “那也总不能坐以待毙吧。” Long Shisan firm saying, closely grasps at once solemnly one white, the lips prints, inhales in the source air/Qi of her within the body own body unceasingly. 龙十三坚定的说道,旋即紧紧的抱住了穆一白,双唇相印,将她体内的源气不断吸入自己的身体之中。 Long time, Long Shisan feels in the body the infinite source air/Qi, is fleeing in all directions in within the body unceasingly, all the limbs and bones, become the vibration. 半晌过后,龙十三感觉到身体之中无穷的源气,在体内不断流窜着,四肢百骸,都变得震动不已。 Also can support?” “还撑得住吗?” Jiang Chen grabs the hand of Long Shisan to ask. 江尘抓着龙十三的手问道。 Relax, I am all right!” “放心吧,我没事!” Long Shisan shakes the head, solemn white situation good many, recovered, starts to sit cross-legged to sit, cultivates, but Long Shisan then grasped Yuan Ling, attracts again unceasingly her within the body excessively abundant source air/Qi. 龙十三摇摇头,穆一白的情况好了不少,身体也恢复了一些,开始盘膝而坐,修炼起来,而紧接着龙十三便是抱住了袁玲,再一次将她体内过盛的源气不断吸出来。 The Jiang Chen brow tight wrinkle, the surrounding temperature is high, the magma under bottom spurts unceasingly comes out thinly, the source air/Qi also follows more and more, forms substantive dense air/Qi, even is the source of small scale air/Qi Whirlwind, sweeps across above this small square. 江尘眉头紧皱,周围的温度非常高,地底之下的岩浆不断喷薄出来,源气也跟着越来越多,形成一道道实质性的氤氲之气,甚至是小规模的源气旋风,席卷在这一处小广场之上。 Chen family member had all walked, now is only left over Jiang Chen and the others, he must be responsible for everyone. 辰家人全都已经走了,现在只剩下江尘等人,他必须要对每一个人负责。 Jiang Chen has worried regarding Long Shisan very much, such that just like the fact also he imagines, a Long Shisan person withstands the source air/Qi of three people, his body, started unable to endure similarly. 江尘对于龙十三一直很担忧,事实也正如他想象的那样,龙十三一个人承受三个人的源气,他的身体,同样开始吃不消了。 The Long Shisan complexion, had turned into the azure brown. 龙十三的脸色,已经变成了青褐色。 This way, the monkey must unable to support.” “这样下去,猴子要撑不住了。” Jiang Chen's look by tapering tightly, the surrounding source air/Qi are getting more and more, these seem like that treasure same source air/Qi, actually becomes the nightmare in everyone eyes. 江尘的眼神逐渐缩紧,周围的源气越来越多,这些看似宝贝一样的源气,却成为了每一个人眼中的梦魇。 The good thing, greedy also not to chew rottenly, even may become the Death God sickle. 好东西,贪多也同样嚼不烂,甚至有可能成为死神的镰刀。 -- “噗—— A Long Shisan counter blood blowout, from top to bottom, the meridians become blood red blood red, everyone feels pumped up, the source air/Qi of Long Shisan within the body, already some excess loads, his body, soon could not support. 龙十三一口逆血喷出,浑身上下,经脉变得血红血红的,所有人都是为之一振,龙十三体内的源气,已经有些超负荷了,他的身体,也快要撑不住了。 Brother Shisan!” 十三哥!” Brother Shisan!” 十三哥!” Yuan Ling and solemn one white/in vain all tight grasps Long Shisan, present he, was equal to that shouldered all for them, just like Chen said green, their talents were insufficient, cannot the price source air/Qi absorb to transform completely, Long Shisan approach , was just satisfies thirst by drinking poison. 袁玲与穆一白全都是紧紧的抱住龙十三,现在的他,等于替她们扛下了所有,但是正如辰青青所言,她们的天赋不够,不能够价格源气全部吸收转化,龙十三的做法,也只不过是饮鸩止渴而已。 Big brother, if I......” “大哥,如果我……” The Long Shisan look is red, looks to Jiang Chen. 龙十三眼神赤红,看向江尘 Shut up!” “闭嘴!” Jiang Chen complexion black like bottom of the pot, he will not make anybody pour. 江尘脸色黑如锅底,他绝不会让任何人倒下去的。
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