„Whodares the horizontalbladeimmediately.”
The color of Jiang ChenfaceYan Jun (severe), like the frost, holds a swordindifferentlycurrent, treadsdirectlybrokengoesvoid, the footsteps onascends the tall ladder, the speedis astonishing, irresistible.江尘一脸严峻之色,冷眼如霜,仗剑当前,直接踏破虚空而去,脚踩登天梯,速度惊人,势不可挡。„Sword35!”
“剑三十五!”Sword of No Realm, sweeps awayinvincibly, before entering the black hawk, by an enemyfour, fourblack hawksisextremelydomineering, is almost equivalent to the nebulalevelfourheavydays, even if the body of Jiang Chen'sDragon Transformation, is unable to consolidate the figure, can only retreat in order to advance, entersin the enemy ranks, indefinitely.无境之剑,横扫无敌,杀入黑鹰之前,以一敌四,四只黑鹰都是极为强势,几乎相当于星云级四重天,哪怕是江尘的龙变之身,也无法稳固身形,只能以退为进,杀入敌阵之中,三进三出。Hisspeedhad the enormousadvantage, otherwise, it is estimated thathad suffered defeatthoroughly, butfourblack hawksare are not a vegetarian, theirbattle strength, are as good asJiang Chenabsolutely, moreovereachis as good ashim, the resistance of thisrank, Jiang Chenknows that odds of successis extremely low, so long asthere isa slim chance of survival, hewill bewill not withdrawabsolutely, will utterly destroy, can the Feng'ernews, expert, has the absoluteright to speakforever.
他的速度占据了极大的优势,否则的话,估计早就已经彻底败北了,不过四只黑鹰也不是吃素的,他们的战力,绝对不亚于江尘,而且每一只都不亚于他,这种级别的对抗,江尘知道胜算极低,但是只要有一线生机,他也是绝对不会退后的,斩尽杀绝,才能够得到风儿的消息,强者,永远都是有着绝对的话语权。Solemnonewhite/in vainwithChencliffChengracefulthreepeople, welcomed a black hawktogether, threebraveengaged in fierce battle, in the heartshocked, knowsLong Shisandifficult, clearerJiang Chenhadpainhow.
穆一白与辰断崖辰盈盈三人,一起迎上了一只黑鹰,三英鏖战,心中震撼不已,才知道龙十三有多难,更明白江尘有多么的苦。Fourstrengthsendurecompared with the nebulalevelfourheavyday of black hawks, thatis a terrifyingbomb, as ifmightexplodeanytime, makingJiang Chenchange beyond all recognition.
四个实力堪比星云级四重天的黑鹰,那就是一个恐怖的炸弹,仿佛随时都有可能会爆炸,让江尘面目全非。HoweverJiang Chen's, is at heart clearer than anybody, hischoice, theseblack hawks likely knowno other Feng'ernews, does not suppressthem, will oneselfpossibly have the opportunityto findFeng'er?
不过江尘的心里,比任何人都要清楚,他别无选择,这些黑鹰很可能知道风儿的消息,不将他们镇压下来,自己怎么可能会有机会找到风儿呢?Fourblack hawksdiveunceasinglyfrom the Jiang Chen'stop of the head, goes all outto attack, the winglike the blade, cutsto falllikeeightterrifyingblade glow, a Jiang Chenstrengthmeets the approaching enemy, braves all hardships, Sword of No Realmallmeets the source, hissword, fallsBeidoujust like the space, such as the personinterruptedrivers and streams, imposing mannerRulong (like a dragon), cutsbrokenVault of Heaven!
The sharp clawsride roughshod, above the Jiang Chen'sshoulder, was scratchedseveraltimes, butdragon marks, rock-solid, justleaves behindseveralmarksonJiang Chen's.
利爪横行无忌,江尘的肩膀之上,都被抓伤了好几次,不过一身龙纹,坚如磐石,也只不过在江尘的身上留下几道印记而已。Butcannot endurestrengthextremelyhuge of fourblack hawks, Jiang Chenretreats in defeat again and again, even ifhasSword of No Realmto protect the body, does not haveabsoluteodds of success.
可是耐不住四只黑鹰的力量太过庞大,江尘节节败退,即使是有着无境之剑护体,也没有绝对的胜算。„Thunder Firedayspirit!”
The Jiang Chenheavy blowsattack, the unparalleledposture, aboveLingyun, the blending of thunderandfire, changes totwopotentialssuch asfire shadow of universe, proliferates the expansive sky, the black hawk is also fierceextremely, vestiges of the past, graspaboveJiang Chen'sHeavenly Dragon Sword, erupts‚chī chī’ the sound, Thunder Fireinterweaves, is surrounding the black hawk, butthesefourblack hawksactuallybroke through the Thunderclaphotrain, is ordinaryjust like the bathhotrebirth, emerges, hitsagaintoJiang Chen.江尘重拳出击,盖世之姿,凌云之上,雷与火的交融,化作两条势如乾坤的火影,遍布长空,黑鹰亦是凶猛万分,一道道爪印,抓在江尘的天龙剑之上,爆发出‘哧哧哧’的声音,雷火交织,包围着黑鹰,但是这四只黑鹰却是冲破了雷霆火雨,宛如浴火重生一般,脱颖而出,再一次撞向江尘。„Seven Starsfinger/refers!”
The Jiang Chenmethodcompletelyleaves, Seven Starslights a lamp, finger artlike the loosen, prints the secret artchanges, Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, Seven Starsrefers tocontinually, wantsto suppress, butbrunting of fourblack hawksextremelyinswift and violentdomineering, is unable to imagine.江尘手段尽出,七星点灯,指法如松,印诀一变,惊天动地,七星连指,想要压制而下,但是四只黑鹰的冲势太过于迅猛强势,根本无法想像。As the saying goes, in the face of the absolutestrength, anytrick, is the paper tiger, Jiang Chen, althoughwantsto change the aspectvigorously, butfacingsuchbrunting, hereallycomplained constantly, canstabilize the aspect, was insufficientto crash, healreadyAmitabha.
俗话说得好,在绝对的实力面前,任何的花招,都是纸老虎,江尘虽然极力想要改变局面,但是面对这样的冲势,他实在是叫苦不迭,能够稳住局面,不至于崩盘,他就已经阿弥陀佛了。Comparesfights between inMuwhitethreepeople, does not feel bettersimilarly, Chencliff and Chengracefultalentare good, howevertheirstrengthsalsomerelyare onlynebulalevelinitial stage, wantsto resist the nebulaleveldoubleday, is not an easymatter, do not say that enduredcompared with the nebulalevelfourheavyday of black hawks.
相比于穆一白三人之间的战斗,也同样不好过,辰断崖与辰盈盈天赋不错,但是他们两个的实力也仅仅只是星云级初期而已,想要对抗星云级二重天,也不是一件容易的事情,更不要说堪比星云级四重天的黑鹰了。Howeveradds ononeagainsolemnlywhite, the potential of encirclingthreepeoplecompose, resists the black hawk , is quite domineering, althoughcannotitsexterminate, at leastnowstand firm the aspect, helpedJiang Chenhalt the heelwithLong Shisan, undersituation that otherwise, clonehegave a thought, Long ShisanandJiang Chenwill be more difficult.
A finger/refersholds up the day, ninefingersYin-Yang! Although the Jiang Chen'sninetribulationsimprison the dayto refer toaggressivepowerful, butthesefourblack hawks, were too simply abnormal, sharp clawsrun amuck, chī chīmakes noise, graspsaboveHeavenly Dragon Sword, the flamesoars to the heavens, Jiang Chenretreats in order to advance, Sword of No Realmmarches forward courageously, is difficult the effect, fourpeople'spowerfulsuppression, had created the enormousconstrictiontoJiang Chen, fortifies at every step, sword36Lingyunshakes the day, opensgreatlygathersgreatly, Jiang Chen is also especiallyexcited, heverylonghas not experiencedsuchlife and deathto fight, theseblack hawks, hisstrength, compelled the extremethoroughly.
“剑三十六!”Sword of No Realm, does not have the defeat, the swordrefers, enterswithout limits.无境之剑,从无败绩,剑之所指,进无止境。BySword of No Realm, defends stubbornly the surrounding area, Jiang Chen can also stabilize the aspectmerely, wantsto counter-attackfourblack hawks, is completely dream of a fool.
以无境之剑,固守方圆,江尘也仅仅只是能够稳住局面而已,想要对着四只黑鹰进行反击,完全是痴人说梦。Sword of No Realmsword intent, isascends a height to get a broad viewpeak, no onemay, howeverhisdomineeringsuppressedstrength, regarding the hoveringhorizonfourblack hawks, actuallyhas little effect, thesefellows are also the intelligence of envy, strikesdraws back, does not prolong contact, confrontationface, finallyJiang Chenbecomesbigsuch asto fight.无境之剑的剑意,已然是登临巅峰,无人可及,但是他的强势压制力,对于翱翔天际的四只黑鹰,却是收效甚微,这些家伙也是嫉妒的聪明,一击即退,绝不恋战,一次次的交锋对垒,最终江尘变得头大如斗。Theirsharp claws, black feather, is the fatalweapon, Long Shisanresists a black hawk, the overheadis big, seesenemy who the big brotherfaces, inhisheartfilledreluctantly, butthisfight, cannotstopabsolutely, stops, regardingthemis the deathblow, eyelooks atsolemnonegets sucked into the difficult positionwhite/in vain, Long Shisancannotsit waiting for death, hehad lostYuanLing, cannotloseoneto be whiteabsolutelyagainsolemnly.
他们的利爪,黑羽,都是致命的武器,龙十三对抗一只黑鹰,都已经相当头大了,看到大哥面对的敌人,他的心中充满了无奈,但是这场战斗,绝对不能够停止,停下来,对于他们就是致命的打击,眼看着穆一白深陷困境之中,龙十三决不能坐以待毙,他已经失去了一个袁玲,绝对不能够再失去穆一白了。Long Shisandisplaysto fight a day of law, full powerstriving for success, foristo get rid of the presentblack hawkas soon as possible, battle strength of thisblack hawksaid is also terrifying, underhedivedwave after wave, both'sconfrontationstillcannotdecide the victory and defeat.龙十三施展战天法相,全力拼搏,为的就是要尽快干掉眼前的黑鹰,这黑鹰的战力说出来也是恐怖,在他一波接一波的俯冲之下,两者的交锋仍旧没能分出胜负。„The Divine Sensesecret art, read the heaven, read the hell, readSamsara, read the eternal life!”
“神念诀,一念天堂,一念地狱,一念轮回,一念永生!”Jiang Chenstimulates to movement the Divine Sensesecret art, the innumerablesay/waysoulpressure, displaysunceasingly, fourblack hawksare whooshing, sounds, but the fighting spirit in look, is still spirited, attacks, fallsdivine weaponjust like the day.江尘催动神念诀,无数道灵魂威压,不断施展而出,四只黑鹰嘶吼着,鸣叫不已,不过眼神之中的斗志,依旧昂扬,冲击下来,宛如天降神兵。Jiang Chencomplexionbig change, whatmakinghimnot think, ownDivine Sensesecret art, cannotsuppresstheseblack hawks, it seems liketheirbackground, relative.江尘脸色大变,让他没想到的是,就连自己的神念诀,都没能镇压这些黑鹰,看来它们的底蕴,相当之强。„Starsastral, ten thousandstarTiancheng/as if made by Heaven!”
“星辰罡,万星天成!”Jiang Chenstimulation of movementstarsastral, the strength of wildstarscastsin the bodyunceasingly, buildsgeneraljust like the stars, the light of ten thousandstar, shineheaven and earth, the gold/metalis vast, starsbaptism, obviouslycalmoverbearing.江尘催动星辰罡,狂暴的星辰之力不断熔铸于身体之中,宛如星辰打造一般,万星之光,照耀天地,金茫无数,星辰洗礼,更显从容霸道。„Dies! squeak squeak!”
“去死吧!吱吱!”Fourblack hawksalsogot downatthis timemustkillnew, the potential of charge, compared withbefore, marched forward courageously, like the suicide-typeimpact, the featheredges of fluttering, tore the vault of heavenquietly, the myriad thingsas ifinthis moment, incomparablepeace.
“给我滚!”Jiang Chenlifts up high the heavy blows, layer upon layer the fulmination, with irresistible force, the strength and imposing manner, gatherHeaven-shaking, Earth-shatteringenergystorm, the star lightrecklessly.江尘高举重拳,层层爆鸣,势如破竹,力量与气势,汇聚成一股惊天动地的能量风暴,星光肆意。Bang! Bang! Bang!
The continuousheavy blows, poundon the body of black hawk, buthealsomakesonegroupwithfourblack hawkwars, black feathercutsunceasinglyabovehisshoulder, thatcrazyrush, the fullfeeling, makingJiang Chenfiercely compete and successfully compete.
接连不断的重拳,砸在黑鹰的身上,而他也是与四只黑鹰战作一团,黑羽不断斩在他的肩膀之上,那种疯狂冲杀,酣畅淋漓的感觉,让江尘愈战愈勇。Pleaserememberthisbookfirst rounddomain name:. Cell phoneversionreadingwebsite: wap.
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