“好冷啊!”Solemnonecannot bearsneezewhite/in vain, above the elegantface, wrote all oversurprisedly, the surroundingsindeedare the chilly weather, above the dike, is almost the coldiceis covering . Moreover, inthismurdersunder the godgorge, actuallyalsohas a river, river coursehundredmeterswide, braves the ice-coldcold air, heretemperature, at leasthasseveral hundreddegrees below zero, otherwise, not possibleeven/includingMuwhitesuchnebulalevelexpert, will feelcoldintent.
穆一白忍不住打了个喷嚏,俏脸之上,写满了惊讶,周围的确是寒气逼人,岩壁之上,几乎都是寒冰笼罩着,而且,在这弑神涧之下,竟然还有着一条河,河道百米余宽,冒着冰冷的寒气,这里的温度,至少有零下数百度,否则的话,不可能连穆一白这样的星云级强者,都会感觉到一丝冷意。„Yes, Ihave not encounteredsuchsidecoldweather.”
“是啊,我还从来没遇到过这样的极寒天气。”Chengracefully is also a facelow and deepcolor, the cold airenters the body, injuryverybig, althoughtheseseveral hundreddegreescannot do totheirsuchnebulalevelexpert, but ifarrives atover a thousanddegrees below zeroand evenseveral thousanddegreestime, eventhey, must freeze to deathwhile still alive, thatwas the extremelycoldworld, no mattertimewithspace, bythoroughfrozen.
辰盈盈也是一脸低沉之色,寒气入体,伤害可是非常之大的,虽然这几百度奈何不了他们这样的星云级强者,但是如果到达零下上千度乃至数千度的时候,就算是他们,也得被活活冻死,那就是极寒世界了,不管是时间跟空间,都会被彻底冰封。At this moment, before Jiang Chencannot bearremembered, thatabovefarAncient Battlefield, butat presentthiscold, indeedmakes the personpalpitation, becauseit is not only the temperature, isice-cold that came from deep in one's heart.
It is not ableto say a word, butwas more like the constriction of a deathandimposing manner, no matter how, improvised on the cameo surprise, Jiang Chenhas been ready, disregarded the life and death.
无法言语,但是更像是一种死亡与气势的压迫感,不管如何,既来之则安之,江尘早就已经做好了准备,将生死置之度外。„Thismurdersunder the godgorge, unexpectedlysocold, but alsohasso manyicy peaks and glaciers, is really unthinkable, here, Ifelt that mystrength, will definitely fall shortgreatly.”
“这弑神涧之下,竟然是如此的寒冷,还有着这么多的冰峰与冰川,真是匪夷所思,在这里,我感觉我的实力,肯定会大打折扣的。”Chencliffhesitateswas saying, plant that aroundthemdoes not have anycreature, has no, someare only the glacier, the icy peak, the ice wall, allwithcoldicerelatedthing.
The mood of people are extremelydignified, becausetheirsimplydoes not know that will soon face, whatdangercanbe.
众人的心情都是极为凝重,因为他们根本就不知道即将面临的,会是什么样的危险。Jiang Chenwaited and saw, the surroundingsare onlysomeare also snow-covered, heretemperaturesuchstrangeness, hasthe difference between Heaven and Earthwithabove, buthewantedto find the reason, obviously was also unlikely, can only bewalksonestepto look atonestep.江尘四下观望了一圈,周围也只是一些冰雪覆盖,这里的温度如此之诡异,与上面有着天差地别,但是他想要找到原因,显然也是不太可能的,只能是走一步看一步了。„Does not know that Feng'ernowwhere, thismurdersunder the godgorge, seeming like not dangerous, wewantedto findtraces, was notthateasy.”
The Long Shisansinkingsoundsaid,abouthisalsofollowingbig brotherlooks all around, similarlyhad not found the least bit the trace.龙十三沉声说道,他也跟着大哥左右环顾,同样没有找到半点的痕迹。„Herecoldwithicy peak, shouldexist(ence), wealsoonlybe ableto walkonestepto look atonestep.”
“这里的寒冷与冰峰,应该是早就存在的,我们也只能走一步看一步了。”Chenfull said that even if so familiarwith the long nightstar, she who thoroughly understands the astronomical geography, murders the thing in godgorgeregardingthis, is still knowslimitedly, presentthey, looked likefall into the boundlessendlessglacierto be the same, will not knownext, towhere.
辰盈盈说道,即使是对于永夜星如此熟悉,通晓天文地理的她,对于这弑神涧之中的东西,也是所知有限,现在的他们,就像是陷入了茫茫无尽的冰川一样,根本不知道下一步,会去往何处。„Indeed, Ihad not foundanytrace, Feng'eraura, Ihave not perceived,properly speaking, herehashisaura, Ishouldbe able to feel.”
“的确,我也没有找到任何的痕迹,风儿的气息,我也未曾觉察到,按理说,这里有他的气息,我应该能够感觉得到。”Jiang Chendeeply frowned, the complexionis gloomy, no oneworriescompared withhim, butworries is also useless, mustfind the wayto be goodas soon as possible, theyarefind the person, is nottakes vacation.江尘眉头紧锁,脸色阴沉,没有人比他更着急,但是着急也没有用,必须要尽快找到去路才行,他们是来找人的,可不是来度假的。„Althoughnownotcrisis, butcannottreat it lightly, murders the godgorge to be honored as the entirelong nightstarto make the death that oneis unable to pass throughcertainly, has the place of itsterrifyingsurely.”
“虽然现在并无危机,但是也不能掉以轻心,弑神涧能被誉为整个永夜星都令人无法穿越的死亡绝地,必定有着它的恐怖之处。”„The Jiang Chenseniorsaidright, wehurryto walkto lookforward,perhapswill haveanythingto discover.”
“江尘前辈说得对,我们赶紧向前走走看,说不定会有什么发现。”Chenfullsaid,enteredthisstrangecoldmurderinggodgorge, shealsostartedrestlessing, does not know that because ofdeathcrisis , because ofriverwind, she was also full ofconfidence, was full of the fighting spirit, mustfindbig brotherriverwind, sheis willingto give up, otherwise, oneselfratherhere, withbig brotherriverwind, stay here together, when a pair of dyingaffectionate couple.
辰盈盈说道,进入了这诡异寒冷的弑神涧,她也开始了心神不宁,不知道是因为死亡危机,还是因为江风,她也是充满了信心,充满了斗志,一定要找到江风大哥,她才肯善罢甘休,否则的话,自己宁愿倒在这里,与江风大哥,共同留在这里,当一对绝命鸳鸯。„chī chī--”
“哧哧——”„chī chī--”
“什么声音?”Solemnoneis startledwhite/in vain, saidin a low voice, Jiang Chenlookonecold, heartprestigecold.
穆一白一怔,低声说道,江尘眼神一寒,心头威凛。„Is the wind! Quicklytoextreme, coldlyto the extremewind.”
“是风!快到极致,冷到极致的风。”Soon, bone-chilling coldcold windblewsuddenly, everyoneis critical situation, becausethiswind was really big, moreoverwas extremely scary.
不多时,一阵凛冽的寒风突然间刮了起来,所有人如临大敌,因为这风实在是太大了,而且太过骇人了。Thissound, thenwreaks havocgeneraljust like the blade edge, whenthiscold windhas blowninstance, surroundingaura, becomes is very dignified, Chencliffpupilreduces, the mindshocks.
这声音,便宛如刀锋肆虐一般,当这一股寒风刮过的瞬间,周围的气息,都变得无比凝重起来,辰断崖瞳孔紧缩,心神震撼。In the cold windhas blowninstance, eveninin the airwill haveblackarcsto appearbeforethem, thiswaseven the spacebyittearing.
在寒风刮过的瞬间,甚至在空中会有一道道黑色的弧线出现在他们面前,这是连空间都被它给撕裂开了。„Thiscold windfoot the body of tearingnebulalevelexpert, wemustas soon as possibleretreat.”
The Jiang Chensinkingsoundshouted.江尘沉声喝道。„Is this sideboundarystorm in legend?”
The solemnwhitefaceshocks.
穆一白一脸震撼。„Whatisextremely the boundarystorm?”
“什么是极垠风暴?”Long Shisanwear a look ofsurprisedcolor.龙十三面带惊讶之色。„The sideboundarystorm in legend, is an extremelyterrifyingstorm, distinguishesbetween the hurricane, because ofhurricanecentered onvortex, butextremely the boundarystorm, is the large-scalestrong windsvolumeseat, unlike the hurricane of smallarea, youcanhave the placeto hide, but the boundarystorm, the place visited, frequently, I was also sawinextremelyrareancientancient bookextremelyten million/countlessinitially, thistype of boundarystorm, will usually appearinextremelycolddark(ness)regionextremely, onwasdoes not see the brightplaceall day long . Moreover the formation of boundarystorm, looked like the destinysicklemanextremely, no onecan. Escapes fromitspalm.”
“传说之中的极垠风暴,是一种极其恐怖的暴风,区别于飓风,因为飓风是以漩涡为中心的,但是极垠风暴,是大规模的狂风卷席,与小面积的飓风不同,你可以有处躲藏,但是极垠风暴,所过之处,动辄千万里,我也是当初在一本极为稀罕的古老典籍之中看到的,这种极垠风暴,通常会出现在极寒黑暗的区域,也就是终日不见光明的地方,而且极垠风暴的形成,就像是命运收割者,没有人能够逃出它的手掌心。”Spoke in vain, the peopleheld the breathwith rapt attention, thissuddencold wind, madethemexperienceanythingis the realdanger, depended onthissuddencold wind, theymayfall from the skyunderthiscoldgorge.
“快跑!”Long Shisandrinksoneseverely, the people seem awakening from a dream, Jiang ChenandLong Shisanbring up the rear, everyonewithdrawsfull power, oncewere tornbythiscold wind, they might be stirred the muddy flesh, evennebulalevelexpert, is unable to escape death by a hair's breadth.龙十三厉喝一声,众人才如梦方醒,江尘与龙十三断后,所有人全力后撤,一旦被这寒风撕裂,他们很可能会被搅成肉泥,即便是星云级强者,也无法幸免于难。
The speed of people are fast, nebulalevelexpert, avoids the disaster, thatis not absolutely difficult, butthiscold wind, madethemexperience the realcrisis, from the nature, this was not completely artificial, canhavesuchterrifyingastral wind, no wonderhereunvisited, no onecanlivedeparture.
众人的速度都非常快,星云级强者,躲避灾难,那绝对不难,但是这寒风,也让他们见识到了真正的危机,完全是来自于大自然的,这绝不是人为的,能够有如此恐怖的罡风,怪不得这里人迹罕至,没有人能够活着离开。Chengracefuland the othersretreatgoes, but the speedactuallycannot catch up withthisextremelyboundarystorm, is abouttenli (0.5 km), the boundarystormis away fromthemextremely, is getting more and more near, evenJiang ChenandLong Shisan, had been compelled the limit, can only protecteveryoneretreat.
辰盈盈等人后退而去,但是速度却根本赶不上这极垠风暴,不过十里,极垠风暴距离他们,就已经越来越近了,甚至就连江尘与龙十三,都已经被逼到了极限,只能护着所有人后退。However the Jiang Chen'sstrength is very even strong, atthis time, did not have the opportunity, Long Shisanalsofelt the constriction that thisapproachedstep by step, the deathcoveredin the heart, hewas impossibleto reverse the situation.
但是即使是江尘的实力很强,在这个时候,也是毫无用武之地,龙十三也感觉到了这一步步逼近的压迫感,死亡笼罩在心头,他也不可能逆转局势。„Big brother, what to do? Ourspeedscannot compare the speed of thisextremelyboundarystorm.”
The danger of storm, makingeveryonerestless, the lifeinthis moment, looking likearrived atendto be the same, everyone felt the deepdespair.
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