DMWG :: Volume #53

#5154: Jiang Chen's breadth of spirit

Wind elder brother!” “风哥!” Chen colorful wind whole face is pale, angrily roars was saying, the eye looks at Chen profound wind has fallen into ling to be sleepy, she did not have the opportunity of half a point, Chen Qingqing and between Chen fine jades jointly defend, her situation, compared with the Chen profound wind must difficult to look at. 辰艳风满脸惨白,怒吼着说道,眼看着辰玄风已经身陷囹困,她也是没有半分的机会了,辰青青与辰璐之间联手御敌,她的处境,比起辰玄风还要更加的难看。 At this moment, Chen profound wind in the Jiang Chen's hand, suppressed being hard respite, they realized finally oneself kicked above the sheet iron, during Jiang Chen's battle strength, possibly imagined terrifying compared with them, this fellow simply was the anomaly. 此时此刻,辰玄风在江尘的手中,被打压的难以喘息,他们终于意识到了自己踢到了铁板之上,江尘的战力,可能比他们想象之中更加恐怖,这家伙简直就是变态。 The millenniums, the Chen profound wind never meets has been able by expert of oneself low eyebrow, but Jiang Chen's appears, changed his cognition, Chen family/home expert, really had such powerful exist(ence), he self-confident will not compare anybody to be bad, is Jiang Chen, was actually obliterate own idea. 千年来,辰玄风从未遇到过能够让自己低眉的高手,但是江尘的出现,改变了他的认知,辰家高手,原来真的有这么强悍存在,原本他自信自己不会比任何人差,可是江尘,却是抹杀了自己的这个想法。 Among genius, has the disparity. 天才之间,亦有差距。 Jiang Chen's strength are obviously weak, when fought a decisive battle to the life and death truly, the terrifying suppression strength that he erupts, making the Chen profound wind lose is sincerely convinced. 江尘的实力明明比自己还要弱,但是真正到了生死决战之际,他爆发出来的恐怖压制力,让辰玄风输得心服口服。 Defeated defeated, he could lose, will not fawn and obsequious to anybody, but he can only lose this time. 败了就是败了,他输得起,绝不会对任何人摇尾乞怜,但是他只能输这一次。 The Chen profound wind also wants to struggle, but during Jiang Chen each suppression, makes him get sucked is passive, is unable to pant for breath, this is the stance of having no more worries. 辰玄风还想要挣扎,但是江尘每一次的压制,都让他深陷被动之中,无法喘息,这就是高枕无忧的姿态。 Do not manage me, you first walk!” “不要管我,你先走!” The Chen profound wind shouted angrily, but he at this moment, is actually the opportunity of nothing turning defeat into victory, the Chen colorful wind will also possibly follow itself, forever buried the bone in this. 辰玄风怒喝一声,但是他此时此刻,却已经是没有任何反败为胜的机会了,辰艳风也很可能将会跟随自己,永远埋骨于此。 The weak ones only ration expert, when steps the peak stepping-stone, this truth, the Chen profound wind is always very clear. 弱者只配给强者当踏上巅峰的垫脚石,这个道理,辰玄风从来都很清楚。 Although he is crazy, but is not silly. 他虽然狂,但是却并不是傻。 Must kill to hack, entirely according to your convenience, but asked you to let off my Sister Feng.” “要杀要剐,悉听尊便,但求你们放过我的风妹。” Chen profound wind sinking sound said, in the look, the facial expression is complex, is looking straight ahead Jiang Chen. 辰玄风沉声道,眼神之中,神情复杂,直视着江尘 At that moment, his forehead, was going against with the sword by Jiang Chen, oneself have felt arrival of death. 那一刻,他的眉心,被江尘用剑顶着,自己已经感觉到了死亡的降临。 You have the strength of spirit actually very much, never expected that the critical moment, you are actually also thinking the woman, hehe.” “你倒是很有骨气,没想到关键时刻,你竟然还想着女人,呵呵呵。” Jiang Chen is sneering, Chen profound wind eyes shuts tightly, since already no other choice, then he will not frown absolutely. 江尘冷笑着,辰玄风双眼紧闭,既然已经别无选择,那么他绝对不会皱一下眉头。 Man real man, loses loses above deep love between man and woman, the next generation, we will meet by chance again, Sister Feng.” “男子汉大丈夫,输就输在了儿女情长之上,下辈子,我们再相逢吧,风妹。” Chen profound wind indifferently said, incomparable renouncing. 辰玄风淡淡说道,无比的决绝。 At this time, the Chen colorful wind is the tearful eyes is also dim, was broken the meridians by Chen green directly, a narrow escape. 这个时候,辰艳风也是泪眼朦胧,被辰青青直接打断了经脉,九死一生。 My Jiang Chen this whole life most admires is feels emotion the person of righteousness, you are very lucky.” “我江尘这辈子最佩服的就是有情有义之人,你很幸运。” Jiang Chen receives the sword to stand, shows a faint smile. 江尘收剑而立,微微一笑。 At that moment, the Chen profound wind was shocked, the Chen colorful wind was also dumbfounded. 那一刻,辰玄风愣住了,就连辰艳风也是傻眼了。 „Don't you kill me?” “你不杀我?” looks at Jiang Chen that the Chen profound wind cannot believe that eye Divine Fire is hot, cannot determine completely. 辰玄风不敢相信的看着江尘,眼神火热,完全不敢确定。 „Do we have the intense and deep-seated hatred, why can kill you? I am planned to kill your, but you feel emotion the righteousness to her, would rather die than surrender, I decide to give you a way out. Let alone, we have not died the continuous aspect, killed you, is also no good to me.” “我们有没有血海深仇,为什么一定要杀你?我原本是打算杀你的,但是你对她有情有义,宁死不屈,我决定给你一条生路。更何况,我们并没有不死不休的局面,杀了你,对我也没什么好处。” Jiang Chen calm saying. 江尘淡定的说道。 Chen Qingqing and Chen fine jade looks at each other one, both people were silent the moment, however their look rays of light, was more and more abundant, this is the self-confidence of their man. 辰青青与辰璐对视一眼,两个人都是沉默了片刻,但是她们的眼神的光芒,也是越来越盛,这就是属于她们的男人的自信。 The Chen profound wind silent moment, in the look is very complex, this person, indeed made him experience anything is the true breadth of spirit. 辰玄风沉默片刻,眼神之中无比复杂,这个人,的确让他见识到了什么才是真正的气魄。 My Chen profound wind, owes you two lives!” “我辰玄风,欠你两条命!” Chen profound wind neither arrogant nor servile saying, although he cannot believe that Jiang Chen let off itself unexpectedly, however at this time, he will not submit to Jiang Chen absolutely. 辰玄风不卑不亢的说道,虽然他不敢相信江尘竟然放过了自己,但是在这个时候,他也绝对不会对江尘屈服的。 He admires Jiang Chen, is not to become his dependency. 他只是敬佩江尘,并不是一定要成为他的附庸。 That is your own idea, I do not care, you indeed is a quite good opponent.” “那是你自己的想法,我并不在乎,你的确是一个相当不错的对手。” Jiang Chen said with a smile, compared with Chen armor, Chen profound wind real, perhaps during an resembles expert stance, the black wind double ghost, they have not imagined the free of error not to abandon. 江尘笑道,比起辰甲第,辰玄风更加的真实,也更加的像一个强者的姿态,黑风双煞,或许并没有他们想象之中那么无讹不舍。 In the life and death hopeless situation can the fearless life and death, and feels emotion the righteousness to own woman, where then this person will not go bad to goes, let alone they are not the life and death archenemies, but is this comparing notes opponent, although far Ancient Battlefield of Chen family/home bad risk, but not necessarily or dies continuous. 在生死绝境能够无惧生死,并且对自己的女人有情有义,那么这个人不会坏到哪儿去,更何况他们并不是生死大敌,而是这种切磋的对手,辰家的远古战场虽然凶险,但是也不一定要不死不休。 You killed the Chen armor matter, I will not say absolutely.” “你们杀了辰甲第的事情,我绝对不会说出去的。” The Chen profound wind pledged. 辰玄风承诺道。 You are an honourable opponent, but my time, although lost, but may not lose to you forever. My Chen profound wind, will win sooner or later.” “你更是一个值得尊敬的对手,不过我这一次虽然输了,但是并不一定会永远输给你。我辰玄风,早晚会赢回来的。” The Chen profound wind has high morale, looks to the Jiang Chen's time, filled fiery fighting intent, but he has defeated now, looks for Jiang Chen's to be troublesome again, was unable to differentiate good from bad, but he was genius, oneself were not a mediocre person. 辰玄风斗志昂扬,看向江尘的时候,更加充满了火热的战意,但是现在他已经败了,再找江尘的麻烦,就是不知好歹了,但是他是天才,自己也绝不是庸才。 I anticipated very much.” “我很期待。” In the Jiang Chen look is competitive, such opponent, encourages to progress truly, keeps his life why not? 江尘眼神之中更是斗志十足,这样的对手,才是真正激励着自己进步的,留他一命又何妨? Wind elder brother, are you all right?” “风哥,你没事吧?” The Chen colorful wind rushed to the side of Chen profound wind, a face is tight, is seriously battered deeply. 辰艳风冲到了辰玄风的身边,一脸紧张,深受重创。 Never expected that our black wind double ghost also has today, since today lost to you, this dry vine fruit, turns over to you all, my Chen profound wind has the person of face absolutely, although you do not kill me, however in me, I am a deceased person, these dry vine fruits keep the uselessness, only if one day, I can beat you again.” “没想到我们黑风双煞也有今日,今天既然败给了你们,这枯藤果,尽数归你吧,我辰玄风绝对不是没有脸面之人,虽然你不杀我,但是在我心里,我已经是个死人了,这些枯藤果留之无用,除非有一天,我能够再一次将你击败。” Chen profound wind sincere say/way. 辰玄风正色道。 Good! On the day of I anticipate.” “好!我期待那一天。” Jiang Chen shows a faint smile. 江尘微微一笑。 The Chen profound wind with the Chen colorful wind, all left Jiang Chen all dry vine fruits, but they withdrew rapidly, left here. 辰玄风跟辰艳风,将所有的枯藤果全都留给了江尘,而他们则是迅速后撤,离开了这里。 Big brother Jiang Chen, you were really graceful, this Chen profound wind was also some strengths of spirit, you have not killed them, perhaps was right.” 江尘大哥,你真是太帅了,这个辰玄风也算是有些骨气,你没有杀他们,或许是对的。” Chen fine jade said with a smile, in the eye full is the color of worship. 辰璐笑着说道,眼中满是崇拜之色。 Yes, big brother Jiang Chen, I now am getting more and more you to hold in high esteem, giggle.” “是啊,江尘大哥,我现在越来越多你刮目相看了,咯咯咯。” On Chen's green face the smile is even more bright, his big brother’s choice not wrong, her choice, not wrong. 辰青青的脸上笑容越发灿烂,他大哥的选择没有错,她的选择,也没有错。 From this trial, should be near the end time, we also hurry, to the place of initial gathering.” “距离这一次的试炼,应该已经接近尾声了,我们也赶紧回去吧,到当初的汇聚之地。” Chen fine jade said. 辰璐说道。 Un, this dry vine fruit, does not know that time can arrange many.” “恩,这一次的枯藤果,不知道能排多少名了。” Jiang Chen hesitates to say. 江尘沉吟道。 You certainly are most, the Jiang Chen senior, your great mind, making me feel to feel inferior, true beats a person, originally and may not massacre him.” “你一定是最多的,江尘前辈,你的博大胸襟,让我感到自惭形秽,真正的击败一个人,原来并不一定要杀掉他。” Chen cliff deeply nods, to the Jiang Chen's approach, is the suitable appreciation, he has not thought that final aspect, can be so, but the Chen profound wind two people, indeed also made them see others own true feelings, was faced with imminent disaster supports each other again. 辰断崖深深点头,对江尘的做法,也是相当的赞赏,他没想到最后的局面,会是如此,但是辰玄风二人,的确也让他们看到了人家自有真情在,大难临头再相守。 Yes, the Jiang Chen senior, we hurries, perhaps otherwise, causes trouble late, does not know this genius trial time , many people will live.” “是啊,江尘前辈,我们赶紧回去吧,否则的话,迟恐生变,不知道这一次的天才试炼,又会有多少人活下来呢。” Chen sighs with emotion gracefully was saying, is woeful some flavor. 辰盈盈感慨着说道,也是有些悲天悯人的味道 The people stabilize the mind, was ready, flew back to the place of initial gathering together directly. 众人稳定心神,做好了准备,直接飞回当初的聚首之地。
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