DMWG :: Volume #53

#5151: Violent wind filled with dust double ghost

The color of Chen armor whole face pain, suffocates, the limitless blade hit the clothing/taking him completely, battle strength of Chen fine jade, making his mind tremble greatly, this woman was true is not common. 辰甲第满脸痛苦之色,奄奄一息,无极之刃完全将他打服了,辰璐的战力,让他心神巨颤,这个女人属实是不一般呀。 After retreating in defeat again and again Chen armor, does not have again the strength of war, kneels on the ground, the full mouth blood, frightens nearby little brother, trembles. 节节败退之后的辰甲第,已经是没有了再战之力,跪在地上,满口鲜血,吓得旁边的小弟,也都瑟瑟发抖。 Chen armor defeated, they do not have the means to contend with Chen fine jade, this unknown woman, is so unexpectedly overbearing, who can not shiver? 辰甲第败了,他们更是没办法跟辰璐相抗衡,这个名不见经传的女人,竟然如此霸道,谁能不为之颤抖? Female can hold half the sky, now knew the consequence of look down on woman?” “女子能顶半边天,现在知道小看女人的后果了吧?” Chen fine jade is sneering, looks disdainfully indifferently, looks at Chen armor of occupying a commanding position. 辰璐冷笑着,冷眼睥睨,居高临下的看着辰甲第。 Do not kill me, I am Chen family/home five days mainstay, the elder Chen speedboat is my grandfather.” “不要杀我,我是辰家五线天的中流砥柱,长老辰大飞是我的爷爷。” Chen armor panic looks at Chen fine jade, throat dry, cannot believe at present this completely, but he defeated, defeated in a woman hand, killing intent in her eye, making Chen armor incomparably startled. 辰甲第惊慌失措的看着辰璐,喉咙干涩,完全不敢相信眼前这一幕,但是他还是败了,败在了一个女人手中,她眼中的杀机,让辰甲第无比惊慌。 Chen speedboat is five days elders, is very domineering.” “辰大飞是五线天的长老,十分强势。” Chen said green in a low voice, looks to Jiang Chen. 辰青青低声说道,看向江尘 Chen fine jade also fell into silent, gaze condenses on Jiang Chen. 辰璐也是陷入了沉默,目光凝聚在江尘身上。 You, if dares to move my fine hair, my grandfather will not let off absolutely your.” “你们若是敢动我一根汗毛,我爷爷绝对不会放过你们的。” Chen armor first looked that Chen Qingqing and Chen fine jade becomes tight, restored to wipe self-confidently, said proudly. 辰甲第一看辰青青与辰璐都变得紧张起来,恢复了一抹自信,骄傲地说道。 I, open to persuasion but not to coercion, if you asked me well, perhaps you can also maintain a livelihood, necessity that but now, you have not gone on living.” “我这个人,吃软不吃硬,如果你好好求我的话,或许你还能活命,但现在,你已经没有活下去的必要了。” Jiang Chen smiles, is the smile on Chen armor face, actually stops suddenly. 江尘笑了笑,可是辰甲第脸上的笑容,却是戛然而止。 You “你” Chen armor is looking angrily at Jiang Chen, but a Jiang Chen palm makes, simply has not left behind any suspense to him, raised directly flew his body, shook his meridians, the whole body skeleton smashing, ghost exterminate, opened eyes to fall to the ground, dies with injustice unredressed...... 辰甲第怒视着江尘,可是江尘一掌打出,根本没有给他留下任何的悬念,直接掀飞了他的身体,震断了他的经脉,浑身骨骼粉碎,亡魂灭杀,睁眼倒地,死不瞑目…… The Chen armor death, lets his behind several Chen family/home expert instantaneously, loses presence of mind flustered, flees rapidly, but Jiang Chen will not let off them, spreading like wildfire, the blowing blows fresh, these people cannot remain absolutely, message that leaves, possibly is they biggest threat, at least first nailed tight them said again, even if Chen armor grandfather Chen the speedboat wanted to look for their troubles, for a short time, absolutely was impossible to check them. 辰甲第之死,瞬间让他身后的几个辰家高手,都是慌张失措,迅速奔逃,但是江尘更加不会放过他们,野火烧不尽,吹风吹又生,这些人绝对不能留,留下来的话,就可能是他们最大的威胁,至少先把他们钉死再说,就算是辰甲第的爷爷辰大飞想要找他们的麻烦,一时半会儿,也绝对不可能查到他们的。 Cannot escape!” “一个也跑不了!” Jiang Chen foot treads void, Lingyun on straight, prestige of the sword, crosses the rainbow, several forms, were pierced the body by Heavenly Dragon Sword sword qi directly, poured in the pool of blood. 江尘脚踏虚空,凌云直上,一剑之威,横贯长虹,数道身影,直接被天龙剑剑气洞穿了身体,倒在了血泊之中。 Chen Qingqing does not feel with Chen fine jade surprised, Jiang Chen works is always not one drop of water can leak out, he is also their everyone's pillar. 辰青青跟辰璐一点也不觉得惊讶,江尘做事从来都是滴水不漏的,他也是她们所有人的主心骨。 This sword, making them clearer, Jiang Chen will not leave behind the handle to anybody absolutely. 这一剑,让他们更加清楚,江尘绝对不会给任何人留下把柄的。 „Are you two all right?” “你们两个没事吧?” A Chen fine jade face worries pulled up Chen to be graceful, Chen cliff received injures, seemed heavier than her. 辰璐一脸担忧的拉起了辰盈盈,辰断崖受得伤,似乎比她更重。 I am all right. Thank you, Lulu elder sister.” “我没事。谢谢你,璐璐姐。” Chen grabs the hand of Chen fine jade gracefully, even somewhat is icy cold, if not Jiang Chen they appears promptly, perhaps their results, are inconceivable. 辰盈盈抓着辰璐的手,甚至还有些冰凉,如果不是江尘他们及时出现的话,或许他们两个的结果,难以想象。 You, cannot die.” “你呢,死不了吧。” Jiang Chen smiles, patted shoulder of Chen cliff, the latter cracks into a smile, even if the whole body hurts looks fierce, so long as the one breath, Chen cliff will not have admitted defeat absolutely. 江尘笑了笑,拍了辰断崖的肩膀一下,后者咧嘴一笑,哪怕浑身疼得龇牙咧嘴,只要还有一口气,辰断崖就绝对不会认输的。 Also ok. Hahaha.” “还行。哈哈哈。” Chen cliff patted striking one's chest, the incomparable self-confidence, saved a life in the life and death edge, was the luck has good luck ever after greatly. 辰断崖拍了拍胸脯,无比的自信,在生死边缘捡回了一条命,也算是福大命大。 On these fellows dry vine fruits are actually many, 300, evidently, our these robbed the rich and helped the poor fully time.” “这些家伙身上的枯藤果倒是不少,足有三百之多,看样子,我们这一次是劫富济贫了。” Chen Qingqing said with a smile, she already one and plundered everyone's dry vine fruit. 辰青青笑道,她已经将所有人的枯藤果都一并搜刮了上来。 These may be the ill-gotten wealth, we were also enforce justice on behalf of Heaven.” “这些可都是不义之财呀,我们也算是替天行道了。” Chen fine jade is also covers the mouth to smile tenderly. 辰璐也是掩嘴娇笑。 Chen Qingqing all gave Jiang Chen all dry vine fruits, after all he is oneself man. 辰青青将所有的枯藤果全都给了江尘,毕竟他是自己的男人。 Jiang Chen shrugs, has not rejected, received all dry vine fruits. 江尘耸耸肩,并未拒绝,将所有枯藤果收了起来。 This is therapy medicine pill, hurried to eat.” “这是疗伤丹药,赶紧吃了吧。” Jiang Chen gave Chen full and Chen cliff medicine pill, two people hurry to eat, is about to leave in them, the surroundings presented two forms again. 江尘丹药给了辰盈盈与辰断崖,两个人赶紧吃了下去,正在他们准备离开之际,周围再一次出现了两道身影。 It seems like, the Chen This fellow had died, but also is really useless, before I said that he is the silver type wax spear head, good to look at but of no use, today sees, really fulfilled, giggle.” “看来,辰甲第这家伙已经死了,还真是不中用呀,以前我就说他是银样蜡枪头,中看不中用,今日一见,果然应验了,咯咯咯。” A petite female, covers the mouth to smile tenderly, in the eye filled did not disdain, quiet appearance in Jiang Chen and the others behind. 一个身材娇小的女子,掩嘴娇笑,眼中充满了不不屑,悄无声息的出现在江尘等人身后 Side him, a being barebacked guy of whole body tattoo, two people almost form the incomparably sharp contrast, one big is small, seems like very funny, although the female is much longer smiles, but pretty like flower, although the man is much longer, but is very ugly. 在他身边,还有一个满身纹身的赤膊大汉,两个人几乎形成无比鲜明的对比,一大一小,看上去十分的滑稽,女子虽然长得娇笑,但是貌美如花,男人虽然长得高大,但是却无比丑陋。 Yes, the Chen This fellow, is big thunder , little rain, now dies here, pouring is also destined, hehe.” “是啊,辰甲第这家伙,就是雷声大雨点小,如今死在这里,倒也算是命中注定,呵呵呵。” The being barebacked man walks slowly, the link chest stands, looks to Jiang Chen and the others. 赤膊男子缓缓走来,环胸而立,看向江尘等人 Who killed Chen armor, stands, do I have a look?” “谁杀了辰甲第,站出来,我看看?” Being barebacked man cold voice said that look incomparably ice-cold, very contemptuous. 赤膊男子冷声说道,眼神无比冰冷,十分的轻蔑。 A Jiang Chen brow wrinkle, these two people, seeming like stronger than Chen armor, both people are the nebula level double day, strength very terrifying. 江尘眉头一皱,这两个人,看上去比辰甲第更强,两个人都是星云级二重天,实力非常恐怖 Is the black wind double ghost! Chen profound wind, Chen colorful wind. They are three days people, compared with Chen armor, is more formidabe.” “是黑风双煞!辰玄风,辰艳风。他们是三线天的人,比起辰甲第,更难对付。” The Chen green voice is low and deep, is very dignified, these two people, but compared with Chen armor terrifying, moreover they also saw Chen armor died in their hands, this tough battle, it seems like that the right and wrong hit may not. 辰青青声音低沉,无比凝重,这两个人,可要比辰甲第更加恐怖了,而且他们还看到了辰甲第死在了他们的手中,这场硬仗,看来是非打不可了。 Hateful, stared unexpectedly by them.” “可恶,竟然被他们盯上了。” Chen gracefully is also incomparably with amazement, these two people are well-known very much obviously broadcast. 辰盈盈也是无比骇然,这两个人很显然都是闻名远播的。 Suddenly, is formal-looking, at daggers drawn, surroundings everyone is holds the breath with rapt attention. 一时间,气氛严肃,剑拔弩张,周围所有人都是屏息凝神。 Didn't speak? That kneels down to me.” “不说话?那就都给我跪下。” Chen colorful wind sound/rumor pitch is high, Yin sad saying. 辰艳风声音高亢,阴恻恻的说道。 You are actually brave, Chen armor, although the method is not much, but is actually the grandson of five day elder Chen speedboat, killed him, you definitely will be in the future difficult. However, here was met by me, perhaps you did not have the opportunity.” “你们倒是胆大,辰甲第虽然手段不怎么样,但却是五线天长老辰大飞的孙子,杀了他,你们日后肯定是寸步难行的。不过,在这里被我遇到了,你们恐怕也就没有机会了。” The Chen profound wind scoffs to say with a smile, looks at each other one with the Chen colorful wind, in the look killing intent lives gradually. 辰玄风嗤笑道,与辰艳风对视一眼,眼神之中杀机渐生。 Perhaps Big Brother Jiang, we must be careful, these two people, are not simple.” 江大哥,我们恐怕得小心了,这两个人,不简单。” Chen Qingqing by side Jiang Chen, said in a low voice. 辰青青靠在江尘身边,低声说道。 confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth, does not have choice now, is not he dies, is I perishes, if they walked, we are also difficult the escaping danger.” 兵来将挡水来土掩,现在已经没得选择了,不是他死,就是我亡,他们若走了,我们也难逃危险。” Jiang Chen saying every single word or phrase. 江尘一字一句的说道。 Above present far Ancient Battlefield, the remaining people, only choice plunder to put it bluntly, slaughter, only by doing so, they can stand high. 现在的远古战场之上,说白了剩下的人,唯一的选择就是掠夺,杀戮,只有这样,他们才能够站得更高。 Person is I kills, it seems like, you are want to kill a person and take his possessions.” “人是我杀得,看来,你们就是想要杀人越货喽。” Jiang Chen does not look askance, with Chen profound wind looking at each other. 江尘目不斜视,与辰玄风对视。
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