DMWG :: Volume #53

#5148: Pledges to fight to the death to engage in fierce battle

The Chen graceful elegant face is gloomy, at this time facing many investors, Chen full and Chen cliff had been compelled the edge of the cliff. 辰盈盈俏脸阴沉,这个时候面对众多的包围者,辰盈盈与辰断崖已经是被逼到了悬崖边缘。 Chen armor! 辰甲第! The Chen family/home five day first person, was Chen full already expert that knew very well, this person during Chen family/home five days, was the prestige is prominent, second to none. 辰家五线天第一人,也是辰盈盈早就熟知的强者,这个人在辰家五线天之中,也是威名显赫,无出其右。 Now Chen armor emergence, is lets the Chen Yingying's without doubt with Chen cliff the road of progress, has one misfortune after another. 如今辰甲第的出现,无疑是让辰盈盈跟辰断崖的进步之路,雪上加霜。 Jiang Chen and the others after they disperse, being uncertain of one's fate, now the future is unpredictable, they also meet with the disaster, Chen armor has caught their throat without doubt, making them in a dilemma. 江尘等人与他们走散之后,生死未卜,如今前途更是难以预料,他们也遭逢大难,辰甲第无疑已经卡住了他们的咽喉,让他们进退两难。 The Chen armor strength, lets the Chen graceful headache, perhaps she with Chen cliff , can also stabilize the aspect jointly, but side six nebula level initial stage expert, have not coped easily, overwhelming with numerical strength, during they fell into were passive. 辰甲第的实力,让辰盈盈头疼不已,她跟辰断崖联手之下,或许还能够稳住局面,但是身旁还有六个星云级初期高手,可不容易对付,人多势众,他们还是陷入了被动之中。 My Chen is graceful, is never the generation of coveting life and fearing death, must fight then fights, would rather die than surrender!” “我辰盈盈,从不是贪生怕死之辈,要战便战,宁死不屈!” The Chen graceful look is blazing, murderous aura soars to the heavens, has prepared life and death war, rather dies, is absolutely impossible to be the Chen armor captive. 辰盈盈眼神炽热,杀气冲霄,早已经做好了生死大战的准备,宁可一死,也绝对不可能做辰甲第的阶下囚。 Good, the person inherent dies, Chen armor, you, even if can kill us, is still not necessarily able to move out, I must draw you to make the pad back.” “不错,人固有一死,辰甲第,你即便是能杀得了我们,也未必能够全身而退,我一定要拉你做垫背的。” Chen cliff is sneering, put on a high and mighty act is staring at Chen armor, going to war to lose, actually cannot lose! 辰断崖冷笑着,趾高气昂的盯着辰甲第,打仗可以输,其实不能输! I have heard you, nine day becoming famous workaholic, it is said in the past when the Half Step nebula level, had once repelled true nebula level expert, now the strength has breakthrough, now makes me have a look, some of your actually multi- spelling.” “我听说过你,九线天出了名的拼命三郎,据说当年在半步星云级的时候,就曾击退过真正的星云级强者,如今实力有所突破,现在让我看看,你究竟有多拼。” Chen armor is also smile gloomy and cold, now two people are his dead pigeon, the opportunity of completely having no, can escape the birth day. 辰甲第也是笑容阴冷,现在两个人已经是他的瓮中之鳖了,完全没有任何的机会,能够逃出生天了。 Accompanies!” “奉陪到底!” Chen cliff visual front, with the Chen armor fourth eye of connection, to oppose each other with equal harshness. 辰断崖目视前方,与辰甲第四目交汇,针锋相对 fighting intent condenses unceasingly, Chen cliff knows, today's he, has no choice. 战意不断凝聚,辰断崖知道,今天的他,已经没有任何选择了。 Also rather die, must spell finally. 宁死,也要拼到最后。 full, you first walks, here gives me.” “盈盈,你先走,这里交给我。” Chen cliff sinking sound said that one's effort, the death, must block Chen armor even, saving Chen is graceful. 辰断崖沉声说道,一己之力,就算是死,也要拦下辰甲第,救走辰盈盈。 Things have gotten to this point, do not speak these words, between you and me, although is the friend, but also is the life-and-death friendship.” “事已至此,就不要说这些话了,你我之间,虽然是朋友,但也是生死之交。” Chen said gracefully firmly. 辰盈盈坚定地说道。 In Chen cliff heart is somewhat joyful, is somewhat disappointed, what is joyful, in the Chen graceful heart, oneself indeed is a friend who is worth entrusting, what is disappointed, oneself cannot walk in her heart after all. 辰断崖心中有些欣喜,也有些失望,欣喜的是,在辰盈盈的心中,自己的确是个值得托付的朋友,失望的是,自己终归还是走不进去她的心里面。 However the unreasoning passion such as Chen cliff, he is also very clear, all have the fate, own effort, is not necessarily able to change all these. 但是痴情如辰断崖,他也很清楚,一切皆有定数,自己的努力,未必就能够改变这一切。 Person that person, gaze of two people interweave together, they did not dread the death, but cannot perish, no value of dying. 人还是那个人,两个人的目光交织在一起,他们都不畏惧死亡,只不过不能就此沉沦,死的毫无价值。 Two not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth fellows, on!” “两个不知天高地厚的家伙,上!” Chen armor waves, six nebula level initial stage expert, rush completely, Chen cliff by an enemy three, the fighting spirit as before, the fierce fist, makes unceasingly, the wind and thunder is billowing, is imposing, but the opposite party is not a vegetarian, above this far Ancient Battlefield, you thinks , are your one person genius? Person who can come, is Chen family/home is selective, if selects exist(ence). 辰甲第挥挥手,六个星云级初期高手,全部冲了上去,辰断崖以一敌三,斗志依旧,凶猛的拳头,不断打出,风雷滚滚,气势雄浑,但是对方也不是吃素的,在这远古战场之上,你以为只有你一个人是天才吗?能进来的人,都是辰家精挑细选,万一挑一的存在 But despite that Chen cliff and Chen are graceful, is quite self-confident, running fight, very calm calm. 但是即便是如此,辰断崖与辰盈盈,还是相当的自信,且战且走,十分的镇定从容。 After half quarter, Chen armor that the long time cannot capture, got angry finally, tight is gripping the palm, evidently was the time is personally take action. 半刻钟过后,久攻不下的辰甲第,终于怒了,紧紧的攥着手掌,看样子是时候是自己亲自出手了。 You two auspicious days, to the end.” “你们两个的好日子,到头了。” Chen armor sneers, the hand grasps Double Crescent Halberd, sweeps away the potential of universe, unparalleled capping. 辰甲第冷笑一声,手握方天画戟,横扫乾坤之势,盖世压顶。 Bang-- “砰—— A loud sound, Chen armor Double Crescent Halberd, pounded above the long sword of Chen cliff, Chen cliff complexion changed suddenly, subconscious exploding drew back to go, the terrifying strength, the remaining prestige was really strong, he almost could not resist this to strike, in hand fingers/tiger mouth to split open, expression Yan Jun (severe). 一声巨响,辰甲第的方天画戟,砸在了辰断崖的长剑之上,辰断崖脸色骤变,下意识的爆退而去,恐怖力量,余威甚强,他几乎完全抵挡不住这一击,手中虎口开裂,神色严峻 Can meet my one move, good, again come!” “能接我一招,不错,再来!” Chen armor is brandishing Double Crescent Halberd, the impact on, wields the posture of heaven and earth, sweeps away ten thousand prestige, nebula level double day overbearing, an show/unfolds completely, Chen cliff clenches the teeth, to/clashes strongly, like divine weapon unparalleled, pounds down loudly, Chen cliff clenches teeth to attack, is unafraid of death. 辰甲第挥舞着方天画戟,冲击而上,挥动天地之姿,横扫万界之威,星云级二重天的霸道,一展无余,辰断崖咬紧牙关,强势而冲,如同神兵无双,轰然砸下,辰断崖咬牙冲击,视死如归。 Both fight unceasingly, approaches layer upon layer, almost hits Chen cliff not to have the strength to hit back, can only be tired out from the press, suffers dealing with, the prestige of Divine Halberd, making his both arms receive a shake layer upon layer unceasingly, almost the flesh soon separated general. 两者不断交手,层层逼近,打得辰断崖几乎毫无还手之力,只能疲于奔命,苦于应付,神戟之威,让他的双臂都不断受到了一层层的震荡,几乎血肉都快要分离一般。 Father fought you!” “老子跟你拼了!” Chen cliff angrily roars like Thunderclap, but strength compared with Chen armor, is not as good, the Chen armor wild posture, like the air/Qi of dominate the heaven, closed off Chen cliff all ways directly. 辰断崖怒吼如惊雷,但是实力比起辰甲第,还是略逊一筹,辰甲第的狂放之姿,如同凌天之气,直接封锁了辰断崖所有的去路。 Dies!” “去死吧!” The Chen armor first halberd ice thousand honored, Chen cliff zi wants to crack, backs up to go, but Chen armor is in power unforgiving, strikes to kill, must cut Chen cliff inevitably the life, is willing to give up. 辰甲第一戟凌千钧,辰断崖目眦欲裂,倒退而去,但是辰甲第得势不饶人,一击必杀,势必要斩掉辰断崖的性命,才肯罢休。 In an instant, the terrifying rainbow shadow, passes through between Heaven and Earth together, Chen armor Double Crescent Halberd, with irresistible force, pierced the arm of Chen cliff directly. 霎那间,一道恐怖的虹影,贯穿天地之间,辰甲第的方天画戟,势如破竹,直接洞穿了辰断崖的胳膊。 -- “啊—— A Chen cliff stuffy throat, had not been made noise by own blood-curdling scream actually, but Chen armor rotates Double Crescent Halberd, the arm of Chen cliff, stirred the smashing directly, covered with blood. 辰断崖一声闷吭,硬是没让自己惨叫出声,而辰甲第转动方天画戟,直接将辰断崖的胳膊,搅成了粉碎,血肉模糊。 Bastard!” “混蛋!” The Chen graceful pupil reduces, the prestige of Chen armor first halberd, sweeps away invincibly, Chen cliff is cut off a arm, the complexion is ugly, the blue vein sticks out suddenly, the sweat tumbles unceasingly, however his look domineering, the fighting spirit did not reduce as before as before initially. 辰盈盈瞳孔紧缩,辰甲第一戟之威,横扫无敌,辰断崖断掉一臂,脸色难看,青筋暴起,汗水不断滚落而下,但是他的眼神依旧霸气,依旧斗志不减当初。 Chen knows gracefully, Chen cliff does that nothing but for oneself, if he turns to Chen armor, perhaps can also the live day to day flee remnantly, but he would rather die than surrender, must resist with her life and death, this is the friendship of unyielding not extinguishing. 辰盈盈知道,辰断崖这么做,无非就是为了自己,如果他投靠辰甲第,或许还能够得到苟延残窜,但是他宁死不屈,一定要跟她生死相抗,这就是不屈不灭的友情。 Cliff......” “断崖……” Chen graceful look slightly red, Chen cliff is the protection side her, although she knows that one person of loving, is not Chen cliff, however his friendship, oneself are what is done cannot be undone, the life is actually hard to return. 辰盈盈眼神有些微红,辰断崖一直都是守护在她身边,虽然她知道自己所爱之人,并不是辰断崖,但是他的情谊,自己却是覆水难收,此生难以回报。 Evidently, you are not convinced probably very much.” “看样子,你好像很不服气呀。” Chen armor looks to Chen cliff, saying of smiling, Chen cliff is spirited and vertical, the long sword lifts slowly, points to Chen armor. 辰甲第看向辰断崖,笑眯眯的说道,辰断崖昂扬而立,长剑缓缓抬起,直指辰甲第。 Wants me dead, only if you can kill me personally, making me submit, has a dream!” “要我死,除非你能够亲手杀了我,让我臣服,做梦!” The arrogance of Chen cliff, making Chen armor be angry, oneself strength certainly, the person of turning is countless, only has this not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth Chen cliff, actually also wants to contend with oneself, isn't this courts death? 辰断崖的傲气,让辰甲第非常生气,自己实力强绝,投靠之人数之不尽,唯有这个不知天高地厚的辰断崖,竟然还想要跟自己一较高下,这不是找死嘛? Workaholic, really lives up to reputation, since you insist on asking, I help you, Hahaha!” “拼命三郎,果然名不虚传,既然你执意求死,那我就成全你,哈哈哈!” The Chen armor sinister smile again and again, gets hold of Double Crescent Halberd in hand, imposing manner Rulong (like a dragon). 辰甲第阴笑连连,握紧手中的方天画戟,气势如龙 Kills-- “杀—— Chen cliff rave, with Chen armor rush one, the beacon begins again. 辰断崖再度狂吼,与辰甲第冲杀一处,烽烟再起。 Chapter 5087 requests a combat assignment on own initiative 第5087章主动请战 The fighting spirit of Chen cliff, made person sighed, Chen armor will not leave behind such a would rather die than surrender disaster absolutely, this person was most fearful, the world end perished, refuses stubbornly to surrender! 辰断崖的斗志,令人唏嘘,辰甲第绝对不会留下这样一个宁死不屈的祸患,这种人才是最可怕的,世界末亡,死不投降! However Chen armor was full of the anger, only then the person of surrender, can go on living, he wants, is worshipping on bended knees of Chen cliff, this fellow does not only know the life pitifully. 但是辰甲第更是充满了愤怒,只有投降之人,才能活下去,他要的,就是辰断崖的跪拜,只可惜这家伙不知道死活。 Chen full is only his small target, Chen will A cliff possibly leave behind slightly life-force to Chen? 辰盈盈只是自己的一个小目标而已,辰甲第怎么可能会给辰断崖留下丝毫生机呢? So long as Chen cliff dies, when the time comes Chen have't can obediently obey gracefully? She does not fear death, dies to knock with oneself. 只要辰断崖一死,到时候辰盈盈还不得乖乖就范?她不怕死,就跟自己死磕到底。 Your sword, is my sword, Chen cliff, your time of death.” “你的剑,就是我的剑,辰断崖,你的死期到了。” Chen armor sneered the potential of charge not to reduce initially, fiercely competed and successfully competed, but was cut off a Chen cliff of arm, was actually more and more difficult, being in inverse proportion, was about ten moves, Chen cliff only had the share that panted for breath at risk of life, at all not possible to confront with Chen armor together. 辰甲第冷笑着冲锋之势不减当初,愈战愈勇,而断掉了一条胳膊的辰断崖,却是越来越艰难,此消彼长,不过十招,辰断崖只剩下拼死喘息的份儿了,根本不可能与辰甲第对峙在一起 -- “噗—— Chen cliff could not insist that finally, a blood spouted, the whole face was pale, retreats in defeat again and again, was seriously battered deeply, has been hard again the provoke heavy responsibility, this thinks that can lag behind Chen armor to make the pad back, but the opposite party was injured does not have, nebula level double day Chen family/home genius, five days being the acknowledged leader, were really out of the ordinary. 辰断崖终于坚持不住了,一口鲜血喷出,满脸惨白,节节败退,深受重创,已经难以再挑起重任了,本以为可以拉下辰甲第做垫背的,但是对方就连受伤都没有,星云级二重天的辰家天才,五线天的执牛耳者,果然非比寻常。 This time, Chen cliff indeed asked for advice, but greets his, only then died. 这一次,辰断崖的确是领教了,但是迎接他的,只有死亡。 Rolls to me!” “给我滚!” The Chen armor first halberd sweeps away the millenium, the sword in Chen cliff hand, stretched finally, but he was also the same like the kite of broken line, flying upside down went, from top to bottom, qi and blood tumbled, bloodlines boiling, the meridians have been cut off most probably, have stood, was an expectation. 辰甲第一戟横扫千秋,辰断崖手中的剑,终于绷断了,而他也是如同断线的风筝一样,倒飞而去,浑身上下,气血翻滚,血脉沸腾,经脉已经断掉了大半,就连站起来,都是一种奢望了。 Chen cliff is spitting blood, gaze glittering, corner of the mouth fighting intent, still had not weakened. 辰断崖吐着血,目光闪烁,嘴角战意,仍旧不曾减弱。 thing, I fought you.” “混帐东西,我跟你拼了。” The Chen graceful sweet and delicate voice shouted, wants to break through the defenses of numerous expert, but six nebula level initial stage genius, welcomes itself now, she has also been unable to take a single step forward, before can also battle 12, now is completely the lopsided trend, oneself can only be tired out from the press, wants to look for Chen armor to avenge a grievance, was almost fantasy story is the same, own life, is the clay buddha crosses the river. 辰盈盈娇声喝道,想要冲破众多高手的防御,但是如今六个星云级初期天才,都迎上了自己,她也已经寸步难行了,之前还能够交战一二,现在完全是一面倒的趋势,自己只能疲于奔命,想要找辰甲第报仇雪恨,几乎是天方夜谭一样,自己的命,都已经是泥菩萨过江了。 Your auspicious day, to boss. Does not need to keep the hand, leaves behind a life, but then.” “你的好日子,也到头儿了。不必留手,留下一条命,便可。” Chen armor coldly snorted, acts recklessly, that can only give them on well a class. 辰甲第冷哼一声,不知死活,那就只能给他们好好上一课了。 After six big expert were under the Chen armor order, is nothing keeps the hand, after all before feared Chen armor thought injured Chen full is not good, but now looks like, does not have extra worries. 六大高手得到了辰甲第的命令之后,也是毫无任何的留手,毕竟之前怕辰甲第觉得伤到了辰盈盈不好,但是现在看来,已经没有了后顾之忧了。 Six nebula level initial stage genius disciples, is fights to fight is just luxurious, this Chen even they have hearing gracefully early, worthily is nine day number one beauty, indeed shocks everybody, after big brother Chen armor enjoys, can perhaps they also slice, eat a soup also perhaps? 六个星云级初期天才弟子,也是斗战正酣,这辰盈盈连他们也是早有耳闻,不愧为九线天第一美女,的确是惊世骇俗,等到大哥辰甲第享用之后,说不定他们也能分一杯羹,喝口汤也说不定呢? Six people of delight, a war, dies full power. 六人眉飞色舞,全力一战,至死方休。 Chen full cannot insist after all, unceasing retreat, in the mouth the blood overflows, again and again injured, three person can also deal with, six people, wanted her short remaining life completely, this fierce combat, frightening, although Chen's graceful Sword of No Realm, quite fierce, but comes compared with Jiang Chen, after all missed did not know the 1-star least bit. 辰盈盈终归还是坚持不住,不断后退,口中鲜血溢出,连连受伤,三个人自己还能应付,六个人,完全是要了她的老命了,这场激战,令人心惊胆寒,虽然辰盈盈的无境之剑,也是相当的厉害,但是比起江尘来,终归还是差了不知一星半点。 Sword 13th!” 剑十三!” Before Chen graceful vertical sword to/clashes, the qi energy is fierce, sword shadow sprints, but six big expert are prepared early, six people collaborate, how possibly isn't Chen's graceful opponent? 辰盈盈纵剑前冲,气劲凶猛,一道道剑影冲刺而起,但是六大高手却是早有准备,六人联手,怎么可能不是辰盈盈的对手呢? Let alone, the Sword 13th might, simply is unable to do to these people. 更何况,剑十三的威力,根本就无法奈何这些人。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰!砰!砰! Chen is seriously battered gracefully one after another, complexion is pale, drops, fell in the mountain valley. 辰盈盈接连遭受重创,面色惨白,跌落而下,摔在了山谷之中。 The beautiful pupil does not have a brilliance again, seems quite distressed, the Chen cliff of distant place is also a face resented, he hates himself unable for Chen cliff to keep out wind and rain. 美眸再无一丝的光彩,显得颇为狼狈,远处的辰断崖也是一脸愤恨,他恨自己不能替辰断崖遮风挡雨。 Now, I thought that what trick you also do have to play? Hahaha!” “现在,我看你还有什么花招可耍?哈哈哈哈!” Chen armor jumps to leap, appeared in Chen's graceful front, occupying a commanding position is looking at him, Chen full is exhausted, six people consumed up her physical strength completely, is the body of live day to day remnant fleeing, was incapable of fighting radically again. 辰甲第纵身一跃,出现在了辰盈盈的面前,居高临下的望着他,辰盈盈已经是筋疲力竭,六个人完全耗光了她的体力,已经是苟延残窜之躯,根本无力再战了。 Must kill to hack, entirely according to your convenience. My Chen is graceful, does not knit the brows.” “要杀要剐,悉听尊便。我辰盈盈,绝不皱眉。” Chen graceful look ice-cold, incomparable calm, since does not have choice, only one dies, could scrub own was pure. 辰盈盈眼神冰冷,无比的沉着,既然已经没有选择,唯有一死,或许可以洗刷自己的清白了。 Killed you, careless and wasteful use of nature's products? Hehehe, now I must start to enjoy my fruits of victory, elder brother several, you are waiting, later is you eat the soup the time.” “杀了你,岂不是暴殄天物?嘿嘿嘿,现在我就要开始享用我的胜利果实了,哥几个,你们等着,待会儿就是你们喝汤的时候。” Chen armor complexion gentle and reserved, is smiling, enters Chen to be graceful step by step. 辰甲第面色阴柔,笑意盈盈,一步一步走进辰盈盈。 Domestic animal!” “畜生!” Chen clenches the teeth gracefully, she has prepared suiciding. 辰盈盈咬紧牙关,她已经做好了自刎的准备。 Wind elder brother, next life see again/goodbye.” “风哥,来生再见了。” Chen full muttered was saying. 辰盈盈喃喃着说道。 My this whole life, most hated to bully the bastard of woman.” “我这辈子,最恨欺负女人的杂种了。” An indifferent sound, appears in Chen full and ear bank of Chen cliff, at that moment gaze of two people suddenly sober, is wild with joy. 一声冷漠的声音,出现在辰盈盈与辰断崖的耳畔,那一刻两个人的目光陡然间清醒,欣喜若狂。 Is the Jiang Chen senior! 江尘前辈! Who? The good deed that dares to cherish the father, courts death!” “谁?敢怀老子的好事,找死!” Chen armor raise one's head, stares at the big form that the distant place is walking step by step suddenly, the look by tapering tightly. 辰甲第猛然抬头,凝视着远处一步步走来的高大身影,眼神逐渐缩紧。 Jiang Chen senior!” 江尘前辈!” Chen calls out in alarm one gracefully, in the heart the incomparable excitement, so long as there is a Jiang Chen senior, then they will certainly not have any danger. 辰盈盈惊呼一声,心中无比的兴奋,只要有江尘前辈在,那么他们就一定不会有任何危险的。 Moreover in his behind, but also has Chen fine jade and Chen is green two people, Chen also...... stood in the side of Jiang Chen senior green unexpectedly. 而且在他的身后,还有着辰璐与辰青青两人,辰青青竟然也……站在了江尘前辈的身边。 Chen thinks gracefully without enough time, but at this time, she had at least seen the hope with Chen cliff. 辰盈盈来不及多想,但是这个时候,她跟辰断崖至少已经看到了希望。 Boy, you actually lucky in love great, two peerless big beautiful women, encircle in your side, is really envy others.” “小子,你倒是艳福不浅呀,两个绝世大美女,都围在你的身边,真是羡煞旁人呀。” Saying that Chen armor smiles, this fellow, but is nebula level initial stage, radically nothing to be afraid, in his eyes, isn't this family member who delivers the milk? Two peerless beautiful women, are not simple. 辰甲第笑眯眯的说道,这个家伙,只不过是星云级初期,根本不足为惧,在他眼中,这不就是送牛奶的家人吗?两个绝世美女,可不简单呀。 Big brother, that person is Chen Qingqing, Chen azure garment younger sister.” “大哥,那个人是辰青青,辰青衫的妹妹。” Some people said in the Chen armor side in a low voice. 有人在辰甲第身边低声说道。 Chen azure garment, can indeed be No. 1 character, pitifully, I do not only fear him, who as for her is, is unimportant, it seems like tonight, do I want with three big beautiful women, to spend together the evening? Hahaha!” “辰青衫,的确算得上一号人物,只可惜,我并不怕他,至于她是谁,就不重要了,看来今晚,我要与三大美女,共度良宵了?哇哈哈哈!” Chen armor smile even more radiant, Chen fine jade and Chen's green beauty, do not miss compared with Chen full, oneself this is flood of good fortune fills the heavens. 辰甲第笑容越发的璀璨,辰璐与辰青青的姿色,一点也不比辰盈盈要差,自己这是洪福齐天呀。 Boisterous, big brother Jiang Chen, this fellow gives me, I have a look, he has several jin (0.5 kg) several two, dares unexpectedly so boasts shamelessly.” “聒噪,江尘大哥,这个家伙交给我吧,我也看看,他到底有几斤几两,竟然敢如此大言不惭。” In Chen fine jade look killing intent bursts out, extended own front the hand unexpectedly, wasn't this courts death? 辰璐眼神之中杀机迸发,竟然还把手伸到了自己的面前,这不是找死嘛? Girl, actually small hot pepper, hehehe, isn't this suits me? I most like your such woman, was resigned to bad conditions, I did not like, only then revolted, that sufficed the vigor, gā gā gā! The brothers, looked how I capture these two women.” “小妮子,倒是个小辣椒呀,嘿嘿嘿,这不是正合我意吗?我最喜欢的就是你这样的女人了,逆来顺受,我不喜欢,只有反抗起来,那才够劲儿,嘎嘎嘎!兄弟们,看我如何擒拿这两个女人。” Chen armor is striking one's chest, a face is self-confident, the hand grasps Double Crescent Halberd, fights to fight heaven-shaking. 辰甲第拍着胸脯,一脸自信,手握方天画戟,斗战惊天 That gave you.” “那就交给你了。” Jiang Chen said with a smile, looked at Chen fine jade one, his take action, Chen fine jade such being the case has not been eager to try, making her teach this reckless son of a bitch is also good well. 江尘笑道,看了辰璐一眼,他并未出手,辰璐既然如此跃跃欲试,让她好好教训一下这个不知死活的狗东西也好。
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