DMWG :: Volume #50

#4877: cultivation base is not easy, and line treasures and

What? This is impossible! The father, you have a look again carefully, misread? Is this possibly the ordinary spear/gun? This is the true treasure, won't you be mistaken?” “什么?这不可能!父亲,你再仔细看看,是不是看错了?这怎么可能是普通的枪呢?这可是真正的宝贝呀,你不会看走眼了吧?” A grandson sea face surprise looks to the father, he always thought that the father is to lie he, then appropriates to oneself Divine Spear this. 孙海洋一脸诧异的看向父亲,他总觉得父亲是想要诳他,然后把这把神枪据为己有。 Right! 对! Certainly is this! 一定是这样的! Rolls the calf busily, a father day must die, you also incur reproach for somebody to me here, rolls rolling!” “滚犊子,老子一天忙的要死,你还在这里给我上眼药,滚滚滚!” Sun Liu king looked the son who this does not make every effort to succeed, does not hit one on the air/Qi, now also his servant, gives back to him to distinguish divine weapon. 孙刘王一看这个不争气的儿子,就气不打一处来,现在自己还成了他的佣人了,还给他鉴别神兵 Father, I asked you, you looked at one again, this absolutely was the true treasure, I washed in a expert hand, absolutely was the valuable rarities, it genuine valuable rarities, I, whatever you handled, father.” “父亲,我求求你了,你就再看一眼吧,这绝对是真正的宝贝,我在一个高手手中淘来的,绝对是稀世珍宝呀,它要不是真正的稀世珍宝,我任凭你处置,父亲。” Grandson sea serious saying. 孙海洋一脸严肃的说道。 Sun Liu king is startled, this fellow is so rarely dedicated, oneself scolded him each time, he was dingy walked, these time unexpectedly was so obedient, fully did not conform to his usual attitude. 孙刘王一怔,这家伙难得这么执着,每次自己骂完他,他就是灰溜溜的走了,这一次竟然这么听话,完全不符合他平时的作风呀。 This is what valuable rarities are really inadequate? Was is mistaken? 难道说,这真的是什么稀世珍宝不成?之不过是自己看走眼了? Snort.” “哼。” Sun Liu king coldly snorted, took up this spear/gun, looked again earnestly. 孙刘王冷哼一声,拿起了这把枪,再一次认真的看了起来。 Long time, Sun Liu king both hands grasp this spear/gun, the anger catch up, directly then this spear/gun breaking off. 半晌,孙刘王双手抓起这把枪,怒而发力,直接便是将这把枪给折断了。 -- “啊—— Roared, the grandson sea frightened dumbfounded. 一声咆哮,孙海洋都吓傻眼了。 How this this...... is this possible?” “这这这……这怎么可能?” Sun Haiyang is dumbfounded, a face compels ignorant, this is the words high price buys, that bastard Long Yang, does he dare to deceive itself? 孙海洋目瞪口呆,一脸懵逼,这可是自己话大价钱买来的,那个混蛋龙阳,他竟敢欺骗自己? Has not rolled to me! Takes the chicken feather, when signal arrow, I have the matter today, must dig up your skin.” “还不给我滚!拿着鸡毛当令箭,要不是我今天有事,非扒了你的皮不可。” Sun Liu king held on the buttocks of grandson sea, grandson sea go fall flatting on one's face fell down, in the innermost feelings was actually extremely suffering, now he cannot attend to with the father was angry, all accounts, all calculated on the body of Long Yang. 孙刘王一脚揣在了孙海洋的屁股上,孙海洋一个狗吃屎摔倒在地,内心之中却是万分委屈,现在他也顾不得跟父亲生气了,所有的帐,全都算在了龙阳的身上。 Your frame I, Long Yang, I do not die with you unexpectedly continuous!” “你竟然框我,龙阳,我跟你不死不休!” Grandson sea gaze was gloomy, calls four big staff in Sun Residence, left Sun Residence with oneself together, seeks Long Yang. 孙海洋目光阴沉,叫上了孙府的四大幕僚,跟着自己一块离开了孙府,去寻找龙阳去了。 The staff in Sun Residence, the strength is extremely good, moreover is the center follows father's expert, hears big Young Master to be deceived, possibly to be how aloof? 孙府的幕僚,实力都是极为不俗,而且是中心追随父亲的高手,听闻大公子受人欺骗,怎么可能会无动于衷呢? Among immediately everyone is infuriated, looked for this young people named Long Yang with grandson big Young Master. 顿时间所有人火冒三丈,跟着孙大公子就去寻找这个叫龙阳的年轻人了。 As the saying goes, can make the ghost turn a millstone richly, the grandson sea wanted to find Long Yang is not difficult, so long as is willing to spend, spirit stones arrived, many people are naturally willing to work for him. 俗话说得好,有钱能使鬼推磨,孙海洋想要找到龙阳并不难,只要肯花钱,灵石到位了,自然有很多人愿意为他效劳。 The next day at noon, Long Yang during the cultivation, will still hear the noise that downstairs the inn made noise. 第二天中午时分,龙阳还在修炼之中,就听见了客栈楼下喧闹的吵闹声。 Grandson are few, is your does do? Here is also the pamphlet business, you may not feel embarrassed me.” “孙少,您这是干什么呀?我这里也是小本生意,您可千万别为难我呀。” A monkey-like middle-aged man, saying of grovelling, stands in the front of grandson sea, apologized again and again. 一个尖嘴猴腮的中年男子,点头哈腰的说道,站在孙海洋的面前,连连赔罪。 Few idle talk, hurry to give me to roll, I must look for Long Yang, did not call him, I opened to you your shop!” “少废话,赶紧给我滚,我要找龙阳,再不把他叫出来,我就把你这店给你拆了!” Sun Haiyang shouted angrily was saying, behind followed four Human Immortal peak expert, frightening the surrounding many people was hurries to run off, was bustling and filled with people, the extremely busy inn, has become is reminded of dear ones who have left now, distant is waiting and seeing. 孙海洋怒喝着说道,身后跟着四个人仙巅峰高手,吓得周围不少人都是赶紧跑开了,原本人头攒动,热闹非凡的客栈,现在已经变得人去楼空,都是远远的观望着。 This is who offended the Sun Eldest Young Master? Isn't this courts death?” “这是谁得罪了孙家大少了?这不是找死嘛?” Yes, Sun less/small, although the strength is not much, but actually few individuals dare to annoy, after all the father good ratios, Sun Liu Wangke is not the average person can be easy.” “是啊,孙少虽然实力不怎么样,但是却没几个人敢惹,毕竟人家老子牛比呀,孙刘王可不是一般人能够易于的。” No matter, annoyed this unlucky star, definitely will not have any good end.” “不管是谁,惹了这个丧门星,肯定不会有什么好下场了。” Hehe, standing and remaining aloof from the thing of no immediate concern to oneself, waits to watch the good play and that's the end, this grandson sea can who provoke can it be that?” “嘿嘿,事不关己高高挂起,等着看好戏就是了,这个孙海洋岂是谁都能招惹的?” Your this group of fellows, know to see a play, this time does not know that who was met with a disaster, usually in terrorized men and take their women, I also really want to see grandson sea bastard by person pain flat one.” “你们这群家伙,就知道看戏,这一次不知道又是谁遭殃了,平日里欺男霸女惯了,我还真想看到孙海洋这个混蛋被人痛扁一顿呢。” Others nearby four Human Immortal boundary peak expert, can't you see? Who dares to begin, only has dead end one.” “人家旁边四个人仙巅峰高手,你看不到嘛?谁敢动手,只有死路一条。” Saying that the people talked at once, quite dreaded regarding grandson sea name very much obviously, although the grandson sea was not that strength Brother Young Master certainly, but did to the father good ratios, these four staff toward here stand, absolutely were the symbol of status and position. 众人七嘴八舌的说道,很显然对于孙海洋这个名字颇为忌惮,虽然孙海洋不是那种实力强绝的公子哥,但是奈何人家老子牛比呀,这四个幕僚往这里一站,绝对就是身份与地位的象征。 His mother shuts up to me? Does not want dead rolls the distant point to me, the father now the mood is bad.” “都他娘的给我闭嘴?不想死就给我滚远点,老子现在心情非常差。” The grandson sea glowers to the crowd, how he possibly cannot hear these people to direct, but he definitely impossible to hit everyone at this time entirely. 孙海洋冲着人群怒目而视,他怎么可能听不到那些人指指点点呢,不过这时候他肯定不可能把每个人通通打一遍。 The person of surrounding also draws back embarrasedly, in gaze glittering is angry and startled, but actually no one dares with the grandson sea to be an enemy, after all others are filthy rich . Moreover the position is also not they can compare, fights with others, you will be persecuted to death while still alive. 围观之人也都是讪讪而退,目光之中闪烁着一丝愤怒与惊慌,但是却谁也不敢跟孙海洋为敌,毕竟人家财大气粗,而且身份地位也远不是他们能够比拟的,跟人家斗,你会被活活逼死。 At this time, Long Yang is also the brow tight wrinkle, from the inn building, the people of surroundings directed, but at this time he just right and grandson sea gaze intersection. 这个时候,龙阳也是眉头紧皱,从客栈楼上走了下来,周围之人都是指指点点,不过这时候他正好与孙海洋目光相交。 Is good your Long Yang, just right that you come, this Young Master I must do accounts with you today well.” “好你个龙阳,你来的正好,今天本公子我一定要好好跟你算算账。” Sun Haiyang goes forward one step, is looking angrily at Long Yang. 孙海洋上前一步,怒视着龙阳 You said, you sold to my, is what scrap copper and iron? Actually wants the 150,000 low-grade spirit stones, you simply are the swindling and abducting.” “你说,你卖给我的,是什么废铜烂铁?竟然要十五万下品灵石,你简直就是坑蒙拐骗。” A Long Yang brow wrinkle, this fellow, pestering endlessly, was too simply disgusting. 龙阳眉头一皱,这个家伙,胡搅蛮缠,简直太让人恶心了。 Whose said swindling and abducting? That is yourself wants to buy, what relations has with me? Now bought looked for my trouble, when you my Long Yang was good to bully.” “说谁坑蒙拐骗呢?那是你自己想买的,跟我有什么关系?现在买完了来找我的麻烦,你当我龙阳就是好欺负的嘛。” Long Yang said indifferently. 龙阳冷眼说道。 I, no matter you are, but you should know that I am, East city Sun Residence, Sun Liu king is my father, the words that father spoke is the imperial decree. I give you now an opportunity, kneels down to kowtow 100 to me, then gives me the 500,000 spirit stones, even if this matter has uncovered, otherwise, do not want to leave here Half Step today.” “我不管你是谁,但是你应该知道我是谁,东城孙府,孙刘王是我爹,老子说的话就是圣旨。我现在给你一次机会,给我跪下磕头一百,然后给我五十万灵石,这件事情就算就此揭过了,否则的话,今天你就别想离开这里半步。” The grandson sea link chest stands, saying of face domineering. 孙海洋环胸而立,一脸霸气的说道。 „Are you speaking to me? Hahaha.” “你是在跟我说话嘛?哈哈哈。” Long Yang laughs was saying. 龙阳大笑着说道。 You thought that I do have the mood to joke with you?” “你觉得我有心情跟你开玩笑嘛?” Sun Haiyang glowers. 孙海洋怒目而视。 Thing is you buy, exchanges money for the goods, I did not plan to sell, but you buy and sell by using compulsion, I have not asked you to do accounts, now does your sea look for me? You being concerned about face? Again and again, is on intimate terms, must buy my treasure, now comes back to look for my trouble, you really think that my Long Yang is easy target is good to bully?” “东西是你买的,一手交钱一手交货,我原本不打算卖,但是你强买强卖,我还没找你算账呢,现在你海来找我?你是给脸不要脸吧?三番两次,称兄道弟,非要买我的宝贝,现在回过头来找我的麻烦,你真以为我龙阳软柿子好欺负嘛?” Long Yang look ice-cold. 龙阳眼神冰冷。 -- “啪—— Sun Haiyang threw two sections of spears/guns in the Long Yang front, sneered again and again. 孙海洋将两截枪扔在了龙阳的面前,冷笑连连。 „Is this treasure that you said? Can not tease? You sold to my, is the scrap copper and iron, everyone looks to look, this broken thing, broke off by my father gently broke, he also dares saying that unexpectedly is the treasure? Isn't this cheats?” “这就是你所说的宝贝?能别逗了嘛?你卖给我的,就是废铜烂铁,大家都瞧一瞧看一看,就这破玩意儿,被我爹轻轻一掰就断了,他竟然还敢说是宝贝?这不是坑人嘛?” Sun Haiyang said that is big on the fire. 孙海洋说起来就火大。 Even if lump of excrement, I sold to you, you do not have the truth to come back to look for me, is willing to hit one to be willing to suffer, yourself were mistaken, must buy, with my what does/works? The words that you pester endlessly again, do not blame me not being impolite.” “就算是一坨屎,我卖给你了,你也没道理回来找我,一个愿打一个愿挨,你自己看走眼了,非要买,与我何干?你再胡搅蛮缠的话,别怪我不客气了。” The Long Yang sinking sound said. 龙阳沉声说道。 The king sledgehammer makes him cultivation quite, this abundant Yang Shuicheng is not the place of recklessly unseemly behavior, therefore Long Yang has been restraining itself, but this grandson sea is aggressive, lets Long Yang at heart is also anger. 王大锤让他好生修炼,这博阳水城可不是什么肆意妄为的地方,所以龙阳一直都在克制着自己,不过这个孙海洋却是咄咄逼人,让龙阳的心里也是十分的愤怒。 Aiyu hey? It seems like did I to your face, I pester endlessly? You sold the trash thing to me, did not compensate to me also even, added me to get what one deserves, the young brat, I thought that you did not know the immensity of heaven and earth, if I did not give you to select the color to take a look, you really do not know Three-eyed god had several eyes.” “哎呦喂?看来我还是给你脸了是不是,我胡搅蛮缠?你卖了垃圾东西给我,不赔给我也就算了,还说我活该,小兔崽子,我看你是不知天高地厚,我要是不给你点颜色瞧瞧,你是真不知道马王爷有几只眼呀。” The grandson sea and Long Yang to oppose each other with equal harshness, had broken off conversation at this time obviously, necessity that simply has not planned to continue. 孙海洋与龙阳针锋相对,这个时候显然已经谈崩了,根本就没有打算继续下去的必要了。 „Isn't this fellow too concerned about face? Sold the things of others such trash , the grandson sea will look for him no wonder. Isn't this cheats?” “这个家伙也太不要脸了吧?卖了人家这么垃圾的东西,也难怪孙海洋会去找他。这不是坑人嘛?” Does not understand do not compare blindly, you have not listened to others saying that he did not plan to sell, this grandson sea settled on, again and again wants to buy, but also is on intimate terms, now is unsatisfied, but also wants to return goods to blackmail, where has the fellow who is not concerned about face.” “不懂就不要瞎比比,你没听人家说嘛,他本来是不打算卖的,这个孙海洋看中了,几次三番想要买,还称兄道弟的,现在不满意了,还想退货讹人,哪有这么不要脸的家伙。” humph humph, this matter ten have ** is grandson sea bastard tosses about, his manner, I want to present the person, should no one be able not to know?” 哼哼,这件事情十有**就是孙海洋这个王八蛋折腾出来的,他的为人,我想在场之人,应该没有人会不知道吧?” Said is also, the grandson sea is what goods, everyone is obvious to all, now he is to blackmail, buying and selling by using compulsion, now also whole body is the principle, this is true persistently unreasonable.” “说的也是,孙海洋是什么货色,大家都是有目共睹,现在他就是想要讹人,强买强卖,现在自己还浑身是理,这才是真正的蛮不讲理吧。” Yeah, who makes others arrogant, I looked that today this person also has to meet with a disaster, little fights with the grandson, is courts death simply, annoyed should not the person annoying.” “哎,谁让人家飞扬跋扈呢,我看今天这个人又有遭殃了,跟孙少斗,简直就是找死呀,惹上了不该惹的人。” Most people toward Long Yang, the fact are placed at present, the grandson sea after all had not denied, but his family/home situation is big, bullies. 大多数人都是向着龙阳的,毕竟事实摆在眼前,就连孙海洋也没有否认,只不过他家大势大,仗势欺人而已。 Long Yang look gloomy and cold, this fellow must bully the person obvious, is from Long Yang spirit stones of error. 龙阳眼神阴冷,这个家伙明摆着是要欺负人,就是要从龙阳的身上讹的灵石而已。 spirit stones does not have, awfully.” “灵石没有,要命一条。” Long Yang stands proudly, does not attend to intimidation of grandson sea. 龙阳傲然而立,丝毫不顾孙海洋的威逼。 Naturally, without the words of spirit stones, you can also compensate me with other things, that tortoise shell compass that you obtained before, gives me, like this I can harass your life actually. You may think, crossed this village to be possible not to have this shop. Let alone my grandson sea bullies you, you may think, this is your for the last time opportunity.” “当然,没有灵石的话,你也可以用其他东西来补偿我,你之前得到的那块龟甲罗盘,给我吧,这样我倒是可以扰你一命。你可想好了,过了这村儿可就没这店儿了。别说我孙海洋欺负你,你可想好了,这是你最后一次机会。” Grandson sea look one bright, remembered Long Yang that tortoise shell compass that starts to obtain, that is the thing that he wants truly, moreover that thing is absolutely priceless, that is the Long Yang first taking advantage of a mistake thing, was given to hide by him. 孙海洋眼神一亮,想起了龙阳最开始得到的那块龟甲罗盘,那才是他真正想要的东西,而且那东西绝对价值连城,那是龙阳第一次捡漏的东西,之不过被他给藏了起来。 You also are really greedy, I can also to you an opportunity, now roll, I can treat as anything not to happen, the thing is you selects, makes me sell forcefully, you also find fault now unexpectedly, is really laughable. If you are determined with me dead to knock, do not blame me to give you opportunity you to be useless.” “你还真是贪心不足呀,我也可以给你一次机会,现在滚,我可以当做什么事情都没有发生,东西是你挑的,强行让我卖的,你现在竟然还来找茬儿,真是可笑。如果你执意要跟我死磕下去的话,就别怪我给你机会你不中用了。” Long Yang will not naturally give the grandson sea any face, two person diamond cut diamond, the instantaneous anger continually rises. 龙阳自然也是不会给孙海洋任何的面子,两个人针尖对麦芒,瞬间怒意不断上升。 In abundant Yang Shuicheng, the person who you do not give me for the first time face, you died.” “在博阳水城,你还是第一次这么不给我面子的人,你死定了。” Sun Haiyang self-confident saying, since Long Yang so unable to differentiate good from bad, oneself can only use strongly, when the time comes that tortoise shell compass also same is own it's in the bag. 孙海洋自信满满的说道,既然龙阳如此不知好歹,那自己只能用强的了,到时候那龟甲罗盘也一样是自己的囊中之物。 Human Immortal boundary peak, dares to bluff and bluster before oneself? My side is four Human Immortal boundary peak, you are nothing. 一个人仙巅峰,也敢在自己面前耀武扬威?我身边可是四个人仙巅峰呢,你算个屁呀。 Young fellow, I thought that you suffer unexpected financial losses to exempt the disaster, with the people of grandson few opposing, is without the good end, looks at you not to practice easily, if really resorts to arms, you know that regretted two characters.” “小伙子,我看你还是破财免灾吧,跟孙少作对的人,可是没有好下场的,看你修炼不易,如果真要是兵戎相见,你就知道后悔二字了。” Old man saying of with a laugh grandson sea behind, he is the freshwater shrimp essence, the cultivation has, did obeisance in Sun Liu king subordinate, became his staff. 孙海洋身后的老者笑呵呵的说道,他是青虾精,修炼有成,拜在了孙刘王的手下,成为他的幕僚。 Right, our brother several beginning words, you may probably unable to eat to capture.” “对呀,咱们老哥几个动手的话,你可就得吃不了兜着走了。” Another old woman is also the color of whole face ridicule, looks at each other one with the freshwater shrimp essence, look extreme gloomy and cold. 另一个老妪也是满脸讥笑之色,跟青虾精对视一眼,眼神极为的阴冷 „Are one crowd of old, weak, sick, and disabled, the capital that you clamored? The grandson sea, it seems like I also look at you high, this group of fellows, wants to fight with me? No matter who I you are, who dares to block my Long Yang road, I fight with you, the heaven is also not an exception.” “一群老弱病残,就是你叫嚣的资本嘛?孙海洋,看来我还真是高看你了,这群家伙,也想跟我斗?我不管你是谁,谁敢拦我龙阳的路,那我就跟你斗到底,天也不例外。” Long Yang sneers saying that gaze like electricity, murderous aura like rainbow. 龙阳冷笑道,目光如电,杀气如虹。 Good thing, is so wild, looked that the woman I tear into shreds you today, makes soup to drink to Sun less/small.” “好一个混帐东西,如此猖狂,看婆子我今天就把你撕碎,给孙少熬汤喝。” Hahaha, needs take action evidently today, always some people do not listen to advice, yeah.” 哈哈哈,看样子今日必须要出手了,总有人不听劝,哎。” The person of grandson sea behind, shakes the head secretly, to them, if can defeating the enemy without fighting naturally be best, but Long Yang as if no this plan, instead with their bar on. 孙海洋身后之人,都是暗自摇头,对于他们来说,如果能够不战而屈人之兵自然是最好的,但是龙阳似乎并没有这个打算,反而跟他们杠上了。 Sees? Several seniors, this fellow is unable to differentiate good from bad, giving his opportunity is also useless, exhausted extremely, catches to me this fellow, I must suffer him well.” “看见没有?几位前辈,这个家伙就是不知好歹,给他机会也不中用呀,劳烦极为了,把这家伙给我抓起来,我要好好的折磨他。” Grandson sea gaze is mean, lets the person of all look changes presence, grandson sea executioner, does not know that wrecked many people, not the excellent each family situation is big, has money to be authorized, you simply do not have the means to do to others. 孙海洋目光阴狠,让在场之人无不色变,孙海洋这种刽子手,不知道摧残了多少人,不过人家家大势大,有钱有权,你根本没办法奈何人家的。 The law of the jungle, this is survival Law, no one can change, when you have the enough strong strength, any natural law and Law, will be useless to you. 弱肉强食,这就是生存法则,没有人能够改变,当你拥有足够强大的实力之时,任何的规则法则,都将对你无用。 A long and well-maintained army is for a decisive strik! 养兵千日,用兵一时! Four big staff naturally also know, in the future their Sun must be wielded by the grandson sea, even now, the grandson sea in Sun is still under one person above ten thousand people, except for his father, no one pays attention. 四大幕僚自然也是知道,未来他们孙家肯定是要被孙海洋执掌的,就算是现在,孙海洋在孙家也是一人之下万人之上,除了他老子,谁都不放在眼里。 Served the eldest son, sure right. 把大少爷伺候好了,肯定没错儿。 Is you are without a fight, wants us to begin personally?” “是你束手就擒,还是要我们亲自动手?” The old woman looks straight ahead Long Yang, the whole body imposing manner is being assigned away from the capital suddenly, four Human Immortal boundary peak expert, encircles Long Yang in central, at this time the grandson sea was a sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight appearance, later he waited to gather up dead bodies to pick the treasure to Long Yang on the line. 老妪直视着龙阳,浑身气势骤然外放,四个人仙巅峰高手,将龙阳围在中央,这个时候孙海洋则是一副坐山观虎斗的样子,待会儿他就等着给龙阳收尸捡宝就行了。 Yeah , the person must die, pitifully, cultivation base is not really easy, and line and treasures.” “哎,又有一个人要死掉了,真是可惜呀,修为不易,且行且珍惜呀。” Grandson sea face sigh with emotion saying, corner of the mouth smile, is the incomparable brightness, four Human Immortal boundary peak expert had also awaited orders in the one side, so long as order, then this Long Yang will die without the burial ground. 孙海洋一脸感慨的说道,嘴角的笑容,也是无比的灿烂,四个人仙巅峰高手也是早就已经在一旁待命了,只要自己一声令下,那么这个龙阳就会死无葬身之地。 Idle talk are really many, you can live now, is a miracle.” “废话还真多,你能活到现在,也是个奇迹。” Long Yang shakes the head secretly. 龙阳暗自摇头。 Said uselessly, take action, otherwise, do not blame me not to give you opportunity.” “多说无益,出手吧,否则的话,可别怪我不给你们机会。” The Long Yang horizontal blade immediately, gaze like the arrow, four people had been ready, charged into Long Yang instantaneously. 龙阳横刀立马,目光如箭,四个人早就已经是做好了准备,瞬间冲向了龙阳
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