DMWG :: Volume #49

#4782: Flying blood bat

We get down, you two, double carefully!” “我们下去吧,你们两个,加倍小心!” Jiang Chen looked at hawk with Chen fine jade one, is low and deep was saying. 江尘看了洛莺跟辰璐一眼,低沉着说道。 Three people start to dive slowly, goes toward heavenly pit under. 三人开始徐徐下潜,向着天坑之下而去。 Around heavenly pit, does not have any vegetation, black, looking like the coal stone is the same, gullies, during the distribution, pour into just like the wind-drift sand. 天坑周围,没有任何的植被,黑黢黢的,就像是煤石一样,一道道沟壑,分布其间,宛如流沙灌入。 However depending on the naked eye, almost several hundred meters could not only have seen the condition under bottom, even if Jiang Chen they , can only see the following about three kilometers positions, remaining, is dark. 但是仅凭肉眼,几乎几百米就已经看不到地底之下的状况了,哪怕是江尘他们,也只能看到下面三千米左右的位置,剩下的,就是漆黑一片。 dark(ness) regarding anybody, is quite frightened, because in dark(ness), can feel the death exist(ence). 黑暗对于任何人而言,都是相当恐惧的,因为在黑暗之中,能够感受到死亡的存在 Jiang Chen threw a fireball, threw into heavenly pit, the fireball falls unceasingly, however fireball rays of light, was actually gradually swallowed by dark(ness), cannot see the boundary as before, looks not. 江尘投掷了一枚火球,扔进了天坑之中,火球不断下落,但是火球的光芒,却逐渐被黑暗所吞噬,依旧看不到边际,看不到底。 Three people are cautious, does not dare to have slight neglecting, even if Jiang Chen is also so, initially the father of Chen fine jade said, even his star level 8-layer day expert, does not dare to seek for the falling from the sky star rock directly, regarding that heavenly pit, fears it like the tiger, they must be careful at times. 三个人小心翼翼,不敢有丝毫的怠慢,哪怕江尘亦是如此,当初辰璐的父亲说,连他这个恒星级八重天的高手,都没敢直接去寻找陨落星岩,对于那天坑之下,畏之如虎,他们更要时时小心。 „The person who I listen to the older generation has said that under heavenly pit is imprisoning far Ancient Heavenly Demon, in the entire day Mercury, no one dares to penetrate underground, once awakens Heavenly Demon, will be a brutal slaughter, will fall into heavenly pit, will not have the life also!” “我听老一辈的人说过,天坑之下囚禁着一个远古天魔,整个天辰星之中,都没有人敢深入地下,一旦惊醒天魔,将会是一场无情的屠杀,落入天坑者,无一生还!” Chen fine jade sound low and deep saying, but at this time, she more was dived, innermost feelings even more anxious, even more excited, even also filled curiously, regardless of anybody to the unknown matter, were full of the hope, Chen fine jade was no exception, although here unusual danger, very mysterious. 辰璐声音低沉的说道,不过这个时候,她越是下潜下来,内心就越发的紧张,越发的激动,甚至还充满了好奇,无论任何人对未知的事情,都充满了渴望,辰璐也不例外,尽管这里非常的危险,非常的神秘。 The grandfather had once reproven the father, the father biggest regret, cannot enter under heavenly pit, finds out. 爷爷就曾训斥过父亲,父亲最大的遗憾,就是没能进入天坑之下,一探究竟。 However today, she can complete father's desire finally, went to here to look well, this was also she until now vainly hoped. 不过今日,她终于可以完成父亲的愿望,去这里好好看一看了,这也是她一直以来的梦想。 Far Ancient Heavenly Demon......” “远古天魔……” A Jiang Chen brow wrinkle, muttered was saying, no matter below had anything, oneself must seek for this falling from the sky star rock, even the Heavenly King father was not good. 江尘眉头一皱,喃喃着说道,不管下面有什么,自己都要寻找这陨落星岩,就算是天王老子也不行。 No matter how, careful is on.” “不管如何,还是小心为上吧。” Hawk nods, three people following the heavenly pit cliff wall, downward, the fireball in Jiang Chen hand, can only illuminate hundred meters distance, the surroundings are lingering one after another a layer upon layer black bell breast, overhangs under. 洛莺点点头,三人顺着天坑的崖壁,一路向下,江尘手中的火球,只能够照亮百米距离,周围一圈一圈萦绕着一层层黑色的钟乳,悬垂而下。 When Jiang Chen they dive to several tens of thousands meters, finally felt a chill in the air. 江尘他们下潜到数万米的时候,终于感到了一丝寒意。 That chill in the air, originates from deep in one's heart, the surrounding temperature is just more than 50 degrees below zero, completely insufficiently fatal, but regarding Jiang Chen, this chill in the air, is far-reaching, because it seems like some people to send out intentionally. 那股寒意,来源于内心深处,周围的气温只不过是零下五十多度而已,完全不足以致命,但是对于江尘而言,这股寒意,意义深远,因为它似乎是有人故意发出的。 Suddenly, Jiang Chen fixes the eyes on to look, saw a falling from the sky star rock of three fist sizes unexpectedly. 突然间,江尘定睛而望,竟然看到了一块三拳大小的陨落星岩。 In that!” “在那!” Jiang Chen look one bright, the flying goes, tight grabs that falling from the sky star rock, in the heart is difficult to cover excitedly, although this falling from the sky star rock is also insufficient again refining Heavenly Dragon Sword, but regarding Jiang Chen, this has a good start, according to the father of Chen fine jade said that continues downward, will definitely also find the falling from the sky star rock. 江尘眼神一亮,飞身而去,紧紧的抓着那块陨落星岩,心中难掩兴奋,虽然这点儿陨落星岩还不足以重新炼化天龙剑,但是对于江尘来说,这是开了一个好头,按照辰璐的父亲所言,继续向下,肯定还会找到陨落星岩的。 Why will appear as for the falling from the sky star rock here, Jiang Chen is also unknown. 至于陨落星岩为什么会出现在这里,江尘也不得而知。 I feel a chill in the air probably, is approaching us quietly.” “我好像感到一阵寒意,正在悄悄的逼近我们。” Chen fine jade is looking around, dark(ness) is boundless, but currently has big brother Jiang Chen, she is also quite stable. 辰璐四下张望着,黑暗无边,但是现在有江尘大哥在,她心里还算是颇为安定。 This should be that falling from the sky star rock that in my father mouth said. Does big brother Jiang Chen, we also continue to look downward? I am a little afraid.” “这应该就是我父亲口中说的那块陨落星岩了。江尘大哥,我们还继续向下找嘛?我有点害怕。” Chen fine jade said in a low voice. 辰璐低声说道。 I made you do not come, you were bent on having, you went back, I got down with hawk on the line.” “我让你不要来了,你偏要来,你还是回去吧,我跟洛莺下去就行了。” The Jiang Chen forced smile said. 江尘苦笑道。 All right, I can be good.” “没事,我能行。” Chen fine jade is clenching teeth saying that hawk elder sister can be good, oneself can also certainly be good, this is her domain, oneself protected to be able absolutely weak the crest of wave. 辰璐咬着牙说道,洛莺姐姐能行,自己也一定能行,这可是她的地盘儿,自己绝对保护能够弱了风头。 You you, yeah.” “你呀你,哎。” Jiang Chen shakes the head, saw firmness in Chen fine jade eye. 江尘摇了摇头,也看出了辰璐眼中的坚决。 Continues, careful point and that's the end, what this falling from the sky star rock, is really unusual treasuring, if can find several again, was really the big good fortune, the treasure in this heavenly pit, was only happens by happy circumstance.” “继续走吧,小心一点就是了,不过这个陨落星岩,的确是非常的珍惜,如果能再找到几块的话,确是大造化了,这天坑之中的宝贝,也是可遇不可求啊。” Hawk said, Jiang Chen is also having this intent, misses this village, but may not have this shop. 洛莺说道,江尘也是正有此意,错过这村儿,可就不一定会有这个店儿了。 The surrounding black dike, like by the rain wash wash, as before is the gully myriad feelings, but, Jiang Chen felt the enormous pressure, because the falling from the sky stars in his hand, looked like become very heavy, the extraordinary anomaly, like thousand honored was extremely heavy same. 周围的黑色岩壁,如同被雨水冲刷洗涤一样,依旧是沟壑万千的感觉,不过紧接着,江尘就感觉到了极大的压力,因为他手中的陨落星辰,就像是变得非常沉重一样,出奇的变态,如同千钧万钧一样。 This surrounding space, changed probably.” “这周围的空间,好像发生变化了。” Jiang Chen has an ominous premonition, black Earth Domain under bottom, becomes more and more moist, more and more gloomy and cold, the chill in the air raids from the heart . Moreover the falling from the sky star rock in hand, has let the feeling that he has to plant unable to get. 江尘有种不祥的预感,地底之下的黑色地域,变得越来越潮湿,越来越阴冷,寒意从心中袭来,而且手中的陨落星岩,已经让他有种抓不住的感觉。 I feel like have the innumerable only eyes to stare at me.” “我感觉好像有无数只眼睛盯着我。” Hawk waits and sees, but her anything cannot see, but premonition in heart, actually very anxious. 洛莺四下观望,可是她什么也看不见,但是心中的预感,却非常的紧张。 Heavenly Fire sets the prairie afire!” 天火燎原!” Jiang Chen look one cold, the palm moves, the hundred zhang (333 m) flame, illuminated the heavenly pit four walls together instantaneously, in this moment, in entire heavenly pit, grating squeals, resounds through void. 江尘眼神一寒,手掌一动,一道百丈火焰,瞬间照亮了天坑四壁,也就在这一刻,整个天坑之中,一声声刺耳的尖叫声,响彻虚空。 Squeak-- “吱—— Squeak squeak squeak-- “吱吱吱—— Really, like the gully common black dike, started to fall off unexpectedly completely, but the surroundings presented the innumerable say/way shiny looks. 果然,原本如同沟壑一般的黑色岩壁,竟然全部开始脱落下来,而周围出现了无数道锃亮的眼神。 Many eyes......” “好多的眼睛……” Chen fine jade has an absolutely terrified feeling, because of all eyes, is staring at them, fills feeling that the bloodthirsty swallowed. 辰璐有种毛骨悚然的感觉,因为所有的眼睛,都在盯着他们,充满了嗜血吞噬的感觉。 What thing is this?” “这是什么东西?” Hawk delicate eyebrows tighten, the complexion is gloomy, this densely packed thing, regarding the woman, is quite unfriendly, no matter hawk or Chen fine jade, are the nauseas of whole face. 洛莺秀眉紧锁,脸色阴沉,这种密密麻麻的东西,对于女人而言,是相当不友好的,不管是洛莺还是辰璐,都是满脸的恶心。 Is the bat!” “是蝙蝠!” The Jiang Chen sound is dignified, these bats, it is estimated that have the thousands, moreover is very big stature, has the fierce tiger general size fully, all hangs above the dike, the Jiang Chen's fire, awakened them, everyone's bat, looks to them, filling was angry and fierce. 江尘声音凝重,这些蝙蝠非常之多,估计有数以万计,而且全都是非常大个儿,足有猛虎一般大小,全都挂在岩壁之上,江尘的大火,唤醒了他们,所有人的蝙蝠,都是冲着他们望来,充满了愤怒与狰狞。 I knew, is flying blood bat, I had seen in the 100,000 mountain initially, has not thought that here unexpectedly is their den.” “我知道了,是飞天血蝠,我当初在十万大山之中看到过,没想到这里竟然是他们的老巢。” Chen fine jade pupil reduces, mutters was saying, cannot bear scalp tingles. 辰璐瞳孔紧缩,喃喃着说道,忍不住头皮发麻。 These flying blood bat unusual terrifying, moreover very sly, they live in groups Monster Beast . Moreover the strength...... cannot be underestimated, each flying blood bat, has battle strength of star level, although cannot lord it over in this 100,000 mountain, if to so many flying blood bat, my grandfather, it is estimated that must evade its point even!” “这些飞天血蝠非常的恐怖,而且非常的狡猾,它们都是群居妖兽,而且实力……不容小觑,每一只飞天血蝠,都有着恒星级的战力,虽然在这十万大山之中不能称王称霸,但是一旦对上这么多的飞天血蝠,就算是我爷爷,估计也得避其锋芒!” Now what to do? Draws back?” “现在怎么办?退嘛?” Hawk looks to Jiang Chen. 洛莺看向江尘 „Do you feel also with enough time? They have observed closely us.” “你觉得还来得及嘛?它们已经盯住我们了。” Jiang Chen muttered was saying. 江尘喃喃着说道。 Among the flashes, all flying blood bat, opened the wing, the flying! 一霎那间,所有的飞天血蝠,都是张开了翅膀,飞天而起!
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