DMWG :: Volume #49

#4773: breakthrough nears

Really is laughable, but also do some people dare to manage my yellow handsome others 's business? Who dares to spout rhetoric here?” “真是可笑,还有人敢管我黄俊的闲事?谁敢在这里大放厥词?” A gloomy and cold sound, appears above void, yellow handsome turns head suddenly, looks to Jiang Chen. 一声阴冷的声音,出现在虚空之上,黄俊猛然间回头,望向江尘 He was worrying that no one accompanies himself fun, this fellow delivers unexpectedly on own initiative, that was interesting. 他正愁没有人陪自己好好玩玩呢,这家伙竟然主动送上门开,那就有意思了。 Yellow mouth young child, courts death!” “黄口小儿,找死!” The guard blocks directly before yellow handsome, glowers to Jiang Chen. 护卫直接拦在黄俊面前,对江尘怒目而视。 You snatched the treasure also even, seized the daughter unexpectedly, Hahaha, it seems like I needed on the manages.” “你们抢宝贝也就算了,竟然还强抢民女,哈哈哈,看来我必须要管上一管了。” Saying of Jiang Chen faint smile. 江尘似笑非笑的说道。 You think that who you are? The boys, I thought that you were really were serious yourself, did you believe that I killed you, does not need to begin.” “你以为你是谁?小子,我看你真是太把自己当回事儿了,你信不信,我杀你,根本不需要动手。” yellow handsome is also the link chest stands, speaks with confidence, but also no one to oneself rampant. 黄俊也是环胸而立,侃侃而谈,还没有人对自己嚣张过。 In day Mercury, he is a local despot, is Overlord, no one dares with oneself to be an enemy, his first. 在天辰星,他就是土皇帝,就是霸主,没有人敢跟自己为敌,他还是头一个。 That then, are you come the hero to rescue beautiful?” “那这么说来,你是来英雄救美的?” yellow handsome sneers. 黄俊冷笑。 „It is not, I am snatch the treasure.” “不是,我是来抢宝贝的。” The Jiang Chen calm genial smile, making the yellow handsome complexion gloomy, felt oneself were played. 江尘从容和煦的笑容,让黄俊脸色阴沉,感觉自己被耍了。 Okay good! I help you, wants dead is not easy? In day Mercury, I can satisfy your 100 desires.” “好好好!那我就成全你,想死还不容易嘛?在天辰星,我能够满足你一百个愿望。” yellow handsome looked at Jiang Chen exhaltedly, complexion incomparable gloomy and cold, the surroundings some people was also encircling at this time, filled surprisedly, the war of it seems like that this treasure competition, unavoidably a reactionary reign of terror. 黄俊居高临下的望着江尘,脸色无比阴冷,周围此时也有人围了过来,充满了惊讶,看来这场宝贝争夺之战,免不了一场血雨腥风。 Everyone holds the the mantis stalks the cicada unaware of the oriole behind goal to come, if both sides fight, hangs in the balance, even the Huang family eldest son, they do not pay attention to the same old way, is only now, is awed by the Huang family dignity, four star level sevenfold day expert strengths. 每个人都是抱着螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后的目的而来,如果双方大战,命悬一线,就算是黄家的大少爷,他们也照样不放在眼里,只是现在,慑于黄家的威严,还有四个恒星级七重天高手的实力而已。 However, if both sides fight, they have the opportunity of obtaining without labor fisherman's profit, who can let off? 但是,如果双方大战,他们有坐收渔翁之利的机会,谁能放过呢? However now looks like, Jiang Chen obviously acts recklessly, dares to provoke yellow handsome, Huang family is dignified, is who can encroach? 但是现在看来,江尘明显是不知死活,竟敢出来挑衅黄俊,黄家威严,是谁都可以侵犯的嘛? If for treasure, it can be said that courage praise worthy, if rescues beautiful for the hero, can only say that he is a big fool. 如果是为了宝贝,可以说是勇气可嘉,如果是为了英雄救美,只能说他是个大傻子。 Kills me? That must look at you to have this skill, the person I want, the treasure I also want, the fish and bear's paws, I all want!” “杀我?那要看你有没有这个本事了,人我要,宝贝我也要,鱼与熊掌,我全都要!” Jiang Chen said with a smile, with yellow handsome four eyes contact, yellow handsome complexion even more gloomy and cold, the trash where braves, does not know profoundly. 江尘笑着说道,与黄俊四目相对,黄俊的脸色越发阴冷,哪里冒出来的垃圾,不知道天高地厚。 I help you, wanting the hero to rescue beautiful also to look own several jin (0.5 kg) several two, get rid of him to me.” “那我就成全你,想要英雄救美也得看自己几斤几两,给我干掉他。” yellow Junchen sound said. 黄俊沉声道。 I looked that who dares to move?” “我看谁敢动?” Hawk moves sideways, stands side Jiang Chen's, at this time, attracted everyone's attention! 洛莺闪身而出,站在江尘的身边,这个时候,更是吸引了所有人的注意! very powerful strength! 好强的实力! Another star level sevenfold day! 又一个恒星级七重天! Moreover hawk was too the most important thing is attractive, entered the stage to deter everyone, yellow handsome looked at to hawk time, was liking of being filled with, the eyeball soon falls. 而且最重要的是洛莺太漂亮了,一出场就震慑住了所有人,黄俊看向洛莺的时候,更是满心的欢喜,眼珠子都快要掉出来了。 Fuck! Such beautiful woman, only on Yingtian had, which the world how many heard that it seems like was really God delivers to warm to me, was this little elder sister too also pretty? gā gā gā! Takes to me them, tonight, I take dragon Xier a phoenix.” 卧槽!这样的美女,只应天上有,人间哪得几回闻啊,看来真是老天爷给我送温暖来了,这小姐姐也太漂亮了吧?嘎嘎嘎!把他们两个都给我拿下,今天晚上,我要一龙戏二凤。” yellow handsome is delighted, a Chen fine jade had made him capricious, now comes out such a exquisite beauty beautiful woman, this also? 黄俊眉飞色舞,原本一个辰璐就已经让他心猿意马了,现在又出来一个这样国色天香的美女,这还了得? Hurries to arrange, this is not the beautiful woman of delivering, how possibly to make her run? 赶紧安排上,这不是送上门的美女么,怎么可能让她跑了呢? Three guard looks one bright, looks at each other one, this woman was really attractive, the young master definitely moved, now is excited cannot self-restrain. 三个护卫眼神一亮,对视一眼,这女人实在是太漂亮了,少爷肯定是动心了,现在已经是激动的不能自抑了。 Ended, this they must by the Huang family person spoiling, too pitifully, yeah, the good miss.” “完了,这回他们都得被黄家人给糟蹋了,太可惜了,哎,多好的姑娘呀。” Yeah, yellow handsome this bastard, bullying, the father has looked he is not pleasing to the eyes, but without the means that who lets others is the local despot of day of Mercury?” “可不是嘛,黄俊这个混蛋,仗势欺人,老子一直就看他不顺眼,但是没办法,谁让人家是天辰星的土皇帝呢?” Practices well might as well live well, the juniors of day Mercury most playboy, belonged to yellow Junmo, but actually no one can do to them.” “修炼得好不如生得好,天辰星最纨绔的子弟,非黄俊莫属了,但是却没有人能够奈何得了他们。” Day, if the feeling emotion day is also old, we are just the insignificance of this eternal world , compared with others, we after all were extremely tiny.” “天若有情天亦老,我们都只不过是这永恒世界的沧海一粟,跟人家比起来,我们终归还是太过渺小了。” Yes, only then own strength become stronger, can not be bullied. Pitiful lamentable pitiful, in the world did not put down the matter is too many, even if expert, was hard to strive to turn the tide.” “是啊,只有自己的实力变强,才能够不被人欺负呀。可怜可叹可悲呀,天底下的不平事太多了,纵使强者,也难以力挽狂澜。” Many people see this, is quite sigh with emotion, after all Jiang Chen for the treasure, rescues beautiful for the hero, before yellow handsome, almost does not have the strength to hit back, this war, being doomed to fall. 不少人看到这一幕,都颇为感慨,毕竟江尘是不是为了宝贝,是不是为了英雄救美,在黄俊面前,几乎是没有还手之力的,这一战,注定要栽跟头。 Begins, your three, my.” “动手吧,你三个,我一个。” Hawk looks to Jiang Chen, shows a faint smile. 洛莺看向江尘,微微一笑。 You really think that your man can hit.” “你真以为你男人这么能打呀。” Jiang Chen smiles, smiles bitterly. 江尘不禁莞尔,苦笑一声。 „Can you hit me not to know, saved the little miss, others will definitely not pledge yourself to me, others may perhaps.” “你能不能打我不知道,救下了小姑娘,人家肯定不会对我以身相许,别人可就说不定了。” Hawk curls the lip, cynically said. 洛莺撇撇嘴,阴阳怪气的说道 In the Jiang Chen heart sighed, Paternal grandmother, this was jealous. 江尘心中一叹,奶奶的,这是吃醋了。 I for treasure, not for woman.” “我是为了宝贝,不是为了女人。” The Jiang Chen sinking sound said, displays the final stubbornness. 江尘沉声说道,表现出最后的倔强。 Who knows.” “那谁知道呢。” Hawk turned turned the white of the eyes, at this time, yellow handsome three big guards had flushed. 洛莺翻了翻白眼,这个时候,黄俊的三大护卫已经冲了上来。 Your this is to fall absolutely your man in the non- righteousness.” “你这绝对是想要陷你的男人于不义啊。” Jiang Chen smiles bitterly, takes the lead to attack, can't hawk to shoulder all? 江尘苦笑一声,率先出击,总不能让洛莺一个人扛下所有吧? Jiang Chen by an enemy three, holds a sword, Lingyun on straight. 江尘以一敌三,仗剑而出,凌云直上。 Heavenly Dragon Sword as before overwhelming power such as beginning, dominates the potential of sword, lets three star level sevenfold days expert, does not dare to belittle. 天龙剑依旧威猛如初,霸剑之势,让三个恒星级七重天的高手,都不敢小觑。 Fuck! Was this boy too fierce? By an enemy three? Talked nonsense.” 卧槽!这小子太猛了吧?以一敌三?扯淡呢。” I do not believe, star level five heavy days, hit three star level sevenfold days, have a dream.” “我不相信,一个恒星级五重天,打三个恒星级七重天,做梦吧。” I do not believe that this is courts death to be the same.” “我也不信,这就是找死一样。” The people shake the head in abundance, thinks he has the helper, secure, but now looks like, is a fool. 众人纷纷摇头,原本以为他是有帮手,有恃无恐,但是现在看来,就是个傻子。 Has not hurried to give me to solve, this young master is impatient.” “还不赶紧给我解决掉,本少爷已经迫不及待了。” yellow handsome rubs hands saying that in the look was full of the Yin evil color, is taking a fast look around on the body of hawk unceasingly back and forth, looked at Chen fine jade, the happiness of having two wives, that was is really beautiful, oneself this time itinerary, really not wrong, treasure anything secondary, the woman was the thing that he most loved. 黄俊搓搓手说道,眼神之中充满了阴邪之色,不断在洛莺的身上来回的扫视着,看了看身边的辰璐,齐人之福,那可是真是太美了,自己这一次的行程,果然没有错,宝贝什么的都是次要的,女人才是他最爱的东西。 Life complacent must have a good time, yellow handsome incomparably excited, the woman is his life biggest pleasure. 人生得意须尽欢,黄俊无比兴奋,女人才是他此生最大的乐趣。 However what yellow handsome has not thought that three star level sevenfold days guards, fight more than hundred moves unable to beat this bastard unexpectedly, isn't this cracks a joke? 不过黄俊没有想到的是,三个恒星级七重天的护卫,竟然交手百余招都是没能击败这个王八蛋,这不是开玩笑吗? Three waste, star level five heavy day of fellows, is worth so dragging in lots of people? Were you good.” “三个废物,一个恒星级五重天的家伙,也值得你们如此兴师动众嘛?你们还行不行了。” yellow handsome cursed angrily, he wished one could personally take action, did a boy of strength so trash, make their three entanglements long time, for a long time unable to capture unexpectedly, wants your crowd of rice buckets to be useful? 黄俊怒骂道,他恨不得亲自出手,一个实力如此垃圾的小子,竟然让他们三个纠缠良久,都是久攻不下,要你们这群饭桶有什么用? At this time, Jiang Chen fiercely competed and successfully competed, the expert battle with three star level sevenfold days, was full, at this time he has achieved star level five heavy day of peak, actually to fight, breakthrough neared! 这个时候,江尘愈战愈勇,与三个恒星级七重天的高手交战,更是酣畅淋漓,这个时候他已经达到了恒星级五重天的巅峰,究竟大战,突破在即!
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