DMWG :: Volume #49

#4716: Miracle of walk

The Jiang Chen's mood incomparable excitement, travel far and wide looking for something, must come is not all time-consuming, all these, must give credit to Feng'er to oneself caution, without Feng'er to own caution, oneself is will not give up the Great Emperor inheritance absolutely, even if the hardships, he must arrive finally. 江尘的心情无比的激动,踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫,这一切,都要归功于风儿对自己的警示,如果没有风儿对自己的警示,自己是绝对不会放弃大帝传承的,哪怕千难万险,他也一定要走到最后的。 However now, the Jiang Chen evening however looks back, discovers the true treasure, in own behind. 但是现在,江尘暮然回首,才发现真正的宝贝,就在自己的身后 That mountain, is the star essence of revelation star, is Jiang Chen continuously the thing that tracks down with hardship. 那座大山,便是天启星的恒星内核,就是江尘一直在苦苦追寻的东西。 so that's how it is.” 原来如此。” Shocks in six keel coiled dragon innermost feelings, it can be imagined, such huge energy source, unexpectedly is this mountain, the star essence, he had not heard before. 六脊蟠龙内心之中的震撼,可想而知,这么庞大的能量源泉,竟然是这座大山,恒星内核,他以前从来就没有听说过。 This is a core of star is, is the true energy source, the strength of stars, performs all in this, but today, I must swallow this star essence.” “这是一颗星球的核心所在,是真正的能量源泉,星辰之力,尽皆于此,而今天,我要吞噬了这恒星内核。” Jiang Chen look incomparably blazing saying. 江尘眼神无比炽热的说道。 What?” “什么?” looks at Jiang Chen that six keel coiled dragons cannot believe that this mountain, relative big, such huge energy, can Jiang Chen really absorb? 六脊蟠龙不敢相信的看着江尘,这座大山,相当之大,这么庞大的能量,江尘真的能够吸收得了嘛? This was extremely simply unthinkable. 这简直太过匪夷所思了。 However since Jiang Chen said that definitely has his truth, will not be the rumor. 但是江尘既然这么说了,肯定是有他的道理,不会是空穴来风。 Six keel coiled dragons are inconceivable, if this mountain really by Jiang Chen swallowing, his strength perhaps did meet advance by leaps and bounds? 六脊蟠龙难以想象,如果这座大山真的被江尘给吞噬了,他的实力恐怕会突飞猛进吧? Enters the Great Emperor grave, what is the tracked down thing? To breakthrough, achieve own peak unceasingly unceasingly? But at this moment, regarding Jiang Chen, his goal has achieved very much obviously, no matter the inheritance in Great Emperor grave is anything, he seemed to have found the thing that oneself wanted, this enough. 进入大帝墓冢,追寻的东西是什么?不就是为了不断突破,不断达到自己的巅峰嘛?而这一刻,对于江尘来说,很显然他的目的已经达到了,不管大帝墓冢之中的传承是什么,他似乎已经找到了自己想要的东西,这就够了 This star essence, is my breakthrough key is.” “这颗恒星内核,就是我突破的关键所在。” The Jiang Chen sinking sound said. 江尘沉声说道。 The diligent people, the day do not lose, oneself finally found the star essence of revelation star. 苦心人,天不负,自己终于是找到了天启星的恒星内核。 Congratulates the master, congratulates the master!” “恭喜主人,贺喜主人!” Black king unparalleled inspired saying, found the star essence, Jiang Chen's stars astral can have progressed enormously, when the time comes the strength will turn surely increases. 黑王无比振奋的说道,找到了恒星内核,江尘的星辰罡就能够有极大的进步了,到时候实力必定会翻倍增加的。 Star essence not all stars have the thing that each star essence, has the strength of unequalled stars, but the strength of these stars, are the Jiang Chen stimulation of movement stars astral best energy sources. 恒星内核并不是所有的星球都有的东西,每一颗恒星内核,都拥有着无与伦比的星辰之力,而这些星辰之力,就是江尘催动星辰罡最好的能量源泉。 Master, I with the coiled dragon for your Protector, you swallow this star essence although then am.” “主人,我与蟠龙为你护法,你尽管吞噬这恒星内核便是。” Black king Chen sound said. 黑王沉声道。 Good! Laborious you two.” “好!辛苦你们两个了。” Jiang Chen nods, rousing in innermost feelings, speechless, all these, are the in the unseen world of spirits fate, the Feng'er caution, is Jiang Chen searches the key of this star essence to be, but at this time, he must finally again breakthrough. 江尘点点头,内心之中的振奋,无以言表,这一切,都是冥冥之中的定数,风儿警示,是江尘寻觅到这个恒星内核的关键所在,而这个时候,他终于要再一次突破了。 The star level double day, by far is not his end point, these looked whether time he could swallow this star essence thoroughly. 恒星级二重天,远远不是他的终点,这一次就看他能否把这恒星内核彻底吞噬了。 The Jiang Chen mind is dignified, energy unusual terrifying in this star essence, the strength of stars is also exceptionally powerful, oneself want to swallow it perfectly, is not a simple matter, needs be good cautiously, otherwise the strength of so boundless stars, if cannot compress to the balanced situation perfectly, Jiang Chen may face the live or die. 江尘心神凝重,这恒星内核之中的能量非常的恐怖,星辰之力也是异常强大,自己想要将其完美吞噬,也不是一件简单的事情,必须要小心翼翼才行,否则的话如此磅礴的星辰之力,如果不能完美压缩到平衡的地步,江尘是有可能面临生死抉择的。 The star essence, the energy is infinite, but regarding Jiang Chen, is a double-edged sword. 恒星内核,能量无穷,但是对于江尘来说,也是一把双刃剑。 The hydro energy carries the boat, can the capsized boat, nothing be can get it done in one action, wanting a stronger strength, Jiang Chen to withstand, be more than common person. 水能载舟,亦能覆舟,没什么是可以一蹴而就的,想要得到更强大的实力,江尘承受的,就要比寻常人更多。 Star essence, galaxy Great Emperor, many thanks.” “恒星内核,星河大帝,多谢了。” Jiang Chen does not look askance, revolves stars astral, starts to get ready to swallow the star essence. 江尘目不斜视,运转起星辰罡,开始准备吞噬星星内核。 Holds the Yuan to defend one, the intention is interlinked, the dantian surges, swallows Vault of Heaven! 抱元守一,心意相通,丹田涌动,吞噬苍穹 Stars astral is between Heaven and Earth is most powerful most abnormal peerless cultivation method, otherwise dragon Buddha will not be chased down by the eternal lord, to obtain this stars astral. 星辰罡乃是天地之间最强大最变态的绝世功法,否则的话龙浮屠也不会被永恒之主追杀,就是为了得到这星辰罡。 The Jiang Chen incomparable dignity, stars astral revolves, the crazy spoliator star essence strength of stars, the terrifying energy, floods into Jiang Chen's within the body unceasingly, at that moment, heaven and earth look changes, dizzy, six keel coiled dragon faces the color of shock, with Jiang Chen, he saw too many too many inconceivable, one's effort, changes the course of events, although the strength has a big disparity with oneself as before, but can actually erupt the strength of shocking everybody, making one never dare to belittle. 江尘无比的凝重,星辰罡运转而起,疯狂的掠夺者恒星内核之中的星辰之力,恐怖的能量,不断涌入江尘的体内,那一刻,天地色变,天旋地转,六脊蟠龙一脸的震惊之色,跟着江尘,他看到了太多太多的不可思议,一己之力,扭转乾坤,虽然实力依旧跟自己有着不小的差距,但是却能够爆发出惊世骇俗的力量,让人永远不敢小觑。 Six keel coiled dragons can feel the boundless strength, is rushing to Jiang Chen's within the body, that spatial boundless imposing manner, he does not dare to imagine. 六脊蟠龙能够感受到无穷无尽的力量,正在涌向江尘的体内,那空磅礴的气势,他根本不敢想象。 Jiang Chen's strength, only then the star level double day, how does he withstand such huge energy? 江尘的实力,只有恒星级二重天而已,他是怎么承受住这么庞大的能量呢? This simply is not the common person can achieve, even star level peak, is still not necessarily able to withstand, but Jiang Chen achieved! 根本就不是寻常人能够做到的,即便是恒星级巅峰,也未必能够承受得了,但是江尘做到了! Such terrifying the strength of stars, the energy is inconceivable, affects to a body of person, just like ground by the mighty force is the same, suffocating. 这么恐怖的星辰之力,能量难以想象,作用到一个人的身上,宛如被千军万马碾过一样,令人窒息。 In brief six keel coiled dragons do not dare to imagine, if this, had been supported to explode the body, Jiang Chen simply is a walking miracle. 总之六脊蟠龙是不敢想象的,这要是自己的话,早就已经被撑爆身体了,江尘简直就是一个行走的奇迹。 terrifying in this way.” 恐怖如斯呀。” Six keel coiled dragons muttered were saying. 六脊蟠龙喃喃着说道。 You know terrifying of master, hehe, although this time star essence some huge, but I believe that the master can certainly complete to swallow. Stars astral, swallows nothing which is not, even this big star essence, is still a cinch.” “你才知道主人的恐怖呀,呵呵呵,虽然这一次的恒星内核有些庞大,但是我相信主人一定能够完成吞噬的。星辰罡,无所不吞,就算是这偌大的恒星内核,也不在话下。” The black king looks to six keel coiled dragons, nods of six keel coiled dragon beliefs, Jiang Chen was really overbearing, his exist(ence), was a legend. 黑王看向六脊蟠龙,六脊蟠龙信服的点点头,江尘实在是太霸道了,他的存在,就是一个传奇。 The strength of stars floods into Jiang Chen within the body unceasingly, Jiang Chen like swallowing up general, swallows crazily, the huge incomparable energy, making Jiang Chen like enlightened, is exceptionally carefree and comfortable, this type by the feeling that the strength of stars wraps, making his heart unable to be tranquil for a very long time. 星辰之力不断涌入江尘体内,江尘有如鲸吞一般,疯狂吞噬,庞大无比的能量,让江尘有如醍醐灌顶,异常的畅快而舒适,这种被星辰之力包裹的感觉,令他的心久久不能平静。 Makes more violent, Hahaha who the storm comes!” “让暴风雨来的更猛烈些吧,哈哈哈哈!” Jiang Chen laughs was saying, stars astral's unceasing revolution, the unceasing deflation of star essence, that mountain, starts becomes vibrates, in star essence the strength of wild stars, some have leaked uncontrolled. 江尘大笑着说道,星辰罡的不断运转,恒星内核的不断缩减,那座大山,也开始变得震动起来,恒星内核之中狂暴的星辰之力,已经有些不受控制的外泄了。 At this moment, stands in square wheel sea beforehand Yang Guolao and hawk and the others, is a face is confused, helpless, because they also felt this terrifying, but unusual vibration. 此时此刻,就站在方轮海之前的杨国老与洛莺等人,都是一脸迷茫,不知所以,因为他们也感受到了这股恐怖而异常的震动。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” pond Yeyu looks to hawk, hawk is confused, shakes the head, does not know this vibration, from where appearance. 池夜雨看向洛莺,洛莺一头雾水,摇了摇头,根本不知道这股震动,从何出现的。 I don't know either, but probably that mountain.” “我也不知道,不过好像是那座山。” Hawk is pointing at the mountain of place of inheritance, looks back to look, in their eyes, cannot see Jiang Chen to swallow the star essence as before the picture, because Jiang Chen with them in the same space, two different spaces, did not accomplish by the star essence of fleeing the capital. 洛莺指着传承之地的大山,回首而望,在他们眼中,依旧看不到江尘吞噬恒星内核的画面,因为江尘与他们根本不是在同一空间之内,两片不同的空间,才造就了被蒙尘的恒星内核。 How can, not should like this.” “怎么会这样呢,不应该呀。” Yang Guo old eyes god is complex, looks at that mountain, does not know that is thinking anything, in the heart is on nettles throughout, is hard to be tranquil. 杨国老眼神复杂,看着那座大山,不知道在想些什么,心中始终惴惴不安,难以平静下来。 In the galaxy Great Emperor grave, baffles also has other treasure storehouse to be inadequate?” “星河大帝的墓冢之中,难倒还有另外的宝藏不成?” Yang Guolao muttered was saying. 杨国老喃喃着说道。
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