DMWG :: Volume #49

#4712: Dead or alive

Nine color Thunderclap?” “九色雷霆?” Jiang Chen's look incomparable blazing, nine color Thunderclap falls gently from the sky, silent, but the might is astonishing, brings rumble the loud sound, blocks the sky. 江尘的眼神无比的炽热,九色雷霆从天空之上飘落而下,无声无息,但是却威力惊人,带着轰隆隆的巨响,遮天蔽日。 Scarlet, orange, yellow, green, azure, blue and purple, black and white! 赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫、黑、白! Nine color Thunderclap, gather together, descends from the cloud layer, Jiang Chen felt that a palpitation, beyond the good fearful day Thunderclap, compared with own Thunderclap, wins three points. 九种颜色的雷霆,汇聚在一起,从云层之中降落下来,江尘感觉到一阵心悸,好可怕的天外雷霆,比起自己的雷霆,更胜三分。 Such terrifying Thunderclap, even if chops on star level 9-layer Heaven expert, it is estimated that still has not fresh!” “这么恐怖雷霆,就算是劈在恒星级九重天强者身上,估计也是有死无生!” Six keel coiled dragons cannot help but flabbergasted, was too fearful, he from birth between Heaven and Earth to the present, first time Thunderclap that sees such terrifying, nine colors, are representing nine different strengths, the strength interweaves, as if gave to prohibit the trim sky. 六脊蟠龙不由得咋舌,太可怕了,他从诞生天地之间到现在,第一次看到这么恐怖雷霆,九种颜色,代表着九种不同的力量,力量交织之间,仿佛将整片天空都给封禁了下来。 Indeed, these nine Thunderclap, seem like that is various is his lord, but actually, is actually together Thunderclap!” “的确,这九道雷霆,看似是各为其主,但其实,却是一道雷霆!” Jiang Chen sincere say/way. 江尘正色道。 How possibly?” “怎么可能?” Six keel coiled dragon unbelievable looks at Jiang Chen. 六脊蟠龙难以置信的看着江尘 Nothing is impossible, that is because you do not understand.” “没什么不可能的,那是因为你不了解而已。” Jiang Chen expression Yan Jun (severe), at this time, he saw a form, under nine color Thunderclap, that form is the same just like the steel construction, long hair shawl, with the wind however moves, being barebacked upper body, the golden muscle physique, the whole body covers in the flame, face upwards the long and loud cry. 江尘神色十分严峻,这个时候,他看到了一道身影,在九色雷霆之下,那身影宛如钢铁浇筑一样,长发披肩,随风而动,赤膊上身,金色的肌肉筋骨,浑身笼罩在火焰之中,仰天长啸。 Not...... impossible...... Feng'er!!!” “不……不可能……风儿!!!” Jiang Chen eye of zi wants to crack, complexion pale is bloodless, he has not thought, under nine color Thunderclap, can be Feng'er unexpectedly, although is only a back, but Jiang Chen will not admit mistakes absolutely, that is Feng'er, definitely won't have the mistake, Feng'er here? Why will Feng'er appear under nine color Thunderclap? 江尘目眦欲裂,脸色苍白无血,他没有想到,在九色雷霆之下,竟然会是风儿,虽然只是一个背影,但是江尘绝对不会认错的,那就是风儿,绝对不会有错,风儿在这里?风儿为什么会出现在九色雷霆之下? Does not want-- “不要—— Jiang Chen is whooshing, the charge goes, in the look blood-colored fills the air. 江尘嘶吼着,冲锋而去,眼神之中血色弥漫。 He charges into under nine color Thunderclap unceasingly, the speed is extremely fast, because that nine color Thunderclap, once falls, Feng'er must die without doubt. 他不断冲向九色雷霆之下,速度极快,因为那九色雷霆一旦落下,风儿必死无疑。 This was also too fearful, Jiang Chen, your-- “这也太可怕了,江尘,你—— Six keel coiled dragons do not look askance, but he has not thought that Jiang Chen goes toward nine color Thunderclap unexpectedly, he is calling the youth of that being barebacked upper body, that person, is the Jiang Chen's family member, is really this? 六脊蟠龙目不斜视,但是他万万没想到江尘竟然朝着九色雷霆而去,他在叫那个赤膊上身的青年,那个人,难道是江尘的亲人,真的是这样嘛? Otherwise, why he reckless rushing, nine color Thunderclap, regarding their such expert, are decisively does not have any hope, that pressure perhaps, from head to foot, six keel coiled dragons felt oneself before nine color Thunderclap, was pressed has not gasped for breath, but at this time, Jiang Chen rushed unexpectedly. 否则的话,为什么他会不顾一切的冲上去,九色雷霆,对于他们这样的高手来说,都是断然没有任何希望的,那种恐怕的威压,从头到脚,六脊蟠龙都觉得自己在九色雷霆之前,都被压得喘不过气来,而这个时候,江尘竟然冲了上去。 Knew perfectly well that the mountain has the tiger, is partial to the Hushan line! 明知山有虎,偏向虎山行! He does not have choice, because of that being barebacked youth, is his son, is in his life the most important close person, Jiang Chen possibly looks at Feng'er helplessly by nine color Thunderclap in dividing? 他没有选择,因为那个赤膊青年,是他的儿子,是他生命中最重要的至亲之人,江尘怎么可能眼睁睁的看着风儿被九色雷霆给劈中呢? Even with own life is the price, Jiang Chen still refuses to balk. 就算是用自己的性命为代价,江尘也在所不惜。 Feng'er is rushes to the faith of eternal world alone with the hope, for these years, he has been waiting, he believes, Feng'er is certainly all right, but oneself wanted diligently, certainly to find Feng'er. 风儿是自己独闯永恒世界的信念跟希望,这么多年来,他一直都在等待着,他坚信,风儿一定没事,而自己只要努力,就一定能够找到风儿的。 At present this, Jiang Chen has no hesitation, no matter nine color Thunderclap how fearful, as the father, he is fearless, so long as Feng'er is all right, he was happy. 眼前这一幕,江尘没有任何的犹豫,不管九色雷霆多么的可怕,身为父亲,他都无所畏惧,只要风儿没事,他就开心了。 Feng'er, is waiting for me! Came for the father!” 风儿,等着我!为父来了!” The Jiang Chen body like the lightning, speeds along to go, the foot steps on ascends the tall ladder, walk as if flying. 江尘身如闪电,飞驰而去,脚踩登天梯,健步如飞。 Father, do not come, the sea of bitterness is boundless, repents and is saved!” “父亲,不要过来,苦海无涯,回头是岸!” Jiang Chen does not know that is in own heart in the mind, is reverberating these words, that absolutely is the Feng'er sound, certainly is he! 江尘也不知道是自己的心中还是脑海之中,回荡着这句话,那绝对是风儿的声音,一定是他! Sea of bitterness boundless...... repents and is saved......” “苦海无涯……回头是岸……” Prolonged, revealing. 经久不绝,振聋发聩。 Yeah.” “哎。” Six keel coiled dragon surface like the dying embers, sighed one lightly, Jiang Chen this go, perhaps was a narrow escape, that nine color Thunderclap are unable to avoid star level 9-layer Heaven, it is estimated that only then exceeded the star level expert, can with it contending, that but Jiang Chen was duty-bound not to turn back. 六脊蟠龙面如死灰,轻叹一声,江尘这一去,恐怕是九死一生,那九色雷霆连恒星级九重天都无法躲避,估计只有超越恒星级的强者,才能够与之抗衡,可是江尘还是义无反顾的去了。 I come!” “我来也!” In Jiang Chen innermost feelings anxious incomparable, nine color Thunderclap were too quick, was too strong, was too violent, Thunderclap of Jiang Chen stimulation of movement within the body, lingers in the whole body, prepares to come a crazy impact with nine color Thunderclap. 江尘内心之中急切无比,九色雷霆太快了,太强了,太猛烈了,江尘催动体内的雷霆,萦绕在周身,准备与九色雷霆来一次疯狂的冲击。 Folds Yu Han Heavenly Lightning! 折虞旱天雷 Dawn Sky Golden Lightning! 破晓霄金雷 Nine Stars Heavenly Tribulation Lightning! 九辰天劫雷 Thousand Flames Annihilation Lightning! 千焱破灭雷 Four Thunderclap interweave on Jiang Chen's, thunder essence spread, the Jiang Chen rising typhoon, presses up to nine color Thunderclap unceasingly. 四道雷霆交织在江尘的身上,雷霆本源不断扩散而出,江尘扶摇而起,直逼九色雷霆 Good Jiang Chen!” “好一个江尘!” Six keel coiled dragon both eyes are red, Jiang Chen's thunder essence protected his heart lineage/vein, this war, facing nine color Thunderclap, vanishing into thin air that Jiang Chen perhaps may not be divided. 六脊蟠龙双目赤红,江尘的雷霆本源护住了他的心脉,这一战,面对九色雷霆,江尘或许并不一定会被劈的烟消云散。 Perhaps, opportunity! 或许,还有机会! Perhaps, all just started! 或许,一切才刚刚开始! The Jiang Chen mind such as one, he must save oneself son, since that has been he for a long time effort continuously, even if meets a cruel death, even if consigned to eternal damnation. 江尘心神如一,他必须要救下自己的儿子,那是他这么长时间以来一直的努力,哪怕粉身碎骨,哪怕万劫不复 Six keel coiled dragons know, Jiang Chen is not charge constantly, he knows fairly well, four thunder essence, even if could not contend with nine color Thunderclap, did not stop in divided unravelling absolutely. 六脊蟠龙知道,江尘并不是一味的冲锋,他心中有数,四道雷霆本源,就算抗衡不了九色雷霆,也绝对不止于被劈的灰飞烟灭。 Feng'er!” 风儿!” Feng'er!” 风儿!” Avoids quickly!” “快躲开!” Exclaiming that Jiang Chen shouts oneself hoarse, eyeball even vivid. 江尘声嘶力竭的吼道,就连眼球甚至都呼之欲出。 Because , he nine color Thunderclap, have divided without enough time on the body of Feng'er, he missed after all one step. 因为,他已经来不及了,九色雷霆,劈在了风儿的身上,他终归还是差了一步。 Not-- “不—— Jiang Chen felt that the whole person died probably was the same, he missed unexpectedly one step, only misses one step, can rescue Feng'er. 江尘感觉整个人都像是死掉了一样,他竟然差了一步,只差一步,就能够救下风儿了。 Feng'er under the bombardments of nine color Thunderclap, the flesh separates, vanishes into thin air. 风儿在九色雷霆的轰击之下,血肉分离,烟消云散。 Jiang Chen by this terrifying Thunderclap complementary waves, was shaken draws back to go, if not four thunder essence protects the body, perhaps oneself have died without the burial ground. 江尘更是被这股恐怖雷霆余波,震退而去,如果不是四道雷霆本源护体的话,或许自己已经死无葬身之地了。 However these are not Jiang Chen care, what he cares, Feng'er has not hidden unexpectedly, moreover oneself missed unexpectedly one step, why! 但是这些都不是江尘在乎的,他在乎的是,风儿竟然没有躲过去,而且自己竟然差了一步,为什么! Why! 为什么! Misses one step! 就差一步! Jiang Chen feels like a knife twisting in the heart, beats the breast and stamps the feet, rebukes oneself, why death can't be oneself? Why can Feng'er withstand nine color Heavenly Lightning bang to kill? Actually is why? 江尘心如刀绞,捶胸顿足,自责不已,为什么死的不能是自己?为什么风儿要承受九色天雷的轰杀?究竟是为什么? -- “噗—— A Jiang Chen blood spouts, the body under Dragon Transformation, was almost passed through by these nine color Heavenly Lightning, no one can imagine, these nine color Heavenly Lightning overbearing. 江尘一口鲜血喷出,龙变之下的身躯,都差点被这九色天雷所贯穿,没有人能够想象到,这九色天雷到底有多霸道。 Why, why death is not I......” “为什么,为什么死的不是我……” Jiang Chen muttered was saying, in the look, drop of tears, wrote all over remorse and guilt of father, he was unwilling. 江尘喃喃着说道,眼神之中,一滴泪水,写满了一个父亲的自责与愧疚,他不甘心。 Is false, Jiang Chen, all these are false.” “是假的,江尘,这一切都是假的。” In an instant, the heaven and earth great change, six keel coiled dragons seem awakening from a dream, were shouting said. 霎那之间,天地巨变,六脊蟠龙如梦方醒,大喊着说道。 Jiang Chen's gaze, is taking a fast look around the surrounding sky, the mood as before is indescribable. 江尘的目光,扫视着周围的天空,心情依旧是难以言喻。 Six keel coiled dragon crazy rushing Jiang Chen, that all, were really lifelike, looked like, luckily was only an illusion. 六脊蟠龙疯狂的奔向江尘,刚才的那一切,实在是太逼真了,就像是真的一样,幸亏只是一场幻觉。 However Jiang Chen only then, only then he himself knows, this is not a dream! 但是江尘只有,也只有他自己知道,这并不是梦! illusion and reality, Jiang Chen obtains clearly, although this seems like the illusion, but in the Jiang Chen heart, is very clear, this simply is not the dream, Feng'er, are actually you at where? 幻境与真实,江尘还是分得清楚的,虽然这很像是幻觉,但是江尘心底里,却无比清楚,这根本就不是梦,风儿,你究竟在哪? Must see the person exactly, dying to see the corpse, the Jiang Chen innermost feelings just like the blade to twist, but he will not give up! 活要见人,死要见尸,江尘内心犹如刀绞,但他不会放弃!
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