DMWG :: Volume #47

#4580: The skeleton not saves

This fellow, how can urge such many Monster Beast, this is simply unthinkable.” “这个家伙,怎么能够驱使如此之多的妖兽,这简直匪夷所思。” Wrapping the Changtian complexion is very ugly. 长天脸色十分难看。 take action, captures the ringleader first, strikes to kill Jiang Chen, these Monster Beast, collapse of itself surely.” 出手吧,擒贼先擒王,击杀江尘,这些妖兽,必定不攻自破。” Kang Chul-ho said. 姜哲浩道。 Good!” “好!” Two people intention moves, charges into Jiang Chen instantaneously, the war already, storm attack. 两人心念一动,瞬间冲向江尘,大战已起,风暴来袭。 Facing expert that two Half Step star level 3-layer stars change, Jiang Chen is fighting intent is also cold, gaze is very blazing, these two people, are he best touchstones. 面对两个半步恒星级第三重星变的高手,江尘也是战意凛凛,目光无比炽热,这两个人,就是他最好的试金石。 Facing the Jiang Chen's Monster Beast army, felt truly heart startled, is actually happy and the others, because of the method of this fellow, extremely in shocking, their simply does not dare to imagine, thought a ninety percent sure war, but now, becomes beset with problems, the person of hanging in the balance, turned into them in a flash. 面对江尘的妖兽大军,真正感到心惊的,却是余欢等人,因为这个家伙的手段,太过于骇人听闻,他们根本就不敢想象,原以为十拿九稳的一场大战,但是现在,却变得捉襟见肘,命悬一线的人,一瞬间变成了他们。 odd/surplus happy mood incomparable serious, this war must have Jiang Chen this dead dog one and cuts to kill, otherwise they may fall into ling to be whole. 余欢心情无比的严肃,这一战必须要将这死狗还有江尘一并斩杀,不然他们就可能会身陷囹囵。 Young brat, Master Dog I must swallow whole you today!” “小兔崽子,今天狗爷我非把你生吞活剥了不可!” Big Yellow takes the lead to attack, his present strength, may be stronger than initially on are too many were too many, to fighting odd/surplus Huan, not empty, and his goal is to massacre it, no one can prevent him. 大黄率先出击,他现在的实力,可比当初强上太多太多了,对战余欢,丝毫不虚,并且他的目的是将其杀掉,没有人能阻止他。 Come just right, defeated, dares to say bravely? Hahaha.” “来的正好,手下败将,也敢言勇?哈哈哈。” odd/surplus happy laughs was saying, confronts Big Yellow, not empty. 余欢大笑着说道,对阵大黄,丝毫不虚。 However, completely what making odd/surplus Huan not think, under three moves, Big Yellow has driven back it, the terrifying strength, falls the mountain like the day, presses odd/surplus Huan not to gasp for breath, retreats in defeat again and again. 但是,让余欢完全没想到的是,三招之下,大黄就已经将其逼退,恐怖的力量,如同天降大山,压得余欢喘不过气来,节节败退。 „...... This is impossible!” “不……这不可能!” odd/surplus happy complexion pale, eye of zi wants to crack, this how long? The strength of this dead dog, achieved the 3-layer star of Half Step star level unexpectedly changed, this simply was unthinkable, heard something never heard of before. 余欢面色苍白,目眦欲裂,这才多久?这条死狗的实力,竟然达到了半步恒星级的第三重星变,这简直是匪夷所思,闻所未闻啊。 The 3-layer star changes, compares favorably with Kang Chul-ho's strength, happy simply are not the opponents, moreover Big Yellow's strength advance by leaps and bounds, cannot by common sense it, in three moves, he lack the ability to do what one would like completely, this war, odd/surplus Huanxiang was too simple, thinks depends on the revelation knight has defeated Big Yellow one time, these is also a cinch time surely, but he made a mistake, the Big Yellow's strength was too fierce was too fierce, sharp claws tearing was void, heaven and earth changed color, was close to the star level infinitely, odd/surplus Huan looks to be repulsed, the body and mind shook greatly. 三重星变,是媲美姜哲浩的实力,余欢根本就不是对手,而且大黄的实力突飞猛进,完全不能够以常理度之,三招之内,他就已经力不从心了,这一战,余欢想的太简单了,原本以为靠着天启骑士的击败过大黄一次,这一次也必定不在话下,可是他错了,大黄的力量太猛太猛了,利爪撕裂虚空,天地变色,无限接近恒星级,余欢找找败退,身心巨震。 gā gā gā, Kameji child, never expected that you do not make every effort to succeed, does this skill, how fight with me?” 嘎嘎嘎,龟儿子,没想到你还是这么不争气,这点本事,怎么跟我斗?” Big Yellow while winning the pursuit, is in power unforgiving, odd/surplus Huan was pressed by Big Yellow has not gasped for breath, wave tides, odd/surplus Huanjiao the drenched chicken, like a fish in water Big Yellow, tore into shreds happy clothing thoroughly one after another, fresh blood drip drenches, the deep obvious bone, the body of covered with blood, is resisting unceasingly, the strength to hit back that but odd/surplus Huan has no completely, the fear continually multiplies in his heart, he has felt suffocation. 大黄趁胜追击,得势不饶人,余欢被大黄压得喘不过气来,一道道水波浪潮,彻底把余欢浇成了落汤鸡,如鱼得水般的大黄,接连撕碎了余欢身上的衣衫,鲜血淋淋,深可见骨,血肉模糊的身躯,不断的抵抗着,可是余欢完全没有任何的还手之力,恐惧在他心中不断滋生,他已经感觉到了窒息。 Frightened, desperate, along with that grating wailing, odd/surplus Huan the body, has been tattered and torn, so long as the one breath, to live in misery is better than dead in peace, who is willing dead? 恐惧,绝望,伴随着那一声声刺耳的尖啸,余欢的身上,早已是千疮百孔,但是只要还有一口气,好死不如赖活着,谁又愿意去死呢? „......” “啊……” odd/surplus happy blood-curdling scream again and again, frightened incomparable, made many revelation knights, was absolutely terrified, Monster Beast army who after all they faced, very difficult, by an enemy four, and even more, they could not achieve, under the black king's leadership, these people, looking like the mad dog was the same, broke in the enemy ranks, surrounded them, with huge crowds of people, who escaped difficultly dies. 余欢惨叫连连,惊悚无比,令不少的天启骑士,都是毛骨悚然,毕竟他们面对的妖兽大军,也是十分的艰难,以一敌四,甚至更多,他们根本做不到,在黑王的带领之下,这些人,就像是疯狗一样,冲入敌阵,包围他们,里三层外三层,谁都难逃一死。 What to do? This way, we are dead end one!” “怎么办?这样下去,咱们都是死路一条!” What to be anxious, this crowd of Monster Beast are generations of one crowd of ganef, fearfully what has? humph humph, do not forget us is the revelation knight.” “急什么,这群妖兽不过是一群宵小之辈,有什么可怕的?哼哼,别忘了我们可是天启骑士。” Yes, above this revelation Milky Way city, we are invincible.” “就是,在这片天启银河城的大地之上,我们是战无不胜的。” Has ginger Commander to take care of an actor's costume Commander , do we have what to fear? They are capturing counter- thief Jiang Chen, held Jiang Chen, this crowd of Monster Beast a group of people without a leader, collapse of itself, gā gā.” “有姜统领跟包统领在,我们又有何惧?他们已经在擒拿反贼江尘,抓住了江尘,这群妖兽群龙无首,不攻自破,嘎嘎。” What said that to! Eliminates the generations of this crowd of ganef.” “说的是,冲啊!消灭这群宵小之辈。” Although the revelation knight startled is not chaotic, 800 knights, attacked at this time crazily, but did to black king Monster Beast of hand/subordinate is too many, 3000 many Monster Beast, making them be unable to save the situation radically, can only die to support. 天启骑士虽惊不乱,八百骑士,在这个时候疯狂突击,但是奈何黑王手下的妖兽太多了,三千多的妖兽,让他们根本无力回天,只能死撑着。 Is odd/surplus Huan difficultly, present he, only had underpants, from top to bottom, was a blood bottle gourd, the dense/woods white skeleton, the pain to is unable to breathe simply, bruised and lacerated. 最艰难的莫过于余欢,现在的他,只剩下一条裤衩子了,浑身上下,简直就是一个血葫芦,森白的骨骼,痛到无法呼吸,皮开肉绽。 Master Dog, asked you, asking you to put my horse, gave my way out, asked you.” 狗爷,求求你,求求你放我一马,放我一条生路,求求你。” Which odd/surplus happy also managed on the Vice-Commander status at this time, knelt in front of Big Yellow's directly, unceasing knocked the head, the complexion must ugly ugly, if did not lower the head, his excessive loss of blood might die, claw marks, more than dozens, that despair, is not who can realize. 余欢在这个时候哪还管得上自己副统领的身份,直接跪在了大黄的面前,不断的磕着头,脸色要多难看有多难看,如果再不低头的话,他很可能就会失血过多而死了,身上的爪痕,不下几十道,那种绝望,根本不是谁都能体会到的。 Gradually moves toward the abyss, feels little desperately, this is Big Yellow must retaliate odd/surplus Huan, wants dead quickly, without is so simple, naturally wants to maintain a livelihood, is impossible. 一步步走向深渊,一点点感受到绝望,这就是大黄要报复余欢的,想那么快死去,没那么简单,当然想要活命,更是不可能的。 Cannot seek livehood, asked unable! 求生不得,求死不能! „To maintain a livelihood? Hehehe, initially I shut in the dungeon the time, you have not thought will have such a day? You think I am so good to deceive? Has offended my Master Dog person, no one will have the good end.” “想活命嘛?嘿嘿嘿,当初把我关进地牢的时候,你怎么没想过自己会有这么一天呢?你以为我是那么好糊弄的嘛?得罪过我狗爷的人,没有人会有好下场。” Big Yellow does not eat this set, odd/surplus Huan the death, he his exterminate, no one can certainly rescue him personally. 大黄丝毫不吃这一套,余欢的死,他一定亲手将他灭杀,没有人能救他。 You killed me, the revelation knight rolls will not let off absolutely your.” “你杀了我,天启骑士团绝对不会放过你的。” odd/surplus happy outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted saying, his eye has become covered with blood, shouts oneself hoarse. 余欢色厉内荏的说道,他的眼睛已经变得血肉模糊,嘶声力竭。 Right? I all keep here your revelation knights, didn't no one know? You want to massacre Little Chen, does not do? Replies in kind, comfortable.” “是吗?那我将你们这些天启骑士全都留在这里,不就没有人知道了嘛?神不知,鬼不觉,你们想要杀掉小尘子,不就是这么干的嘛?以其人之道还治其人之身,舒坦。” Big Yellow patted the dog belly, face calm saying. 大黄拍了拍狗肚子,一脸从容的说道。 odd/surplus happy thorough desperate, the whole person like found time the soul to be the same. 余欢彻底绝望,整个人都是如同被抽空了灵魂一样。 Big Yellow always enjoys, he is dual to suffer odd/surplus Huan in the spirit with the physical body on, having a grudge must report is always the Big Yellow's handling matters criterion, no one is easy-to-use. 大黄乐此不疲,他就是要在精神跟肉体上双重折磨余欢,有仇必报向来都是大黄的处事准则,谁也不好使。 Another side, Jiang Chen fights Kang Chul-ho with wrapping Changtian alone, expert that two 3-layer stars change, Jiang Chen is unflustered, Heavenly Dragon Sword in hand, by an enemy two, under Dragon Transformation, slightly fearless. 另外一边,江尘独战姜哲浩与包长天,两个第三重星变的高手,江尘从容不迫,天龙剑在手,以一敌二,龙变之下,丝毫无惧。 Sword of No Realm also had new breakthrough, in addition Dragon Transformation, present Jiang Chen, might be considered as under the star the first person, even their two collaborate, is unable to suppress Jiang Chen. 无境之剑又有了新的突破,再加上龙变,如今的江尘,堪称是恒星之下第一人,即便是他们两个联手,也根本无法对江尘进行压制。 Jiang Chen by an enemy two, accomplishes a task with ease, Sword of No Realm took into during them own fight completely, Jiang Chen thinks otherwise slightly, and fights and line, on the contrary is Kang Chul-ho with wrapping Changtian worries more and more, they are not worried about Jiang Chen, but is the behind 800 knights, has just like become in several thousand Monster Beast mouths to eat, more than 200 people have poured in the pool of blood, the skeleton not saves. 江尘以一敌二,游刃有余,无境之剑完全将他们两个带进了自己的战斗之中,江尘丝毫不以为然,且战且行,反倒是姜哲浩与包长天越来越着急,他们并不担心江尘,而是身后的八百骑士,俨然已经成为了数千妖兽的口中食,已经有两百余人倒在了血泊之中,尸骨无存。
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