DMWG :: Volume #47

#4536: Getting a new lease on life

However hemiprism fragrant world, the child spirits they unable to insist that facing the attack of group wolf, hung in the balance! 不过半柱香的世间,童灵他们就已经坚持不住了,面对群狼的攻击,命悬一线! They were at cost of the life, but still did not help matters, no one can imagine, the road of own inspection, poured in hand of one crowd of Monster Beast unexpectedly, originally from the revelation knight group, is the one pace, was finally, is unacceptable. 他们拼了老命,但是仍旧是无济于事,谁也想象不到,自己的考核之路,竟然倒在了一群妖兽的手中,本来距离天启骑士团,已经是一步之遥,可是结果,却让人无法接受。 We really must, hundred ghost bamboo forest, live up to reputation evidently here.” “看样子咱们真的要倒在这里了,百鬼竹林,名不虚传啊。” Who said that I never do not dare to imagine, oneself will fall from the sky here, inexplicableness of dying.” “谁说不是呢,我从来不敢想象,自己会在这里陨落,死的不明不白。” Paternal grandmother, the father even dying in battle battlefield still even, making me die here, is unfair!” “奶奶的,老子就算是战死沙场也就算了,让我死在这里,太不公平了!” In this world, there is no fairly, the excuse that the loser has no, can only blame us being peacefully common. Next life...... the hope cannot commit suicide mediocre.” “这个世界上,本就没什么公平可言,失败者没有任何的借口可言,只能怪我们太平庸了。来世……希望不会这么庸庸碌碌了此一生吧。” Everyone is blood-colored fills the air, the whole face despairs, Death God appears before them, looks like an unattainable mountain to be the same, making them be hard to follow. 所有人都是血色弥漫,满脸绝望,死神在他们面前出现,就像是一座高不可攀的高山一样,让他们难以望其项背。 child spirit is no exception, the tooth fastens to nip, life-force does not have, now they can only in passive coming under attack, wait for arrival of death. 童灵也不例外,牙关紧咬,生机全无,现在他们只能在被动挨打之中,等待着死亡的降临。 Barr Zakha, Sang outstanding, I possibly could not wait for you to come the revelation knight to roll, sorry......” “巴尔扎哈,桑卓,我可能等不到你们来天启骑士团了,对不起……” child spirit muttered was saying, is recalling their young happiness, the dream of childhood, agreeing the revelation knight rolled is their lifetime chases, but oneself actually fell behind in the midway, that type desperate with leaving depart, was child spirit is not willing to believe that but she does not have the opportunity to escape the birth day. 童灵喃喃着说道,回忆着他们年少的欢乐,儿时的梦想,约定好了天启骑士团就是他们一生的追逐,但是自己却在中途掉队了,那种绝望与别离,是童灵不愿意相信的,但是她已经没有机会逃出生天了。 Jiang Chen, knew that your whole life I had no complain and regret, the friend worked as so, what a pity, we can only next life do again......” 江尘,认识你这辈子我算是无怨无悔了,知己当如此,可惜,我们只能来世再做……” Why can wait next life? Has this life this life to be the brothers, without next life next life will meet again!” “为什么要等来生呢?有今生今生作兄弟,没来世来世再相遇!” The Jiang Chen's sound appears in the virgin spirit ear bank, the virgin spirit complexion changes, turns around to look suddenly, that say/way firm and resolute and heavy/thick form, filled the vigorous strength and overbearing, shoulders the big sword, step by step, walks slowly. 江尘的声音出现在童灵耳畔,童灵脸色一变,霍然间转身望去,那道坚毅而厚重的身影,充满了雄浑的力量与霸道,背负大剑,一步步,缓缓走来。 „Amn't I having a dream?” “我不是在做梦吧?” Virgin some cannot even believe spirit, is Jiang Chen, really you? 童灵甚至有些不敢相信,江尘,真的是你吗? Really is you, Jiang Chen!!” “真的是你,江尘!!” child spirit is filled with joyfully, among immediately has the hope, so long as because has Jiang Chen, she every can turn danger into safety one time, even if encounters many problems, the big danger, can be easily solved, Jiang Chen is her reassuring medicine, Jiang Chen's appears, regarding the virgin spirit, gets a new lease on life! 童灵满心喜悦,顿时间心生希望,因为只要有江尘在,她每一次都能够化险为夷,哪怕遇到再多的麻烦,再大的危险,都能够迎刃而解,江尘就是她的定心丸,江尘的出现,对于童灵来说,就是枯木逢春! Be careful!” “小心!” Jiang Chen foot treads Feihong, the flying, kicks, kicks to go to the virgin spirit behind wild wolf directly, child spirit had a lingering fear looked at Jiang Chen one, nodded the head slightly, is delighted beyond measure, has Jiang Chen, she can feel at ease. 江尘脚踏飞鸿,飞身而起,一脚踢出,直接将童灵身后的野狼踢飞而去,童灵心有余悸的看了江尘一眼,微微颔首,喜不自胜,有江尘在,她就可以心安了。 You should not come.” “你不该来的。” Virgin spirit look complex looks at Jiang Chen. 童灵眼神复杂的看着江尘 I do not come, who saves you? I do not come, how to confess with Sang outstanding with Barr Zakha? I do not come, wants me to gather up dead bodies to you?” “我不来,谁来救你?我不来,怎么跟巴尔扎哈跟桑卓交代?我不来,难道要我给你收尸嘛?” Jiang Chen gives a calm smile, under child spirit for rescuing, he is fearless. 江尘淡然一笑,为了救下童灵,他无惧无畏。 Is Jiang Chen?” “是江尘?” He came, perhaps we were hopeful.” “他来了,或许我们有希望了。” „Can he alone, strive to turn the tide?” “他一个人,难道还能力挽狂澜嘛?” This Jiang Chen passes on it is said wonderfully, is so fierce?” “这个江尘据说传得神乎其神,真有那么厉害吗?” Did not say certainly, but the Jiang Chen's strength is a fan, twice inspections are first, perhaps he really can save us.” “说不准啊,不过江尘的实力一直都是个迷,两次考核都是第一,他或许真能救我们呢。” Good tiger unable to support one flock of wolves, is Jiang Chen, how possibly the opponents of so many wild wolves? He is like us, only then star sovereign 9-layer Heaven.” “好虎架不住一群狼,一个江尘,怎么可能是这么多野狼的对手吗?他跟我们一样,也就只有星皇九重天而已。” Many people are the eye are looking at Jiang Chen, can help them be out of danger, but hopes that bigger disappointed bigger, Jiang Chen's appears, perhaps, but is helps them share, Death God harnesses, the fairy is difficult to predict, Jiang Chen, wants to save them in the water and fire, difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 很多人都是眼望着江尘,能否帮他们脱离险境,但是希望越大失望越大,江尘的出现,或许,只不过是帮他们多分担一点,死神驾到,神鬼难测,一个江尘,想要救他们于水火之中,难如登天呐。 Thanks.” “谢谢。” child spirit affectionate looks at Jiang Chen , Jiang Chen was the spring breeze is to her ordinary, making her awaken life-force again. 童灵饱含深情的看着江尘,对于她而言,江尘就是春风一般,让她再次唤醒了生机 But at this time, that flock of wild wolves to their any opportunities, a leader wicked wolf will not actually head on, that type crazy and oppression, suffocating. 而这个时候,那群野狼却是不会给他们任何的机会,一头头恶狼扑面而至,那种疯狂与压迫,让人窒息。 Jiang Chen draws a sword, strength broken thousand honored, the hand grasps Heavenly Dragon Sword, meets no resistance, leading child spirit to attempt to break through in all directions, sword qi is overbearing, meets a wicked wolf, was selected to turn one after another in the place, aggressive is the same like a fierce lion, compares in these wicked wolves, they feel Jiang Chen fearful on the contrary. 江尘拔剑而出,力破千钧,手握天龙剑,如入无人之境,带着童灵左冲右突,剑气霸道,一头接一头的恶狼,相继被挑翻在地,凶悍的如同一头凶猛的狮子一样,相比于这些恶狼,他们反倒是觉得江尘更加的可怕。 Jiang Chen kills to kill, cuts ten wicked wolves continually, is ordinary like the gods, Heavenly God descends to earth, is startled more than ten people of complexion pale, pleasantly surprised. 江尘杀进杀出,连斩十余头恶狼,如同神明一般,天神下凡,惊得十余人脸色苍白,惊喜不已。 They had not had the high hope to Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen actually gave such feedback, this simply extremely in shocking, one's effort, changed the course of events, Jiang Chen resisted these wicked wolf offensive wave after wave completely. 他们本来并没有对江尘报以多大的希望,可是江尘却给了这样的反馈,这简直太过于震撼了,一己之力,扭转乾坤,江尘完全抗住了那些恶狼一波接一波的攻势。 Jiang Chen's is rampant, now in their opinion, this is name will follow reality, natural. 江尘的嚣张跋扈,现在在他们看来,这是实至名归,理所应当的。 Fuck! This was also too strong! This fellow hit the chicken blood to be the same probably.” 卧槽!这也太强了吧!这家伙好像打了鸡血一样。” Person may not the facial expression, our look down on Jiang Chen. I also quite disdained to Jiang Chen before, the strength of it seems like that this fellow, is indeed astonishing.” “人不可貌相啊,我们都小看江尘了。我之前还对江尘颇为不屑,看来这家伙的实力,的确是惊人啊。” Yes, if this time can escape the birth day, Jiang Chen is our help benefactors.” “就是,这一次如果能逃出生天,江尘就是我们的救命恩人呀。” Who did not say, although is seemingly same, is well-matched, but Jiang Chen's is really, our really difference.” “谁说不是呢,虽然看起来一样,实力相当,但是江尘的确是更强一些,我们真的不一样啊。” These people were also inspired by the Jiang Chen's morale, among immediately the public sentiment was roused to action, starts to counter-attack certainly. 这些人也是被江尘的士气鼓舞了起来,顿时间群情激奋,开始了绝地反击。 When hangs in the balance, is hope that Jiang Chen gave them to survive, was Jiang Chen makes them feel life-force, Jiang Chen killed the enemy fiercely, a leader wicked wolf, they saw the dawn of victory one after another, is following the Jiang Chen's footsteps, they can live are leaving here. 命悬一线之际,是江尘给了他们生存下去的希望,是江尘让他们感受到了一丝生机,江尘杀敌勇猛,一头头恶狼相继倒了下去,他们看到了胜利的曙光,跟随着江尘的脚步,他们就能够活着离开这里。 At this moment, they share a common hatred, no matter has many to Jiang Chen before disdaining, but twists a rope now, the unity is the strength, Jiang Chen becomes the idols in their all person hearts, this is not cracks a joke, although they have keen eyesight in withstand/top, but the Jiang Chen's strength is obviously stronger, moreover is strong their incessantly level, expert should be respected! 此时此刻,他们同仇敌忾,不管之前对江尘有着多少的不屑,但是现在都拧成了一股绳,团结就是力量,江尘成为了他们所有人心中的偶像,这不是开玩笑的,虽然他们眼高于顶,但是江尘的实力明显更强,而且强出他们不止一个层次,强者就应该得到尊重! Jiang Chen sword qi like the rainbow, killing that flock of wild wolves is wiped out to the last man, child spirit follows, fights side-by-side with Jiang Chen, seven enter seven, cut to kill 30 wild wolves, these wild wolves that at this time only remained also trembled, hesitant no longer dares to launch the attack to Jiang Chen, their strength so terrifying, spiritual wisdom almost with human without doubt, sought the dead end matter, naturally cannot do. 江尘剑气如虹,杀得那群野狼片甲不留,童灵紧随其后,与江尘并肩作战,七进七出,斩杀了三十余头野狼,这个时候仅剩的那些野狼也是瑟瑟发抖,犹犹豫豫不再敢对江尘发动攻击,他们实力如此恐怖,灵智几乎与人类无疑,自寻死路的事情,自然不会去做。 However Jiang Chen actually did not plan that keeps the means of livelihood to them, these fellows are kill without batting an eye, if he assembles more companions, is very possible they to die miserably is very very miserable. 但是江尘却不打算给他们留活路,这些家伙都是杀人不眨眼的,如果他纠集来更多的同伴,那么很可能他们会死的很惨很惨。 To the enemy benevolently is to oneself cruel, must therefore be ruthless! 对敌人仁慈就是对自己残忍,所以必须要赶尽杀绝!
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