DMWG :: Volume #45

#4395: The murder, seizes the treasure

Treasure in hand, but is unwarrantable, during this period, no one robs, mixing source bead in Jiang Chen hand, promoted the limit their safety surely. 宝贝在手,但是却不能保证,在此期间,没有人来抢夺,江尘手中的混源珠,必定也是将他们的安危提升到了极限。 Said also right, it seems like we must be more careful.” “说的也对,看来咱们得更加小心了。” gold/metal Xiaoxiao and Jiang Chen look at each other one, a Baizhu peak war, to them, the struggle of rank still at next, can preserve this to mix source bead is most important, this hot potato, might send in consigned to eternal damnation them. 金潇潇与江尘对视一眼,白竹峰一战,对于他们来说,排位之争尚在其次,能否保住这颗混源珠才是重中之重,这烫手山芋,很可能会将他们送入万劫不复 Perhaps, already without enough time.” “或许,已经来不及了。” The Jiang Chen forced smile said. 江尘苦笑道。 Em?” “恩?” gold/metal Xiaoxiao the mind sinks, the complexion suddenly changes, because Jiang Chen finishes barely the words, two terrifying aura, have stopped up them, draws back does not have to draw back. 金潇潇心神一沉,脸色骤然而变,因为江尘话音未落,两道恐怖气息,已经将他们堵在了其中,退无可退。 Batian Chen!” 霸天辰!” gold/metal Xiaoxiao the voice is very serious, this fellow fears Dragon Race expert extremely, compared with beforehand Klade, goes beyond, his appearance, was makes gold/metal feel the relative thorniness deeply and clearly. 金潇潇声音无比严肃,这个家伙是恐龙族的绝顶高手,比起之前的克拉德,有过之而无不及,他的出现,也是让金潇潇感觉到了相当之棘手。 Calendar spatial wing!” “历空翼!” Ao Tian Dragon Race flying Heavenly Dragon, is the vision endures compared with Batian Chen's expert, these two fellows may be the recent for several hundred years, prominence genius, is in this rank war very popular candidate. 傲天龙族的飞天龙,也是视力堪比霸天辰的高手,这两个家伙可都是最近几百年来,声名鹊起的天才,也是这一次排位战之中十分热门的人选。 Never expected that we are predestined friends, the deep and clear miss, hundred years ago we have met, I have been lost in a reverie to you. Hehe.” “没想到咱们这么有缘,潇潇姑娘,百年前我们见过一面,我可是一直对你魂牵梦绕啊。呵呵呵。” Calendar spatial wing saying with a smile, is thin, body body cultivator is long, a white robe, one type very amiable, the feeling of gentleman, gentle and reserved that even is a little also unable to put things clearly felt, but gold/metal Xiaoxiao is actually knows that this fellow is one affectedly virtuous generation, in the back did does not know many dirty matter, was in Ao Tian Dragon Race top flower Young Master. 历空翼笑吟吟的说道,身材消瘦,身体修长,一袭白袍,给人一种十分谦和,十分绅士的感觉,甚至还有一点说不清道不明的阴柔感觉,但是金潇潇却是知道这个家伙就是一个道貌岸然之辈,背地里做了不知道多少的肮脏事,是傲天龙族之中顶尖的花花公子 Yes, but my memory is quite bad, I have not thought actually.” “是嘛,不过我这个人记性比较差,我倒是没有想起来。” gold/metal Xiaoxiao sneers saying that these two fellows, obvious newcomer is bad. 金潇潇冷笑道,这两个家伙,明显来者不善。 Little spoke the idle talk, hands over the thing, otherwise, kill without mercy!” “少说废话,把东西交出来吧,否则,杀无赦!” Batian Chen coldly said, Tyrant body, height one zhang (3.33 m), the whole person is also the muscle bursting, is completely that type grandiose such as the feeling of cow, he stands there, as if a wall, a mountain, a towering great tree that takes root in the under foot, to pressure relative big of person. 霸天冷冷说道,一身霸体,身高一丈有余,整个人也是肌肉爆棚,完全是那种壮硕如牛的感觉,他站在那里,就仿佛一堵墙,一座山,一棵扎根于脚下的参天巨树,给人的压力相当之大。 „, You two stirred unexpectedly in one, but also was really the jackals from the same lair.” “没想到,你们两个竟然搅在了一起,还真是一丘之貉。” gold/metal Xiaoxiao curls the lip, ridicules to say. 金潇潇撇撇嘴,揶揄道。 At this time, no one compared with her anxious, because she knows that these two person Klade were fearful, this war, was completely impossible to have any odds of suc­cess. 这个时候,没有人比她更加的紧张,因为她知道这两个人比克拉德都要可怕,这一战,完全不可能有任何的胜算 Jiang Chen stands in the gold/metal deep and clear side, these two fellows are always eying covetously, evidently is also early deliberate. 江尘站在金潇潇的身边,这两个家伙始终都在虎视眈眈,看样子也是早有预谋。 This saying said may somewhat offend somebody, deep and clear, you may know, these years I think daily, person who every night read, wasn't you? So long as you collaborate with me, perhaps few individuals can be our opponents? The hand shakes hand together cultivation, how could it not be wonderful? Since you massacre Klade, we have stared at you, originally is planning to begin, is never expected that some of his unexpectedly major discoveries, therefore you can live a while.” “这话说的可就有些伤人了,潇潇,你可知道,这些年来我日日思,夜夜念的人,可不就是你吗?只要你跟我联手,恐怕没几个人会是我们的对手吧?手拉着手一同修行,岂不妙哉?从你们杀掉克拉德以后,我们就已经盯上你了,本来正打算动手,可是没想到他竟然有重大发现,所以你们才能多活一会儿。” The calendar spatial wing smiles, looked that is deep and clear to the gold/metal, just like appreciating a wonderful picture scroll general. 历空翼满脸笑容,看向金潇潇,宛如在欣赏一幅美妙的画卷一般。 Perhaps I do not have this good fortune, if you want to find the person of dual cultivation, in your Ao Tian Dragon Race, perhaps incessantly 35,000?” “我恐怕没有这个福分,如果你想要找双修之人,在你们傲天龙族,恐怕不止三五千吧?” Saying that gold/metal Xiaoxiao maintains composure, they had stared, it seems like that the opposite party is newcomer is really bad. 金潇潇不动声色的说道,原来他们早就已经被盯上了,看来对方果然是来者不善。 „Do these common fat vulgar powders, how possibly compare with you? Do not place on a par with you with them, that is to your insult.” “那些庸脂俗粉,怎么可能跟你比呢?不要拿他们跟你相提并论,那是对你的侮辱。” The calendar spatial wing is shaking the head to say. 历空翼摇着头说道。 Never expected that your boy actually silly person has the silly luck, only you actually not had the good fortune to enjoy something pitifully.” “没想到你这小子倒是傻人有傻福,只可惜你却是无福消受了。” Batian Chen is always staring at Jiang Chen, his goal only then one, that is Jiang Chen, that woman, he does not care. 霸天辰始终都是盯着江尘,他的目标只有一个,那就是江尘,那个女人,他并不在乎。 „Does Batian Chen, the calendar spatial wing, you two want to begin?” 霸天辰,历空翼,你们两个难道想要动手嘛?” gold/metal Xiaoxiao the imposing manner is released externally, among immediately acrimonious, compared with beforehand on strong many, even if confronts these two people, she will not flinch Half Step. 金潇潇气势外放,顿时之间剑拔弩张,比起之前强上了不少,哪怕对阵这两个人,她也不会退缩半步 Really is women is will willing to be left behind by men, what a pity today, you were doomed to become my woman, hehehe.” “果然是巾帼不让须眉啊,可惜今天,你注定要成为我的女人了,嘿嘿嘿。” The say/way of calendar spatial wing lewd. 历空翼色迷迷的道。 Later my take action blocks them, you hurry to run! These two people are not Klade and like, we have no opportunity, you walked my own means difficulty-relief, otherwise you will only become my burden, knows?” “待会儿我出手拦住他们,你赶紧跑!这两个人可不是克拉德之流,我们根本没有任何机会,你走了我自有办法脱困,否则的话你只会成为我的累赘,知道吗?” gold/metal Xiaoxiao sound transmission to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen smiles helplessly, this is the trick that he habitually uses, but he also knows, the fierceness of these two fellows, absolutely compared with fearfulness that they imagine. 金潇潇传音江尘,江尘无奈一笑,这都是他惯用的伎俩,不过他也知道,这两个家伙的凶猛,绝对比他们想象的更加可怕。 Jiang Chen keeps silent, gold/metal Xiaoxiao looks to him, the brow tight wrinkle, this Jiang Chen, seems like the appearance that a face is not convinced, should you not want with these two fellow at risk of life wars? 江尘默不作声,金潇潇看向他,眉头紧皱,这个江尘,看上去一脸不服气的样子,你该不会是想跟这两个家伙拼死一战吧? Must walk, walks together! Must die, together death.” “要走,一起走!要死,一起死。” Jiang Chen's look, incomparable firmness, in gold/metal Xiaoxiao heart, even more warm, but she knows now is not deep love between man and woman time, wants to leave here, will not be an easy matter, Batian Chen will not put them to walk with calendar spatial wing obediently. 江尘的眼神,无比的坚定,金潇潇的心中,越发的温暖,可是她知道现在可不是儿女情长的时候,想要离开这里,可不是一件容易的事情,霸天辰跟历空翼可不会乖乖放他们走。 If I don't want?” “如果我不愿意呢?” gold/metal Xiaoxiao gaze brilliant. 金潇潇目光灼灼。 I kill him by all means that seizes the treasure.” “我只管杀他,夺宝。” Batian Chen gaze is staring at Jiang Chen, winks, obviously, he some are impatient. 霸天目光盯着江尘,一眨不眨,显然,他已经有些不耐烦了。 I eat the point to owe to consider as finished, so long as you are willing to follow I, all said that but if you did not want, I did not mind that with strong, naturally, I will not kill you, I will devastate you slowly, mixing source bead in your hand, will be adopted by us. Actually mixes source bead my, what I want is you.” “我就吃点亏算了,只要你愿意跟着我,一切都好说,但是如果你不愿意,我不介意用强的,当然,我不会杀了你,我会慢慢的蹂躏你,你手中的混源珠,也会为我所用。其实混源珠我也有一颗,我更想要的是你。” The calendar spatial wing gradually restrains the smile, the gentle and reserved fearsome look, is sending out the intermittent dim light. 历空翼逐渐收敛笑容,阴柔可怖的眼神,散发着阵阵幽光。 Deep and clear, do not challenge my bottom line, but my enduring patiently limited.” “潇潇,你可不要挑战我的底线,我的忍耐可是有限度的。” That...... good!” “那……好吧!” gold/metal Xiaoxiao the words have not said, has drawn Jiang Chen to start to travel. 金潇潇话还没说完,就已经拉着江尘开始跑路了。 Jiang Chen has not thought that gold/metal Xiaoxiao the movement is not unexpectedly slow , broke through cave directly upwards, skyrockets, galloping goes. 江尘没想到金潇潇的动作竟然丝毫不慢,直接朝天而起,冲破了洞穴,扶摇直上,奔腾而去。 Pursues!” “追!” Batian Chen gaze gloomy and cold looked at calendar spatial wing one, the calendar spatial wing also very indifferent, murderous aura heavily. 霸天目光阴冷的看了历空翼一眼,历空翼也是十分的冷漠,杀气重重 Kills!” “杀!” Two people look at each other one, murderous aura that in gaze bursts out, goes through vertically the rainbow, the instantaneous chase goes. 两人对视一眼,目光之中迸发出来的杀气,纵贯长虹,瞬间追逐而去。 „To run, you were too tender.” “想跑,你还太嫩了。” The calendar spatial wing until, must win three points compared with the initial swift and violent dragon in a flash, Ao Tian Dragon Race, the representative of flying pterodactyl, is the family of calendar spatial wing, thus it can be seen, he is the son of sky, the rapidness of his speed, goes through vertically the entire Ancient Dragon star, can with his person of being a worthy opponent, be few. 历空翼转瞬及至,比起当初的迅猛龙还要更胜三分,傲天龙族,飞天翼龙的代表,便是历空翼的家族,由此可见,他便是天空的儿子,他的速度之快,纵贯整个古龙星,能够与其匹敌的人,都是屈指可数。 gold/metal Xiaoxiao the heart sinks, the complexion becomes very ugly, the calendar spatial wing blocked her completely with the Jiang Chen's way, first has the powerful enemy, latter has the pursuing troops, Batian Chen has followed on somebody's heels, the leeway that two people have no, gold/metal Xiaoxiao knows, this fights is inevitable, even if clearly knows hopes uncertainly, but still did not help matters. 金潇潇心头一沉,脸色变得十分难看,历空翼完全封锁了她跟江尘的去路,前有强敌,后有追兵,霸天辰已经接踵而至,两人根本没有任何的余地可言了,金潇潇知道,这一战已经无可避免,哪怕明知道希望渺茫,可是仍旧无济于事。
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