DMWG :: Volume #45

#4393: Fights Klade again

Jiang Chen unceasing is panting for breath, the body also flowed many blood, is these two fellows, by far dies him is more pitiful. 江尘不断的喘息着,身上也是流了不少血,可是这两个家伙,远远比他死的更加凄惨。 Klade is in an uncontrollable rage, these two brothers relate significantly with him, person who who most trust is, but is actually killed by Jiang Chen now completely, moreover dies not entire corpse, his angry, it can be imagined. 克拉德怒不可遏,这两兄弟跟他关系匪浅,是自己最信赖的的人,可是如今却被江尘全部打死,而且死无全尸,他内心的愤怒,可想而知。 gold/metal Xiaoxiao relaxes actually, after all Jiang Chen does not have the danger now, and killed two star sovereign four heavy day of expert, her actually extremely heart startled, but did not use after all fearful and apprehensive, simultaneously was shocking in the Jiang Chen's strength, this true playing the role pig ate the tiger, in this fellow bone is passing powerful, just like a leaving fierce tiger, at that time when compared with two people saw initially, does not know powerful many times. 金潇潇倒是松了一口气,毕竟江尘现在已经没有了生命危险,并且杀了两个星皇四重天的高手,她倒是极为心惊,但总归不用胆战心惊了,同时更是震惊于江尘的实力,这才是真正的扮猪吃老虎,这家伙骨子里透着强悍,俨然是一头脱笼的猛虎,比起当时两人初见之时,不知道强悍了多少倍。 Your these golden Dragon Race trash, dies!” “你们这些黄金龙族的垃圾,去死吧!” „The anger of storm!” “风暴之怒!” Klade angrily roars heaven-shaking, the strength is greatly infinite, inspires the storm, sweeps across the vault of heaven. 克拉德怒吼惊天,力大无穷,引动风暴,席卷天穹。 gold/metal Xiaoxiao complexion changes, unceasing retreat goes, does not dare to offend completely sharply its. 金潇潇面色一变,不断后退而去,完全不敢撄其锋锐。 „The Soaring Dragon tiger leaps!” 龙腾虎跃!” gold/metal Xiaoxiao the form flashes continually, attacks unceasingly in the storm, but the anger of this storm was really fearful, she was hard to start, moreover was blocked step by step, the pressure increased unceasingly, the injury was getting more and more serious, although she can consume Klade, but wanted to beat the opposite party, difficult such as to ascend to heaven, but the opposite party present strength is stronger, this fight, losing all-win were few. 金潇潇身影连闪,不断冲击在风暴之中,但是这风暴之怒实在是太可怕了,她举步维艰,而且步步受阻,压力不断变大,伤势越来越重,她虽然能够耗住克拉德,可是想要击败对方,难如登天,而对方如今的实力更是比自己更强,这场战斗,输多赢少。 I help your helping hand!” “我来助你一臂之力!” Jiang Chen lowers roars, does not draw back instead enters, although has been seriously battered deeply, but he must stand, otherwise gold/metal Xiaoxiao a person cannot block the opposite party completely. 江尘低吼一声,不退反进,虽然已经深受重创,可是他必须要站出来,不然金潇潇一个人完全挡不住对方。 This, actually extremely similar, but finally, is actually doomed to meet is widely divergent, this time, anyone of you cannot escape.” “这一幕,倒是极其的相似,但是结果,却注定会是大相径庭的,这一次,你们谁也跑不了。” Klade sneers was saying, if not for initially own strength has been damaged seriously, he may be repulsed in the Jiang Chen hand? This new hatreds on top of old, he must cut to kill this two people surely, with hate of solution heart. 克拉德冷笑着说道,当初若不是自己的实力已经受损严重,他怎么可能会在江尘手中败退呢?这一次新仇旧恨,他必定要斩杀此二人,以解心头之恨。 Pitifully, you do not have this strength!” “可惜,你没这个实力!” The Jiang Chen look like the blade, the figure does not change, the body of Dragon Transformation, attacks in the storm, dozens levels of wild hurricanes, are unable to do to him, wind edges , can only injure to his body reluctantly, Jiang Chen just like the indestructible body, sweeps away all obstacles, in the anger of hurricane, rides roughshod! 江尘眼神如刀,身形不改,龙变之身,冲击在风暴之中,数十级的狂暴飓风,根本无法奈何他,一道道风刃,也只能勉强伤到他的皮肉,江尘宛如金刚不坏之身,所向披靡,在飓风之怒中,横行无忌! Hateful!” “可恶!” Klade clenches teeth saying that angry, the body of this bastard can powerful to this grade of situation, oneself also really be unexpectedly look down on he. 克拉德咬牙说道,愤怒不已,这个混蛋的身体竟然可以强悍到这等地步,自己还真是小看他了。 gold/metal Xiaoxiao eyes glittering none, the opportunity was coming, she can resist opposite party the anger of storm, two people collaborate, murder to kill Klade, is just round the corner! 金潇潇双眼闪烁着精光,机会来了,她能抗住对方的风暴之怒,两人联手,弑杀克拉德,指日可待! Opportunity must not be lost time won't come again, Jiang Chen, you plunder for me!” “机不可失时不再来,江尘,你替我掠阵!” gold/metal Xiaoxiao drinks one tenderly, does not draw back, even if facing Klade's the anger of storm, without Jiang Chen's is strong, she was still also unhurriedly, being without turning a hair, this is the only opportunity, thought the situation to be critical, hangs in the balance, after Jiang Chen massacred two swift and violent dragons, in gold/metal Xiaoxiao the heart even ignited the hope, this time, she will not sit waiting for death again. 金潇潇娇喝一声,丝毫不退,哪怕是面对克拉德的风暴之怒,没有江尘的强势,她也仍旧不慌不忙,面不改色,这是唯一的机会,原本以为形势危急,命悬一线,但是在江尘杀掉了两个迅猛龙之后,金潇潇的心中甚至又是重新燃起了希望,这一次,她绝不会再坐以待毙。 Jiang Chen nods slightly, two people are going against Klade's the anger of storm, starts to counter-attack certainly! 江尘微微颔首,两个人顶着克拉德的风暴之怒,开始绝地反击! Klade's complexion Yan Jun (severe), Jiang Chen's strength beyond his expectation, massacred two star sovereign four heavy day of expert, anomaly that sufficiently foresight this fellow, moreover his strength only then star sovereign 1-layer Heaven, such evildoer/monstrous talent, being true makes him feel the heart startled, if in the future will grow, then entire golden Dragon Race feared that will rise. 克拉德的脸色十分严峻,江尘的实力出乎了他的预料,杀掉了两个星皇四重天的高手,足以预见这家伙的变态,而且他的实力才只有星皇一重天而已,这样的妖孽,属实让他感到心惊,日后若是成长起来的话,那么整个黄金龙族怕是都会崛起。 Although Klade startled is not chaotic, now he does not have the escape route, must fight to win or die with Jiang Chen golds deeply and clearly. 克拉德虽惊不乱,现在他已经没有了退路,务必要跟江尘潇潇背水一战了。 Jiang Chen and Klade's upfront attacks, is Klade has not thought that the anger of storm, destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, but Jiang Chen resisted, actually the physical body of this fellow had how fearfully, obvious. 江尘与克拉德的正面冲击,是克拉德没有想到的,风暴之怒,毁天灭地,可是江尘还是抗住了,这家伙的肉体究竟有多么的可怕,昭然若揭。 Jiang Chen as before is the crazy hand-to-hand fighting, grabs Klade not to put, as the matter stands, gold/metal Xiaoxiao the opportunity were also many. 江尘依旧还是疯狂的肉搏战,抓着克拉德不放,这样一来,金潇潇的机会也就多了。 Your this lunatic.” “你这个疯子。” Klade cursed angrily, if the Jiang Chen shape the crazy, the wild war, almost did not have slight stagnation, looking like a mad bull was the same, in Klade heart was miserable beyond description, Jiang Chen's charge , he although dealt with sufficiently, the anger of storm won the enough much time for him, but gold/metal Xiaoxiao the attack, actually seized every opportunity, both, he has become is hard to start jointly. 克拉德怒骂道,江尘状若疯癫,狂暴之战,几乎没有丝毫的凝滞,就像是一头疯牛一样,克拉德心中苦不堪言,江尘的冲锋,他虽然足以应付,风暴之怒更是为他争取了足够多的时间,但是金潇潇的攻击,却是无孔不入,两者联手之下,他已经变得举步维艰了。 Gu Tounan Gu Wei, Jiang Chen does not need to put forth the full power, present he only needs the impact on Klade already foot enough, remaining then gave gold/metal Xiaoxiao. 顾头难顾尾,江尘根本不需要使出全力,现在的他只需要对克拉德造成冲击就已经足够了,剩下的便交给金潇潇了。 Jiang Chen is also quite surprised , no matter what gold/metal Xiaoxiao like a female lion, made a connection thoroughly own supervises two lineage/vein, starts to attack crazily, moreover is unretentive, because there is Jiang Chen, she does not have extra worries, compared with made Klade feel a moment ago thornily. 江尘也颇为惊讶,金潇潇如同一头母狮子,彻底打通了自己的任督二脉,开始疯狂进攻,而且是毫无保留的,因为有江尘在,她没有后顾之忧,比起刚才更让克拉德感觉到棘手。 Next year today, is your gala!” “明年今日,便是你的祭日!” gold/metal Xiaoxiao was with lightning speed ordinary, detains oneself all strengths, held up the day to strike! 金潇潇风驰电掣一般,押上了自己所有的力量,擎天一击! Klade eye of zi wants to crack, the complexion is pale, can only retreat, be tired out from the press unceasingly. 克拉德目眦欲裂,脸色铁青,只能不断后退,疲于奔命。 „To run, first crosses me.” “想跑,先过我这一关吧。” Jiang Chen sneers, blocked Klade's escape route, employs two methods to achieve one goal, Klade was created one after another, gold/metal Xiaoxiao the long blade, pushed directly into, making Klade feel the fatal threat. 江尘冷笑一声,封锁了克拉德的后路,双管齐下,克拉德接连遭创,金潇潇的长刀,长驱直入,让克拉德感觉到了致命的威胁。 Time one minute one second of past, his situation does not have slightly room to maneuver, perfect that very Jiang Chen and gold/metal Xiaoxiao coordinates, may be called flawless. 时间一分一秒的过去,他的处境已经没有了丝毫转圜的余地,江尘与金潇潇配合的十分完美,堪称天衣无缝。 Klade staggers step by step, about besieges, the head and tail is difficult to attend, has arrived must die situation without doubt. 克拉德步步踉跄,左右围攻,首尾难顾,已经到了必死无疑的地步。 I admit defeat!” “我认输!” Klade lowered the head finally, because he does not want dead here, he of foolproof plan, plants twice in Jiang Chen, the Jiang Chen's strength is he omits only, but in the world does not have the regret after the fact, he has been too late to regret now. 克拉德终于还是低头了,因为他不想死在这里,算无遗策的他,两次栽在江尘手里,江尘的实力是他唯一遗漏,可是世界上没有后悔药,他现在早已是追悔莫及。 Pitifully, and no egg uses.” “可惜,并没有什么卵用。” Saying that gold/metal Xiaoxiao disdains, above elegant face, sweat profusely, so long as can massacre Klade, even if injures the enemy 1000 to damage 800 still to refuse to balk, she did not need to go all out let alone, has Jiang Chen's to help, she even more powerful, struck to kill Klade, but was the time issue, he wants to surrender now, where had such matter? 金潇潇不屑的说道,俏脸之上,汗水淋漓,但是只要能杀掉克拉德,就算是伤敌一千自损八百也在所不惜,更何况她并不用拼命,有了江尘的臂助,如虎添翼的她,击杀克拉德,只不过是时间问题而已,他现在想要投降,哪有这样的事情? killing intent that gold/metal Xiaoxiao shows with anger, even the Jiang Chen a little lingering fear, this woman concurrent job was also too crazy, she to Klade is also suitable hatred, initially nearly planted in the opposite party hand, now the geomancy transfers in turn, will she possibly let off Klade? 金潇潇展现出来的杀意跟怒火,连江尘也有点后怕,这女人兼职太疯狂了,她对克拉德也是相当的憎恶,当初险些栽在对方手中,如今风水轮流转,她怎么可能会放过克拉德呢? You dare! Fears Dragon Race not to let off absolutely your!” “你敢!恐龙族绝对不会放过你们的!” Klade is outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted, he had felt that the death approached unceasingly, his present strength ten have not saved one, gold/metal Xiaoxiao and Jiang Chen must kill him, is completely easy as pie. 克拉德色厉内荏,他已经感觉到死亡不断逼近,他现在的实力已然十不存一,金潇潇与江尘要杀他,完全是易如反掌。 Present you, may not have the qualifications to speak such aggressive statement. Wants with fearing Dragon Race presses me? You have not matched!” “现在的你,可没资格说这样的狠话。想拿恐龙族压我?你还不配!”
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