DMWG :: Volume #45

#4385: Xuan Zhong cliff

As the saying goes, wants to wear the royal crown, must receive its heavily, you are my gold Dragon Race genius extremely, the courage and wisdom want to attend four big Dragon Race rank contests, only then ten people can obtain such quota, whether to emerge from numerous genius expert, looked at your good fortunes.” “俗话说得好,欲戴王冠,必承其重,你们都是我黄金龙族的绝顶天才,胆识想要去参加四大龙族的排位争夺战,只有十个人能够获得这样的名额,能否从众多天才高手之中脱颖而出,就看你们的造化了。” Gold/Metal Bai Chensheng said. 金一柏沉声说道。 As golden Dragon Race Patriarch, a more impossible word to decide, such words cold the heart of general Dragon Race juniors, therefore a gold/metal cypress is decided that makes them accept the baptism, the quota of rank contest, naturally is those who are able occupies it. 作为黄金龙族族长,更加不可能一言决定,那样的话岂不是寒了广大龙族子弟的心,所以金一柏便是决定让他们接受洗礼,排位争夺战的名额,自然是能者居之。 This time does not know that Patriarch also had any new trick, hehehe, but I won.” “这一次不知道族长又有什么新的花样了,嘿嘿嘿,不过我可是志在必得的。” „! No matter Patriarch has anything to prepare, I will not care, in the face of the absolute strength, I am strongest.” “切!不管族长有什么准备,我都不会在乎的,在绝对的实力面前,我就是最强的。” These ten quotas, grasped first are scheduled one, Hahaha.” “这十个名额,握先预定一个了,哈哈哈。” Numerous Dragon Race expert vowed solemnly, each of them wants to attend the rank contest, although they are not necessarily able to enter first ten, but can participate in the blade of rank contest, is true genius expert, even if cannot win a good position in the rank contest, can still during the expert confrontation of four big Dragon Race, attract many gaze absolutely, fame portends trouble, who does not want to become expert that shows disdain for the world? 众多龙族高手都是信誓旦旦,他们每个人都想要参加排位争夺战,虽然他们未必能够进入前十,但是能够参加排位争夺战之刃,无一不是真正的天才高手,就算是不能够在排位争夺战之中取得一个好的名次,也绝对能够在四大龙族高手交锋之中,吸引不少的目光,人怕出名猪怕壮,谁又不想成为傲视天下的高手呢? Royal Father time was the plan treats impartially. However this to you, is the golden opportunity.” “父王这一次是打算一视同仁了。不过这对你而言,也是绝佳的机会。” gold/metal Xiaoxiao looks to Jiang Chen, quota choice of rank contest, is not this, the Royal Father certainly is specially for Jiang Chen the quota, but planning competes. 金潇潇看向江尘,原本排位争夺战的名额选择,可不是这样的,父王一定是专门为了江尘而重新规划的名额争夺。 I understand.” “我明白。” Jiang Chen is not the ignorant disciple, such serious matter is prepared surely early, but this he can also be involved time, has saying that a gold/metal cypress gave fully his face, the seduction of 9-level dragon veins, was anybody is unable to prevent obviously. 江尘也并非是无知之徒,这样重大的事情必定是早有准备,而这一次他也能够参与其中,不得不说金一柏可谓是给足了他的面子,九品龙脉的诱惑,很显然是任何人都无法阻挡的。 You have three days of time, under the Xuan Zhong cliff, the time that who insists is long enough, who is the final winner, ten people who finally win, will represent my gold Dragon Race to take to attend four big Dragon Race rank contests. Did you prepare?” “你们有三天时间,在玄重崖下,谁坚持的时间足够长,谁就是最后的赢家,最终胜出的十个人,将会代表我黄金龙族取参加四大龙族的排位争夺战。你们都准备好了吗?” A gold/metal cypress sinking sound said. 金一柏沉声道。 Frequently preparing!” “时刻准备着!” The roaring sound with one voice resounds through the land, the mountains canyon, prolonged, this is the golden Dragon Race strength, making Jiang Chen praise to the heavens. Everyone is eager to try, several hundred star sovereign expert, were ready. 异口同声的咆哮声响彻大地,山川峡谷,经久不绝,这就是黄金龙族的力量,让江尘叹为观止。所有人都是跃跃欲试,数百的星皇高手,都是做好了准备。 „The Xuan Zhong cliff is a facing the wall border in our gold Dragon Race, is institute of the cultivation, but usually in few is actually willing to go to there, because the pressure under Xuan Zhong cliff was really big, almost few individuals can cultivation under the cliff, even my Royal Father, most still stayed last 45 days under the Xuan Zhong cliff, there was characterized by being above the gravity of imagination oppresses, incomparable headache.” 玄重崖乃是我们黄金龙族之中的一处面壁涯,也是一出修炼之所,但是平日里却几乎没有人愿意去那里,因为玄重崖下的压力实在是太大了,几乎没有几个人能够一直在山崖之下修炼,即便是我父王,最多也就在玄重崖之下呆上四五天而已,那里以超乎想象的重力压迫为特点,令人无比的头疼。” gold/metal Xiaoxiao is Jiang Chen dispels doubt to say. 金潇潇为江尘解惑道。 That is just right, without the pressure , there would be no power. Hahaha.” “那岂不是正好,没有压力就没有动力。哈哈哈。” Jiang Chen is laughing, slightly fearless, turns toward the Xuan Zhong cliff to walk with the large unit directly. 江尘大笑着,丝毫无惧,跟着大部队直接向着玄重崖走去。 This time, I must make you tumble out Dragon Race absolutely, but also wants to represent our Dragon Race to attend the rank contest, snort/hum, wishful thinking!” “这一次,我绝对要让你滚出龙族,还想代表我们龙族参加排位争夺战,哼,痴心妄想!” The side passes distantly is staring at Jiang Chen, he has contacted five big expert, is star sovereign four heavy day of Dragon Race genius, they, want to cope with Jiang Chen is not difficult jointly, let him under the Xuan Zhong cliff difficult. 方通远远的凝望着江尘,他已经联络好了五大高手,全都是星皇四重天的龙族天才,他们联手之下,想要对付江尘并不难,让他在玄重崖之下寸步难行。 Gravity very terrifying under Xuan Zhong cliff, if felt the own incorrect words, do not support by hard and stubborn effort.” 玄重崖之下的重力非常恐怖,如果觉得自己不行的话,不要硬撑。” gold/metal Xiaoxiao said in a low voice. 金潇潇低声说道。 I know.” “我知道。” Jiang Chen looks at gold Dragon Race expert gradually entered under the Xuan Zhong cliff, more than 700 people, perform all the stay here, when he just entered under the Xuan Zhong cliff, a huge pressure, then gets down from the steamroll in all directions, that terrifying gravity, presses the person not to gasp for breath, everyone is complexion is dignified, is hard to start, must seek for spacious Earth Domain, cultivates quite. 江尘看着黄金龙族高手陆陆续续的进入了玄重崖之下,七百余人,尽皆停留在此,当他刚进入玄重崖之下的时候,一阵巨大的威压,便是从四面八方碾压下来,那种恐怖的重力,压得人喘不过气来,每个人都是面色凝重,举步维艰,只得寻找一处宽敞的地域,好生修炼起来。 Under Xuan Zhong cliff, more and more intense gravity oppression, just like the sexual intercourse of day and place, but they sought the survival in the crevice, difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 玄重崖之下,越来越强烈的重力压迫,宛如天与地的交合,而他们则是在夹缝之中求生存,难如登天。 Good, these fellows compared to the past in actually many, this rank contest, hopes that time do not disappoint me again.” “不错,这些家伙倒是比起当年强上了不少,这一次的排位争夺战,希望不要再让我失望了。” Gold/Metal Bai Zhan above the summit, is staring at these golden Dragon Race juniors silently, in the heart is also quite inspired. 金一柏斩在山顶之上,默默的凝视着这些黄金龙族的子弟,心中也是颇为振奋。 9-level dragon veins, Jiang Chen, this Seat hopes actually, you can take to me many points of pleasant surprises.” 九品龙脉,江尘,本座倒是希望,你能带给我多点惊喜啊。” Person who a gold/metal cypress most regards as important, is Jiang Chen, although his present strength is slightly weak, is his talent, his future, will be limitless, 9-level dragon veins, even Patriarch of other three clans, surely will be quite still greedy, although Jiang Chen could not be the person of golden Dragon Race now, but Jiang Chen has given him to pledge, with the own daughter's peerless elegant demeanor, he possibly won't be excited? 金一柏最看重的人,莫过于江尘,虽然他现在的实力稍弱,可是他的天赋,他的未来,却是不可限量的,九品龙脉,即便是其他三族的族长,也必定会相当眼馋,虽然江尘现在还不能算是黄金龙族之人,可是江尘已经给了他承诺,以自己女儿的绝世风采,他怎么可能不心动呢? Since old times the heroic sad beautiful woman pass/test, Jiang Chen was no exception, so long as he can become the golden Dragon Race Chenglong quick son-in-law, in the future this golden Dragon Race, won't all have been wielded by him? 自古英雄难过美人关,江尘也不例外,只要他能够成为黄金龙族乘龙快婿,日后这黄金龙族,还不全是由他来执掌嘛? 9-level dragon veins, does not know that actually you can be capable no matter what greatly? 九品龙脉,就是不知道你究竟能不能堪当大任呢? Less than the half day time, under the Xuan Zhong cliff, some people have set out to leave one after another, because the gravity oppression of this Xuan Zhong cliff was really fearful, is the most important thing is aggravating always, initially just entered under the Xuan Zhong cliff time, without such strong feeling, with the lapse of time, everyone has become is sweating profusely completely, can remain, mostly was also an arrow at the end of its flight. 不到半日时间,玄重崖之下,已经有人陆陆续续起身离开了,因为这玄重崖的重力压迫实在是太可怕了,最重要的是无时无刻不在加重,当初刚进入玄重崖之下的时候,完全没有这么强烈的感觉,随着时间的推移,每个人都已经变得满头大汗,能够留下来的,多半也都是强弩之末 The half day time is less, already half of many choice departure, although the rank contest can make them the reputation in four big Dragon Race rise up, but you must have the life, words that even the gravity oppression under Xuan Zhong cliff cannot withstand, going is also a cannon fodder, disgraced did not say, may explain including own poor life there. 半日时光不到,就已经一半多的人选择了离开,虽然排位争夺战能够让他们在四大龙族之中名声鹊起,但是你也得有命去才是呀,连玄重崖之下的重力压迫都承受不住的话,去了也是炮灰,丢人不说,连自己的小命儿都有可能交待在那里。 However many people closely are also clenching teeth, difficult is withstanding the gravity oppression, the stream of people are getting fewer and fewer, by the toward evening, had only been left over less than 100 people, in these 100 people, can endure the 1st day, surely few. 不过也有不少人紧紧地咬着牙,艰难的承受着重力压迫,人流越来越少,到了黄昏时分,已经只剩下不足一百人了,这一百人之中,能够熬得过第一日的,也必定没有几个。 On the face of everyone, is the facial expression is difficult, or did not say a word, the blue vein stuck out suddenly, looked fierce, is keeping watch final insistence. 每个人的脸上,都是神情艰难,或是一言不发,青筋暴起,或是龇牙咧嘴,守望着最后的坚持。 On gold/metal Xiaoxiao the face is also the fragrant perspiration streaming, but she is not actually unusual, star sovereign boundary four heavy peak, are not jokes, even in entire golden Dragon Race, still few. 金潇潇的脸上也是香汗涔涔,但是她倒是并无异样,星皇境四重巅峰,可不是闹着玩的,即便是整个黄金龙族之中,也没几个。 On the contrary is Jiang Chen, making gold/metal fill deeply and clearly surprisedly, now the person of presence is only left over less than 50, but without exception, the strength all in the star sovereign 3-layer day above, having Jiang Chen was star sovereign 1-layer Heaven. 反倒是江尘,让金潇潇充满了惊讶,如今在场之人只剩下不足五十,但是无一例外,实力全都在星皇三重天以上,只有江尘是星皇一重天 You also are really weirdo, 9-level dragon veins, really a little meaning.” “你还真是个奇葩,九品龙脉,果然有点意思。” gold/metal Xiaoxiao the look is even more bright, Jiang Chen is also motionless as mountain, sits cross-legged to sit, without that painful feeling, wants to compel him to leave the Xuan Zhong cliff slightly, is not an easy matter. 金潇潇眼神越发明亮,江尘也是不动如山,盘膝而坐,丝毫没有那种痛苦的感觉,想要逼他离开玄重崖,可不是一件容易的事情。 However at this time, side Tong a look, five star sovereign boundary 34 heavy day of expert, all nodded the head slightly, understands. 不过就在这个时候,方通一个眼神,五个星皇境三四重天的高手,全都是微微颔首,心领神会。
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