DMWG :: Volume #45

#4351: Greets the storm

reports to your majesty your majesty, the town/subdues country Great Generals were killed in home, the cause of death fishy, the whole nation is shocked.” “启奏陛下,镇国大将军在家中被杀,死因蹊跷,举国震惊啊。” Your majesty, in six Shangshu, four Shangshu is missing, disappears without a word.” “陛下,六部尚书之中,四部尚书失踪,音讯全无。” Your majesty, seven Prince perished in the mansion, the reality is the big of war casualty country your majesty.” “陛下,七位皇子先后殒命于府邸之中,实乃国之大殇啊陛下。” Your majesty......” “陛下……” Above the forest country deliberation hall, minister complexion is dignified, in reverential awe, under look at each other in blank dismay, complexion very ugly, the sweat flows unceasingly, keeps silent. 林国朝堂之上,一众大臣面色凝重,诚惶诚恐,面面相觑之下,脸色都是十分的难看,汗水不断流淌而下,噤若寒蝉。 Overnight, the high-ranking court official of forest country high and low casualty, is the generation of consolidation, made the person of their presence, had a lingering fear, no one knows that next dead person, can be they. To the forest country, was really extremely unusual, was as for whole nation, everybody feels insecure. 一夜之间,林国上下死伤的重臣,都是巩固之辈,令他们在场之人,都是心有余悸,谁也不知道下一个死去的人,会不会是他们。对于林国而言,实在是太过不同寻常了,乃至于举国上下,人人自危。 Imperial Father, Imperial Court high-ranking court official casualty more than half, Ministry of War starting from yesterday, starts the mutiny one after another, without the Great General guards, aspect already some out-of-control. forest Tianying, forest the Will of Heaven, forest Tianzhong, forest Tianhao, forest Tiangu, forest Tianxun, forest Tianmo and other younger brothers,...... all was all killed in the respective resting palace!” 父皇,朝中重臣死伤过半,兵部从昨日起,接连掀起哗变,没有大将军镇守,局面已经有些失控了。林天颖,林天意,林天忠,林天豪,林天谷,林天巡,林天末等几位弟弟,全都……全都在各自寝宫之中被杀!” forest Tianlin the complexion is pale, tight is gripping the fist, is shivering from top to bottom, imperial bloodlines, although not necessarily is the children of the same mother, but after all is the true blood relations, is your majesty son, is her forest Tianlin brothers, overnight was killed seven, the innumerable ministers die a violent death, this simply is a sad news of forest country's! 林天麟脸色铁青,紧紧的攥着拳头,浑身上下都在颤抖着,皇家血脉,虽未必都是一奶同胞,但是毕竟都是真正的血亲,都是陛下的儿子,都是她林天麟的兄弟,一夜之间被杀七个,无数大臣死于非命,这简直都是一场林国的噩耗! forest outstanding gaze is low and deep, incomparable heart startled, in the look, full is angry and low-spirited, seven sons, were all killed in one night, the town/subdues country Great Generals die without the burial ground, is as for the civil and military hundred officers, is only left over less than 60%, above the deliberation hall appears coldy to be clear, forest Zhuo's deep inspiration, he even again silly, still knows that this is the plot of Feathered Race, their movements unexpectedly are never so expected that quick. 林卓目光低沉,无比的心惊,眼神之中,满是愤怒与黯然,七个儿子,全都在一夜之间被杀,镇国大将军更是死无葬身之地,乃至于文武百官,只剩下不足60%之多,朝堂之上都显得冷冷清清,林卓深深的吸了一口气,他就算是再傻,也知道这是羽族的阴谋,没想到他们的动作竟然这么快。 forest outstanding is early deliberate, has started to deploy troops, provides for a rainy day, but makes his mind all startled finally, the Feathered Race movement be much quicker than much him, moreover Feathered Race seductive woman, although had died, is her energy, is not allow to neglect, the remaining prestige still, many influences, has invaded in forest Guo the marrow, even the emperors above his ten thousand people, do not have the means first to eliminate these clothes eating insects, is as for the rebel. 林卓早有预谋,已经开始调兵遣将,未雨绸缪,可是结果却让他心神皆惊,羽族的动作要比他快得多得多,而且羽族妖妇虽然已经死了,可是她的能量,却是不容忽视的,余威尚在,很多的势力,已经侵入了林国的骨髓之中,即便是他这个万人之上的帝君,也都没有办法第一时间清除掉那些蛀虫,乃至于叛徒。 Feathered Race movement such rapidness, this is putting his on the back-foot simply, forest outstanding is well aware, this scarlet territory the war of control, has started to begin, Human Race cut to kill the Feathered Race seductive woman, to them, lost instigation of plot, without doubt is the considerably large attack, however their counter-attack, quite the rapid, following impact, regarding forest Guo the state system, will have the impact of big extremely surely, is as for letting the person of their forest country, falls into to the crisis, command more people, become disturbed and anxious, flustered., As the matter stands, to the dignity of forest country's, will have the enormous impact, enabling forest Guo unable to win common people's trust, once lost the will of the people, will no longer be a nation, that is most fearful. 羽族动作如此之快,这简直就是在将他的军,林卓心知肚明,这场赤中域的主宰之战,已经开始拉开了序幕,人族斩杀了羽族妖妇,对于他们来说,失去了阴谋的主使者,无疑是相当大的打击,但是他们的反击,也是相当的迅速,接踵而来的冲击,对于林国国体而言,必定会造成极其之大的冲击,乃至于让他们林国之人,都陷入到危局之中,令更多的人,都变得忐忑和不安,人心惶惶,这样一来,将会对林国的威严,产生极大的影响,使得林国得不到百姓的信任,一旦失去了人心,国将不国,那才是最可怕的。 Draws back, in my heart has understood.” “都退下吧,寡人心中已然明了。” forest outstanding waved, sent away the officials above deliberation hall, gaze was quiet, gloomy and cold was incomparable. 林卓挥挥手,屏退了朝堂之上的众臣子,目光沉寂,阴冷无比。 Only Crown Prince forest Tianlin, at about, has not drawn back. 唯独太子林天麟,适逢左右,未曾退下。 -- “噗—— When everyone draws back, forest outstanding cannot bear finally, a counter blood blowout, looks deathly pale, the look is shivering. 待得所有人退下,林卓终于忍不住,一口逆血喷出,脸色惨白,就连眼神都在颤抖着。 Imperial Father!” 父皇!” forest Tianlin goes forward one step to support forest outstanding, the eyeful worried. 林天麟上前一步扶住林卓,满眼担忧。 Feathered Race, goes too far! I must make your blood debt blood recompense surely!” 羽族,欺人太甚!我必定要让你们血债血偿!” Saying that forest outstanding shouts oneself hoarse, seven sons, the flesh and blood are intimate friends, said that the emperor was brutal, but eye looks at oneself son was killed, is helpless, the anger of forest outstanding innermost feelings, it can be imagined, this completely in force to abdicate, this has been his forest Guozi since completes, for thousands of years the nondescriptive great shame, the Feathered Race movement, brought back thoroughly his wild with rage, as Monarch of the country, forest outstanding depressing is long enough, Feathered Race attacks strongly, he cannot sit waiting for death absolutely. 林卓嘶声力竭的说道,七个儿子,骨肉连心,都说帝王本无情,但是眼看着自己的儿子被杀,却无能为力,林卓内心的愤怒,可想而知,这完全是在逼宫,这是他林国自建成以来,千万年来都难以名状的奇耻大辱,羽族的动作,彻底勾起了他内心的狂怒,身为一国之君,林卓压抑的已经够久了,羽族强势出击,他也绝对不能够坐以待毙。 Really is a julid wriggles even after being cut dead! Imperial Father, so long as you order, son feudal official first rushes to battlefield surely, kills his wiped out to the last man.” “真是百足之虫,死而不僵!父皇,只要您一声令下,儿臣必定第一个冲上战场,杀他个片甲不留。” forest Tianlin also glowers, is staring at the distant place, the innermost feelings anger is dreadful. 林天麟同样是怒目而视,凝视着远方,内心怒火滔天。 You can see clearly these, my happy, as Crown Prince, forest Guo the mainstay, you must shoulder own responsibility at this time. Although the Feathered Race seductive woman died, but has too many influences on infiltrate in our forest country, this Feathered Race launches an attack, should be ready with our Human Race war, the day Qilin, goes back to prepare, meets head-on Feathered Race, picks a lucky day however fights.” “你能看清楚这些,寡人很高兴,作为太子,林国的中流砥柱,这个时候你要肩负起自己的责任来。羽族妖妇虽然死了,但是却已经有太多的势力渗透进了我们林国之中,这一次羽族发难,应该是已经做好了与我们人族大战的准备,天麟,回去准备一下,迎战羽族,择日而战。” forest outstanding patted the Crown Prince forest Tianlin shoulder, forest Tianlin heavily nodded, eye socket slightly red, withdrew from main hall slowly. 林卓拍了拍太子林天麟的肩膀,林天麟重重点头,眼眶微红,缓缓的退出了大殿 desolate Burke desolate Burke, it seems like that this you must compel toward dead end on to me time, I died, do not want to feel better, my short remaining life is not valuable, but before the point of death, I must personally your Feathered Race destruction.” “萧波克啊萧波克,看来这一次你是要给我往死路上逼了,我死了,你也别想好过,我这条老命已经不值钱了,但是临死之前,我一定要亲手将你羽族覆灭。” forest outstanding closely is grasping the palm, eye of zi wants to crack, the elderly senior delivers the junior, that pain is self-evident, feudal officials of the Shanglin country casualty innumerable humerus, his are the emperor again, has an emotional tie with the common people, how can not worry? 林卓紧紧的握着手掌,目眦欲裂,白发人送黑发人,那种痛苦不言而喻,再加上林国死伤无数肱骨之臣,他这个当皇帝的,心系万民,怎能不为之忧心呢? Feathered Race has the innumerable plot influences, starts to march Human Race, attempts to conquer the entire scarlet territory, ambitious, even without the Feathered Race seductive woman, these she once the lay down board game piece, still erupted extremely the terrifying energy at this time, making the entire forest national capital fall into abyss of suffering, about half officials were killed, the innumerable common people fell into to the panic, aspect very urgent, even there is a Ministry of War to have the mutiny, making the entire Human Race aspect become more and more difficult, overnight, Feathered Race all influences, turned out in full strength, only to hit their no time to deal with it. 羽族带着无数的阴谋势力,开始进军人族,企图征服整个赤中域,野心勃勃,即便是没有了羽族妖妇,那些她曾布下的棋子,也在这个时候爆发出了极其恐怖的能量,让整个林国都陷入到了水深火热之中,将近半数的人臣被杀,无数百姓都陷入到恐慌之中,局面十分的紧迫,甚至有兵部发生哗变,令整个人族的局面变得越来越艰难,一夜之间,羽族将所有的势力,都倾巢而出,只为打他们一个措手不及 forest Tianlin left the imperial palace inner courtyard, then started the earliest possible time to reorganize the armament strength, leads share of strange army, started to eradicate the dissident, these undercover dregs butchered, was the time makes them surface, wall that the world has not ventilated, since they had begun, should know the consequence, forest Tianlin has the secret order of emperor, started the elimination plan, was better late than never not late, luckily at this time the Feathered Race seductive woman had died, their these stirred up rebellion the board game piece that or was placed by the seductive woman, a group of people without a leader, even if there is a plan of Feathered Race, they were still full of loopholes, otherwise, at all was not forest Tianlin can imagine. 林天麟离开了皇宫内院,便开始了第一时间整理军备力量,带着一股奇军,开始铲除异己,那些卧底渣宰,是时候让他们浮出水面了,天下没有不透风的墙,既然他们已经动手了,就应该知道后果,林天麟带着皇帝的密令,开始了清除计划,亡羊补牢为时未晚,幸亏这个时候羽族妖妇已经死了,他们那些被妖妇策反或者安插进来的棋子,群龙无首,即便有了羽族的计划,他们也是漏洞百出,否则的话,根本不是林天麟能够想象得到的。 However, in this time Feathered Race, the army 1 million have started to be ready to make trouble, sharpens the knife. 然而,此时的羽族之中,大军百万已经开始蠢蠢欲动,磨刀霍霍。 desolate Burke Station above Beishan Mountains, wears the gold crown, wears Battle Armor, foot treads the eagle, is ordinary just like Heavenly God. 萧波克站在北山之上,头戴金冠,身披战甲,脚踏雄鹰,宛如天神一般。 In its behind, the people of innumerable Feathered Race, has completed completely safe preparing, prepares to enter Human Race at any time. 在其背后,无数羽族之人,早已做好了万全之备,随时准备杀入人族 „The Human Race turmoil, this is only the appetizer, forest outstanding, prepares to greet the storm!” 人族动乱,这只是开胃菜而已,林卓,准备迎接风暴吧!”
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