DMWG :: Volume #44

#4265: Govern spirit city 【Four】

Many thanks master.” “多谢主人。” Black king unparalleled is excited, is kneeling to Jiang Chen directly pays homage, his present cultivation base is the star lord 3-layer day peak, the previous say/way has consumed, now also obtains a new say/way, regarding the black king, the advantage was really big. 黑王无比激动,直接对着江尘跪地膜拜,他现在的修为已经是星主三重巅峰,之前的道则已经消耗完,如今又得到一道新的道则,对于黑王来说,好处实在是太大了。 Has this, cultivation base of black king, can promote the star main four heavy days in an instant, even soon, on breakthrough star main five heavy days. 有这道则在,黑王的修为,转眼之间就可以提升到星主四重天,甚至用不了多久,就突破星主五重天了。 In fact black king present cultivation base, but also in the recovery stage, he once cultivation base of peak period, was the powerful star sovereign, now had the dragon Buddha say/way, cultivation base of black king, the restored speed, promoted ten times at least. 实际上黑王现在的修为,还处于恢复阶段,他曾经巅峰时期的修为,乃是强大的星皇,如今有了龙浮屠的道则,黑王的修为,恢复的速度,起码提升十倍。 Because Big Yellow Dog essence suffered the damage, temporarily be at the deathly stillness condition, is unable the revolution energy, but this, he can also comprehend slowly, once obtained the regeneration saliva to solve the problem, was Big Yellow Dog is well-prepared, making a rapid career advance time, the direct breakthrough star main was a cinch. 大黄狗因为本源遭受到了损伤,暂时处于死寂状态,无法运转能量,但这道则,他也是可以慢慢参悟的,一旦得到了再生涎解决自身问题,就是大黄狗厚积薄发,飞黄腾达的时候,直接突破星主都不在话下。 When the dragon palace opens third layer, the Jiang Chen music can feel about fourth level, before being just like his say/way to the third layer has certain feeling to be the same, he felt, dragon palace fourth level, will have the thing that oneself anticipate truly, no longer is to the useless say/way. 在龙宫开启第三层的时候,江尘音乐能够对第四层有所感觉,就好比之前他对第三层的道则有一定感觉一样,他觉得,龙宫第四层,将会有自己真正期待的东西,不再是对自己无用的道则。 My present cultivation base is the Tianyuan boundary 8-layer day, thinks that opens dragon palace fourth level, perhaps needs to promote the star truly main, hopes that these goes to the governing spirit city to have the big harvest time, helping my cultivation base promote again.” “我现在的修为天源八重天,想到打开龙宫第四层,恐怕需要真正晋升星主才可以,希望这一次去御灵城能够有大的收获,帮助我修为再次提升。” Jiang Chen secretly thought, then continues to hurry along. 江尘暗道,然后继续赶路。 Bridges over front mountain range, thoroughly to the domain of elf clan, the Jiang Chen conduct, changed was careful. 跨过前方一座山脉,就彻底到了精灵族的地盘,江尘行事,也变的小心了起来。 Peaceful mountain range, erupts three to soar to the heavens the air wave suddenly, then three elves flew from below, blocked the Jiang Chen's way. 安静的山脉,突然间爆发出三道冲天气浪,然后三个精灵从下面飞了起来,拦住了江尘的去路。 These three elves, seem like extremely cunning, cultivation base is also good, Tianyuan boundary 9-layer Heaven, two Tianyuan boundary 8-layer days, malicious looks at Jiang Chen. 这三个精灵,看起来极其的诡诈,修为也是不俗,一个天源九重天,两个天源八重天,不怀好意的看着江尘 very powerful fierce monster qi.” 好强烈的妖气。” Managing him was intense, wants to pass by from here, leaves behind the safe passage money.” “管他强不强烈,想要从这里路过,留下买路财。” Two elves talked. 两个精灵对话。 Jiang Chen is speechless, this fuck bumps into takes by force, this is stays at a selected place to take by force, it seems like it is not the luck is bad, all people who passed by this mountain range, must be taken by force by these three elves. 江尘无语,这尼玛又碰到打劫的了,这是蹲点打劫,看来不是自己运气差,所有路过这山脉的人,都要被这三个精灵打劫一番。 „The words that does not want dead, roll immediately, the father does not have the time to waste.” “不想死的话,就立马滚,老子没有时间浪费。” Jiang Chen ill-humored saying, he goes to the governing spirit city wholeheartedly, where has the time to waste here. 江尘没好气的说道,他一心前往御灵城,哪里有时间在这里浪费。 Yo, this boy also very entrains, you entrain a wool, here is our domains, wanted from here in the past, left behind treasure.” “呦呵,这小子还挺拽,你拽个毛,这里是我们的地盘,想要从这里过去,留下身上的宝贝。” Right, safe passage money.” “没错,买路财。” Has wanted the safe passage money, came to give.” “过不过都要买路财,来了就要给。” Three people of word languages, have not placed in Jiang Chen the eye slightly. 三人一言一语,丝毫没有将江尘放在眼中。 Told you not a good news.” “告诉你们一个不好的消息。” Jiang Chen said. 江尘道。 What news?” “什么消息?” Elf naive asking. 一个精灵天真的问道。 You kicked the sheet iron.” “你们踢到铁板了。” Jiang Chen said. 江尘道。 What do you mean?” “什么意思?” Another elf blinks two eyes. 另一个精灵眨巴两下眼睛。 Idiot, this intelligence quotient also comes out to take by force.” “白痴,这种智商还出来打劫。” Jiang Chen laughs at one, how without seeing him to act, then to a elf near, big palm of the hand directly on fan in the past. 江尘嗤笑一声,没见他如何动作,便到了一个精灵近前,大巴掌直接就扇了过去。 pā! 啪! A slap in the face fan on a face of elf, the Tianyuan boundary 8-layer day elf, the opportunity that even the least bit responded does not have, a head by a Jiang Chen slap in the face to the pulp of fan, blood-curdling scream had not been sent out one with enough time. 一个耳刮子扇在一个精灵的脸上,天源八重天的精灵,连半点反应的机会都没有,一颗头颅都被江尘一耳光给扇的稀巴烂,惨叫都没有来得及发出一声。 What?” “什么?” Another two elves called out in alarm one hastily, stares the big eye to look at the Jiang Chen's look again, probably sees the ghost to be the same. 另外两个精灵连忙惊呼了一声,瞪大眼睛再看江尘的眼神,好像看到鬼一样。 They understand finally Jiang Chen that kicked the sheet iron is what meaning, such strength, at all was not they can annoy. 他们总算明白江尘那句踢到铁板了是什么意思,这样的实力,根本不是他们能够太惹的啊。 pā! 啪! Being disinclined rubbish, the Jiang Chen backhand is a slap in the face fan goes out, which Tianyuan boundary 9-layer Heaven elf, without the least bit opportunity, immediately step the footsteps of oneself companion, even is more miserable, even the body patted rottenly. 懒得废话,江尘反手又是一个耳光扇出去,哪天源九重天的精灵,没有半点机会,立刻步了自己同伴的后尘,甚至更惨,连身子都拍烂了。 Sir forgives.” “大人饶命。” The third elf, pū tōng knelt, trembles, kowtows again and again, before where also has the least bit, rampant appearance. 第三个精灵,噗通一声跪了下来,瑟瑟发抖,连连磕头,哪里还有半点之前嚣张的样子。 Cracks a joke, even Tianyuan boundary 9-layer Heaven died by a Palestinian slap, oneself are rampant. 开玩笑,连天源九重天都被一巴掌扇死了,自己还嚣张个屁。 How this courage works as the robber, vexed.” “这点胆子怎么当劫匪啊,窝囊。” Jiang Chen shakes the head, walks to stamp it , to continue to hurry along. 江尘摇了摇头,走过去将其一脚踩死,继续赶路。 Was too cruel, is in the person of same belief the person, you friendly.” “太残忍了,都是同道中人,你友善点。” Big Yellow Dog cannot bear say: Good and evil suffers one to massacre again.” 大黄狗忍不住说道:“好歹折磨一番再杀掉。” It seems like they should rejoice very much has not fallen in your dog elder brother's hand, otherwise before the point of death, must experience one to live to might as well die.” “看来他们应该很庆幸没有落在你狗哥的手中,不然临死前还要体验一把生不如死。” Jiang Chen is speechless. 江尘无语。 These three elves also are really unlucky, originally thinks prey to visit, after all in this place, was good, so long as did not bump into the hard stubble that their strengths could also be, was not expert of star main rank appears, basically will not have anything to make a mistake, even the mistake, can still depend upon here environment advantage at least, depended upon the elf clan to be good at the concealing method saving the life. 这三个精灵也真是倒霉,本来以为猎物上门,毕竟在这种地方,他们的实力也算得上的不俗了,只要不是碰到硬茬子,不是星主级别的高手出现,基本上不会有什么失误,即便失误,起码也能够依靠这里的环境优势,依靠精灵族善于隐匿的手段保住性命。 What a pity is frustrated, bumped into Jiang Chen, unreasonable person, Old Ancestor of robber, can only a truly finally solemn and stirring and dies. 可惜出师不利,上来碰到了江尘,一个真正不讲道理的人,劫匪界的老祖宗,最后只能悲壮而死。 At the Jiang Chen's speed, without using the too much time, arrived at the governing spirit city. 江尘的速度,没有用太多的时间,就来到了御灵城。 Govern spirit city grand Bufan (extraordinary), above the city gate is carving a statue, a winged elf. 御灵城宏伟不凡,城门之上雕刻着一座雕像,一个长了翅膀的精灵。 Outside the city gate, coming and going everywhere is the elves, just like the beforehand Human Race city, passes in and out must pay certain source stone. 城门之外,来来往往到处都是精灵,和之前人族的城池一样,进出都要缴纳一定的源石。 Jiang Chen descends from the midair, before arriving at the city gate, walks swaggering. 江尘从半空中降落,来到城门之前,大摇大摆走去。 At this moment, above the sky had more than 10 tyrannical incomparable aura to pass over gently and swiftly, flew toward the governing spirit city outside. 就在这时,天空之上有十几道强横无比的气息掠过,向着御灵城之外飞去。 When first person, is riches and honor Young Master, cultivation base has achieved the star to advocate 1-layer Heaven, such rank, in Human Race that is basic shell genius, a young star lord, in elf clan that is also best exist(ence), valued affirms. 当先一人,是一个富贵公子,修为已经达到了星主一重天,这样的级别,在人族那都是主级天才,一个年轻的星主,在精灵族那也是数一数二的存在,备受重视是肯定的。 Side riches and honor Young Master, with is the star lords, a fiercest old man, is star main four heavy day of peak. 在富贵公子身旁,跟着的都是星主,最厉害的一个老者,已经是星主四重天巅峰 Really is enviable.” “真是让人羡慕啊。” Innumerable double gaze raise one's head look, falls on the body of that riches and honor Young Master, not mincing matter the color of envying. 无数双目光抬头看去,落在那富贵公子的身上,毫不掩饰的羡慕之色。 This you, who is that person?” “这位兄台,那人是谁啊?” Jiang Chen asked. 江尘问道。 Your he did not know, new?” “你连他都不认识,新来的吧?” A person looks to Jiang Chen. 一人看向江尘 Newly-arrived.” “初来乍到。” Jiang Chen smiles. 江尘嘿嘿一笑。 This is Young City Lord of governing spirit city, the governing Kun, you looks at this ostentation, the journey wants so many stars to advocate the expert accompaniment, enviable.” “这是御灵城的少城主,御鲲,你看这排场,出行都要这么多的星主高手陪同,让人羡慕。” That person envies to say. 那人羡慕道。 Govern spirit city Young City Lord?” “御灵城少城主吗?” The Jiang Chen eye narrows the eyes, a immediately technique is careful. 江尘眼睛微眯,顿时一技上心。 You, does this governing spirit city, altogether have several Young City Lord?” “兄台,这御灵城,一共有几个少城主?” Jiang Chen asked. 江尘问道。 How many? This, the treasure of Sir City Lord, usually including feared to melt in the mouth, placed in the hand to fear to fall, otherwise, can the journey have so many stars to advocate the expert accompaniment?” “几个?就这一个,城主大人的宝贝疙瘩,平常是含在嘴里怕化了,放在手里怕摔了,不然的话,出行能有那么多星主高手陪同吗?” That person said. 那人说道。 Four, this week were also spelled, tomorrow continues three, the brothers had the ticket, cast several tickets to Old Su, thanks.】 【四更到,这周也算是拼了,明天继续三更,兄弟们有票的,给老苏投几票,谢谢。】
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