DMWG :: Volume #44

#4234: Is promoted again

Jiang Chen and Long Shisan are impolite, received the fire coral respectively, because they need this thing now, needs as soon as possible enhances own strength, particularly Jiang Chen, he also has the war to make in January/one month. 江尘龙十三也不客气,分别接过火珊瑚,因为他们现在需要这个东西,需要尽快的将自己的实力提升上去,尤其是江尘,他还有一月战约。 Although Long Shisan is not the special fire attribute physique, but regarding fire, enjoys extremely 龙十三虽然不是特殊的火属性体质,但对于火,也是极其受用 , His Golden Eyes Fiery Pupils, although is innate ability, but its origin, was smelted by heaven and earth Divine Fire. ,他的火眼金睛,虽然是天赋神通,但其来源,也是被天地神火所熔炼出来。 Teacher, before I look at you, can the swallow alive hot demon, such ability heaven defying, Monster Spirit of this hot beast, happen to also give the teacher, can help the teacher enhance the strength rapidly.” “老师,我看你之前能生吞火魔,此等能力着实逆天,这颗火兽的妖灵,正好也给老师,可以帮助老师快速的提升实力。” Solemn one takes out Monster Spirit of beforehand exterminate hot beast white/in vain, hands in front of Jiang Chen. 穆一白取出之前灭杀火兽的妖灵,递到江尘面前。 Solemn one white now to Jiang Chen respectable very much, the sudden transformation of this attitude, because of the Jiang Chen's ability, said regarding solemn came in vain completely, before Jiang Chen these questions that helped itself answer, was priceless, don't said that was Monster Spirit of star main rank, even 100, could not compare Jiang Chen to help oneself value. 穆一白现在对江尘尊敬的很,这态度的突然转变,完全是因为江尘的能力,对于穆一白来说,之前江尘帮助自己解答的那些问题,乃是无价的,莫说是一颗星主级别的妖灵,就算是一百颗,也比不上江尘帮助自己的价值。 Many thanks.” “多谢了。” Jiang Chen is impolite, gives to receive Monster Spirit directly, there is no promoting cultivation base is more important, coy to is not the Jiang Chen's style. 江尘也不客气,直接将妖灵给接了过来,没有什么比提升修为更加重要,扭扭捏捏可不是江尘的风格。 We best leave here, looks for one no one's place refining fire coral, the promotion strength.” “我们最好离开这里,找一个没人的地方炼化火珊瑚,提升实力。” Solemn one said white/in vain, here the sound is too just now big, is very easy to bring to others' attention, if were discovered they looked to hit the fire coral, was some unnecessary troubles. 穆一白说道,这里适才动静太大,很容易引起别人的注意,要是被人发现他们找打了火珊瑚,又是一些不必要的麻烦。 Three people of bodies rocked, left this mountain peak, at their speeds, arrived at beyond several thousand li (0.5 km) suddenly. 三人身躯晃动,离开了这片山峰,以他们的速度,眨眼间就到了数千里之外。 The front is the place that flame dance in the air, the temperature of flame is extremely high, moreover thinks that extremely in the thickness, making one even unable to see clearly inside thing, regarding Jiang Chen their three people, actually institute of the good hidden. 前方是一片火焰飞舞的地方,火焰的温度极高,而且以为太过于浓密,让人甚至看不清里面的东西,对于江尘他们三人来说,倒是一个不错的隐藏之所。 Three people found three different places respectively, starts to close up the cultivation. 三人分别找了三个不同的地方,开始闭关修炼。 This closes up, is seven days of time, seven days, regarding powerful cultivator, is the time of a blink. 这一闭关,就是七天时间,七天,对于强大的修士来说,也就是一眨眼的时间。 Three days of time, solemn one closes right up against the fire coral white/in vain, breakthrough realm, cultivation base achieved the star to advocate the 3-layer day again the terrifying situation. 三天时间,穆一白靠着火珊瑚,再一次突破境界,修为达到了星主三重天的恐怖地步。 The tour of sea of this colored glaze, absolutely is solemn one white/in vain most valuable one time, the sea of this colored glaze has come three times, but Altair and Vega lord 1-layer Heaven not to have breakthrough, now comes in seven days of time, cultivates continuous bump two realm, from star lord 1-layer Heaven to the star lord 3-layer day, simply is reborn the change. 这一次琉璃之海之行,绝对是穆一白最有价值的一次,这琉璃之海来过三次,但连星主一重天都没有突破过,如今才进来七天时间,修炼连续冲击两个境界,从星主一重天到星主三重天,简直是脱胎换骨般的变化。 Another side, Long Shisan promotes the Tianyuan boundary sevenfold day, stays in sevenfold day peak, from the 8-layer day, that is also the one pace, Long Shisan under such condition, has been able to prey on Tianyuan boundary 9-layer Heaven expert. 另外一边,龙十三晋升天源境七重天,停留在七重天巅峰,距离八重天,那也是一步之遥,此等状态下的龙十三,已经可以搏杀天源九重天高手了。 The harvest is bigger, is Jiang Chen, the fire coral and hot beast Monster Spirit dual additions, causes Jiang Chen's cultivation base, spans two ranks continuously, achieved Tianyuan boundary five heavy day of peak, from the Tianyuan boundary six heavy days, that is also the one pace. 收获更大的,是江尘,火珊瑚和火兽妖灵的双重加成,也是使得江尘的修为,连续跨越两个级别,达到了天源境五重天巅峰,距离天源境六重天,那也是一步之遥。 And, the Monster Spirit energy of hot beast, Jiang Chen not completely refining, but also remained part to stay in within the body , the Jiang Chen present condition, found a turning point again, can promote the Tianyuan boundary six heavy days. 并且,火兽的妖灵能量,江尘并未完全炼化,还残留了一部分留在体内,也江尘现在的状态,再找到一个契机,就可以晋升天源境六重天。 Your these two fellows, are really the anomalies.” “你们这两个家伙,真是变态。” Solemn one cannot bear sighed white/in vain, genius she has to see, where in the Qilin mansion also has the mediocre person, but like Jiang Chen and Long Shisan this, unprecedented, shocking. 穆一白忍不住唏嘘,天才她不是没有见过,麒麟府内又哪里有庸才,但如同江尘龙十三这样的,前所未见,骇人听闻。 Long Shisan enters the imperial capital, ten days , is ten days of time, from the Tianyuan boundary four heavy days, by the Tianyuan boundary sevenfold day, enough three realm, this person? 龙十三进入帝都,也才十天的时间,十天时间,从天源境四重天,到天源境七重天,足足三个境界,这还是人吗? Jiang Chen was needless saying that sea of seven days of time colored glaze, cultivation base with flying was the same, is promoted eats meal probably, extremely in relaxed at will, this several days of time, cultivation base achieved Tianyuan boundary five heavy day of peak, besides fearfulness, but can also say anything. 江尘更加不用说了,琉璃之海七天时间,修为跟飞的一样,晋级就好像吃饭,太过于轻松随意,这才几天时间,修为就达到了天源境五重天巅峰,除了可怕之外,还能说什么。 Teacher, quick that although your strength promotes, but will be in the future, the promotion is difficult, you and certainly decisive battle of Changqing, 20 days , makes one worry very much.” “老师,你的实力虽然提升的很快,但越是往后,提升就越是困难,你和绝长清的决战,还有二十天的时间,还是让人很担忧啊。” Solemn one looks white/in vain to Jiang Chen, said. 穆一白看向江尘,说道。 Although said that Jiang Chen's cultivation base promotes quickly, but in the eyes of bystander, Jiang Chen and certainly Changqing, has to just like the Heavenly Moat disparity, both sides are completely not a level. 虽然说江尘的修为提升很快,但在外人的眼中,江尘和绝长清,还是有着犹如天堑般的差距,双方完全不是一个层次的。 Relax, 20 days, in sea of such environment colored glaze, Little Chen want to enhance the strength, are very simple.” “放心吧,还有二十天呢,在琉璃之海这样的环境下,小尘子想要提升实力,还是很简单的。” Long Shisan did not worry, more is understands Jiang Chen's to be fearful, more will not worry, if must worry, should Changqing worry certainly. 龙十三一点也不担忧,越是了解江尘的可怕,就越不会担忧,如果要担忧的话,也应该是绝长清担忧。 „The method of teacher, I naturally am admire, but the time, was somewhat short.” “老师的手段,我自然是佩服的,但时间,还是有些短暂了。” Solemn moon's orbit, 20 days, Tianyuan boundary five heavy days of the disparity of arriving at star lord 1-layer Heaven, even if day and night eats the hot demon, wants to raise so many ranks, that is still at all the impossible matter. 穆一白道,二十天,天源境五重天到星主一重天的差距,就算是没日没夜的吃火魔,想要提升这么多等级,那也是根本不可能的事情。 Time indeed was somewhat intense, but are not related, everything depends on human effort.” “时间的确是有些紧张了,不过没关系,事在人为。” The Jiang Chen complexion is light, when regardless to, his face on, appears, is the self-confident, unequalled self-confidence. 江尘脸色平淡,无论到什么时候,他的脸上,浮现出来的,都是自信,无与伦比的自信。 20 days, Jiang Chen at least also has promotes two ranks, cultivation base to achieve Tianyuan boundary sevenfold day peak again, has the opportunity to defeat certainly Changqing, moreover this is in cultivation base of Changqing does not have in the breakthrough star main double day situation certainly. 二十天的时间,江尘至少还有再提升两个级别,修为达到天源境七重天巅峰,才有机会打败绝长清,而且这还是在绝长清的修为没有突破星主二重天的情况下。 Therefore, wants absolutely safe, Jiang Chen needs to promote to have the absolute assurance to Tianyuan boundary 8-layer genius cultivation base. 所以,想要万无一失,江尘需要将修为提升到天源八重天才能够有绝对的把握。 Be careful.” “小心。” The Jiang Chen voice falls, the complexion suddenly changes, he holds Long Shisan, Great Void Technique excellent movement skill also displays in this flash extreme, almost in the wink of an eye, he brought Long Shisan to avoid beyond three zhang (3.33 m). 江尘话音落下,脸色陡然一变,他一把抓住身旁的龙十三,大虚空术绝妙身法也在这一瞬间极致施展出来,几乎瞬息之间,他带着龙十三躲避到了三丈之外。 Bang...... 轰…… The place that back, they just stood, the sound of thundering gets up, two just like Death God murderous aura rays of light, almost shut off that sea of fire. 背后,他们刚刚站立的地方,轰鸣之声响起,两道犹如死神般的杀气光芒,几乎切断了那片火海。 Fuck.” 卧槽。” Long Shisan hit one to tremble, the back could not bear the overflow cold sweat, this struck, if fell on the body, by their present cultivation base, cannot resist, feared that must regard cleaves in two. 龙十三打了一个哆嗦,后背都忍不住溢出冷汗来,这一击要是落在身上,以他们现在的修为,根本抵挡不住,怕是要当成被劈成两半。 Who?” “谁?” Solemn white complexion big change, her body one horizontal, keeps off in Jiang Chen and Long Shisan front hastily, is ready in full battle array. 穆一白脸色大变,她身躯一横,连忙挡在江尘龙十三前方,严阵以待。 Just now was really the bad risk, the strength of person of take action, feared that at least the star lord the 3-layer day, moreover was good at concealing and sneak attack, that sudden sneak attack attack, lord the 3-layer day expert not to have the least bit sensation including oneself this star. 适才实在是太凶险了,出手之人的实力,怕是至少星主三重天,而且非常善于隐匿和偷袭,那突如其来的偷袭攻击,连自己这个星主三重天的高手都没有半点感知到。 In the anger, the solemn white innermost feelings to are more respectable and worship, even she who Jiang Chen also changes has not induced, Jiang Chen actually induced, moreover in the most critical moment, avoided the star to advocate the sneak attack of 3-layer day expert, leads a person. 在愤怒的时候,穆一白内心对江尘也变的更加尊敬和崇拜起来,连她都没有感应到,江尘却感应到了,而且在最紧要的关头,躲避掉了星主三重高手的偷袭,还是带着一个人。 The speed and movement skill that flash displays, can describe with the miracle two characters. 那一瞬间施展出来的速度和身法,可以用奇迹两个字来形容。 Even the powerful star lord, cannot achieve. 就算是强大的星主,也根本做不到。 good youngster, can actually avoid the sneak attack of this Seat, how do you achieve?” 好小子,竟然能够躲避掉本座的偷袭,你是怎么做到的?” A black robe old man appeared, gaze falls on Jiang Chen's, in the eye full is the surprise. 一个黑袍老者出现了,目光落在江尘的身上,眼中满是诧异。
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