DH :: Volume #6

#577: Demon earthworm

Deep lamp, this immortal ghost each body of piecing together starts to disintegrate. 冥灯一出,这地仙鬼各个拼凑的身躯开始瓦解。 Can see that each part of its body has an demon earthworm thing to link, just like the vein, if not make into this appearance it, even thinks that it also gave to melt in oneself body the underground demon earthworm. 可以看到它身体的每一部分都有一条魔蚯东西连着,犹如脉络,若不将它打成这副样子,甚至会以为它是将地下的魔蚯蚓也给融到了自己的身躯中。 Squeak squeak squeak!!!!” “吱吱吱!!!!” These demon earthworms exuded the grating cry, once they expose under the deep lamp shone, the body surely rapid deterioration is also rotten. 那些魔蚯发出了刺耳的叫声,它们一旦暴露在了冥灯照耀之下,身体也必定迅速的衰败腐烂。 Once this/should demon earthworm death, that some bodies that then it connects then seemed like lost the vigor thoroughly, was separated with the place immortal ghost whole completely. 一旦该魔蚯死亡,那么它连接的那部分身躯便像是彻底失去了活力,与地仙鬼整体完全脱离。 Originally is these demon earthworms .” Zhu Minglang sneered. “原来是这些魔蚯,呵。”祝明朗不禁冷笑了起来。 Drill earthworm that obtained the gracious favor, said unexpectedly is the demon immortal ghost? 一头获得了恩泽的钻地蚯蚓,竟然自称是地魔仙鬼? Won its earth spirit magical powers, discovered it pieces together the secret of body, must kill it is not a how difficult matter. 夺走了它的土灵神通,又发现了它拼凑身体的秘密,要杀死它就不是一件多么困难的事情了。 The demon earthworm is wriggling, crazy flesh lump in drills toward these, they fear the brilliance of deep lamp extremely, so long as insolation a whole body fester corruption and dying. 地魔蚯蠕动着,疯狂的往那些“肉块”之中钻,它们极其惧怕冥灯的光辉,只要暴晒一会就会全身溃烂腐败而死。 Spirit Sword Dragon, selects them!” Zhu Minglang said. 剑灵龙,将它们挑出来!”祝明朗道。 If the hen seizes the insect, Spirit Sword Dragon in the whole body flying shuttle of that immortal ghost, seeks for the position that these demon earthworm is hiding, a sword neat thorn, accurate stabbed a place demon earthworm...... 如母鸡捉虫,剑灵龙在那地仙鬼的周身飞梭,找寻着那些地魔蚯所藏匿的位置,一剑干净利落的刺下去,精准的刺中了其中一条地魔蚯…… Flame glow rippled the sword to be sharp from the sword blade, the sword sharp place bursts out raging fire of burning hot immediately, the flame poured into the body of demon earthworm, ignited its whole body rapidly, burnt it in that gigantic place rock flesh lump. 一层焰芒从剑身荡漾到了剑尖,剑尖处立刻迸发出了一股炙热的烈火,火焰灌入到了地魔蚯的身躯中,迅速的引燃了它全身,将它焚死在了那一块硕大的地岩肉块中。 Really, this demon earthworm dies, the body of that big piece of land immortal ghost disintegrated thoroughly, they turned into one pile of tattered stones, does not have the strength of turtle again. 果然,这地魔蚯一死,那一大块地仙鬼的躯体就彻底瓦解了,它们变成了一堆破烂石头,再也没有神龟之力。 Heaven Slaughtering Dragon, killed that old domestic animal.” Zhu Minglang leapt conducting the back of Heaven Slaughtering Dragon, had been seen through the place immortal ghost of acrobatics to give Spirit Sword Dragon that. 天煞龙,杀了那老畜生。”祝明朗跃到了天煞龙的背上,将那已经被识破了把戏的地仙鬼交给了剑灵龙 Spirit Sword Dragon seems glad to play this seizing insect game very much, it moves just like unceasing flickering , to continue to seek regarding this one-eyed immortal ghost. 剑灵龙仿佛很乐意玩这种捉虫游戏,它宛如不断的瞬移,围绕着这头独眼地仙鬼继续找寻着。 Before deep lamp shining of Heaven Slaughtering Dragon made this immortal ghost tattered and torn, the Spirit Sword Dragon build also calculated slenderly slender, if really in not being able to find these demon earthworm, Spirit Sword Dragon will even drill to the body of place immortal ghost in directly. 之前天煞龙的冥灯照耀使得这地仙鬼早已经千疮百孔,剑灵龙体型也还算修长纤细,若实在找不到那些地魔蚯,剑灵龙甚至会直接钻到地仙鬼的躯壳中。 Also is a sword, seizes the life swiftly and violently, a large place demon earthworm found fault by Spirit Sword Dragon directly, exposed it under the deep lamp. 又是一剑,迅猛而夺命,一条肥大至极的地魔蚯被剑灵龙给直接挑刺了出来,将它暴露在了冥灯之下。 Does not need Spirit Sword Dragon to start the roaring flame ignition again, this demon earthworm then under the brilliance of deep lamp gradually melted the bloody water. 不需要剑灵龙再发动烈焰灼烧,这地魔蚯便在冥灯的光焰下渐渐的融成了血水。 Killed continually had five place demon earthworms, this demon eye place immortal ghost body disintegrated had half, in Spirit Sword Dragon is winding around its demon eye flight, Spirit Sword Dragon suddenly discovered that eye wriggled. 一连杀死了有五条地魔蚯,这魔眼地仙鬼身体瓦解了有一半,就在剑灵龙缭绕着它的那颗魔眼飞行时,剑灵龙突然发现那颗眼睛蠕动了一下。 Spirit Sword Dragon has own spirit wisdom, even if Zhu Minglang is controlling Heaven Slaughtering Dragon to slaughter with that Yin spirit Old Man master now, it will also analyze the enemy. 剑灵龙拥有自己的灵智,哪怕祝明朗现在正驾驭着天煞龙与那个阴灵师老头厮杀,它也会对敌人进行分析。 Its diversion, avoids that ghost who the immortal ghost raided air/Qi the torrential claw again. 它再一次绕飞,躲避开了地仙鬼袭来的那鬼气滔滔的爪子。 Pretends to attack a body hole of place immortal ghost? Does Spirit Sword Dragon pass through from the place immortal ghost chest position suddenly? It has not entered to this chest spot seeks for that place demon earthworm, but was drilled from the back of place immortal ghost directly? Then a counter- spin sword? Cut directly to that demon eye! 假装攻击其中一个地仙鬼的身体窟窿?剑灵龙突然从地仙鬼胸口位置穿了过去?它没有进入到这个胸膛部位找寻那头地魔蚯,而是直接从地仙鬼的背后钻了出去?然后反旋一剑?直接斩向了那一魔眼! Really, that demon eye creeping motion! 果然,那魔眼蠕动了! When the life was threatened suddenly? An insect fierce stretch/leisurely who this demon eye resembles curls up unexpectedly launches, then drilled a nearby worn-out statue place at the extremely quick speed. 在性命受到突如其来的威胁时?这魔眼居然像蜷曲的一条虫子猛的舒展开,然后以极快的速度钻到了旁边的一座破旧雕像处。 Is that statue great range officers? Tall and powerfully built? Physically strong, is barebacked the body to see that his each muscle was very really portrayed, felt the strength feeling! 那雕像是一个巨岭将士?身材魁梧?体魄强壮,赤膊着身子可以看到他的每一块肌肉都被刻画得非常真实,充满了力量感! The demon eye unexpectedly is also a place demon earthworm, because it does roll up spherical? And the luster and physical body in Motong is very similar? Therefore made one be mistaken that was one is full of the evil strength, such as ghosts and gods common eye. 魔眼竟也是一头地魔蚯,只是因为它蜷缩成球状?并且色泽与肉体于魔瞳很相似?所以令人误以为那就是一只充满邪力,如鬼神一般的眼睛。 Spirit Sword Dragon naturally knows, this eyeball demon earthworm is the true core of immortal ghost, it cuts to strike toward the eyeball demon earthworm continuously, but that sly evil thing avoided keenly. 剑灵龙自然知道,这眼球地魔蚯才是地仙鬼的真正核心,它朝着眼球地魔蚯连续斩击,但那狡猾的邪物灵敏的避开了。 Bang “轰” Back? The piecing together body before immortal ghost thorough gave way, but looks like the headless fly the same as proceed along no particular course as body part of other demon earthworms of? Finally drilling into a panic to, is unable to stir up trouble again. 背后?地仙鬼之前的拼凑躯壳彻彻底底的垮掉了,而作为身体一部分的其他地魔蚯就像是无头苍蝇一样乱撞?最后仓惶的钻入到了地底下,再也无法兴风作浪。 Quack!!!!!” “嘎嘎!!!!!” Meanwhile? The great range statue that demon eye earthworm drills into, actually lived suddenly. 与此同时?那魔眼蚯所钻入到的巨岭雕像,却突然间活了过来。 Is it moving the arm? Is it swaying from side to side the neck? Did it start to walk the step? Its eye socket was been spatial, at this time can actually see an demon earthworm abaft the beam in its rock eye socket place! 它活动着臂膀?它扭动着脖子?它迈开了步伐?它的眼眶被是空的,此时却能够看到一条魔蚯正横在了它的岩石眼眶处! The eye of wriggle earthworm just like this hub that statue that lives. 蠕蚯之眼宛如这一尊活过来的雕像的枢纽。 But the immortal ghost was also equal to trading a body completely! 而地仙鬼也等于完完全全换了一具身躯! The strong incomparable great range statue stride starts to walk, under his sole has many holes, can see dozens smaller earthworm demons toward the sole ratchet drill of this great range statue, they as if moved to move generally, the rapid dispersion in the different positions of new body, making that ruined statue obtain the strength of ghosts and gods all of a sudden, the strange evil demon mark shone on the stone muscle of statue, dense and numerous, the demon light was bright! 强壮无比的巨岭雕像大步迈开,他脚掌下方有许多窟窿,可以看到几十只更小的蚯蚓魔正在往这巨岭雕像的脚底板钻,它们仿佛迁徙搬家了一般,迅速的分散到了新身体的不同位置上,使得那原本破败的石像一下子获得了鬼神之力,道道诡异邪恶的魔纹在雕像的石肌上亮起,密密麻麻,魔光熠熠! Spirit Sword Dragon does not have to think before oneself seized the insect to waste laboriously. 剑灵龙也没有想到自己之前的辛苦捉虫是白费了。 Obviously, the demon eye earthworm is the main body of immortal ghost, so long as it is also surviving, other are responsible for the place demon earthworm of torso, four limbs, internal organs, physique and vein dying many not to matter, because of the spacious ground of this field littered with corpses, has countless demon earthworm! 很显然,魔眼蚯蚓才是地仙鬼的本体,只要它还存活着,其他负责躯干、四肢、内脏、筋骨、脉络的地魔蚯蚓死多少都无所谓,因为这块尸横遍野的旷地上,有数之不尽的这种魔蚯蚓! Spirit Sword Dragon had fully understood the ability mechanism of this immortal ghost, it naturally also gave Zhu Minglang these reports. 剑灵龙已经完全了解了这地仙鬼的能力机制了,它自然也将这些汇报给祝明朗 Zhu Minglang in not far away, hears the summon of Spirit Sword Dragon, he then looked at one, happen to saw that the great range statue lives, saw under the great range statue, there is innumerable the demon earthworm to sneak in this new body, activates each spot of its body. 祝明朗在不远处,听到剑灵龙的呼唤,他回头望了一眼,正好看到巨岭雕像活过来的这一幕,也看到了巨岭雕像之下,有无数得地魔蚯钻进这具新身体,激活它身体的各个部位。 Great range obviously is the ordinary cultivator, most is the body cultivates, even if they have the ability of transforming should not a strength rise that terrifying big truncation.” Zhu Minglang also analyzed at this time calmly. “巨岭将明明就是普通的修行者,最多是体修,它们即便拥有幻化的能力也不应该实力提升那么恐怖的一大截。”祝明朗此时也冷静分析了起来。 Before Zhu Minglang will eat the thing of what similar sleep/felt demon fruit on the guess great range, can make their strength rise dramatically in a short time. 之前祝明朗就揣测巨岭将是不是吃了什么类似觉魔果实的东西,可以让他们实力在短时间内暴增。 May see this moment this, Zhu Minglang is thinking, the sergeant in these range city-state transforms for the great range certainly, the strength is greatly infinite and sweeps away all obstacles, can also because of this farm demon earthworm?? 可看到此刻这一幕,祝明朗不由在想,那些绝岭城邦的军士幻化为巨岭将,力大无穷、所向披靡,会不会也是因为这种地魔蚯蚓?? Since they can reside temporarily on a ruined statue, and makes it the body of new place immortal ghost, that similar place demon earthworm drills into the body of sergeant, will also obtain the extraordinary energy?? 它们既然可以寄居在一个破败的雕像上,并让它成为新的地仙鬼之躯,那类似的地魔蚯钻入到军士的身体里,是不是也会获得非凡之能?? In other words, they transform for the great range and have no mystique, likely is this demon earthworm!! 也就是说,他们幻化为巨岭将并没有什么秘法,很可能是这地魔蚯!!
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