DH :: Volume #16

#1508: Yama dragon

You late!” “尔等来晚了!” Spatial bright sound spreading slowly, appeared a ugly face above the Neiling palace, this face was being covered by the ancient armor. 一个空明的声音缓缓的传出,在那陵殿之上浮现出了一张鬼脸,这张脸被古代的盔甲所覆盖着。 Is such a face, it approached land Hou and the others, seems intrudes in the person to nether world to have any secretive transaction with their crowds. 仅仅是这样一张脸,它靠近了陆侯等人,好似与他们这群闯入到阴曹地府中的人存在着什么不可告人的交易。 At this time land Houcai took out a golden skin, gave this ancient ugly face. 这时陆侯才取出了一张金色的皮,递给了这张古代鬼脸。 In the ugly face eye projected several points of frantic, it accepted this golden skin, later fell back on the darkness slowly. 鬼脸眼睛里射出了几分狂热,它收下了这张金色的皮,随后缓缓的退到了黑暗之中。 But in darkness that it is hidden, leaf of strange heavy/thick ancient Menzheng had a crack, inside dim light seems like sharp sword puncture in all thick gates. 而它所隐没的黑暗里,一扇诡异的厚重古门正出现了道道龟裂,里面的幽光像是一根根利剑穿刺开古厚之门。 The ancient thick gate was disintegrated, at the same time in the gate is imprisoning before the dragon soul comes to naught probably, terrifying tsunami, overlapped and dense and numerous welled up toward this tomb palace in! 古厚之门被瓦解,与此同时门内囚禁着的龙魂像是一场空前恐怖的海啸,重重叠叠、密密麻麻的朝着这陵殿中涌了进来! Dragon soul, thousands, these were imprisoned in inside dragon soul seem like think oneself got out of trouble, therefore crazy wells up toward this out of the door, as everyone knows land Hou and his these soul flag master Men have arranged the unescapable net for them! 龙魂之多,数以万计,这些被囚禁在里面的龙魂似乎以为自己脱困了,于是疯狂的往这门外涌,殊不知陆侯与他的那些魂旗师们早已经为它们布置下了天罗地网! Yin spirit master Men is grasping sharp soul lances, thorn ruthlessly to these dragon soul, forcefully dragon soul the torso to strategy, but the strategy is more like a giant sausage machine weapon, will be driving away to the soul of here imprisoning dragon ruthlessly stirs broken...... 阴灵师们手持着一根根锋利的魂矛,狠狠的刺向这些龙魂,强行将龙魂躯干到了阵法中,而阵法更像是一个巨型的绞肉器械,正将驱赶到这里的囚龙之魂给狠狠的搅碎…… The sound of wailing resounded through the tomb palace, but that ugly face seems glad to see that these dragon soul are suffering suffering, is exuding a gloomy and cold laughter, hearing the person to be absolutely terrified! 哀嚎之声响彻了陵殿,而那张鬼脸仿佛非常乐意看到这些龙魂遭受着折磨,正发出一种阴冷的笑声,听得人毛骨悚然! Fishing for heartily, we need to construct a soul immortal tower for the immortal duke, these dragon soul are the highest-quality rubbles, do not let off one!!” The land marquis said to the people loudly. “尽情的捕捞,我们需要为仙公建造一座魂仙塔,这些龙魂就是最优质的瓦砾,不要放过一个!!”陆侯高声对众人说道。 Myriad dragon Hunru was curled the school of fish of shore by the tide, reaches a deadlock in the dry sand beach, how regardless to struggle the final result is also same, the humiliation is pitiful! 万千龙魂如被潮汐卷到了岸边的鱼群,搁浅在干燥的沙滩上,无论怎么挣扎最后的结果也是一样,屈辱而悲惨! But these powder cultivated/repaired god after enduring the terrifying scene of beforehand netherworld, saw such harvest scene also excited! 而那些散修神者们在熬过了之前阴间的恐怖场景后,看到这样的“丰收”场景也不由兴奋了起来! dragon Hunqi the might depends is the dragon soul quantity and dragon soul quality, usually in they were impossible unable to find so many live dragon to come to slaughter, and will also encounter the Dragon Herder influences and other so-called prestigious family honest oppositions. 龙魂旗的威力靠的就是龙魂数量与龙魂品质,平日里他们根本不可能找得到这么多活龙来屠宰,并且还会遭到牧龙师势力和其他所谓名门正派的反对。 But the dragon soul of netherworld, is actually the huge quantity, it may be said that is inexhaustible inexhaustible! 但阴间的龙魂,却是数量庞大,可谓是取之不尽用之不竭! Suddenly the people started somewhat to admire this land Hou Xianshi, how they have not thought that can gain dragon soul to the netherworld! 一时间众人开始有些佩服这位陆侯仙师了,他们怎么没有想到可以到阴间获取龙魂呢! Whooshed the sound penetrating the nether world, as if also alarmed some wicked tuo of netherworld, their form once for a while emergence in the sky of tomb palace, can see their ghosts and demons occasionally, but the powerful form has stroked. 嘶吼声响彻了阴曹地府,似乎也惊动了阴间的一些恶陀,它们的身影时不时的出现在了陵殿的上空,偶尔可以看到它们鬼魅而强大的身影拂过。 Just, that ancient armor ugly face obviously was a netherworld genuine big buddha, even these wicked tuo do not dare easily to provoke it. 只不过,那古代盔甲鬼脸显然是阴间一尊真正的大佛,即便是那些恶陀也不敢轻易的招惹它。 Boy, what you stares at me to make, me peeling your face?” In the ancient times the armor ugly face obviously noticed Zhu Minglang look, its unrestrained/no trace of politeness asked. “小子,你盯着我做什么,是不是要我将你的脸给剥下来?”古代盔甲鬼脸明显留意到了祝明朗的眼神,它毫不客气的质问道。 „It is not I am staring at you.” Zhu Minglang said. “不是我在盯着你。”祝明朗说道。 When is speaking these words, that eye of Zhu Minglang was given to flood by the deep flame suddenly, is quiet cold and fearful, strange, but evil charm. 说着这句话时,祝明朗的那双眼睛忽然被冥焰给充斥,幽寒而可怕,诡异而邪魅。 In the ancient times the armor ugly face put down that golden skin at this time, stubbornly is staring at Zhu Minglang, when it observed with rapt attention, actually discovered that the Zhu Minglang back had a shadow outline! 古代盔甲鬼脸此时才放下了那张金色的皮,死死的盯着祝明朗,当它凝神观察时,却发现祝明朗的背后有一个黑影轮廓! Is a Yin dragon!! 是一只阴龙!! This Yin dragon body slender such as evil python, has a pair of Yin wing, on its tail has a ksitigarbha deep lamp, although this lamp has not lightened, actually in transmits a dangerous early warning toward the surroundings, this made the armor ugly face show the flustered look in the ancient times immediately! 这只阴龙身躯修长如邪蟒,拥有一对阴翼,同时它的尾巴上有一盏地藏冥灯,此灯虽然没有点亮,却在向着周围传递一种危险至极的预警,这让古代盔甲鬼脸立刻露出了慌张的神色! „...... Ksitigarbha dragon!!!” In the ancient times the armor ugly face made the sound, its face instantaneously became fierce anxious, its unceasing is whooshing!! “地……地藏龙!!!”古代盔甲鬼脸发出了声音,它的脸瞬间变得狰狞焦虑,它不断的嘶吼着!! Ksitigarbha dragon and old enemy of ghost tuo Great Emperor netherworld! 地藏龙与鬼陀大帝正是阴间的宿敌! Regarding the ksitigarbha dragon, its true adult ceremony, the ghost tuo Great Emperor who kills the netherworld. 对于地藏龙而言,它的真正成人礼,正是杀死阴间的鬼陀大帝。 Zhu Minglang have not thought, the world is so small, without treading the broken metal shoe, this gadget hit, really does the present chance walk out of the door only, so long as went out to take a stroll, will certainly have the appropriate arrangement! 祝明朗自己也没有想到,世界就是这么的小,没有踏破铁鞋,这玩意儿自己撞上来了,果然如今的机缘无外乎自己走不走出家门,只要出去溜达,就一定会有妥当的安排! Right, this ancient ugly face, was the netherworld old enemy of ksitigarbha dragon, so long as solved this ghost tuo Great Emperor, the ksitigarbha dragon can complete its flying upwards transformation with ease! 没错,这古代鬼脸,正是地藏龙的阴间宿敌,只要解决掉这鬼陀大帝,地藏龙就可以轻松完成它的飞升蜕变! You dare to deceive me unexpectedly!!” “你们竟然敢欺骗我!!” Your these sly person clans!!” “你们这些狡猾人族!!” I must make you bury entirely here!!” “我要让你们统统埋葬在此处!!” The ghost tuo land anger, it went crazy to scream. 鬼陀大地怒,它发狂尖叫了起来。 Its each scream caused the surrounding nihility barrier to be stave, but behind of these barriers were gates of the imprisoning dragon one after another! 它的每一声尖叫都导致了周围的虚无壁垒破碎,而这些壁垒的后面正是一扇又一扇的囚龙之门! These books are depend on the ancient banning law to suppress, it may be said that is unable to withstand the load, with shatter of nihility barrier, these ancient gates again by dim light piercing! 这些门本就是靠着古老的禁法在压制着,可谓不堪重负,随着虚无壁垒的破碎,这些古门再度被幽光给刺穿! Therefore, the ancient gate is one after another stave, the tsunami general dragon soul from pours to come in all directions, this no longer is harvest, but the evolution embezzled all disasters! 于是,一扇又一扇古门破碎,海啸一般的龙魂从四面八方浇注而来,这已经不再是一场“丰收”了,而演变成了吞没一切的灾难! At first these Yin spirit masters can also control the scene, dragon soul the info clerk to their twisting soul law, may twist soul law also to have the carrying/sustaining limit, how these imprison the dragon to be willing to be killed by mistreatment, when they revolt together, then curled up difficult situation probably! 起初那些阴灵师还可以控制住场面,将龙魂收纳到它们的绞魂法阵中,可绞魂法阵也有承载极限的,那些囚龙又怎么会心甘情愿被虐杀,它们共同反抗之时,便像是卷起了一场惊涛骇浪! Does the netherworld sway, nine quiet water, lavas and purgatory ice crashed from the high place entirely, more and more imprisons the soul of dragon to be released, floods in this limited netherworld tomb palace! 阴间摇摇晃晃,九幽水、火山石、炼狱冰统统从高处坠落了下来,越来越多囚龙之魂被释放,充斥在这有限阴间陵殿内! You made anything!!” At this time, land Houcai realized that Zhu Minglang this fellow is not right, angry asked. “你到底做了什么!!”此时,陆侯才意识到祝明朗这家伙不对劲,愤怒的质问道。 You did not ask that I have the dragon of what Yin spirit, my dragon for the ksitigarbha dragon, I also wants to help, does not know why this ugly face saw my ksitigarbha dragon to insane was the same.” Zhu Minglang innocent saying. “你们不是问我有什么阴灵之龙吗,我的龙为地藏龙啊,我本来也想帮忙的,可不知道这鬼脸为什么看到我的地藏龙就跟疯了一样。”祝明朗一脸无辜的说道。 Ksitigarbha dragon!! The old enemy of ghost tuo Great Emperor is the ksitigarbha dragon!!” At this time that Yin spirit immortal master exuded the sharp cry. “地藏龙!!鬼陀大帝的宿敌就是地藏龙!!”这时那位阴灵仙师发出了尖锐的叫声。 Why you did not tell us sooner!!” land Hou roared. “你为何不早些告诉我们!!”陆侯咆哮了起来。 You have not asked me specifically, I want to help, want the Immortal Duke Ji recognition.” Zhu Minglang continues to act in a play. “你们也没具体问我啊,我只是想帮忙,想要得到纪仙公的赏识。”祝明朗继续演戏。 Lets your ksitigarbha dragon suicide, apologized to the ghost tuo land, otherwise we did not forgive you!!” land Hou orders Zhu Minglang to say. “让你的地藏龙自杀,向鬼陀大地谢罪,否则我们绝不饶恕你!!”陆侯命令祝明朗道。 Was inferior that you shear the throat collectively, do I also try to forgive you??” Zhu Minglang actually smiled. “不如你们集体割喉,我也试着宽恕你们??”祝明朗却笑了起来。 You think that you are anything!!” That Yin spirit immortal master exclaimed. “你以为自己是什么东西!!”那位阴灵仙师吼道。 Possibly you have not made clear, who here is taking responsibility.” Zhu Minglang said. “可能你们还没有搞清楚,这里是谁在做主。”祝明朗说道。 The ghost tuo Great Emperor stopped its coarse scream finally, intensifying that but the entire netherworld tomb palace actually rocks. 鬼陀大帝终于停止了它那难听的尖叫,但是整个阴间陵殿却晃动的更加剧。 The raging tide general dragon soul still shouted in the surges, but does not know why suddenly completely peaceful, they like the school of fish sensation to the arrival of sea highest predator, were rolling up toward the place of most corner dark. 狂潮一般的龙魂原本还在翻腾嘶吼,但不知为何突然间全部安静了下来,它们如同鱼群感知到了海洋最高掠食者的到来,正在朝着最黑暗最角落的地方蜷缩。 Including the ghost tuo Great Emperor, it also heard anything probably, starts to flee from here unexpectedly! 包括鬼陀大帝,它也好像听见了什么,竟开始想要逃离这里! Bang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” “轰!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Suddenly, a boundless loud sound, sees thousand demon flame to turn torrentially wells up, the infinite purgatories from all human feet, nine quiet deep pools from top of the head, the demon flame with amazement is the dark blue color, embezzled this grand tomb palace, and filled up this entire nether world!!! 忽然,一声磅礴巨响,就看见千层魔焰滔滔翻涌,从所有人脚下的无限炼狱,从头顶上方的九幽之潭,骇然的魔焰呈深蓝之色,吞没了这宏伟的陵殿,并填满了这整个阴曹地府!!! The Buddhist temple fell again fiercely, crashes into sea of the mobile deep flame, once for a while can see the wave of deep flame seethed like one after another giant ancient mountain range, stood erect does not see to drop in the vastness of fire! 道场再度猛坠,坠入到了一片流动的冥焰之海,时不时可以看见翻腾起的冥炎之浪如同是一座一座巨大古老的山脉,屹立在火的汪洋中不见跌落! ancient Palace Buddhist temple is completely a small bamboo raft, is dragging in such bad risk deep sea, will be swallowed momentarily, as for the above gods immortal master, becomes incomparably tiny and base and low!! 古宫道场完全就是一块小小的竹筏,在这样凶险至极的冥海中摇曳着,随时都会被吞噬,至于上面的神明仙师,也变得无比渺小与卑微!! A pair of pupil, the emergence of no indication under the entire deep sea roaring flame, dragon of the vast boundless ghostdom rose from this vastness later slowly, immediately the sea of fire flows backwards, the ghostdom trembles. 一双瞳孔,毫无征兆的出现在了整座冥海烈焰之下,随后一头浩瀚无垠的冥界之龙从这汪洋之中缓缓的升了起来,顿时火海倒流,冥界颤栗。 These people in ancient Shintoism Field, have the soul of countless imprisoning dragon including ugly face Buddha, at this moment changed into the ants and ephemeral fly, this crawls the lifeform from the sea flame is unable with the common sense to understand that the purgatory mountain is its back, the deep flame sea is its dragon flame, its dragon corner/horn is the deep palace, its four limbs are two props! 古神道场上的这些人,包括鬼脸佛陀还有数之不尽的囚龙之魂,此刻都化为了蝼蚁与蜉蝣,这从海焰里爬起来生物是根本无法用常理去理解的,炼狱山是它的脊背,冥焰海是它的龙焰,它的龙角为冥殿,它的四肢为两界支柱! Huge boundless, its head shows finally, its eye was indifferent, they had soon experienced terrifying the horse dough figurine such god of hell's messengers before, they incomparably awed, just now they and ghost tuo Great Emperor is making the transaction, similarly fearful and apprehensive......, but , compared with this yama dragon at present is just the small role of netherworld! 巨大無邊,它的头颅终于展现出来,它一双眼睛冷漠至极,不久之前它们见识过了恐怖的马面人这样的阴差之神,他们无比敬畏,方才他们与鬼陀大帝做着交易,同样心惊胆战……可是,與眼前这阎王龙相比都只不过是阴间的小角色! It is the lord of true netherworld!! 它才是真正的阴间之主!! Zhu Minglang shortly after visiting netherworld, then sensation to existence of yama dragon. 祝明朗在踏足阴间不久,便感知到了阎王龙的存在。 The yama dragon passed through intersection of many netherworld, shuttled back and forth here from another netherworld. 阎王龙穿过了诸多阴间的十字路口,从另外一片阴间穿梭到了这里。 The master of this netherworld, truly is the ghost tuo Great Emperor, it is wielding here tomb palace, it may be said that is one of the ten palace kings! 这片阴间的主人,确实是鬼陀大帝,它执掌着这里的陵殿,可谓是十殿王之一! However ten palace king continuously enjoy is consecrating truly, making entire netherworld all hell's messengers frightened, only then yama dragon! 然而十殿王一直享受着真正供奉的,让整个阴间所有阴差都为之恐惧的,就只有阎王龙! Yan Wang Longcai is the master of netherworld! 阎王龙才是阴间的主人! Especially this type has grown up, completed the real yama of transformation!! 尤其是这种已经成年,完成了蜕变的真阎王!! land Hou, the Yin spirit immortal master and red robe soul flag master have frightened are unable to move, others are even the soul must have the hole! 陆侯、阴灵仙师、红袍魂旗师已经吓得无法动弹了,其他人更是连魂魄都要出窍! How they do not think that in this netherworld, will present the yama dragon unexpectedly! 他们怎么都不会想到这片阴间里,竟会出现阎王龙! Actually where to have the big problem, will give to bring in the yama dragon, what tribute existence like yama dragon can put out?? 究竟是哪里出了大问题,会将阎王龙给引来,像阎王龙这样的存在得拿出什么样的贡品?? Entire god range ancient Gong person enough?? 整个神岭古宫的人够不够?? Is you begins, lets my yama dragon to come?” Zhu Minglang said to land marquis and the others. “是你们自己动手,还是让我的阎王龙来?”祝明朗对陆侯等人说道。 Actually you...... you...... are you who??” land Houding Zhu Minglang, speech stutter. “你……你……你究竟是何人??”陆侯盯着祝明朗,说话都结巴了。 It seems like you will not prefer to begin, I have to surpass you encouragingly, the yama dragon, do not let off!” The Zhu Minglang big hand wields. “看来你们是不会情愿自己动手的,那我只好勉为其难的超度你们了,阎王龙,一个都别放过!”祝明朗大手一挥。 The yama dragon lifted own claw, this great deep dragon claw falls, collapses general with the sky regarding this group of gods!! 阎王龙抬起了自己的爪子,这一个巨冥龙爪落下,对于这群神明而言跟天塌下来一般!!
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