DH :: Volume #14

#1354: Master, calm

Before was holding the attitude of appreciation purely, in addition the person bel canto treated itself is also good sweetly, but was far from meeting making itself say that the heart attacked situation, Zhu Minglang feels now oneself in these vulgar men with this plum blossom forests are the same, was unbearably anxious. 以前纯粹是抱着欣赏的态度,再加上人美声甜对待自己也不错,但远没有到会让自己道心受冲击的地步,现在祝明朗感觉自己已经和这梅花林间的那些庸俗男子一样,急不可耐了。 Plays what joke! 开得什么玩笑! Initially Nan Lingsha crimson tempting with oneself practice say/way heart, oneself had not lost, how to possibly pour Vega here? 当初南玲纱绯红之诱拿自己练习道心,自己都没有输,怎么可能会倒在织女星这里? Certainly is the magic arts! 一定是法术! Moreover the issue possibly is Vega here. 而且问题可能是出在织女星这里。 She is the god of love, so long as in other words she uses the magic arts slightly, this world was nothing man can resist her charm, easy will prostrate oneself under her pomegranate skirt. 她是爱情之神,也就是说只要她稍稍施展法术,这个世间是没有哪个男人可以抵挡得了她的魅力,轻而易举的会拜倒在她石榴裙下。 But why can she to oneself?? 可她为什么要对自己施法?? We are also the masters and disciples! 咱们也算是师徒啊! Difficult to be inadequate, is she also disciplining oneself say/way heart? 难不成,她也在磨练自己的道心? Before promotion moon/month shining god , that must have?? 晋升月耀神之前必须具备的一项?? Can the main body be the practicing object, rather also too high difficulty a point, if oneself have not controlled, later also how being together well, raised the head does not see to lower the head to see. 可以本尊做修行对象,未免也太高难度了一点吧,万一自己没控制住,以后还怎么好好的相处,抬头不见低头见的。 Behavior that Zhu Minglang somewhat cannot understand the Vega immortal. 祝明朗有些看不懂织女星仙的行为了。 However no matter she why so, Zhu Minglang must adjust own mood eventually. 不过不管她为何这般,祝明朗终究还是要调整好自己的情绪。 Cannot, for this temporary rapidness, destroyed the small dregs male image, oneself are only the small dregs, person who not the rotten dregs, oneself have the husband and wife! 不能为了这一时之快,毁了自己小渣男形象,自己只是小渣,绝不烂渣,自己可是有家室的人! Master elder sister, did not do right by, I know that you are very beautiful, the person is very good, the sound is very sweet, the stature is very good, the ability is also very strong, but we are inappropriate, even if the dew affectionate couple, is a temporary companion, I am unable to turn back on my conscience! 师父姐姐,对不住了,我知道你很美,人很不错,声音很甜,身材很好,本领也很强,但我们不合适,即便是露水鸳鸯,做个临时道侣,我也无法违背自己的良心! Took an icy cold spring water bag from the universe bracelet, Zhu Minglang one cruel-hearted, on one toward playing a stringed musical instrument Vega sprinkles, making master elder sister calm. 从乾坤镯中取了一冰凉的泉水袋,祝明朗一狠心,往正在弹琴的织女星身上一泼,让师父姐姐冷静冷静。 The Vega immortal god knows is seeing clearly other anything, the sudden cool spring water sprinkles, making her not have the slight protection...... 织女星仙神识在洞察别的什么,突如其来的凉泉水泼来,让她没有丝毫的防备…… The spring water are not many, but got wet her cheeks, got wet her front piece, on she more charming moving cheeks revealed the half astonished puzzled half vexed and ashamed color! 泉水不多,只是沾湿了她的脸颊,沾湿了她的衣襟,她更加妩媚动人的脸颊上露出了一半惊愕不解一半恼羞之色! Master elder sister, you are calm, we are really inappropriate.” Zhu Minglang said. “师父姐姐,你冷静冷静,我们真不合适。”祝明朗说道。 The Vega immortal stared in a big way that pair of bright eyes, she almost must get angry, but looks at a Zhu Minglang face earnest innocent appearance, has to the deep breath one breath. 织女星仙瞪大了那双明眸,她几乎要发怒,但看着祝明朗一脸认真无辜的样子,不得不深呼吸一口气。 Zhu Minglang can see that her chest fluctuated fiercely, should the air pressure. 祝明朗能够看到她胸脯剧烈的起伏了一下,应该是把气压了下去。 Looks at the west side, knows to look with your god!” Vega immortal saying every single word or phrase. “看西边,用你的神识去看!”织女星仙一字一句的说道。 Zhu Minglang hear of this expressions, is the doubts is puzzled. 祝明朗听她这语气,也是疑惑不解。 He turns around, looks to the west side, the quick god knew locks that to support the female of hot kiss to before under field of flowers...... 他转过身去,看向了西边,很快神识就锁定了那对之前在花田下相拥热吻的女子…… Male probably could not have controlled itself, the whole person rises to look like to burn. 男的好像已经控制不住自己了,整个人涨得像要烧起来。 The female typical desire resists also to welcome, can see that arouses the wild nature of man intentionally, her lunar shadow drags in field of flowers, making one look is...... 女子典型欲拒还迎,一眼就能看出是故意激起男子的野性,她的月影在花田间摇曳,让人看得更是…… Well, the shadow of this female is quite strange. 咦,这女子的影子好生奇怪。 How to have the tail??? 怎么有尾巴??? At first Zhu Minglang thinks is tall Shuhua the shadow, but identified after carefully, he discovers under the lunar shadow, the woman has a big bunch of tail unexpectedly!! 起初祝明朗以为是高束花的影子,但仔细辨认了之后,他才发现月影下,那女人居然有一大簇尾巴!! Monster!! 妖!! This woman is the monster!!! 这女人是妖!!! Zhu Minglang is then suddenly enlighted! 祝明朗这才恍然大悟! Person and monster evil sentiment, this immortal then detected earlier, but does not have to handle...... that monster from azure fox Tianshan, she can lead us to find the evil fox ancestor!” At this time the Vega immortal then icy opens the mouth answered. “人与妖的孽情,早些时候本仙便察觉了,只是没有去处置……那只妖来自青狐天山,她会带我们找到孽狐祖!”此时织女星仙这才冷冰冰的开口解释道。 Zhu Minglang is dumb as a wooden chicken immediately. 祝明朗顿时呆若木鸡。 He looked at a Vega, discovered that she has turned around that meeting in oneself, changed clothes, rubbed itself to sprinkle the icy cold spring water on her cheeks cleanly. 他看了一眼织女星,发现她已经在自己转过身那会,换了一件衣裳,擦干净了自己泼在她脸颊上的冰凉泉水。 Although in the beautiful appearance has not displayed vexed and ashamed, but sarcastic comments had shown that she was angry very much! 虽然美丽的容颜上没有表现出刚才的恼羞,但冷言冷语已经表明她很生气了! Monster fox changes to the female, searches for flowery phrases in the world?” Zhu Minglang surprised say/way. “妖狐化作女子,在人间猎艳?”祝明朗惊讶道。 Un, here person so forgets oneself, as if deluded, is related with her existence, this profound ancient Yaohu brings the flower fragrance general physique, her fragrance can induce others to have the recollections, and stimulates them to handle something out of the ordinary, the gods could not resist.” The Vega immortal continues to give the icy explanation. “嗯,这里的人之所以这般忘乎所以、如痴如醉,也与她的存在有关,这玄古妖狐自带花香一般的体质,她的香气会诱导他人产生浮想,并刺激他们做一些出格的事情,神明也抵挡不了。”织女星仙继续做着冷冰冰的解释。 „, Is this, I think that is master elder sister is testing my say/way heart, is using the technique of what love to me, you also know, master elder sister the person bel canto is sweetly and gentle, ability to be powerful, how temperament supple good, handles matters...... my big youngster of this puberty possibly to resist naturally, must lose face shortly, has to offer this bad plan.” Zhu Minglang awkward incomparable answered. “哦哦哦,原来是这样,我以为是师父姐姐在考验我的道心,正对我施展什么情爱之术,你也知道,师父姐姐人美声甜、性格温婉、本领强大、脾气柔善、处事大方……我这种青春期的大少年怎么可能抵挡,眼看就要出丑了,只好出此下策。”祝明朗尴尬无比的解释道。 You do not want to lose face, then makes me lose face?” Vega immortal ill-humored say/way. “你不想出丑,便让我出丑?”织女星仙没好气道。 Hehe, I appreciate and respect the master very much, does not allow itself to have any meaning of blaspheming from the bottom of the heart, does not permit any action of offending, sprinkles a water, was scolded by the master at most, treats coldly the period of time, always compared is not careful destroyed our masters and disciples sincere and pure friendship out of the ordinary is better.” Zhu Minglang is eloquent. “嘿嘿,我是很欣赏和敬重师父的,打心底不允许自己有任何亵渎之意,更不允许有任何冒犯之举,泼个水,顶多被师父骂一顿,冷落一阵子,总比不小心出格破坏了我们师徒真挚而纯洁的情谊要好。”祝明朗口若悬河。 The Vega immortal listens to the words that this sly disciple is speaking, on the whole is nothing issue, but always thought where is not right. 织女星仙听着这位狡猾弟子说的话,大体上是没什么问题,但总觉得哪里不对劲。 Zhu Minglang also realized that master elder sister is not good to deceive, was good had/left the condition because of that transvestite sentiment, how that member man was picked to make up probably, the body started excited twitching, but his soul even in slowly fluttered...... 祝明朗也意识到师父姐姐没那么好糊弄,好在那人妖情出了状况,那位修士男子大概是被采补了还是怎么的,身体开始过于激动的抽搐,而他的魂魄甚至在慢慢的飘出…… Picks the male soul?” Zhu Minglang is astonished, has not thought that this monster unexpectedly is the use so virulent magic arts! “采男魂?”祝明朗惊愕,没有想到这妖居然是使用如此恶毒的法术! If picks Yang, this behavior turns a blind eye, so long as did not tell that male him to rest a monster, everyone was happy. 要是采阳,这种行为就睁一只眼闭一只眼,只要不告诉那男的他睡了一只妖,大家都开心。 But picked the soul is the monster evil virulent technique, with seizing the soul took the life to have no difference. 但采魂就是妖邪恶毒之术了,与夺魂取命没有任何的区别。 I used the magic arts to him, the man will not have the matter, we temporarily do not alert the enemy.” The Vega immortal said. “我给他施了法术,那男子不会有事,我们暂时不要打草惊蛇。”织女星仙说道。 Obviously she has stared at this to the men and women, moreover considers very completely. 显然她早就盯上了这对男女,而且也考虑得非常周全。 Zhu Minglang nods, master elder sister is never so expected that careful to oneself, has been looking for the god to wash the chance for oneself, felt for the behavior ashamed. 祝明朗点了点头,没有想到师父姐姐对自己这么上心,早就在为自己物色神涤机缘了,同时也为自己刚才的行为感到惭愧。 Master elder sister such a proper fairy maiden, how will use the technique of what love to oneself. 师父姐姐这么正经的一个仙子,怎么会对自己施展什么情爱之术呢。 The seductress acts very softly slow, this in this stretch of dim Merring field of flowers, the bystander looks like with a pair of lover sentiment thick intent has no distinction, but that was picked the young man of male soul also to reveal the appearance that a face enjoys. 那妖女动作很柔缓,这在这片昏暗的梅林花田间,外人看来与一对情侣正情浓意切没有什么分别,而那位被采着男魂的年轻小伙也流露出一脸享受的样子。 Good long while, all finished. 好半天,一切才结束。 health/guard youth, you are a ruler in this world, in the end must look at the complexions of major dwelling places of celestial beings, the people respects the gods, grateful heaven, as long as experiences some not satisfactory matter, will curse the current dynasty, insulted the ruler......” that female monster to say with a very affected sound. “卫郎,你在这人间做一位帝皇,到头来还是要看各大仙家的脸色,子民们尊敬神明,感激苍天,可但凡遇到一些不顺心的事,就会咒骂当朝,辱骂统治者……”那女妖用一种非常矫揉造作的声音说道。 This affectedness is the litigant most cannot bear, no matter the content is anything, this desire sound is correct, does not allow to refute. 偏偏这种矫揉造作又是当事人最受不了的,甭管内容是什么,这欲音就是正确的,不容反驳。
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