DH :: Volume #14

#1333: Bad karma

Four people also sit, earnest listens to the female master to proselytize. 四人也坐好,认认真真的听女师父传道。 First, the name of my god, the female weaver, is symbolizing the love of the world, petitioned, bless, woo and bestows the reason, to enjoy the share...... these to turn over to me to manage, I can listen respectfully to various love languages of the world, including the pledge of eternal love and matchmaker approximately, were destined very earnestly......” Vega is telling her godhood range. “首先,吾神之名,织女,象征着人间的爱情,请愿、祝福、求爱、赐缘、赏份……这些都归吾管,我可以聆听到人间的各种爱语,包括山盟海誓、媒妁之约、命中注定……”织女星很认真的讲述着她的神职范围。 The sentiment love love of the world, turns over to her to manage. 人间的情情爱爱,都归她管。 Deity family companion, turns over to her to manage. 神仙眷侣,也归她管。 Boundless huge crowd, two people whether has the line of marriage affinity, turns over to her to manage. 茫茫人海,两人是否存在着姻缘之线,也归她管。 Is a good luck of person specially prosperous, similarly turns over to her to manage. 一个人的桃花运是不是特别旺,同样归她管。 Whether the family is contently harmonious, whether between two clans has the trillion of marrying, turns over to her to manage. 家庭是否和睦美满,两族之间是否有联姻之兆吗,也归她管。 However, Vega also explicit told own four being in direct line disciples, her godhood solely is not this aspect, she is also running part of livelihood orders, the change of the seasons, needs according to her arrangement...... 不过,织女星也明确的告诉了自己的四位嫡传弟子们,她的神职不单单是这方面,她也掌管着一部分日月秩序,斗转星移,需要依照她的编排…… Simultaneously society the female of industrious practical training, blesses and looks after by her, music theory zither | Jean Lv all over the world, turns over to her to manage. 同时人世间的辛勤劳作之女,也由她庇佑与照看,普天之下的乐理琴律,也归她管。 In brief, she is not only Vega, is the lyra immortal, in the central honored day is an unsubstitutive important deity. 总之,她既是织女星,也是天琴仙,在中央钧天是不可取代的一位重要神仙。 Reason that solicited four being in direct line disciples, was these four authorities needs you to help me respectively, I will act according to your abilities and characters, lets you contact my these four authorities.” The Vega immortal said. “之所以招录四位嫡传弟子,是这四项职权分别需要你们来助我,我会根据你们的能力和性格,来让你们接触我的这四项职权。”织女星仙说道。 When the world excursion temple, Zhu Minglang knows that Vega was the incense and candle extremely to be of prosperous, the follower numerous female immortals, now when listens to her speaking of her godhood range, thought that this master elder sister truly was honored day quite extraordinary existence. 在人间游逛庙宇的时候,祝明朗就知道织女星属于香火极旺、信徒众多的女仙了,现在听她说到她的神职范围时,更觉得这位师父姐姐确实是钧天相当了不起的存在。 Under the big tree is good to enjoy the cool air. 大树底下好乘凉啊。 Becoming being in direct line of Vega, oneself this clothes eating insect can eat a fat dragon quickly! 成为了织女星的嫡传,自己这条蛀虫很快就能够吃成一条肥龙了! Palace Yuexia, you manages the world temple.” The Vega immortal said. “宫月霞,你来主持人间庙宇。”织女星仙说道。 Yes, Master!” Palace Yuexia receives an order respectfully, and resulted in a bright red veil from Vega here. “是,师父!”宫月霞恭敬的领命,并从织女星这里得了一件朱红头纱。 This bright red veil obviously is very powerful Buddhist musical instrument, above gave the powerful magical powers method. 这朱红头纱明显是非常强大的法器,上面是赋予了强大神通法门的。 Qin Wu, you ran the world music theory.” Vega presented as a gift to Qin Wu a harp. “秦梧,你来掌管人间乐理。”织女星赠给了秦梧一竖琴。 Yes, Master!” Qin Wu was joyful, because her ability was also related with the music theory. “是,师父!”秦梧非常喜悦,因为她的能力本身也与乐理有关。 Nie 77, you runs the livelihood star arrangement.” Vega said. “聂七七,你来掌管日月星编排。”织女星说道。 Yes, Master.” Nie 77 are very happy, because she to stars is interested alternately very much. “是,师父。”聂七七很开心,因为她对日月星辰的交替是很感兴趣的。 Finally, the Vega immortal vision fell on the body of Zhu Minglang, but Zhu Minglang somewhat was disturbed. 终于,织女星仙目光落在了祝明朗的身上,而祝明朗却不禁有些忐忑了起来。 , Cannot! 不会吧,不会吧! Master elder sister should not be run the sentiment love love of the world by oneself, oneself how bewildered became the matchmaker!! 师父姐姐不会是要让自己来掌管人间的情情爱爱吧,自己怎么莫名其妙的成月老了!! vermilion wave, you are responsible for looking after the pair of lovebirds, runs the evil sentiment of the world.” The Vega immortal said. “朱浪,你负责照看比翼鸟,掌管人间的孽情。”织女星仙说道。 Waits, what runs the evil sentiment of the world??” Zhu Minglang suspected oneself misunderstood. “等一等,什么叫掌管人间的孽情??”祝明朗怀疑自己是不是听错了。 I will make the demonstration to you.” “我会给你做演示。” .” “哦,哦。” Zhu Minglang has only worked as crouches/submits Chenshen, but crouches/submits Chenshen the responsibility is the survey examines the god, cuts gods who kills these not competent and does all kinds of evil things. 祝明朗只当过伏辰神,而伏辰神的职责就是巡天审神,斩杀那些不称职和为非作歹的神明。 But Vega obviously is the godship very high gods, she has several authorities, moreover can give own disciple these authorities, is wielded by the disciple together. 而织女星显然是神格很高的神明,她拥有数个职权,而且可以将这些职权交给自己的弟子,由弟子共同执掌。 Palace Yuexia, Nie 77 Qin Wu, their godhood divisions of labor were very clear, oneself here, Zhu Minglang was confused only. 无论是宫月霞、聂七七还是秦梧,她们的神职分工都很明确,唯独自己这里,祝明朗是一头雾水。 Vega wants to manage, on the one hand? 织女星到底是要自己管哪一方面啊? Sounds strange. 听上去就怪怪的。 You along with my world of mortals.” The Vega immortal said to Zhu Minglang. “你们随我下界。”织女星仙对祝明朗说道。 Obviously, something are the Vega immortal do not talk clearly in a few words, she needs to teach by personal example. 显然,有些事情是织女星仙三言两语说不清楚的,她需要言传身教。 ...... …… Led four disciples, Vega to arrange the temple palace Yuexia. 带着四位弟子,织女星将宫月霞安排到了庙宇。 Before the temple nothing but is, picks these female temples that the sentiment worships skillfully, seeking the marriage affinity, to pray for a son and ask the domestic peace, to ask my dear to be safe, basically will come to here to burn incense to light a candle. 庙宇无非就是之前巧采情所祭拜的那些女庙,求姻缘、求子、求家庭和睦、求郎君平安,基本上都会来这里上香点烛。 The matter that palace Yuexia must handle also calculates quite explicitly, maintains the tranquility of the world temple, after all will have some evil spirit evil spirits to come to disrupt, for example that only Lei lian seventh night of the seventh lunar month must blame! 宫月霞要做的事情还算比较明确,就是维持人间庙宇的宁静,毕竟还是会有一些妖物邪祟前来扰乱的,就比如说那只雷公脸的七夕怪! Nie 77 running things not in the world, but above the clouds, where going on patrol galaxy is defended to present by that female will tell her to go. 聂七七所掌管的东西不在人间,而在云霄之上,由那位女守奉会告诉她去哪里巡游星河。 In fact, Zhu Minglang thought that the matter of solar flare, must be related with the Nie 77 running directions, she is not only a female weaver, is a lyra, the lyra is a very high god name, runs the Arabia corner the livelihood spider for! 事实上,祝明朗觉得耀斑的事情,应当是与聂七七所掌管的方向有关,她既是织女,也是天琴,天琴是一个非常高的神名,掌管天方一角的日月星轮替! After Vega arranged three girl students one by one, during the night, gave Zhu Minglang to tell his authority finally slowly. 织女星逐一安排了三位女弟子后,到了夜里,才终于给祝明朗慢慢讲述他的职权。 The Vega immortal changed to the mortal, just like a lady to walk like that on the world street. 织女星仙化作了凡人,犹如一位大家闺秀那般走在人间街道上。 Zhu Minglang follows in her behind, this street is very lively, is sacred place of family companion lover's rendezvous, can see the innumerable men and women snuggling vanguard all the way, some walking into silently to these profound dim small inn. 祝明朗就跟在她的身后,这条街很是繁华,是眷侣幽会的圣地,一路上可以看到无数男男女女依偎前行,也有些默默的走入到那些幽深的昏暗小客栈中。 Has arrived at a stone bridge place, on the stone bridge had a man, the clothes are refined, somewhat is evidently anxious, probably is waiting for the arrival of anyone, once for a while looks toward the street distant place. 一直走到了一座石桥处,石桥上有一男子,穿着打扮还算斯文,看样子有些焦急,像是在等待着什么人的到来,时不时往街道远处望去。 The Vega immortal arrived at the stone bridge, was actually the selfish appreciation the accessory booth in bridge approach, chose the attractive earring there. 织女星仙走到了石桥边,却是自顾自的欣赏起了桥边的饰品摊,在那里挑选好看的耳环。 Zhu Minglang is confused. 祝明朗一头雾水。 Master elder sister will not lead to take a walk? 师父姐姐不会就是带着自己来逛街的吧? Comes up to the bridge.” The Vega immortal said to Zhu Minglang, seeing Zhu Minglang is dumbfounded, she chooses the earring, while the careless say/way, passed, you naturally can know oneself must make anything.” “到桥上去。”织女星仙对祝明朗说道,见祝明朗一愣一愣的,她又一边选择耳环,一边漫不经心的道,“过去了,你自然会知道自己要做什么。” Zhu Minglang nods. 祝明朗点了点头。 The deity walks randomly in the world, is actually acting the average person. 神仙在人间游走,其实都是扮演着普通人的。 Zhu Minglang brings to walk toward the stone bridge on puzzled, he can also look, the matter that this time must handle should on that waiting the man of bridge be related. 祝明朗带着困惑朝着石桥上走去,他也看得出来,这次要做的事情应该与桥上的那位等待的男子有关。 The men glance right and left as before, when Zhu Minglang from his side process, the man stopped by calling out him suddenly. 男子依旧左顾右盼,就在祝明朗从他身旁经过的时候,男子却忽然叫住了他。 Is small you.” The men are polite, when name also specially group of bow/rear ceremony/etiquette. “小兄台。”男子非常有礼貌,称呼时还特意行鞠礼。 Little brother?” Zhu Minglang also returns a courtesy. “小老哥?”祝明朗也回礼。 Is small you, is this, I wait for the miss and my going together distant place that I admire on this magpie stone bridge, the person three anxieties, I must leave a meeting, feared such a meeting that leaves by chance, the miss came not to see me, but departed dejected, can trouble to be small you to wear this flower-trimmed bonnet for me, I urged to go faster come, if the miss came, must let her here I!” The well-mannered man said. “小兄台,是这样,我在这鹊石桥上等待我心仪的姑娘与我同去远方,偏偏人有三急,我得离开一会,又怕恰巧离开的这么一会,姑娘来了未见到我而心灰意冷离去,能不能麻烦小兄台替我戴着这顶花帽,我去去就来,若姑娘来了,一定要让她在此处等我!”彬彬有礼的男子说道。 Brother had a mind, goes, my entire life most loves takes pleasure in serving others.” Zhu Minglang nods to say. “老哥有心了,去吧,我生平最爱的就是助人为乐。”祝明朗点了点头道。 Many thanks, many thanks!” The man anxiety, was anxiously on the latrine, he gave Zhu Minglang the flower-trimmed bonnet, then clamped the leg toward dark lane China , Norway. “多谢,多谢!”男子刚才的焦急,原来是急着上茅房,他将花帽递给了祝明朗,然后夹着腿就往暗巷中挪去了。 Zhu Minglang looks at the back of this man, sighed with emotion. 祝明朗看着这位男子的背影,不禁感慨了起来。 Originally is this arrangement of female weaver elder sister? 原来这就是织女姐姐的安排吗?
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