DEMG :: Volume #10

#944: Negotiated ( 1 )

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Said honestly, Ling Yun has chosen such a rich in poetic and artistic flavor place, thought of every means to do such pot tea to come out, on the one hand to thank the help of Ye Xingchen, but more importantly, actually to destroy the Ye Xingchen state of mind. 坦白说,凌云选了这么个诗情画意的地方,又费尽心思搞了这么一壶茶出来,一方面是为了感谢夜星辰的帮忙,而更重要的,却是为了破坏掉夜星辰的心境。 Can make Demon Sect Saintess Ye Xingchen so shock, Ling Yun's one is busy at work has not wasted finally, he has served the purpose, naturally is at heart secret happily. 能够让魔宗圣女夜星辰如此震撼,凌云的一番忙活总算没有白费,他达到了目的,心里当然暗暗得意。 Ling Yun is always not the Lord of suffering a loss, the negotiations such important matter naturally is so, the aspect and rhythm of negotiations, must control by him are good. 凌云从来都不是吃亏的主,谈判这么重要的事情当然更是如此,谈判的局面和节奏,必须由他来掌控才行。 Ling Yun does not lift, he pours out the tea slowly, calmly has handed over the teacup, then the right hand lifts, makes an invitation the posture, said with a smile: Asked Miss Ye to drink tea.” 凌云连头都不抬,他缓缓斟好茶水,若无其事的把茶杯递了过去,然后右手一抬,做出一个邀请的姿势,微笑道:“请夜姑娘喝茶。” Ye Xingchen has not actually sat down, she still stood there, is gazing at Ling Yun's all movements, received the mysterious bottle gourd until Ling Yun, her vision transfers to the teacup that Ling Yun has handed over, has not actually put out a hand to serve tea. 夜星辰却没有坐下,她仍然站在那里,注视着凌云的所有动作,直到凌云把神奇葫芦收了起来,她的目光才移到了凌云递过来的茶杯上,却没有伸手去端茶。 Under gaze that in the Ye Xingchen vision does wink, Ling Yun is carefree and content was own has poured out one cup of tea, after the teapot returned the tea tray, this slightly raised the head, welcomes the Ye Xingchen vision. 夜星辰的目光一眨不眨的注视之下,凌云悠然自得的又为自己斟了一杯茶,把茶壶放回茶盘之后,这才微微抬头,迎上了夜星辰的目光。 two people sits in a station, looked at each other five seconds, Ling Yun has shown a faint smile suddenly, opens the mouth saying: What's wrong, fears virulently?” 两人一坐一站,对视了足足有五秒钟,凌云忽然微微一笑,开口道:“怎么,怕有毒?” Tittered......” “噗嗤……” Hears this word, Ye Xingchen titters suddenly smiles, in the beautiful pupil had the beautiful happy expression to glance Ling Yun one, sweet say/way: According to the record of investigation dossier, Ling Yun, although medical skill heavens frightening, but since making a debut, did not have with killing by poison the record of person, I think, I should not be bad luck?” 听闻此言,夜星辰忽然噗嗤一笑,美眸中带着明媚的笑意瞟了凌云一眼,嫣然道:“根据调查卷宗的记录,凌云虽然医术惊天,可自打出道以来,还没有过用毒杀人的记录,我想,我应该不会那么倒霉吧?” During the speeches, the Ye Xingchen tender body twists, the black gauze skirt swings gently, the whole person sat stone Deng. 说话间,夜星辰娇躯一拧,黑色纱裙轻轻摆动,整个人已经坐回了石凳。 The Ling Yun mind moves slightly, two straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards select slightly, in the mouth exuded one to be defeated intentionally sighed lightly: Has saying that the skill of your Heavens Killing Organization investigation person, is truly fierce.” 凌云心神微动,两道剑眉微微一挑,口中故意发出了一声被打败似的轻叹:“不得不说,你们天杀组织调查人的本事,确实厉害。” As if said still not completely, as if intent has referred, Ling Yun said: Present I, in your Demon Sect, in your front, any secret have not been possible to say particularly, was also similar to the transparent person?” 似乎言犹未尽,又似乎意有所指,凌云紧接着说道:“现在的我,在你们魔宗,尤其是在你的面前,已经没有任何秘密可言了,跟个透明人也差不多了吧?” Ling Yun such remarks, the negotiations between two people, naturally started. 凌云此话一出,两人之间的谈判,自然就已经开始。 A both sides opens the mouth, is violent debate, points to the opposite party strategic point. 双方一开口,皆是唇枪舌剑,直指对方的要害。 Who knows Ye Xingchen not to reply the Ling Yun's meaning, sees only her powder arm to lift lightly, extends the snow-white slender clear white hands, picked up front teacup with the index finger and thumb. 谁知夜星辰却没有回答凌云的意思,只见她粉臂轻抬,伸出雪白修长的晶莹玉手,用食指和拇指拈起了面前的茶杯。 Ling Yun instantaneously revolved own Yin-Yang Divine Eyes and Spiritual Consciousness vigorously, wants while the opportunity that Ye Xingchen drinks tea, appearance that sees the beautiful woman. 凌云瞬间把自己阴阳神眼神识极力运转了起来,想要趁着夜星辰喝茶的机会,一睹美女的容颜。 Aren't you mask mourning band? Isn't does not make the person see your look? The father does not believe that you drink water eats meal, can never that hateful veil lifting! 你不是面罩黑纱吗?不是不让人看到你的相貌吗?老子就不信,你喝水吃饭的时候,也能永远不把那可恶的面纱给掀开! Even if cannot see the entire cheek, even if has a look at your chin and small mouth, father now evening's this pot tea, value! 哪怕看不到整个脸蛋儿,就算只是看看你的下巴和小嘴儿,老子今晚上这壶茶,也值了! As if had already completely understood the Ling Yun's thoughts, in the beautiful pupil of Ye Xingchen show a cunning happy expression suddenly, she stared Ling Yun one. 似乎早就看透了凌云的心思,夜星辰的美眸中忽然露出一丝狡黠的笑意,她瞪了凌云一眼。 Warning meaning in that is very obvious, wants to seize the chance to peep, gate does not have. 那眼中的警告意味很明显,想趁机偷看,门儿都没有。 Ye Xingchen is carrying the teacup, very natural has delivered to under the own tip of the nose, was away from the veil to smell the tea to be fragrant earnestly, in the eye revealed color of the rare being infatuated with. 夜星辰端着茶杯,很自然的送到了自己的鼻尖下方,隔着面纱认真嗅了嗅茶香,眼中露出一种少见的陶醉之色。 Really good tea!” “果然好茶!” Ye Xingchen approved one heartfeltly, how then does not see her to act, she carries the right hand of teacup at present to disappear in Ling Yun does not see. 夜星辰由衷的赞了一句,然后也不见她如何动作,她端着茶杯的右手就在凌云眼前消失不见。 As Ye Xingchen snow-white is slender, elegant such as the powder neck of jade raises slightly, when she is carrying the right hand of teacup again takes from the veil, the teacup emptied. 随着夜星辰雪白修长,秀美如玉的粉颈微微一扬,等她端着茶杯的右手再从面纱后面拿出来的时候,茶杯已经空了。 Entire process, Ling Yun, although has used the whole body skills, actually obstinately cannot see behind Ye Xingchen veil one inch flesh, this lets him is very depressed. 整个过程,凌云虽然使出了浑身的解数,却愣是没有能看到夜星辰面纱后面的一寸肌肤,这让他很是郁闷。 Very obviously, wears the veil to eat meal to drink water such movement, Ye Xingchen already experienced have been innumerable, she does not want to make others see the face, then no one is able to see. 很显然,戴着面纱吃饭喝水这样的动作,夜星辰早已经历过无数次,她不想让别人看到脸庞,那么就谁都无法看到。 Let alone she also has the formidable Heavenly Demon True Qi guard, even if she has picked the veil , the average person also can only see a dim cheek, is similar to Smoke and mirrors, clarity that is impossible to look. 何况她还有强大的天魔真气护身,就算她真的摘了面纱,普通人也只能看到一张朦胧的脸蛋儿,如同雾里看花,不可能看的真切。 Cannot see the beautiful face, is also expected in Ling Yun's, he but actually not disappointed, saying with a smile that but a face ponders: Although like this is mystical enough, but, isn't tired?” 没有能够一睹芳容,也在凌云的意料之中,他倒没怎么失望,只是一脸玩味的笑道:“这样虽然足够神秘,但是,不累么?” Lives a face to look to the person, is only a leather bag, why can obstruct?” “生一张脸就是给人看的,只是一副皮囊而已,干嘛非要遮起来?” Ling Yun this, was the ingredient of sighing with regret was in the majority, he exploded not without reason. 凌云这一句,就是慨叹的成分居多了,他是有感而发。 The scented tea entrance, Ye Xingchen has not swallowed eagerly, but whatever the scented tea walks randomly in the lips and teeth, until the argument unrefined resin, this swallows. 香茶入口,夜星辰并没有急于咽下,而是任由香茶在唇齿之间游走,直到口舌生香,这才一口咽下。 dragon saliva entered the abdomen after the throat, spiritual energy that in dragon saliva contained has played the role instantaneously, under the stimulation of movement of Heavenly Demon secret magic, changed to the faint trace continuously, walked randomly to go toward the major meridians of Ye Xingchen. 龙涎经喉入腹,龙涎中蕴含的灵气瞬间发挥了作用,在天魔秘法的催动之下,化作丝丝缕缕,向着夜星辰的各大经脉中游走而去。 Has achieved Ling Yun and Ye Xingchen this boundary, their own practice Cultivation Technique, already do not need to stimulate to movement desirably, can maintain frequently revolves in within the body, continually promoted own cultivation level. 达到了凌云夜星辰这种境界,他们自身修炼功法,早已不需要刻意催动,就能保持时时刻刻的在体内运转,不断提升自己修为了。 The flash, Ye Xingchen felt the advantage. 只是一瞬间,夜星辰就感觉到了好处。 Ye Xingchen changes countenance, in a pair of beautiful pupil the appearance sparkle, looked toward opposite Ling Yun once more, very earnest saying: Tea is extremely good, thank you.” 夜星辰动容,一双美眸中再次神采闪耀,向着对面的凌云望了过去,十分认真的说道:“茶极好,谢谢你。” Then, she suddenly look one gloomy, said lightly: „It is not tired, was used to it since childhood.” 然后,她忽然又眼神一黯,淡淡说道:“不累,从小就习惯了。” The following these words, naturally are to that issue the reply of Ling Yun asked about veil. 后面这句话,自然是对凌云问的那句关于面纱的问题的回答。 Ling Yun noted certainly in the Ye Xingchen beautiful pupil the dimness of that flash, he has not continued to closely examine, but nodded gently, was Ye Xingchen has poured out one cup personally. 凌云当然注意到了夜星辰美眸中那一瞬间的黯淡,他并没有继续追问,只是轻轻点了点头,又亲自为夜星辰斟了一杯。 According to dossier record, on the evening of April 12, comparable to Bian Que Divine Docter Xue treasure granddaughter, is that evening that your young girlfriend Xue Meining celebrates a birthday, you to give her congratulate, has offered four types of big rituals, including 18 legendary luminous pearls, two completely have become the human form millennium ginseng, one millennium Polygonum, in addition has full jade box liquid.” “根据卷宗记录,四月12日晚上,赛扁鹊薛神医的宝贝孙女,也就是你的那位小女友薛美凝过生日的那晚,你为了给她祝贺,送上了四样大礼,其中有18颗夜明珠,两株完全成了人形的千年人参,一株千年何首乌,另外还有满满一个玉盒的液体。” In dossier said, at that time you opened the jade box, in the entire room the exotic fragrance greets the nostrils immediately, nobody does not shock, nobody does not envy, but you, is big trend of events, succeeds Li Family Li Youmin, Long Family Long Tianyu, even also has Divine Doctor Valley Young Valley Lord Hu Shaobai being inferior.” “卷宗上说,当时你把玉盒一打开,整个房间里顿时异香扑鼻,无人不震撼,无人不羡慕,而你,也大出风头,成功的把李家李佑民,龙家龙天宇,甚至还有神医谷少谷主胡少白给比了下去。” Good that if I guess, on that day the liquid of late upper garment in jade box, poured the liquid in teapot with you a moment ago, should be a thing?” “如果我猜的不错,那天晚上装在玉盒里的液体,和你刚才倒在茶壶里的液体,应该是一种东西吧?” Ye Xingchen worthily is Demon Sect Saintess, she was almost the flash restored the mood, started to mention the proper business, a pair of beautiful pupil was gazing at Ling Yun, winked does not wink, in the mouth told, as if in the evening the scene, she witnesses. 夜星辰不愧是魔宗圣女,她几乎是一瞬间就恢复了心情,开始说起了正事,一双美眸注视着凌云,眨都不眨,口中娓娓道来,似乎当晚情景,她都亲眼目睹。 Ling Yun can only smile helplessly, both hands one said: I said, in your front, I am a transparent person, simply does not have the secret.” 凌云只能无奈一笑,双手一摊道:“我就说,在你的面前,我就是个透明人,根本没有秘密可言。” The scented tea, Ye Xingchen seems to be happy, no longer gives the Ling Yun icy complexion to look, unexpectedly as if Ling Yun is the good friend of telling one another everything, sits knee-to-knee chats here general. 品着香茶,夜星辰似乎心情不错,不再给凌云冷冰冰的脸色看,竟似乎和凌云是无话不谈的好友,坐在这里促膝聊天一般。 Looks at the Ling Yun helpless appearance, Ye Xingchen is sorry smiling, some unascertainable asking: „Is this probably dragon saliva in legend?” 看着凌云无奈的样子,夜星辰抱歉似的嫣然一笑,有些不能确定的问道:“这好像是传说中的龙涎?” Does not resemble, is dragon saliva.” “不是好像,就是龙涎。” Ling Yun considers confidently, he has dragon saliva, Dugu Mo knows, Dongfang Ting knows, Divine Docter Xue, Xue Meining wait/etc. side many brothers friends know, already no longer was the secret, was not worthwhile conceals, moreover meaning that he has not concealed desirably. 凌云坦然相告,他拥有龙涎,独孤墨知道,东方庭知道,薛神医,薛美凝等等身边的许多兄弟朋友都知道,早已不再是秘密,犯不着隐瞒,而且他也从来没有刻意隐瞒的意思。 Ye Xingchen was very honestly happy to Ling Yun's, continuation of interested pursues asks: Also obtains under heavens pit?” 夜星辰凌云的坦诚很高兴,饶有兴趣的继续追问道:“也是在天坑之下得到的?” Ling Yun sips scented tea, said with a smile: I think that you already know, under Coiling Dragon Mountain heavens pit, is Yin-Yang Locking Dragon Formation, there has dragon saliva, is not the how strange matter.” 凌云抿了一口香茶,笑着说道:“我想你早已知道,龙盘山天坑之下,乃是一座阴阳锁龙大阵,那里有龙涎,并不是多么稀奇的事情。” Yin-Yang Locking Dragon Formation, can look including Dugu Mo, Ling Yun does not certainly believe that almost omniscient Ye Xingchen can not know this point. 阴阳锁龙大阵,连独孤墨都能看出来,凌云当然不会认为,几乎无所不知的夜星辰会不知道这一点。 The Ye Xingchen tender body trembles lightly, not mincing matter chuckle smiled tenderly, glanced Ling Yun one, was with a smile charmingly angry: You are actually honest enough.” 夜星辰娇躯轻颤,毫不掩饰的咯咯娇笑,瞟了凌云一眼,笑着娇嗔道:“你倒是够坦白。” Ling Yun full forehead black line, frowned said intentionally: „My transparent person, wants to conceal to you, is not good.” 凌云满脑门子黑线,故意皱眉道:“我一个透明人,想对你有所隐瞒,也不行啊。” A Ye Xingchen topic revolution, stares at Ling Yun to ask suddenly: Your bottle gourd?” 夜星辰忽然话题一转,盯着凌云问道:“你那个葫芦?” The Ling Yun instantaneous vigilance, pretends to say at will: „Is used to install dragon saliva.” 凌云瞬间警觉,装作随意说道:“就是用来装龙涎而已。” Ye Xingchen eyeful happy expressions, saying of maintaining composure: May seem is actually very serious appearance.” 夜星辰满眼笑意,不动声色的说道:“可看上去却是十分沉重的样子。” The Ling Yun heart mentioned, he knows certainly that Ye Xingchen was saying anything. 凌云心说来了,他当然知道夜星辰在说什么。 In the Heavenly Spear Summit peak, after he spells goes all-out to cut to kill Tokugawa Muto, immediately from Space Ring took out the mysterious bottle gourd, wants to drink dragon saliva to recover the energy, how the physical strength to exhaust completely, basic with, has to make Jester do for somebody. 天矛峰峰顶,他拼尽全力斩杀德川武藤之后,立即从空间戒指中取出了神奇葫芦,想要喝龙涎恢复体力,奈何体力全部耗尽,根本拿不起来,只好让杰斯特代劳。 Who knows Jester first time with the mysterious bottle gourd, has not thought completely that small bottle gourd will have more than 2000 jin (0.5 kg), finally left greatly ugly, squatted on the ground. 谁知杰斯特第一次拿神奇葫芦,完全没想到那个小小的葫芦会有2000多斤重,结果出了个大丑,蹲在了地上。 Very obviously, this by Ye Xingchen that careful such as sent noting. 很显然,这一幕被心细如发的夜星辰给注意到了。 Truly very sinks.” Ling Yun said careless, direct brought. “确实挺沉的。”凌云漫不经心的说了一句,直接一句带过了。 Truly, regarding having the ability resists the entire world correct path Demon Sect, regarding one of the world last present topest underground influences, Heavens Killing Organization, Ling Yun outwardly on all, the clarity of investigation, is not the how difficult matter. 确实,对于有能力对抗整个天下正道的魔宗,对于世界上如今最顶尖的地下势力之一,天杀组织来说,把凌云明面上的一切,调查的清清楚楚,并不是多么困难的事情。 From this point, present Ling Yun in the Demon Sect Saintess front, is really similar to the transparent person. 从这一点上来说,现在的凌云魔宗圣女的面前,真的跟个透明人差不多。 But, is Brother Yun really a transparent person? Answer naturally negative. 可是,云哥真的就是个透明人吗?答案当然是否定的。 Otherwise, Demon Sect Saintess, if complete had understood really Ling Yun's all, what two people also does sit discusses here? 否则的话,魔宗圣女要是真的完全了解了凌云的一切,两人还坐在这里谈什么? Ling Yun own have several, although the mysterious bottle gourd as if cannot compare Human Emperor's Writing Brush Earth Emperor's Book that heaven-defying, but definitely is also extraordinary Magic Treasure, this is one of his genuine cards in a hand, he naturally silly to saying. 凌云自己有数,神奇葫芦虽然似乎比不上人皇笔地皇书那么逆天,但肯定也是一件了不起的法宝,这是他的真正底牌之一,他当然不会傻到说出来。 Because of Nether Blood Demon Blade, Ling Yun was wanted to kill by world evil two was then quick, if mysterious bottle gourd grade of treasure also passes on, that Brother Yun also did mix? 只是因为一把冥血魔刀,凌云就已经被天下正邪两道都欲杀之而后快了,要是神奇葫芦这等宝物也传出去,那云哥还混不混了? From sitting down to the present, you asked my many issues, I have also achieved all questions will be answered, now should be one's turn me to ask several questions?” “从坐下到现在,你问了我不少问题了,我也做到了有问必答,现在该轮到我问几个问题了吧?” Ling Yun seizes the opportunity, finally starts to counter-attack. 凌云逮住机会,终于开始反击。 Xiao Meimei where?!” 萧媚媚到底在哪儿?!”
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