DEMG :: Volume #10

#943: Ravine pot tea

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„The average person or Cultivator, live should not, only then kills, should be many some richly in poetic and artistic flavor, did you say?” “无论是普通人还是修炼者,生活不应该只有打打杀杀,更应该多一些诗情画意,你说呢?” Ling Yun stopped, looked at around one, was with smile on the face to say. 凌云停下,望了一眼四周,面带微笑说道。 Since arrived here, Ling Yun hopes that he and Demon Sect Saintess following dialogue, can carry on a good or happy atmosphere. 既然来到这里,凌云就希望他和魔宗圣女接下来的对话,能够在一种良好的或者说美好的氛围中进行。 Even if cannot really rich in poetic and artistic flavor, at least the harmony is also good. 纵然不能真的诗情画意,起码也得融洽和谐才行。 What may make Ling Yun accidental/surprised is, after Ye Xingchen listened to his words, seemed startled unexpectedly, long time has not responded, seemingly was thinking deeply. 可让凌云意外的是,夜星辰听了他的话以后,竟似乎怔住了,半晌没有回应,貌似在深思。 Ling Yun is speechless, shakes the head, cannot think that Ye Xingchen will link this words to ponder over half-day/long time unexpectedly. 凌云无语,摇头,想不到夜星辰竟然连这种话都会琢磨半天 Since the opposite party seriously were pondering, Brother Yun is not willing to break this condition, but walks toward the front at will, sizing up surrounding environment that. 既然对方在认真思考,云哥也就不愿意打破这种状态,而是随意向前方走去,并不住的打量周围的环境。 The Ling Yun's vision is how sinister, without a doubt, here truly was one has filled the rich in poetic and artistic flavor place. 凌云的眼光何其毒辣,毫无疑问,这里确实是一处充满了诗情画意的地方。 This level area in the Heavenly Spear Summit due east, is away from Heavenly Spear Summit one kilometer remote, the low attachment points situated in two not well-known mountain peaks, a dazzlingly bright waterfall flies straight from more than 30 meters high place cliffs, falls into below profound puddle, changed to a limpid mountain stream, gurgling flows to the southeastern low-lying place following the precipice. 这处山坳在天矛峰正东,距离天矛峰不过一公里之遥,位于两座不知名山峰的低矮连接处,一条白亮瀑布从30多米高处悬崖飞流直下,落入下方的幽深水潭之中,化作了一条清澈的山溪,顺着山岩向东南方低洼处淙淙流淌。 The waterfall is not broad, actually completely reveals the imposing manner, the water current crashes into the deep deep pool, splashes the water splash to be unceasing, on the water surface formed misty mist, the underwater/splashing sound rumble has made noise, actually could not cover the voice of speech, instead the night mountain forest of complementing was lonesomer and quieter profound. 瀑布并不宽阔,却尽显气势,水流坠入深潭,溅起水花不断,水面上形成了一片蒙蒙水雾,水声隆隆作响,却掩盖不了说话的声音,反而映衬的深夜的山林更加幽静深远。 Level area all around vegetation is rich, green and luxuriant, here air is especially fresh, making the person come here, the feeling is completely relaxed, instantaneous seems to be calm. 山坳四周植被丰富,郁郁葱葱,这里的空气格外清新,让人一来到这里,感觉心旷神怡,心情似乎也瞬间平静下来。 Here spiritual energy rich degree, compared with imagination is also much better.” “这里的灵气浓郁程度,比想象的还要好一些。” Ling Yun approaches toward a front person of high giant stone, simultaneously in the heart ponders over to say secretly. 凌云向着前方的一块一人高的巨石靠近,同时心中暗暗思忖道。 He already silently revolved Yin-Yang Energy Secret Art, periphery starts to absorb omnipresent vegetation spiritual energy crazily, with supplement that within the body overdraws excessive spiritual energy. 他早就默默的运转起了一气阴阳诀,开始疯狂吸收周围无所不在的草木灵气,用以补充体内透支过度的灵气 At this time, passed for one hour from the life and death war of Heavenly Spear Summit peak, Ling Yun after this hour of adjustment, within the body True Qi already restored in peak condition over 50%, although the exhausted feeling of body also, but his present condition has dealt with sufficiently any arises suddenly situation. 此时,距离天矛峰峰顶的生死大战已经过去了一个小时,凌云经过这一个小时的调整,体内真气早已恢复到了巅峰状态的五成以上,虽然身体的疲累感还在,但他现在的状态已经足以应付任何突发情况 In other words, even if behind Demon Sect Saintess suddenly gets angry now, sticks out suddenly to him launches an attack, Ling Yun can also deal unflustered. 换句话说,就算现在身后的魔宗圣女突然翻脸,对他暴起发难,凌云也可以从容不迫的应对了。 Under Demon Sect Saintess gaze looking pensive, Ling Yun at a moderate pace arrives by that giant stone, the thought moves, Nether Blood Demon Blade appeared above left hand, wields at will, has pared half that giant stone, cross section smooth like mirror, a stone table manufactures in light of this. 魔宗圣女若有所思的注视之下,凌云不紧不慢的来到那块巨石旁边,意念一动,冥血魔刀已经出现在左手之上,随意一挥,就把那块巨石削去了一半,断面光滑如镜,一张石桌就此制作而成。 shua~ shua~ shua~ brushes......” 刷刷刷刷……” The Ling Yun wrist/skill continues to wield, cuts several blades one after another, that half giant stone that the use slices off, has manufactured two simple stone stools, then he uses a foot check, a stone stool flies high to fly, falling without bias and without favor to the opposite of stone table. 凌云手腕继续挥动,接连斩出十几刀,利用削掉的那半截巨石,制作了两个简易的石凳,然后他用脚一勾,其中一个石凳凌空飞起,不偏不倚的落到了石桌的对面。 Then he receives the demon blade, greatly drips sits toward stone stool on, smiles is beckoning to Ye Xingchen, cannot stand the speech, sits.” 然后他收起魔刀,大喇喇的往身旁的石凳上一坐,微笑着冲夜星辰招手,“总不能站着说话,过来坐吧。” Ye Xingchen saw that Ling Yun walks is walking is drawing a sword suddenly, but also thinks that he must get angry does not recognize people, the preparation and she attacks brutally, has not actually thought that he manufactures stone table stone Deng unexpectedly, immediately the whole face is stunned, the heart said that this is also good?! 夜星辰看到凌云走着走着突然拔刀,还以为他要翻脸不认人,准备和她大打出手,却没想到他竟然是制作石桌石凳,顿时满脸错愕,心说这也行?! Ling Yun just experienced a life and death war, according to the estimate of Ye Xingchen, even if Ling Yun's resilience heaven-defying, restored 50% strengths to the present again, now two people arrived here, he resembles with being all right person unexpectedly, the mood causes stone table stone Deng, exhibits a knee-to-knee long talk the stance? Does Ling Yun this brain actually think? 凌云刚刚经历了一番生死大战,依照夜星辰的估计,就算凌云的恢复能力再逆天,到现在也不过恢复了五成实力,现在两人来到这里,他竟似跟没事儿人似的,还有心情弄出石桌石凳,摆出一副促膝长谈的姿态?凌云这脑子到底是怎么想的? They come here goal, Ye Xingchen and Ling Yun are well aware, absolutely not for flower month before last below heart-to-heart talk, but is both sides must represent the respective influence, conducts negotiations of violent debate! 他们来这里的目的,夜星辰凌云可是心知肚明,绝对不是为了花前月下的谈心,而是双方要代表各自的势力,进行一番唇枪舌剑的谈判! You may have the leisurely mood really!” “你可真有闲心!” Ye Xingchen has swept Ling Yun one of the sitting well lightly, neither cold nor hot was angry, the lotus steps moved lightly, arrived at side of stone table instantaneously, under the gaze of Ling Yun faint smile, sat above the stone stool slowly. 夜星辰淡淡的扫了端坐的凌云一眼,不冷不热的嗔了一句,莲步轻移,瞬间来到了石桌的旁边,在凌云似笑非笑的注视之下,缓缓坐在了石凳之上。 She sits, has the happy expression to be charmingly angry: If the demon blade old ancestor knows, you use him to cut the stone to manufacture this depending on the demon blade of becoming famous, does not know can be mad crawls from the coffin, goes all out with you!” 她一坐好,就带着笑意娇嗔道:“要是魔刀老祖知道,你用他赖以成名的魔刀来切石头制作这个,不知道会不会气的从棺材里爬出来,跟你拼命!” This naturally was the joke, Ling Yun listened to indifferent laughing, the look one austere said: „Is this life issue, the life must a little affective tone not be? Let alone this was not the first time......” 这自然是玩笑话了,凌云听了无所谓的哈哈一笑,紧接着神色一肃说道:“这是个生活态度问题,生活总得有点儿情调不是?何况这又不是第一次了……” This truly was not the first time, that time of Ling Yun on Fishing Turtle Island, opened cutting that cave mansion that temporarily resided, was inside pots and pans, completely truncated with Nether Blood Demon Blade and Dragon Mark Sword. 这确实不是第一次了,凌云钓龟岛上那段时间,无论是开凿出来暂住的那个洞府,还是里面的锅碗瓢盆,全部都是用冥血魔刀龙纹剑削出来的。 Your demon merit is unparalleled,” Ling Yun catches the eye, with teasing the vision glanced Ye Xingchen one of the being dumbfounded, said with a smile lightly: You cannot deny, such sits the speech, can standing is being more comfortable than?” “就算你魔功盖世,”凌云抬眼,用戏谑的目光瞟了哑口无言的夜星辰一眼,淡淡笑道:“你总不能否认,这么坐着说话,要比站着舒服很多吧?” Ling Yun does let the matter that Ye Xingchen is unable to reject, she is not certainly able to deny, has coldly snort/hum, not to do to pay attention. 凌云做的本来就是让夜星辰无法拒绝的事情,她当然无法否认,只好冷然哼了一声,不做理会。 The overall calculates, Ling Yun and Demon Sect Saintess Ye Xingchen puts in an appearance the number of times of having to do, this is the third time, the disposition of Ling Yun to Demon Sect Saintess, already some preliminary understanding, therefore, he regarding the response of Ye Xingchen, thinks little slightly. 总体算来,凌云魔宗圣女夜星辰照面打交道的次数,这是第三次,凌云魔宗圣女的性格,也已经有了初步的了解,因此,他对于夜星辰的反应,丝毫不以为意。 Demon Sect Saintess, since is known as is Saintess, must always carry a coldly ice ice, keeps aloof, imposing inviolable, appearance of aloofing, if so is really accessible, that is also not Saintess, but was the vulgar female. 魔宗圣女嘛,既然号称是圣女,总是要端出一副冷冷冰冰,高高在上,凛然不可侵犯,拒人于千里之外的样子,要是真的那么容易接近,那也就不是圣女,而是俗女了。 Moreover, in Cultivation Big World, are many Saintess that Brother Yun has dealt with went, he already saw not to be startled. 而且,在修真大世界的时候,跟云哥打过交道的圣女多了去了,他早就见惯不惊了。 Em, starry sky, the clear waters, the air is fresh, the running water gurgling, this environment is truly good!” “恩,繁星满天,山青水秀,空气清新,流水淙淙,这环境确实不错啊!” Ling Yun raised the head intentionally, looked in a nighttime sky radiant Milky Way, then deeply inspired, selfish satisfaction said after a sigh. 凌云故意抬头,望了一眼夜空中璀璨的银河,然后深吸了一口气,自顾自的满意感叹道。 But, this is insufficient......” “不过,这还不够……” The voice has not fallen, a group radiance emits from the Ling Yun hand suddenly, outshines the stone table surrounding nighttime sky instantaneously. 话音未落,一团光华骤然从凌云手中冒出,瞬间把石桌周围的夜空照亮。 Ling Yun took a legendary luminous pearl, put conveniently in a stone table corner. 凌云把一颗夜明珠拿了出来,随手搁在了石桌一角。 This where is the negotiations rhythm, this soaks the rhythm of little girl radically! 这哪里是谈判的节奏,这根本就是泡妞的节奏! Some words said quickly, has the fart to put quickly, you have the mood to express the feeling here, great aunt I do not have the free time to accompany you to have nothing to eat to drink the reveal here!” “有话快说,有屁快放,你有心情在这里抒发感慨,姑奶奶我可没工夫在这里陪你喝风饮露!” Who knows that Ye Xingchen does not eat Ling Yun this set of, the direct eye stares, the atmosphere that Ling Yun created laboriously destroying the larger part. 谁知道夜星辰根本不吃凌云一套,直接眼睛一瞪,就把凌云辛辛苦苦营造的气氛给破坏了一大半。 Very obviously, regarding the common custom women for the legendary luminous pearl that it shocks, in front of Ye Xingchen, is unexpectedly ordinary. 很显然,对于世俗女人都为之震撼的夜明珠,在夜星辰面前,竟然平淡无奇。 Although Ling Yun knows, as Demon Sect Heavens Saintess Ye Xingchen definitely cannot have a liking for the trivial legendary luminous pearl , the negotiations atmosphere felt not to be feeling well to her heartless destruction, cannot help but turned head to stare Ye Xingchen one, refuted: Who said that had nothing to eat to drink reveals?” 凌云虽然知道,身为魔宗天圣女夜星辰肯定看不上区区一颗夜明珠,却也对她无情的破坏了谈判气氛感到不爽,不由得扭头瞪了夜星辰一眼,反驳道:“谁说喝风饮露了?” Has not acted crazy while Ye Xingchen, Ling Yun badly badly said with a smile immediately: We have the good tea.” 趁着夜星辰还没有发飙,凌云立即坏坏一笑道:“咱有好茶。” Then, with conjuring, the set of complete tea set, including the tea tray, the teapots and two bowls, from Space Ring took by 11 of Ling Yun, has put on the stone table. 说完,跟变戏法似的,一套完整的茶具,包括茶盘,茶壶和两只茶碗,被凌云空间戒指里11拿了出来,放到了石桌上。 I have taken responsibility, drinks the dahongpao!” “我做主了,就喝大红袍吧!” Ling Yun has put out one package of tea leaves finally, has pinched conveniently, has thrown into the teapot. 凌云最后拿出了一包茶叶,随手捏了一把,丢进了茶壶里面。 This is one's turn Ye Xingchen dumbstruck finally! 这回终于轮到夜星辰目瞪口呆 She is really has a dream cannot think, in Ling Yun's Space Ring, really also has the place to deposit these things! 她实在是做梦也想不到,凌云的空间戒指里,竟然还有地方存放着这些东西! late night, two have not known that is the enemy is the person of friend, in this luxuriant remote mountain, drinks tea unexpectedly?! 大半夜的,两个还不知道是敌是友的人,竟然在这莽莽深山里,喝茶?! This matter, experienced Ye Xingchen cannot imagine, actually by at present the fellow of this rare and beautiful flowers, achieving! 这种事,就连见多识广的夜星辰也想象不出来,却被眼前这个奇葩的家伙,给做到了! This does not have a water, you have seen on TV.” Ling Yun looked at the Ye Xingchen shocking expression, in the heart has laughed in one's heart, was explaining lightly, and made Clear Water Talisman conveniently, overbrimmed Clear Water toward the teapot. “这是无根之水,你在电视上见过的。”凌云看了夜星辰震惊的表情,心中暗笑,淡淡解释着,并随手打出一张清水符,往茶壶里注满清水 Then Ling Yun covers the cover for a jar, left hand holds the teapot, to transport Pure Yang True Qi, the palm instantaneous burning hot is incomparable, heats up to the teapot, the tea elevates temperature gradually, pot water quick rumble bubbling, seethed with excitement shortly. 然后凌云盖上壶盖,左手托着茶壶,默运纯阳真气,手掌瞬间炙热无比,给茶壶加热,茶水渐渐升温,壶水很快咕噜噜冒泡,眼看着沸腾了。 Quick, the delicate fragrance of dahongpao showed through the teapot slowly, fills the air in the two people surroundings, the Ling Yun surface contained the smile, a pair of handsome eye stared at the double pupil of Ye Xingchen to say with a smile: As for the health problem, you do not need to consider completely, I just killed people, the body has not actually been stained with the blood. You should understand.” 很快的,大红袍的清香通过茶壶徐徐透出,弥漫在了两人的周围,凌云面含微笑,一双俊眼盯着夜星辰的双眸笑道:“至于卫生问题,你完全不用考虑,我是刚杀了人,身上却没沾血。你应该懂。” Ye Xingchen understands certainly, since she can not wear the shoes, barefoot runs everywhere actually does not dye the dust, Ling Yun naturally can also achieve the murder not to be stained with the blood. 夜星辰当然懂,她既然能够不穿鞋子,光着脚丫到处跑却不染尘埃,凌云自然也可以做到杀人不沾血。 Had fought a moment ago half-day/long time, should have a parched mouth? First drinks the tea sleek/moist sleek/moist throat to speak again.” “刚才打斗了半天,应该口干舌燥了吧?先喝点儿茶水润润嗓子再说话吧。” The tea has boiled, the delicate fragrance is attractive, Ling Yun puts down the teapot, the look suddenly becomes extremely earnest, said gently. 茶水已经滚沸,清香诱人,凌云把茶壶放下,眼神忽然变得极为认真,轻轻说道。 Then he shows a faint smile, has supplemented one calmly: Person who entire day next within, can drink my Ling Yun this pot tea, you, but first.” 然后他又微微一笑,若无其事的补充了一句:“全天下间,能喝到我凌云这壶茶的人,你可是第一个哦。” Ling Yun this word absolutely not empty. 凌云此言绝对不虚。 Although on his mouth does not have many indications, actually at heart is feels grateful Ye Xingchen the sentiment of rescuing, this point, regardless of two people is the enemy is a friend, is hard to change. 他嘴上虽然没有过多的表述,其实心里是感激夜星辰的相救之情的,这一点,无论两人是敌是友,都难以改变。 „, Isn't a pot dahongpao? Also has to drink.” “切,不就是一壶大红袍吗?又不是没有喝过。” Ye Xingchen is with a crash excited, but does not know then her own, the words still choking person who why said was incomparable. 夜星辰砰然心动,可就连她自己也不知道,为什么说出来的话却依然噎人无比。 Ling Yun has smiled, smiles somewhat helpless, is a little bad, suddenly shook the head, the thought moves again, took the mysterious bottle gourd. 凌云笑了,笑的有些无奈,又有点儿坏,忽然摇了摇头,意念再动,把神奇葫芦拿了出来。 Lifts the hand opens the cover for a jar not parsimoniously, Ling Yun toward the teapot in some dragon saliva has gone but in actually. 抬手打开壶盖,凌云毫不吝啬的往茶壶里倒了一些龙涎进去。 The fragrance, is hard to speak, attractive fragrance irresistibly, overflows loudly, penetrated the mourning band on Ye Xingchen face instantaneously, sneaked in her nostril. 香气,难以言说,无法抵抗的诱人香气,轰然四溢,瞬间穿透了夜星辰脸上的黑纱,钻进了她的鼻孔。 The fragrance enters the nose, Ye Xingchen thinks mouth saliva overflows immediately, even if by her strength in meditation, swallowed saliva unquenchable. 香气入鼻,夜星辰立即觉得口舌生津,就算以她的定力,也难以抑制的吞了一口口水。 In the Ye Xingchen beautiful pupil the sudden appearance flashes continually, the tender body stands up suddenly, is staring at the worn-out bottle gourd in Ling Yun hand, flutters to ask: This, is this......?” 夜星辰美眸中突然神采连闪,娇躯霍然站起,盯着凌云手中的破旧葫芦,颤声问道:“这,这是……?” The funniness that Ling Yun looks , the heart said you to install, you continue to install, how to install? 凌云看的好笑,心说你装,你继续装啊,怎么不装了? He is calm and composed even in press of work, calmly received the own bottle gourd, then covered the cover for a jar, was Ye Xingchen pours tea. 他好整以暇,若无其事的收起了自己的葫芦,然后盖上壶盖,为夜星辰斟茶。 Asked that many make anything, some drank then the line!” “问那么多做什么,有的喝就行了!” in the heart happily said: I installs with Big Brother? You are also missing in ten ten thousand eight thousand!” 心中却得意道:“跟哥哥我装?你还差着十万八千里哪!”
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