DEMG :: Volume #19

#1860: Yin Qingxuan

Chapter 1855 Yin Qingxuan 第1855章殷青璇 In the morning. 早晨。 Yin Qingxuan goes out from bamboo house second floor, stands on the corridor of bamboo house, leans against a railing to stand, looks out into the distance. 殷青璇从竹楼二楼走出,站在竹楼的廊道上,凭栏而立,极目远眺。 She took off last night fine feminine attire red skirt, changed a white shirt, the bottommost two buckles have not buckled, but gripped an attractive butterfly knot with the skirt-width at will, the lower part of the body was the simple and elegant white long skirt, did not use the cosmetics, enchanting, not only did not reduce, instead added one soul-stirringly solemn beautiful, the fairyism was full. 她脱下了昨夜的红装红裙,换了一件洁白衬衫,最下面两扣没扣,而是用下摆随意扎成了个漂亮的蝴蝶结,下身是素雅白色长裙,不施粉黛,妖娆非但丝毫不减,反而平添了一份惊心动魄的端庄秀丽,仙气十足。 This bamboo house, constructs is flying Yunshan halfway up the mountainside, all around has the greenery to complement, has Cui Zhu to stroke the wind, has that natural flow gurgling, the field of vision is quite open. 这座竹楼,建在飞云山的半山腰处,四周有绿树掩映,有翠竹拂风,更有那流泉淙淙,视野极为开阔。 In Small World all buildings, are south-facing, looks out into the distance from bamboo house, the east length hates the palace, is the western that 9-layer dwelling, that sparkling lake Genkai lake, the most scenery in entire Small World, gets a panoramic view. 小世界内所有房屋建筑,均是坐北朝南,从竹楼处远眺,无论是东边的长恨宫,还是西边的那座九重宅院,还有那一片波光粼粼的玄海湖,整个小世界内的大半景色,尽收眼底。 At this moment, the dazzling sunlight scattered entire Small World, clear blue sky, Qingfeng blew completely, in Small World spiritual energy overflowed, was obviously richer than before several points. 此刻,耀眼的阳光撒满了整个小世界,碧空如洗,清风拂面,小世界灵气四溢,明显比以前浓郁了几分。 Even if in Small World, this is also the extremely rare fine weather. 哪怕是在小世界内,这也是极为难得的好天气。 Brand-new Sun, brand-new a day, yes, brand-new life! 崭新的太阳,崭新的一天,更是,崭新的人生! Dead wood is finally towering.” “枯木终于参天。” The Yin Qingxuan vision and Spiritual Thought, in the 3rd-layer courtyard in that 9-layer courtyard, stayed for a long time for a long time, in the heart meditates. 殷青璇的目光和神念,在那九重院落的第三重院落里,停留了许久许久,心中默念。 18 years ago, pregnant Yin Qingxuan brings a disturbance, is holding a renouncing mentality, went to Ling Family with Ling Xiao, but wants to give birth to Ling Yun there, gives him a secular status. 十八年前,身怀六甲的殷青璇带着一份忐忑,更抱着一种决绝的心态,跟着凌啸去了凌家,只是想在那里生下凌云,给他一个世俗的名分。 What a pity, Heavenly Law is brutal, cannot then to hope eventually. 可惜,天道无情,终究没能让人遂愿。 Also in expected, is also unexpected. 既在意料之中,也在意料之外。 Expected, is Yin Qingxuan knows, should come certainly will come, early day of late a day. 意料之中,是殷青璇知道,该来的一定会来,早一天晚一天而已。 This was by her at that time the Demon Sect Saintess status, as well as Ling Family own huge secret decision, had the test of strength of China all parties peak influence, involved too, pulled unceasingly, could not break off, Yin Qingxuan was also helpless. 这是由她当时魔宗圣女的身份,以及凌家自身的巨大秘密决定的,更有华夏各方最顶尖势力的角力,其中牵扯太多,扯不断,掰不开,殷青璇也无能为力。 Unexpected, has not thought that evil two are to really come was too quick, that night , the thunder method, several common joint efforts, beats the affectionate couple forcefully, breaks up Ling Xiao and Yin Qingxuan. 意料之外,是没想到,正邪两道实在是来的太快了,当夜即至,雷霆手段,几方共同合力,硬生生棒打鸳鸯,将凌啸殷青璇拆散。 Even if she as Demon Sect Saintess, the strength certainly, the foolproof plan, under that thunderclap method, is also unable to save the situation. 她纵然身为魔宗圣女,实力强绝,算无遗策,在那种霹雳手段之下,也无力回天。 Kunlun, is extremely really powerful. 昆仑,实在太过强大。 Demon Sect, then circumstance, did not allow her to get married to give birth, not just one envy Sikong Tu of going crazy. 魔宗,当时的情势,根本不允许她嫁人生子,并非只有一个嫉妒的发了疯的司空屠 Ling Family, early some people look unpleasing to the eyes, look forward to Ling Family to fall from the sky. 凌家,早有人看不顺眼,巴不得凌家陨落。 Yin Qingxuan to preserve endo-abdominal embryo, Ling Xiao to preserve Ling Family, hobbles respectively, can only be insulted to cherish hatred! 殷青璇为了保住腹内胎儿,凌啸为了保住凌家,各有牵绊,只能受辱饮恨! How separates, the time passes gradually, in an instant 18 years pass by, the own son the long big accomplishment person, China, no one has dared to bully now vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 只是分开又如何,时光荏苒,转眼十八年过去,自己的儿子已经长大成人,如今纵横华夏,无人敢欺。 The death that in the past all foes, overwhelming majorities have died, extinguished extinguishing, remaining has not walked in enough time , can only hide in the hidden place trembles, in constant anxiety. 当年所有仇敌,绝大多数已经死的死,灭的灭,剩下还没来得及找上门的,也只能躲在暗处瑟瑟发抖,惶惶不可终日。 Yin Qingxuan takes back the vision. 殷青璇收回目光。 She closes the beautiful pupil, stretches the both arms to the sky, extended big stretching, simultaneously the deep breath, only thinks the surrounding air, has never had refreshing. 她闭上美眸,向天空舒展双臂,伸了一个大大的懒腰,同时深呼吸,只觉周围空气,从未有过的沁人心脾。 Makes the feeling of own, is too happy. 做回自己的感觉,实在太美好。 After Yin Qingxuan stretches the physique, opens the eye quickly, the corners of the mouth has a smile, takes a step to forward, treads the step, left the bamboo house quickly. 殷青璇舒展身姿之后,很快睁开眼睛,嘴角含笑,迈步向前,踏阶而下,很快离开了竹楼。 After leaving bamboo house range several, she had a sleep/felt suddenly, suddenly pauses, turns head to feel carefully, could not bear be able help laughing. 离开竹楼范围数步之后,她忽有所觉,倏然停步,扭头仔细感受了一番,忍不住哑然失笑。 My son's formation law, really heaven-defying.” “我儿的阵法,果然逆天。” Yin Qingxuan cannot bear open the mouth to acclaim. 殷青璇忍不住开口赞叹。 Originally, Yin Qingxuan went out of the Ling Yun's soul resisting formation range, suddenly the discovery back bamboo house, vanished when her Spiritual Thought unexpectedly thoroughly, then looks, actually discovery that bamboo house really exists in the middle of her field of vision, is only in any voice, could not hear completely. 原来,殷青璇走出了凌云的御神阵范围,忽然发现背后竹楼,竟然在她的神念中彻底消失了,回头看时,却发现那竹楼又实实在在存在于她的视野当中,只是里面的任何声音,完全听不到了。 Yin Qingxuan retrocedes immediately several steps, returned to stay a while, really discovered all situation in own bamboo house, during Spiritual Thought covered. 殷青璇立刻又后退几步,返回阵内停留了一会儿,果然发现自己竹楼内的一切情况,又在神念笼罩之中。 It seems like this was Stars/Xingchen to I have said small soul resisting formation.” “看来这就是星辰跟我说过的小御神阵了。” Yin Qingxuan smiles, naturally understands that Ling Yun this act intention, are not many thinks, silent governing goes far away spatially, arrived at the sky of that Genkai lake quickly. 殷青璇嫣然一笑,当然明白凌云此举的用意,并不多想,无声无息御空远去,很快来到了那座玄海湖的上空。 Southwest the Genkai lake, is anchoring unexpectedly a super luxurious modern yacht, the white, 3-layer is all over the body high, long more than 20 meters. 玄海湖西南角,竟停泊着一艘超级豪华的现代游艇,通体白色,三层高,长二十多米。 Qingniao, Qing Luan, Qing Feng. 青鸟,青鸾,青凤 After three people left the bamboo house last night, boards the yacht, arrived at most distant place the yacht directly, in the bedroom of this yacht, slept with the clothes, lived for night. 三个人昨晚离开竹楼之后,登上游艇,直接把游艇开到了最远处,在这游艇的卧房里,和衣而眠,住了一夜。 Yin Qingxuan one, three people of natures sets out to welcome, looks to her look, is one by one strange. 殷青璇一至,三人自然起身相迎,望向她的眼神,各个古怪。 I said how your three people do not return to the bamboo room, originally hid here, will enjoy actually very much.” “我说你们三人怎么不回竹屋,原来躲在了这里,倒是很会享受。” The Yin Qingxuan even again atmosphere, at this moment still by the non- nature that their vision take a look, therefore is preemptive. 殷青璇就算再大气,此刻也被她们的目光瞅的不自然,于是先发制人。 Elder Sister enjoyed last night.” 姐姐昨晚才是享受。” The Qing Feng character makes it so, cannot bear, first opens the mouth, the vision glances unintentionally to the distant place mountain valley. 青凤性格使然,忍不住,最先开口,目光有意无意瞟向远处山谷。 Yes, the wedding festivities, our where dares to go back to disturb......” “是啊,洞房花烛嘛,我们哪里敢回去打扰……” Always gentle solemn Qing Luan, revolted, teased grinningly. 就连一向温婉端庄的青鸾,也叛变了,笑嘻嘻调侃。 „The Elder Sister facial expression is really good, my Big Brother Ling, the person of Qi Practicing 8-layer boundary, the unexpectedly tired bed even could not only get down pitifully.” 姐姐的气色真好,只可惜我那凌大哥,练气八层境界的人了,竟然累的连床都下不来。” Qingniao follows with a smile. 青鸟笑着跟上。 The violent strikes third even/including! 暴击三连! Reaches an agreement, reaches an agreement absolutely! 商量好的,绝对是商量好的! Only in a flash, Yin Qingxuan blushes like the blood, from regretted at heart own came to here, isn't this delivers to give these three younger sisters to sexually harass? 只一瞬间,殷青璇脸红如血,从心里后悔自己怎么来了这里,这不是送上门来给这三个妹妹调戏吗? Yin Qingxuan stamps the feet suddenly, the yacht that shakes trembles fiercely, she stares saying: What your three understand, dares to talk nonsense again, believes me to tear to pieces your mouths?” 殷青璇猛然跺脚,震的游艇剧烈震颤,她瞪眼道:“你们三个懂些什么,再敢胡说八道,信不信我撕烂你们的嘴?” Who knows Qing Feng not to fear, faint smile: We naturally do not have Elder Sister to understand, truly should slap.” 谁知青凤根本不怕,似笑非笑道:“我们自然没有姐姐懂,确实该掌嘴。” Qing Luan is actually frightens is patting the own plentiful chest, dies by heartbreak saying: Yes, I have said that after Mr. and Mrs. Elder Sister reunites, no longer wanted us, before Elder Sister, not such......” 青鸾却是吓得拍着自己丰满的胸脯,伤心欲绝道:“看了吧,我早就说过,姐姐夫妻团聚之后,就不再要我们了,姐姐以前不这样的……” Only has Qingniao, seems quite discontented with the Qing Luan words, sincere argued: Qing Luan Elder Sister, this is your is not right, as the saying goes, one day couple hundred days graciousness, Elder Sister just the wedding festivities, became estranged with us slightly, this is very normal matter, do not think.” 只有青鸟,似乎对青鸾的话语颇为不满,正色辩解道:“青鸾姐姐,这就是你的不对了,俗话说,一日夫妻百日恩,姐姐刚刚洞房花烛,跟我们稍稍疏远一些,这是很正常的事情,别多想。” Yin Qingxuan hear, thorough speechless, a pair three, have not resulted in wins. 殷青璇听完,彻底无语,一对三,没得赢。 Three younger sisters, Elder Sister made a mistake, does Elder Sister beg for mercy to be good with you?” “三位妹妹,姐姐错了,姐姐跟你们求饶行不行?” Is speaking, Yin Qingxuan does not forget to signal with the eyes with three people fiercely, simultaneously turned head to turn toward the mountain valley direction to look at one rapidly. 说着话,殷青璇不忘跟三人猛使眼色,同时飞速扭头向着山谷方向看了一眼。 Clarity of very that meaning expression, Ling Yun in that side, you have not made extremely. 那意思表达的很清楚,凌云还在那边呢,你们别闹太过。 Who knows this time, opposite three people with one voice, shout by the especially high sound: „It is not good!” 谁知这一次,对面三人异口同声,以格外高的声音喊道:“不行!” Yin Qingxuan turns head to walk, goes far away instantaneously. 殷青璇扭头就走,瞬间远去。 She flees to the wilderness, only abandons a few words: Was hungry, prepares food!” 她落荒而逃,只扔下一句话:“饿了,做饭!” The purpose in coming has forgotten, here she came, wants to awaken three people, then plans to go to the kitchen personally, makes a breakfast to them, is good to shut they three mouths. 来意早就忘了,原本她来这边,是想叫醒三人,然后打算亲自下厨,给她们做一顿早饭的,好堵住她们三个的嘴。 Although the Yin Qingxuan person goes far away, but Spiritual Thought has not actually forgotten to cover here, after wanting has a look at own to leave, they will also say anything. 殷青璇人虽远去,可神念却还不忘笼罩这里,想要看看自己离开之后,她们还会说什么。 Sees only Qing Feng to wonder very much, the doubts asked that other two people said: That matter, will Elder Sister be also tired? Before never shouted hungrily?” 只见青凤很是纳闷,疑惑问另外两人道:“那种事,姐姐也会累吗?以前从来不喊饿的呀?” Qing Luan hesitates saying: Should also tired difficulty that it seems like wins.” 青鸾沉吟道:“应该也累的吧,看来赢的艰难。” Qingniao nods extremely earnestly: In this case, we may probably sumptuous a little, builds up one's health to Elder Sister that the breakfast does well is good, is good is prepared because of me early, in Space Ring, what are many are the fresh food!” 青鸟极为认真点头:“这样的话,我们可得把早饭做的丰盛一点儿了,给姐姐好好补补身子才行,好在我早有准备,空间戒指里面,多的是新鲜食材!” Looked that I do not kill your three not to know the bashful girl!” “看我不打死你们三个不知羞的小妮子!” Yin Qingxuan cannot listen again, she comes suddenly, the elegant face blushes, figure like lightning, swoops opposite three people. 殷青璇再也听不下去,她骤然现身,俏脸羞红,身形如电,飞扑对面三人。 „, Elder Sister forgives!” “啊,姐姐饶命!” I was wrong!” “我错了啊!” Elder Sister, newly-married three days does not have the size!” 姐姐,新婚三天无大小啊!” Three people are laughing and playing, runs away in three directions fast, in mouth actually as before laughing, the mouth begs for mercy, in fact is the conduct that does not fear death. 三人嬉笑着,向着三个方向飞快逃窜,口中却依旧嘻嘻哈哈,嘴里求饶,实际上都是一副不怕死的做派。 In the Genkai lake raised the heavens frightening mighty waves. 玄海湖上掀起了惊天波涛。 At this time, Ling Yun stood in the scud summit, looked the Genkai lake surface, mother and other people the entire kidding around process, saw the tail a moment ago from the beginning, already happy was not good, smiles doubles with laughter. 这时候,凌云站在飞云山顶,远望玄海湖面,把母亲等四人刚才整个的嬉闹过程,从头看到尾,早已乐的不行,笑得前仰后合。 He has not thought that usually Aunt words not many Qingniao, after arriving here, unexpectedly can display generally is vividly nimble and resourceful like the true young girl, is so real. 他也没有想到,平时里话语不多的青鸟阿姨,来到这里之后,竟然会表现的如同真正少女一般灵动活泼,如此真实。 Also knows, without others, mother and Qing Luan Qing Feng is such life condition, is the true sisters is together, not the difference of master and servant high and low. 也更加知道,在没有旁人的时候,母亲和青鸾青凤是这样的生活状态,是真正的姐妹相处,并无主仆尊卑之别。 Clearly, mother does not care about these. 很明显,母亲根本就不在意这些。 Mother Yin Qingxuan, live is very real, very yes. 母亲殷青璇,活的很真实,很明白。 These, only looked that this Small World knew, although ancient rhyme is full, may want with the life related modern goods, in this mountain valley, inside and outside several bamboo houses, finds at everywhere especially. 这些,只看这座小世界就知道了,虽然古韵十足,可只要是跟生活方面有关的现代物品,在这座山谷之中,尤其几座竹楼内外,随处可见。 Yun'er, your three maternal aunts join up the rebellion, dared to bully mother, was about to help me cope with them!” 云儿,你这三个姨联合起来造反啦,竟敢欺负娘了,快过来帮我对付她们!” At this time, the Yin Qingxuan sound spread to the Ling Yun ear suddenly. 这时候,殷青璇的声音突然传入凌云耳中。 Watching the fun Ling Yun tarries immediately. 正在看热闹的凌云顿时呆住。 Such frame, his where has the qualifications participation? 这样的架,他哪有资格参与? However Ling Yun is one step steps forward, appeared above the Genkai lake surface directly, about the vision swept, said awkwardly: Mother, although I want to help you, but...... I felt three Aunt Qing said reasonable.” 不过凌云还是一步跨出,直接出现在了玄海湖面上方,目光左右一扫,为难说道:“娘,虽然我很想帮你,不过……我觉得三位青姨说的有道理啊。” Hears this word. 闻听此言。 Is pursuing Qingniao Yin Qingxuan to stop the figure in the lake surface suddenly, turns around to look at Ling Yun, the beautiful pupil stares: What did young brat you say?” 正在湖面上追逐青鸟殷青璇霍然止住身形,转身望着凌云,美眸一瞪:“小兔崽子你说什么?” em/hiccup......” ……” Ling Yun looks at mother's look, knows for sure is bad, hurries to hold up both hands surrender saying: Mother, actually child just awoke, here had anything a moment ago, my anything has not heard, anything has not seen.” 凌云一看母亲的神色,就情知要糟,赶紧举起双手投降道:“娘,其实孩儿刚刚睡醒,刚才这里发生了什么,我什么都没有听见,也什么都没看见。” I kill your young brat!” “我打死你个小兔崽子!” But the Yin Qingxuan flying, found the undeserved target of anger finally, cannot really hit their three, hasn't been able to hit the own son? 殷青璇飞身而至,总算找到了出气筒,不能真打她们三个,还不能打自己儿子? Three Aunt Qing save a life!” “三位青姨救命啊!” Ling Yun flees like a scared rat! The twinkling departed the Genkai lake range. 凌云抱头鼠窜!瞬息飞出了玄海湖范围。 The Yin Qingxuan hot pursuit goes, threw down a few words by far: Your three hurry to prepare food, this account, I will reckon up with your three a moment ago sooner or later, particularly Qing Feng!” 殷青璇猛追而去,远远地丢下了一句话:“你们三个赶紧做饭,刚才这笔账,我早晚跟你们三个算清楚,尤其是青凤!” At this time, Qing Luan, Qing Feng, Qingniao three people, gathered in one. 这时候,青鸾,青凤,青鸟三人,又重新聚在了一起。 Three people received to play the color, is looking at that mother and child going far away form, heartfelt happy. 三人收起了玩闹之色,望着那母子远去身影,由衷高兴。 Qingniao muttered: Elder Sister made own finally, the whole family also reunited finally, really good.” 青鸟喃喃道:“姐姐终于做回了自己,一家人也终于团聚了,真好。” Qing Luan Qing Feng eye socket slightly red, is nodding silently. 青鸾青凤眼眶微红,都在默默点头。 Qingniao turns head to ask: Elder Sister today should have many words, can say to Yun'er?” 青鸟扭头问道:“姐姐今天应该有很多话,要对云儿说吧?” „.” “很多。” Qing Luan nods, smiling suddenly: Walks, we prepare food.” 青鸾点头,忽的嫣然一笑:“走,咱们做饭去。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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