DEMG :: Volume #19

#1859: Affectionate hence

Chapter 1854 affectionate hence 第1854章情深至此 Being with good intention, is called to know perfectly well that you are lying, actually does not expose, but can also then chats following your intention and goal downward. 有一种善解人意,叫做明知你在撒谎,却不点破,还能顺着你的心意和目的接着往下聊。 What view thinks the law? Mentioned listens to look.” “什么观想之法?说来听听看。” Specific name I do not know, I only remember that view thinks the general outline of law, beginning is quite easy, but after practice gets up, has greatly is very insufficient, is very easy to make the view think that the person is involved, lost the conscience thoroughly, lost.” “具体名称我也不知道,我只记得那观想之法的总纲,上手极为容易,但是修炼起来之后,却也有很大不足,就是很容易令观想之人深陷其中,彻底迷失了本心,迷失了自我。” The Ye Xingchen look is quite serious, even the elegant face breaks surface existing struggles the hesitant color, seems also hard to set firm resolve at once, turns head to look to Ling Yun: Therefore must listen, you may probably consider clearly.” 夜星辰神色极为郑重,甚至俏脸上浮现有挣扎犹豫之色,似乎一时之间也难以下定决心,扭头看向凌云:“所以到底要不要听,你可一定要斟酌清楚。” Ling Yun looks at the appearance that Ye Xingchen treats a matter seriously, cannot bear sprinkle however one happily, thinks otherwise saying: Is a general outline, you have what are good to worry that if I listen to feel strange, did not practice then.” 凌云看着夜星辰郑重其事的模样,忍不住洒然一乐,不以为然道:“不过是一段总纲而已,你有什么好担心的,如果我听完觉得不妥,不练便是了。” Is speaking, Ling Yun gave a Ye Xingchen reassurance look. 说着话,凌云给了夜星辰一个放心的眼神。 Not strange Ling Yun lifts a heavy weight as if light, because in his opinion, the view thinks the law, to put it bluntly, nothing but is the view and thinks two characters. 不怪凌云举重若轻,因为在他看来,观想之法,说穿了,无非就是观和想两字而已。 The view, the difficulty is, the object of view real. 观,难点在于,观的物体有多真。 Thinks, is, your perception high. 想,凭借在于,你的悟性有多高。 Also after can first observe thinks , after can first think observes, wants also to conduct considerably, because of the three essence, is nondistinctive. 既可以先观后想,也可以先想后观,更可观想同时进行,因为三者本质,并无区别。 Cultivator in this world, after overwhelming majorities are first views thinks, or is the view wants also to conduct, few natural talent people extremely, can achieve first think, observes. 这世上的修炼者,绝大多数都是先观后想,或者是观想同时进行,只有极少数天资绝顶之人,能够做到先想后观。 This is because, the baseless imagination has a thing, originally is only a in the heart thought that must its thorough anchorage, be able to make the mind or state of mind see, is extremely difficult, but must divert attention to comprehend its Grand Dao true meaning, this is difficult. 这是因为,凭空想象出一个东西,本就只是心中的一个念头,要将它彻底定住,能够让心眼或者说神魂看到,已经是极其困难,还要分心去领悟其大道真意,这就是难上加难。 Let alone, completes such a view to want perhaps not to have the issue, but the person impossible to observe one time is thorough, when must conduct next time again the view thinks, in the heart baseless imagination that thing, but can also keep up with be the same one time? 何况,完成这样一次观想或许没有问题,但人不可能一次就能观想彻底,那么下次再要进行观想之时,心中凭空想象出来的那个东西,还能跟上一次一样吗? Even if the cultivating true cultivator memory is extraordinary, is with own boundary, the eyesight, and all sorts of changes of state of mind, the in the heart thought has also certainly changed, observes to think that the shape and god of thing, will also change naturally. 哪怕修真者记忆力超绝,可是随着自身的境界,眼力,以及心境的种种变化,心中念头也一定有所变化,所观想之物的形和神,自然而然也会发生变化。 As the matter stands, lost the view to want most important that really. 这样一来,也就失去了观想最重要的那个“真”。 Therefore, in cultivation world, so long as can achieve first thinks, observes, its natural talent perception absolutely is the peak that type, without the halfway falls from the sky, its final practice achievement, will shock everybody surely, is unable to estimate. 所以,修真界中,只要是能够做到先想后观的,其资质悟性绝对是最最顶尖那种,只要没有半路陨落,其最终的修炼成就,必定会惊世骇俗,根本无法估量。 First after thinking observes, Ling Yun is very naturally relaxed can achieve, because had achieved Transcends Tribulation Stage, sees in Cultivation Big World are too many, he also has enough qualification to do that but for all this, present Ling Yun does not think, or is avoiding this vigorously. 先想后观,凌云自然很轻松就能做到,而且因为曾经达到过渡劫期,在修真大世界见过太多,他也有足够的本钱这么做,但尽管如此,现在的凌云也不想,或者说是在极力避免这样做。 Cannot think, because he has arrived at Transcends Tribulation Stage, has understood profoundly that „” is really important. 不是想不出来,而是因为他到达过渡劫期,已经深刻明白,那个“真”到底有多么重要。 Is just like the life 3-layer boundary: Looking at the mountain is the mountain, looks at the mountain is not the mountain, looks at the mountain or the mountain. 就好比人生三重境界:看山是山,看山不是山,看山还是山。 Really is real, false is false, is unmodifiable, is completely two matters. 真就是真,假就是假,无可更改,完全是两回事。 Therefore even if Ling Yun has seen to pass away True Dragon, and has portrayed in the heart its relationship of form and spirit appearance, is not willing to take the view to think, rather went to the view to think a True Dragon corpse of dying. 所以凌云哪怕早就见过世间真龙,并且早已将其形神样貌刻画于心,都不愿意拿出来观想,宁可去观想一具死掉的真龙尸。 Therefore, to present Ling Yun, what view thinks the law, is actually not important, what is difficult was he is very difficult to find is worth him the thing that truly went to the view to think. 因此,对现在的凌云来说,什么观想之法,其实并没有那么重要,难的是他很难找到真正值得他去观想的东西。 Looks continually cannot take a liking, what vigor but also observes to think? 连瞧都瞧不上,还观想个什么劲? Therefore, Ling Yun thinks the law regarding the view that Ye Xingchen treats a matter seriously, is mainly curious, wants to have a look is what kind of Rank, can make Ye Xingchen keep mouth shut unexpectedly, as for must study, that must two say. 所以,凌云对于夜星辰郑重其事的观想之法,主要是好奇,想看看到底是何等品阶,竟能让夜星辰都三缄其口,至于要不要学,那还得两说。 The view thinks the law, since is the practice method, naturally is also all kinds , the classification is extremely numerous, just like cultivating true cultivator practice Cultivation Technique, minute/share Rank height. 观想之法,既然是修炼法门,自然也是五花八门,分类极多,跟修真者修炼功法一样,也分品阶高低。 For example Ling Yun's Great Evolving Stars Secret Art, with the Golden Bell Cover iron blouse, the methods of two Body Refining, that Rank naturally is heaven and earth. 比如凌云的大衍聚星宝诀,和金钟罩铁布衫,两种炼体之法,那品阶自然是天上地下 Who knows Ling Yun more indifferent, the Ye Xingchen complexion is more dignified, she shakes the head to say slowly: „It is not such that you think, this view thinks the general outline of law, so long as has my mouth, enters your heart, even if you at the appointed time regretted that thinks not to practice, was difficult.” 谁知凌云越无所谓,夜星辰的脸色就越凝重,她缓缓摇头道:“不是你想的那样,这观想之法的总纲,只要出我之口,入你之心,你到时就算后悔想不练,都难了。” Ling Yun listened to select the eyebrow immediately. 凌云听了顿时挑眉。 Such overbearing? 这么霸道的吗? „The words that you must speak, I must listen!” “你要这么说的话,那我还就非听不可了!” Keeping mouth shut of Ye Xingchen, instead aroused the Ling Yun biggest interest and fighting spirit, originally he also wants to make Ye Xingchen first roughly explain that view to think that the mystery of law is, then decided that must listen, but now, Ling Yun only thinks that Ye Xingchen said immediately to him listens. 夜星辰的三缄其口,反而激起了凌云最大的兴趣和斗志,本来他还想让夜星辰先大致讲解一下那观想之法的奥妙所在,然后再决定要不要听的,可现在,凌云只想夜星辰立即讲给他听。 Good!” “好!” Ye Xingchen in the heart one horizontal, clenches teeth fiercely, finally chose believed Ling Yun: I said that you listened carefully!” 夜星辰心中一横,猛地一咬牙,最终选择了相信凌云:“那我就讲,你仔细听!” Then, she with the aspiration, that overbearing view thinks law general outline said completely to Ling Yun, less than 1000 characters, said after completely, Ye Xingchen unexpectedly the whole body has perspired heavily, like by the water pouring body, elegant face deathly white, in the top of the head the mist was filled the air. 接下来,她以心声,将那霸道观想之法的“总纲”完完整整讲给了凌云,不足一千字而已,全部讲完之后,夜星辰竟已浑身透汗,如同被水浇身,俏脸煞白,头顶上雾气弥漫。 For Ling Yun, assigns/life simply does not attend. 为了凌云,简直命都不顾。 Another side, Ling Yun has listened stupidly, dumbstruck, the whole person stiffens thoroughly! 另一边,凌云早已听傻了,目瞪口呆,整个人彻底僵住! Ye Xingchen just started to tell, Ling Yun does not feel anything, but until the Ye Xingchen lecture the last character, that view thinks that the general outline of law, turned into the real writing unexpectedly instantaneously, or is runes, solid brand mark in the Ling Yun's state of mind, dense and numerous, carves general like the blade. 夜星辰刚开始讲述的时候,凌云并不觉得什么,但直到夜星辰讲完最后一个字,那篇观想之法的总纲,竟瞬间化成了真实文字,或者说是符文,结结实实烙印在了凌云的神魂上,密密麻麻,如同刀刻上去一般。 Said that it turned into Talisman is also good, or was formation law, was similar to the hoop-tightening incantation, did not get rid again. 说它变成了符箓也行,或者是阵法也罢,就如同紧箍咒,再也摆脱不了。 Must practice, perhaps may also two say, but if wants to forget that was dream of a fool. 是不是非练不可,或许还可两说,但要想忘掉,那是痴人说梦了。 Ye Xingchen has not deceived him, this view thinks the general outline of law, if really overbearing is incomparable! 夜星辰没有骗他,这观想之法的总纲,果真霸道无比! However, Ling Yun has not actually blamed the meaning of Ye Xingchen completely, just the opposite, he shocks at the same time, what in the heart raises is wild with joy! 不过,凌云却完全没有怪罪夜星辰的意思,恰恰相反,他震撼的同时,心中升起的是一阵狂喜! Because this view thinks the law, was really extremely heaven-defying! 因为这观想之法,实在是太过逆天了! It looks like in Ling Yun, this is the strongest view that he can imagine thinks the law, the alone grade, any other views think the law, must arrange in the future. 凌云看来,这已经是他能想象到的最强观想之法,独一档,其他任何观想之法,都要往后排。 Even, cannot be the view thinks the law its simple talking into, but is the big summon technique in legend! 甚至,已经不能将它简单的说成是观想之法,而是传说中的大召唤术! First thinks, observes. 先想后观。 No matter thinks anything, thinks that the law of thing appears in his brain territory starry sky immediately, the god shape has both, is very real, or stands or sits, or lies down or lies, but walks slowly, may rotate slowly, to Ling Yun with the deva-eye or the mind, conducts all-around, the view of each angle thinks. 不管想什么,所想之物的法相就会立刻出现在他的脑域星空之中,神形兼备,无比真实,或站或坐,或躺或卧,可缓慢行走,可徐徐转动,任由凌云以天眼或者心眼,进行全方位,各个角度的观想。 Ling Yun not only can adjust big or small of far and near opposite party according to the intention, regardless of wants to look at the net posture or the trend of opposite party, is instant matter. 凌云不但可以按照心念调整对方的远近大小,而且无论想看对方的净姿或者动态,也就是一念之间的事情。 Read to come, to read receives goes. 念动即来,念收即去。 Thinks that anything can observe anything, view anything, Yin Soul can change anything, in this manner estimates its true meaning, evolves its Grand Dao. 想什么就能观什么,观什么,阴神就能变化成什么,以此方式揣摩其真意,演化其大道 In that general outline has the side that segment words said to be clear: Observing Demon God is Demon God, observing Buddha is Buddha, observes Sun, Moon, Stars, is Sun, Moon, Stars, observes the beautiful woman obvious beautiful woman, observes the white bones obvious white bones, observes the pagoda...... the view lotus flower...... the view kerosene wind thunder and lightning...... the view space and time obvious space and time, observes Grand Dao obviously Grand Dao.” 那篇总纲中有段话说的极明白:“观魔神即是魔神,观佛陀即是佛陀,观日月星辰,即是日月星辰,观玉女可见玉女,观白骨可见白骨,观宝塔……观莲花……观地火水风雷电……观时空可见时空,观大道可见大道。” Eye observes nothing which is not, the god nothing which is not changes. Only defends me to be really invariable, may result in eternal.” “眼无所不观,神无所不变。唯守真我不变,可得永恒。” Said simply, eye anything can see, Yin Soul anything can change, but the major premise, must defend the own conscience, so long as does not lose, may obtain eternal, that is, eternal life! 简单说,眼睛什么都可以看到,阴神什么都可以变化,但有一个大前提,要守住自己的本心,只要不迷失自我,就可得到永恒,也就是,永生! Such view thinks the law, beginning is quite certainly easy, cannot be easy simply. 这样的观想之法,上手当然极为容易,简直不能再容易了。 Ling Yun in the heart has clearly become aware, he no longer thinks, turns head to look to Ye Xingchen, the vision is deep, is difficult to cover the heart pain. 凌云心中已然明悟,他不再多想,扭头看向夜星辰,目光深深,难掩心痛。 Stars/Xingchen.” 星辰。” Un?” “嗯?” Ye Xingchen makes the own tone remain steady in attempt vigorously, the body has creakied actually. 夜星辰在极力试图让自己的语气保持平稳,实则身体已经摇摇欲坠。 This is Cultivation Technique your? Now haven't you met?” “这功法是你的吧?现在你还会不?” I met certainly, how otherwise can read to you listens?” “我当然会了,不然怎么能念给你听?” Ye Xingchen smiles to him. 夜星辰对他嫣然一笑。 Read to me listens?!” Ling Yun moved sideways, goes forward to embrace the Ye Xingchen tender body, the sinking sound said: To be honest.” “念给我听?!”凌云一闪身,上前揽住了夜星辰的娇躯,沉声道:“说实话。” em/hiccup...... was discovered by you, good, this view thinks that the law is truly strange, after reading you listen, I cannot.” ……被你发现了,好吧,这观想之法确实十分古怪,念给你听之后,我就不会了。” Ye Xingchen this time was grasped by Ling Yun, the meaning that actually the clever resembles cat, struggles a little does not have. 夜星辰这次被凌云抱住,却乖的像猫,一点儿挣扎的意思都没有。 The Ling Yun forced smile, the both arms make an effort gently, closely held Ye Xingchen in the bosom, is gazing at her beautiful pupil, for a very long time did not say. 凌云苦笑,双臂轻轻用力,将夜星辰紧紧抱在了怀里,注视着她的美眸,久久不言。 Affectionate hence, husband duplicate/restores what request? 情深至此,夫复何求? Reading, is only the form. 念,只是形式。 In fact, this general outline, should now be the same to Ling Yun, character by character the brand mark in the Ye Xingchen state of mind, by her in the heaven-defying method, the big will, was torn certainly from the own state of mind each character, then delivered with Ling Yun! 实际上,这篇总纲,原先应该是跟凌云现在一样,一个字一个字烙印在了夜星辰的神魂上,被她以逆天手段,绝大毅力,将每个字从自己的神魂上撕扯下来,然后送与了凌云 Tears soul, one by one over a thousand times, what kind of hurting that is! 撕扯灵魂,一下一下上千次,那是怎样的疼! Owes she also to talk and laugh merrily, calmly read completely the entire chapter general outline. 亏她还能谈笑风生,若无其事的将整篇总纲全部念完。 Moreover Ling Yun has also guessed correctly, this general outline, although is useful to the view, actually not the view thinks the law, but is an extremely heaven-defying Grand Dao imperial order! 而且凌云也已猜出,这“总纲”虽然对观想有用,却并非什么观想之法,而是一种极为逆天大道敕令! Therefore can think that anything comes anything, view anything is anything. 所以才能想什么就来什么,观什么就是什么。 practice that so practice Yin Soul, that next own main body must go all out, is not necessarily able to pursue on Yin Soul terrifying not growth. 如此修炼阴神,那今后自己的本尊得拼了命的修炼,都未必能追的上阴神的恐怖不成长速度。 Naturally, is that premise, during cannot wallow in the view thinks, lost the conscience, lost. 当然,还是那个前提,不能沉迷于观想之中,迷失了本心,迷失了自我。 From this point, truly improved the Heart Movement Stage degree of hazard enormously. 从这一点上来看,确实极大的提高了心动期的危险程度。 But at this time, Ling Yun where could also attend to considering these, his thoughts, placed on Ye Xingchen completely. 但这个时候,凌云哪里还顾得上考虑这些,他的心思,全部放在夜星辰身上了。 „Very sore?” “很疼吧?” The Ling Yun gentle voice asked. 凌云柔声问道。 Also can shoulder a moment ago, now is not good.” The Ye Xingchen beautiful pupil winks, knows that could not conceal the truth, the tender body tremor, could not bear reaching depends toward the Ling Yun's chest on. “刚才还能扛得住,现在不行了。”夜星辰美眸眨动,知道瞒不住了,娇躯颤动不已,忍不住把臻首往凌云的胸膛上靠去。 How can I help you?” “我怎么才能帮你?” Ling Yun loves dearly and worries, actually does not dare to act carelessly, can only open the mouth to ask. 凌云是又心疼又着急,却又不敢胡乱施为,只能开口问道。 Fool.” “笨蛋。” Ye Xingchen charmingly angry: I hurt now, you use Pure Healing Talisman, or knocks down me simply good! So long as slept is much better.” 夜星辰娇嗔一句:“我现在就只是疼而已,你用清愈符,或者干脆将我打晕都行啊!只要睡一觉就好多了。” Also knocks down? 还打晕? Where Ling Yun gives up, he wishes one could to be able for Ye Xingchen by this crime, in the heart to be obloquied now own actually thinks a moment ago Ye Xingchen is prodding, has not actually thought that she was also worrying own cannot withstand the pain of that thousand character peeling states of mind. 凌云哪里舍得,他现在恨不得能替夜星辰受这份罪,心中大骂自己刚才竟然只是以为夜星辰是在激将,却没想到她也是在担心自己承受不住那千字剥离神魂之痛。 He used nine best Pure Healing Talisman, first relieved the Ye Xingchen pain, then hugs her to fly to the Ye Xingchen housing that bamboo house, places on her the bed, a finger/refers selects gently, looks that she heavy goes off. 他一口气使用了九张最好的清愈符,先缓解了夜星辰的疼痛,然后抱着她飞往夜星辰居住的那座竹楼,把她放在床上,一指轻轻点出,看着她沉沉睡去。 After waiting for Ye Xingchen to rest to be solid, Ling Yun leaves quietly, directly soars the scud summit, drew 300 Pure Healing Talisman, can the direct role in best quality Treasure Talisman of state of mind, this return the Ye Xingchen bedside. 夜星辰睡实之后,凌云悄然离开,直奔飞云山巅,一口气画了三百张清愈符,都是可以直接作用于神魂的极品宝符,这才重新回到夜星辰床边。 Then, Ling Yun anything has not done, has defended in the Ye Xingchen bedside, every other time, causes Treasure Talisman to her, naturally did not forget the state of mind that gave own to be damaged to use. 接下来,凌云什么都没做,一直守在夜星辰的床边,每隔一段时间,就对她使一张宝符,当然也不忘给自己受创的神魂使用了。 Then, they lie down sit, rests to awake, accompanies the dawn. 就这样,俩人一躺一坐,一睡一醒,相伴到天明。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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