Passed through the numerousdense fog, skyisland of Long Chenin the middle oftowardmapwent. 【 `Readingnet//
穿过了重重的迷雾,龙辰朝着地图当中的天空岛而去。【‘看书网//Before, Long Chenhas seenbirdsMonster Beast, after mostlywas tamed, tool that was used to ride instead of walking, butthistime, hesawtoomanytoo many have not experiencedMonster Beast, theseMonster Beastwere dancing in the airin the middle of the sky, hovering, has been raisingbone-chilling coldCrazy Wind!
以前,龙辰见过的鸟类妖兽,大多是被人驯服之后,用来代步的工具,而这次,他看到了太多太多没有见识过的妖兽,这些妖兽在天空当中飞舞着,翱翔着,掀起了凛冽的狂风!YunKongque, the four-wayflamingowait / etc., everywhereis. Possiblybecause of the relations of thatHeaven Phoenix God bird, whathereare mostishotattributeMonster Beast. ThistoXiao Lang, possiblyis a good deed. At least, thisHeaven Phoenix God birdBeast Core, will makeXiao Langprogressagain!
云空雀,四翼火鸟等等,到处都是。可能因为那天凰神鸟的关系吧,这里最多的是火属性的妖兽。这对小狼来说,可能会是一件好事。至少,这天凰神鸟的妖丹,会让小狼再次得到进步!In the middle ofthisfogseaisbetweenMonster BeastandMonster Beast, hasmanybattles, therefore during heredoes not haveLong Chento imagineis so peaceful.
这雾海当中就算是妖兽和妖兽之间,都有不少的厮杀,所以这里并没有龙辰想象当中那么安宁。Long Chenhad evadedcautiouslytheseslaughter, after havingSoul Devouring Demonic Eye, thishazyfogseasfor himno longerhinder, variousclassMonster Beast, turned intosouls, clearappearanceinhisfield of vision, whileMonster Beasthad not discoveredLong Chen, Long Chenby farevadedthem.龙辰小心翼翼的避过了这些厮杀,有了噬灵妖瞳之后,这一片迷蒙的雾海对他来说不再是阻碍,各类的妖兽,都变成了一个个的魂魄,清晰的出现在他的视野当中,在妖兽还没有发现龙辰的同时,龙辰就远远的避过他们了。
The land that so long asmounts, hecanbestdisplaysownbattle efficiency.
只要登上的陆地,他才能最好的施展自己的战斗力。Thisfogsearelativebig, Long Chen, flewtowardslantingabove the time of similarmost of the day, finallyfrom afarsawspatialislandof that day.
这一片雾海相当之大,龙辰足足在其中,朝着斜上方飞行了差不多大半天的时间,才终于远远望见了那天空岛。Hereis the Heaven Phoenix God birddomain, Long Chendiscoveredthatmoreapproacheshere, the surroundingtemperatureishigh, worthilyisHeaven Phoenix God bird, solelyisitsflame, cancreatesuchtemperature!
这里是天凰神鸟的地盘,龙辰发现,越是靠近这里,周围的温度就越是高,不愧是天凰神鸟,单单是它自己身上的火焰,就能够造成如此的温度!On that day the spatialisland, coveredin the middle of the numerousdense fog, at this timewhatappearsinLong Chenat presentwaspartly visibleskyislands of onein the middle of the fog of trundle, in the middle ofindistinct, Long ChencanseeitsAsh Greyland. Butabove, indistinctissomebrokenconstructions, evenisstretch of ruins!
那天空岛,笼罩在重重的迷雾当中,此时出现在龙辰眼前的是一座在滚动的云雾当中若隐若现的天空岛屿,在隐约当中,龙辰能够看到其灰色的土地。而其上,隐隐约约是一些残破的建筑,甚至是一片废墟!„On this dayin the spatialisland, canbestretch of ruinsunexpectedly? Is it possible thathereisotherplace, was occupiedbyHeaven Phoenix God bird?”Long Chenis ponderingat heart.
“这天空岛上,竟然会是一片废墟?这里莫非原来是别的地方,然后被天凰神鸟占据?”龙辰心里思考着。Hecontinuesto approach that islands of distant place, looksfrom the distant place, on this day the area of spatialisland, is notverybig, is equaltohalfMartial Emperorcityprobably, butis not small, after all the range of Martial Emperorcity, isLong Chenhas experienced the biggestcity!
他继续靠近远处的那一座岛屿,从远处看去,这天空岛的面积,并不是很大,大概相当于一半个武帝城,但也不小了,毕竟武帝城的范围,是龙辰见识过最大的城池!In the middle ofdense fog, thistogetherislandsa littlegloomyScent, abovesomerelativeworn-out, abovestretch of ruins, life is actually dense and numerousbirdsMonster Beast, eachMonster Beasthas the area that oneselfbelong, moreapproaches the center of skyisland, the construction of ruinsishuge, the Monster Beaststrengthis also stronger!
迷雾当中,这一道岛屿有点阴森森的味道,其上一些都相当之破旧,在一片废墟之上,生活的却是密密麻麻的鸟类妖兽,每一个妖兽都有自己属于的疆域,越是靠近天空岛的中心,废墟的建筑就越是庞大,妖兽的实力也更强!Monster Beast of mostsurrounding, hadHeaven Grade, did not have the Heaven Gradestrength, verydifficultof this dayto survivein the middle ofspatialisland.
After seeing the skyisland, Long Chendid not haveotheranyscruples, hehas let loose the speeddirectly, has crashed in the middle of the skyisland, stepped onimmediatelyonthatpiece of Ash Greyland, withsimilar that heexpected, althoughthisislandsin the middle of the sky, stepped onsteadfastly above actually.
看见了天空岛之后,龙辰就没有什么其他顾忌了,他直接放开了速度,冲进了天空岛当中,立马就踩在了那一片灰色的土地上,和他预料的差不多,这一座岛屿虽然在天空当中,踩在上面却十分的踏实。However, can look, heredisorderly, everywhereis the birdsMonster Beasttrace, fewnobodycametohere, surroundingstheseconstructions, tattered, abovefullis the motleytrace, shouldhavemanyyear of history.
不过,看得出来,这里一片凌乱,到处都是鸟类妖兽的痕迹,已经很少没有人到这里来了,周围那些建筑,破破烂烂,其上满是斑驳的痕迹,应该存在了很多年的历史。Even ifinthisislands, the surroundings were still dense fog, butbirdsMonster Beast that herelived, possiblywasbecausetreatedfor a long timereason, lookquitesharp, Long Chenjustunscrupulousarrived atspatialislandin the middle of this day, hadinnumerablebirdsMonster Beastto discoverhim.
就算是在这岛屿上,周围仍然是一片迷雾,而在这里生活的鸟类妖兽,可能是因为待久了的缘故吧,眼神都相当的锐利,龙辰刚刚肆无忌惮的来到这天空岛当中,就有无数的鸟类妖兽发现了他。Onhimthatbelongs toHuman ClanScent, completelyis different from Monster Beast. Long Chenrushed in the middle of the Monster Beastgroup, looked likeMonster Beasthas crashed in the crowd, suddenly, in the middle of the spatialislandhas sent out the innumerableincisivesongs of the birdson this day, was one by one incisive!
他身上那属于人族的味道,是和妖兽完全不一样的。龙辰闯进了妖兽群当中,就像是妖兽冲进了人群,一时间,这天空岛当中发出了无数的尖锐的鸟鸣,一声比一声尖锐!Pullsoneroundto move the whole body, suddenly the entireskyisland seems trembling.
牵一发而动全身,一时间整个天空岛都仿佛在震颤着。Tens of thousands ofMonster Beast, in abundanceleaps, suddenlyLong Chenskydenseonepiece, everywhereisMonster Beast of birds, submergedhimdirectly. Thatincisivesong of the birds, mustpuncture the eardrumsimply!
轰!InnumerableMonster Beast, hotattribute, windattribute, otherand so on attributes, insuddenlythrowtowardLong Chen, suddenlytheseflameandCrazy WindmustsubmergeLong Chensimply.
无数的妖兽,火属性的,风属性的,还有其他等等属性,在一时间都朝着龙辰扑过来,一时间那些火焰和狂风简直要将龙辰淹没了。Monster Beast that socrosses, has not madeLong Chenbe afraid.
如此过的妖兽,却没有让龙辰害怕。AlthoughtheseMonster Beasttens of thousands, butisHeaven GradeMonster Beast, Heaven Grade the attack of Monster Beastdoes not haveto his effect, toavoidtroubling, Long ChenmadeXiao Langcome out, Xiao LangwasKing GradeThird RankMonster Beast, solelystoodthere, enoughcreated the formidabledeterrent effecttotheseMonster Beast!
这些妖兽虽然成千上万,但都是天阶的妖兽,天阶的妖兽的攻击对他一点效果都没有,不过为了避免麻烦,龙辰还是让小狼出来了,小狼乃是王级三品的妖兽,单单是站在那里,就足够对这些妖兽造成强大的震慑力了!Blackflame, wells upfrom the chest of Long Chen, instantaneouslybecomesincomparablebig, thenin a short time, the blackflameevolvesintopaintblackhugeMonster Beast, stands and waits for a long timein the middle ofspatialislandof this day, face upwards the long and loud cry!
嗷呜!Thislong and loud cry, blackflamemakes threatening gestures, sweeps acrosson the body of Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf, Monster Beast that approaches, was being burnt down, the keenly blowingrunning off, manyMonster Beastdirectlywere even dying, King GradeThird Rankis not a lid, thattens of thousands oftowardHeaven GradeMonster Beast that Long Chenthrows, afterXiao Langappears, diesdies, the woundwound, majority ofdirectlyran away!
这一声长啸,一股黑色的火焰张牙舞爪,在噬日妖狼的身上席卷过去,靠近的妖兽,纷纷被焚烧着,尖啸着跑开,甚至很多的妖兽直接到底身亡了,王级三品可不是盖的,那成千上万朝着龙辰扑来的天阶妖兽,当小狼出现后,死得死,伤的伤,大部分都直接逃走了!Inempty spaceof this day, theirsuitablefreedoms, felt after Sun Devouring Demonic Wolfterror, basicallyHeaven GradeMonster Beastfled from the skyisland, theyare not the fools, realized after great strength of Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf, theyknow the skyisland, naturallysomepeoplewill tidy upLong Chenand the others, had no need forthemin vainbeing killedbySun Devouring Demonic Wolfhere.
在这天空当中,它们相当的自由,感觉到噬日妖狼的恐怖之后,基本上天阶的妖兽都逃离了天空岛当中,它们都不是笨蛋,意识到噬日妖狼的强大之后,它们知道天空岛当中,自然有人会收拾龙辰等人,就用不着它们在这里白白被噬日妖狼杀害了。Dreading of Monster Beast to Monster Beast, be much more serious than todreading of personthem, particularly the Xiao Langsohugebuild, thesedo not arrive atKing GradeMonster Beast, the courage of basicallynot having resisted.妖兽对妖兽之间的忌惮,要比它们对人的忌惮要严重得多,尤其是小狼如此巨大的体形,那些不到王级的妖兽,基本上没有对抗的勇气。Sun Devouring Demonic Wolfcomes out, the relaxednesscompelledneighborallMonster Beast.噬日妖狼出来,轻轻松松就逼开了附近所有的妖兽。
After turning intoSun Devouring Demonic Wolf, Xiao LangcanuseClever Beast Language and Long Chenexchange, at this timehejustcame out, saidtoLong Chen: „Elder Brother, IfeltthatHeaven Phoenix God birdexisted, comeswithme!”
化成了噬日妖狼之后,小狼还是可以用通灵兽语和龙辰交流,此时他刚出来,就对龙辰道:“大哥,我感觉到那天凰神鸟的存在了,跟我来!”Saying, Sun Devouring Demonic Wolfwas dispersingfootsteps, is stepping onthispaintblackruins, goesin the direction of skyislandcenter, morearrives there, the surroundingtemperatureishigh!
说着,噬日妖狼撒开了脚步,踩着这一片漆黑色的废墟,朝着天空岛中心的方向而去,越是到那里,周围的温度就越是高!Sun Devouring Demonic Wolfeverywhere one visit, surroundingMonster Beast, fleesin abundance, radicallynotwithcourage of Xiao Langresistance!噬日妖狼所到之处,周围的妖兽,纷纷逃离,根本就没有和小狼对抗的勇气!„Future, who!”Atthis time, onwas burning the ricketsyouth of scarletRedflame, appearedinSun Devouring Demonic Wolfat present, thisperson of eyewassparklingBlood Red, a long hair, unexpectedly was also Red, at this timehisvisionsparklinglooks atLong ChenandMo Xiao Lang.
“来者,何人!”就在这时候,一个身上燃烧着赤红色火焰的佝偻少年,出现在噬日妖狼的眼前,这人的眼睛是亮晶晶的血红色,一头长发,竟然也是红色的,此时他正目光烁烁的看着龙辰和莫小狼。ThisobviouslyisKing GradeMonster Beast, moreovercompared withhaving the wisdom, otherwise, itwill not turn into the human form, directlywith the Long Chenexchange!
这显然是一头王级的妖兽,而且比较具有智慧,不然的话,它不会化成人形,直接和龙辰交流!„Here, is the domain of emperor! The bystanders, Human Clan, leave!”Looks atLong ChenandSun Devouring Demonic Wolf, thatRedhairsaying of youngcoldsevere, on the facefullis the fiercelook!
“这里,是皇的地盘!外人,人族,离开!”看着龙辰和噬日妖狼,那红色头发的少年冷厉的说道,脸上满是狰狞的神色!„Xiao Lang, killsit!”Long Chenis disinclinedrubbishwithit, saiddirectly.
The youth of thisredhair, haswith the imposing manner of Xiao Langresistance, shouldbeKing GradeThird RankMonster Beast!
这个红头发的少年,有着和小狼对抗的气势,应该是一头王级三品的妖兽!Really, afterLong Chenroarsa few words, thatredhairyouthhas gotten angry, itsbodyswept across the Redflame, looked like a fireRedlotus flower, thenexplodedsuddenly, a fireRedphoenix, livedfromthisflame, spread the wingssuddenly!
果然,在龙辰吼出一句话之后,那红头发少年怒了,它的身上席卷出了红色的火焰,就像是一朵火红色的莲花,然后猛然爆炸了开来,一只火红色的神鸟,从这火焰当中生出来,猛然展翅!Thisgiantphoenix, appearanceLong Chenhad seenbut actually, beforehas seen right in front of oneoutside the four-wayflamingois similar, the bodyis burningcompletely the feather of flame, brightflash, initscarrying on the back, whatis different from the four-wayflamingo, Monster Beast of thisbirds, grewaltogetherthreewings!
The four-wayflamingo, is the normalshape, butat presentthisflamingo, shouldevolve. GeneralMonster Beast, likelyhas the smallevolutionlikeXiao Lang, thesesixwingflamingosare the King GradeThird Rankboundaries, compared with the four-wayflamingo, enhancedfourranks!
The wings of sixwingflamingoslaunch, rapidis dancing in the airin the middle of the upper air, itsbuildandXiao Langalmostmany, altogetherthreewingslaunch, mustbe longer than the Xiao Langheight!
The incisivebirdsong, withintermittentredflame, sweeps acrosstowardXiao LangandLong Chen!
尖锐的鸟鸣声,伴随着一阵阵赤色的火焰,朝着小狼和龙辰席卷而来!ToSun Devouring Demonic Wolf, shows off the flameinhisfront, simplyis a provocation! Sun Devouring Demonic Wolfexudedoneto roar, the incisivefang, bittowardsixwingflamingos!
The claw of sixwingflamingos, chopstowardSun Devouring Demonic Wolf!
A bang, the attacks of twoMonster Beasthitinone, sixwingflamingosin the strengthcompared withSun Devouring Demonic Wolf, directlyhad been pulled taut the clawbySun Devouring Demonic Wolfobviously, flungto fall downfiercely!
An explosive!
一声爆响!Thatbroadruins, were pressedby the bodies of sixwingflamingosdirectlycrush, onitunder the cauterization of flame, biglandsturned into the blackdirectly!
那一广阔的废墟,直接被六翼火鸟的身体压得粉碎,在它身上火焰的烧灼之下,一大片的土地直接变成了黑色!Just, suchinjuryis not in the waytosixwingflamingos, butmakesitangrier, itis unfoldingthreewingscrazily, fanssuddenly, timeonunusualupper airin the middle, flungSun Devouring Demonic Wolfcompletely below!
只不过,这样的伤害对六翼火鸟来说并不怎么碍事,只是让其更加愤怒罢了,它疯狂展着三对翅膀,猛然扇动,顿时间就非常了高空当中,完全将噬日妖狼甩在了下面!WithisKing GradeThird RankMonster Beast, each onehas the respectivepride, thesesixwingflamingosdirectlywere actually flungbySun Devouring Demonic Wolfin the firstconfrontationon the ground, thistoitsabsolutelyis the hugeinsult, thereforeitsangryis fanningthreepairs of wings, thatfireRedflame, looks like the meteor showeris common, towardSun Devouring Demonic Wolfcrazyfalling, dense and numerous, suddenly the flamealmostmustsubmergeXiao Lang!
同为王级三品的妖兽,各自都有各自的骄傲,这六翼火鸟却在第一次的交锋当中就直接被噬日妖狼甩在了地上,这对其来说绝对是巨大的侮辱,于是它愤怒的扇动着三对羽翼,那火红色的火焰,就像是流星雨一般,朝着噬日妖狼疯狂的落下,密密麻麻,一时间火焰都几乎要将小狼淹没了!„WithXiao Langcompared withflame?”Long Chensmiled.
“和小狼比火焰?”龙辰笑了。Atthis time, Sun Devouring Demonic Wolfsuddenlyopened the mouth, a blackgiantvortexappearedinhiskissdepartment, the flame that theseflungcrazily, had been pouchedin the abdomenbySun Devouring Demonic Wolfdirectly, many camemany!
就在这时候,噬日妖狼猛然张开嘴巴,一个黑色的巨大漩涡出现在他的吻部,那些疯狂甩下来的火焰,直接被噬日妖狼吞进了腹中,有多少来多少!SuchterrifyingMonster Beast, sixwingflamingosjusthad a state of mind, wherehas seen? Itangryexceptionally, sees the flame unable to burnSun Devouring Demonic Wolf, thenfannedhappier, moreflamefelltowardXiao Langon, looked like the meteorites of flame, eachgroup of flame, the diameterhadthreemeters!
这样恐怖的妖兽,六翼火鸟刚刚具有了一点神志,哪里见过?它愤怒异常,见火焰不能烧死噬日妖狼,便扇动得更加欢了,更多的火焰朝着小狼身上落下,就像是一块块火焰的陨石,每一团的火焰,直径足足有三米!Looksadless, entirewritingcorrectfirst roundnovel
, Youroptimization!
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