DBWG :: Volume #7

#653: Returned to the Emperor Wu city

Xiao Lang does not need to worry we are full speed hurries along, but she is actually not therefore we should be able before she arrives in the Martial Emperor city first arrived in the Martial Emperor city by the disposition of her high-sounding talk to be very easy to the Martial Emperor city to discover that she Long Chen calmed the mind to remind 小狼不用太着急我们是全速赶路而她却不是所以我们应该能在她到达武帝城之前就首先到达武帝城当中以她高调的性格到了武帝城很容易就可以发现她了”龙辰静下心來提醒了一下 Xiao Lang nodded the speed actually still not to slow down 小狼点了点头不过速度倒是仍然沒有变慢 The front presented city quite big Long Chen not to know that this was any city 前方出现了一座城池这城池比较大龙辰也不知道这是什么城 Stops a while “停下來一会儿” Person who Long Chen made Xiao Lang anchor the footsteps then to find here Scarlet Soul head general such Daijouike to have Scarlet Soul his fast going to this city the Scarlet Soul organization predecessor that guarded was the Chi Ying killer organizes afterward Chi Ying to join Long Clan this Scarlet Soul basically to serve for Long Clan the strength and population of Scarlet Soul organization under the leadership of Long Yue promotes several times to spread a giant net to today in Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty 龙辰小狼停住了脚步然后他快速的去到这城池当中找到这里的赤魂负责人一般这样的大城池是有赤魂的人驻守的赤魂组织前身是赤影的杀手组织后來赤影加入了龙族赤魂基本上就为龙族而服务了在龙月的带领下赤魂组织的实力和人数都提升了好几倍到了今天已经在神武圣朝铺下了一个巨大的网 After finding this Scarlet Soul head, Long Chen then said to him: You ask several Opening Heaven Realm 7-layer above Cultivator year to year to guard in the middle of staying in Fengcheng protect Huangfu Fengchen in secret 找到这赤魂的负责人之后龙辰便对他道:“你找几个通天境七重以上的者常年驻守在留风城当中暗中保护皇甫风尘 Seven masters you determined that is Huangfu Fengchen female surprised asking of this appearance beautiful appearance “七爷你确定是皇甫风尘”这个模样美貌的女子惊讶的问道 Long Chen nodded saying: Huangfu Fengchen the strength completely loses now lives in the middle of staying in Fengcheng you sends several people to protect him however not to disturb his life in secret 龙辰点了点头道:“皇甫风尘现在实力尽失居住在留风城当中你派几个人暗中保护他但是别打扰他的生活” „Becoming I manages that woman to know now should not ask does not need to ask complies and that's the end “成我现在就去办”那女人知道不该问的就不需要多问照着做就是了 Confessed after this matter, Long Chen loose many following matters with single-hearted devotion have coped at heart with that Young Lady Xuan 交代完这件事情之后龙辰心里松了不少接下來的事情就是专心对付那璇姑娘 „Before Elder Brother is you thinks thorough Huangfu Jiazhu the strength completely to lose nobody to protect the words that really will have any accident, Xiao Lang now also to worry to hurry along, therefore has not thought of this point completely 大哥还是你想得周到皇甫家主现在实力尽失沒有人保护的话还真会出现什么意外呢”之前小狼也是着急着赶路所以完全沒有想到这一点 Long Chen nodded after Mo Xiao Lang left this city goes to this to meet Long Chen also in the direction of Martial Emperor city to cause her death in the so grave as to affect a human life waste of full speed hurrying along Huangfu Qi every point every second 龙辰点了点头和莫小狼出了这城池之后就朝着武帝城的方向而去这一会龙辰也在全速的赶路皇甫琦的人命关天浪费每一分每一秒都有可能导致她的死亡 Her life and death depended on Long Chen to control Long Chen completely, although the innermost feelings angry hot tempered have to force calmly calm are being the brain that he always the most outstanding point sobered can help him achieve the final success in front of the important matter 她的生死全部都靠龙辰掌控了龙辰虽然内心愤怒暴躁可是也不得不强迫着自己冷静在大事面前冷静是他向來最优秀的一点只有清醒的大脑才能够让他获得最终的胜利 From staying in Fengcheng spent five days to see to Martial Emperor city Long Chen from afar that open and huge Martial Emperor city Long Chen relaxed finally, because the present Martial Emperor city seemed like quite peaceful this time avenue guarding on person little Martial Emperor city gate place relative was strict before dawn 从留风城到武帝龙辰又花去了五天的时间远远看到了那开阔而巨大的武帝龙辰终于松了一口气因为现在的武帝城看起來还是相当安宁的此时正是凌晨时分大街上的人还很少不过武帝城城门处的驻守已经相当之严格了 Person who without the status is very difficult to enter the Martial Emperor city 沒有身份的人是很难进入武帝城的 Naturally this Long Chen chose to dive directly 当然这一次龙辰选择了直接潜进去 Past less than one month of time Long Chen did not have to think one again came back this place 才过去一个月不到的时间龙辰沒想到自己又再回來这个地方了 What very coincidence is comes here him to save others twice 很巧合的是两次來这里他都是为了救人 Martial Emperor city this time people were few Long Chen to have Willow Catkin on The Wind Step this lithe step Long Chen not to send out a wee bit sounds have gone in the middle of the Martial Emperor outer city in the same fashion he very relaxed go to person less Long Chen of Martial Emperor inner city Martial Emperor inner city to rely on Soul Devouring Demonic Eye to crash among families then its complete Soul Control 武帝城这时候的人还很少龙辰有着柳絮随风步这种轻盈的步伐龙辰沒发出一丁点的声音就进去了武帝外城当中以同样的方式他很轻松的就去了武帝内城武帝内城的人更加少龙辰凭借着噬灵妖瞳冲进了一户人家当中然后将其全部的控魂 Because this is the head of household of some Military Alliance senior member that senior member not in other most does not have any revolt ability on Opening Heaven Realm several heavy strengths under Long Chen Soul Devouring Demonic Eye Soul Control 这因为是武盟某位高层人士的家主吧那位高层人士不在其他的最多也就通天境几重的实力在龙辰噬灵妖瞳控魂之下沒有任何的反抗能力 Long Chen among his family swaggering walks is relying on the Soul Control strength to make each of them think that Long Chen should like this Long Chen be them an member 龙辰就在他家里大摇大摆的走着凭借着控魂的力量让他们每个人都认为龙辰就应该这样龙辰就是他们之间的一份子 Nobody realized that Long Chen appears has anything not to be right here 沒有人意识到龙辰出现在这里有什么不对 Long Chen from their mouth knew that for these days the Martial Emperor city what happened is only that missing Zhao Danchen that makes Long Chen get suspicious probably did not have the chapter of Martial Emperor city 从他们口中龙辰得知这几天武帝城并沒有发生什么事情唯一一件让龙辰起疑心的就是那失踪的赵丹尘好像还沒有回武帝 This fellow does not return to the Martial Emperor city to make anything Mo Xiao Lang in asking that Long Chen side has doubts “这家伙不回武帝城做什么”莫小狼龙辰的旁边疑惑的问道 Can be between he and Martial Emperor has the contradiction to obtain the ancient demon skeleton he to fear that Martial Emperor sought after his ancient demon skeleton right Huangfu Jiazhu to say how by me Ten Thousand Year Geocentric Milk had arm rebirth effect Zhao Danchen to be broken an arm not to come back to make Ten Thousand Year Geocentric Milk the Long Chen analysis to say “会不会是他和武帝之间有矛盾得到了古魔尸骸他怕武帝贪图他的古魔尸骸对了皇甫家主说万年地心乳有断臂重生的效果赵丹尘被我断去了一条手臂怎么不回來弄万年地心乳龙辰分析说道 This absolutely explained that between that Zhao Danchen and Zhao Wuji do not have us to imagine simply are very so possible between them also to have disagreement place no wonder Zhao Wuji disagreement Zhao Danchen to collaborate to attack Long Clan original these also to have this reason Mo Xiao Lang to be suddenly enlighted “这就绝对说明那赵丹尘赵无极之间沒有我们想象得那么简单很可能他们之间也有不和的地方怪不得赵无极不和赵丹尘去联手攻打龙族呢原來这其中还有这缘故”莫小狼恍然大悟 They speculated these many things from the little clue 从一点点的端倪他们就推测出了这么多的东西 Zhao Danchen not, when Martial Emperor and that Young Lady Xuan hit we have to fish in troubled waters that Young Lady Xuan not to have Realm Of Universe, so long as I used Realm Of Universe to make to display Blood Escape Qiqi almost Long Chen to plan again to say 赵丹尘不在武帝和那璇姑娘打起來的时候我们也只好浑水摸鱼那璇姑娘沒有太虚之境只要我用太虚之境琦琦弄进去再施展血遁差不多就可以了”龙辰计划着说道 Um Mo Xiao Lang also thought can only like this “嗯”莫小狼也觉得只能这样了 The plan has subscribed time Long Chen that is waits to exit to inquire people in many news under Soul Devouring Demonic Eye Soul Control general Martial Emperor city between Long Chen that can know to know these days during general Zhao Wuji and Zhao Danchen that such as he expects have not imagined harmoniously and will have the possibility them also to quarrel to become enemies very much 计划已经订好接下來就是等待的时间龙辰在这一段时间又出去打探了不少的消息在噬灵妖瞳控魂之下一般武帝城的人能知道的龙辰都知道了如他所预料的一般赵无极赵丹尘并沒有想象当中的和睦而且很有可能他们之间也会反目成仇 „This good deed...... Long Chen regarding us is thinking actually at heart these matters are he use Soul Devouring Demonic Eye to ask “对于我们來说这倒是一件好事……”龙辰心里想着这些事情都是他使用噬灵妖瞳问出來的 This Soul Devouring Demonic Eye is really good thing not to know that will be Battle Technique of any rank will really have so mysterious effect Insight and Soul Control these two is the quite good skills, moreover Soul Devouring Demonic Eye has not arrived at the top not to know really such Cultivate will get down also to have any pleasant surprise again “这噬灵妖瞳还真是好东西不知道是什么等级的战技竟然会有如此神奇的效果洞悉控魂这两项都是相当不错的技能啊而且噬灵妖瞳还沒有到顶呢真不知道再这样修炼下去还会有什么惊喜” Remembered Li Xuanji to remember Yang Lingqing from Soul Devouring Demonic Eye Long Chen 噬灵妖瞳龙辰想起了李璇玑想起了杨灵青 That Li Xuanji was a Emperor's Domain people she is closed in the middle of Lingwu Family Star Fiend Prison inevitably is because anything she this Soul Devouring Demonic Eye to me the inside story relative inevitably abundant does not know compared casually with Xiao Xi and meets is what kind of “那李璇玑必然是帝域中人了她被关在了灵武家族星魔狱当中到底是因为什么呢她随随便便就把这噬灵妖瞳给我底蕴必然相当之雄厚啊不知道和小曦比起來又会是怎样呢” Lingqing......” remembered this tenacious small girl Long Chen corners of the mouth to bring back a smiling face of faint trace “还有灵青……”想起这个坚韧的小丫头龙辰嘴角就勾起了一丝丝的笑容 Very long had not gone home 已经很久沒有回家了 Actually has transmitted the sound outside this time 就在这时候外面却传來了动静 The position that Long Chen chooses is away from the Martial Emperor palace that Martial Emperor Zhao Wuji is very close so long as here the Martial Emperor palace has any big sound Long Chen to realize, but has transmitted clamoring sound Long Chen outside the present hastily and Mo Xiao Lang rushed to and other people together is living it up 龙辰所选择的位置距离武帝赵无极所在的武帝宫是非常接近的在这里只要武帝宫有任何的大动静龙辰都能够察觉而就在现在外面传來了一阵喧哗的声音龙辰连忙和莫小狼一起冲到了门外和其他人热闹着 Really is she sees empty space of that day the float woman Long Chen eye deep has narrowed the eyes “果然是她”看到那天空当中悬浮的女人龙辰眼睛深深的眯了起來 At this time wears the white clothing to deceive the beautiful fascinating'winsome woman of veil float, in the nearby vision of Martial Emperor palace sparkling looks that in the direction eye of Martial Emperor palace has been full of the bold and cold severe look her whole body white clothing floating intoxicant fragrance Xiren will make the person think is the fairy maiden Aura that but whole body that withers too sabotaged the atmosphere 此时一个身穿白衣蒙着面纱的婀娜女人正悬浮在武帝宫的旁边目光烁烁的看着武帝宫的方向眼睛里充满了大胆和冷厉的眼神她浑身白衣飘飘醉人的香气袭人会让人以为是仙子可是浑身那肃杀的气息实在是太破坏气氛了 She actually has not brought Huangfu Qi to come this woman is all alone Long Chen has tarried obviously he and Huangfu Fengchen guessed how this Young Lady Xuan will certainly come not to have the Huangfu Qi belt now “她竟然沒带皇甫琦來”这女人明显是孤身一人龙辰呆住了他和皇甫风尘都猜测这璇姑娘一定会把皇甫琦带过來怎么现在却沒有 We go back Huangfu family now Long Chen depressed saying “我们现在回去皇甫家族龙辰郁闷的说道 Falling short 功亏一篑 Elder Brother I did not feel that she should place Huangfu Qi a covert place then the person arrived here on her body has Qiqi Scent to be clear indistinctly is thinking just let loose soon Xiao Lang somewhat excited saying Huangfu Qi “不大哥我感觉上她应该是把皇甫琦放在了一个隐蔽的地方然后再一个人來到这里的在她的身上隐隐约约有琦琦味道还清晰着想必刚刚把皇甫琦放开不久”小狼有些兴奋的说道 Long Chen heard this saying to be at heart relaxed some he to worry very much depressed to forget this point a moment ago actually Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf is the Monster Beast nose must the Long Chen nature entire letter that Long Chen was more flexible than some he to say 龙辰原本很郁闷听到这话心里才轻松了一些刚才他一着急倒是把这一点忘记了噬日妖狼妖兽鼻子总要比龙辰灵活一些他说的龙辰自然全信 „Can you find Long Chen to remember this point Qiqi following this Scent to say hastily “你能不能循着这味道琦琦找到”龙辰想起这一点连忙说道 Xiao Lang smiles bitterly was saying: „Not good, so long as on her is remaining Scent of other Scent places I not to smell......” 小狼苦笑着说道:“不行只要她身上还残余着味道其他地方的味道我闻不到……” Long Chen somewhat is slightly disappointed 龙辰稍微有些失望 If can look to hit that more relaxed directly much whatever this Young Lady Xuan here and Martial Emperor fight half dead Long Chen carries off Huangfu Qi to make this Young Lady Xuan scared directly 如果可以直接找打的话那就要轻松得多了任由这璇姑娘在这里和武帝斗得半死龙辰直接带走皇甫琦让这璇姑娘傻眼 Elder Brother we are look for Qiqi here to have a look at the situation, if this Young Lady Xuan will obtain Ten Thousand Year Geocentric Milk she definitely to look for Qiqi if she will be Earth Martial Realm 4-layer our two collaborates to defeat her not but possibly at least should be able to snatch her not to know that Qiqi from her hand we will have Realm Of Universe 大哥我们是去找琦琦还是在这里看看情况如果这璇姑娘得到万年地心乳她必然会去找琦琦如果她是地武境四重的话我们两个联手打败她沒有可能但是至少应该可以从她的手上把琦琦抢回來吧她又不知道我们有太虚之境 If goes to look for the luck to be good now to find Huangfu Qi likely to malinger when the time comes Young Lady Xuan to obtain Ten Thousand Year Geocentric Milk to run Long Chen and Xiao Lang is scared 如果现在就出去找运气好的话能找到皇甫琦不过很可能会泡汤到时候璇姑娘得到万年地心乳跑了龙辰小狼就要傻眼了 Therefore in the Long Chen heart quick had the final accounts 于是龙辰心中很快就有了决算 We wait to have a look at situation here “我们在这里等着看看情况” I also thought that like this is better Mo Xiao Lang to look in the middle in the middle of the sky Young Lady Xuan look, only then loathing the stature Mo Xiao Lang not slight interest of look Young Lady Xuan that beautiful fascinating'winsome “我也觉得这样好一些”莫小狼看着天空当中的璇姑娘眼神当中只有着厌恶的神色这璇姑娘那婀娜的身材莫小狼沒有丝毫的兴趣 Therefore Long Chen then careful looks 于是龙辰便仔细的看着 At this time that Young Lady Xuan started to speak unscrupulously her own released to come out that huge might to make below crowd formidable feel fearful and apprehensive 这时候那璇姑娘开始说话了她肆无忌惮的将自己的强大释放了出來那庞大的威力让下方的人群一个个都感觉到了胆战心惊 What's the matter presented one to endure to compare the Martial Emperor master “怎么回事又出现了一个堪比武帝的高手吗” Moreover is a female “而且还是一个女的” This female should not be the fool will deceive the veil is not seeing clearly is any appearance however stature real his mother you to look that well that chest that buttocks such cancel the person, if rests one late I to reduce the long-lived ten years with her to want “这女的该不会是傻子吧蒙着面纱看不清楚是什么样子但是身材真他娘的好啊你看那胸部那屁股这么勾人要是和她睡上一晚我减寿十年都愿意啊” The people were discussing the last few words were a majestic guy say 众人议论着最后一句话则是一个雄壮的大汉说的 ( First round:) (首发:) 38 reading nets. 38看書網.
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