DBWG :: Volume #7

#651: Huangfu Qi has an accident

After Long Chen received the map, had confessed with this old man again several, then left Huangfu City, keeps the direction of Fengcheng to go toward that. 龙辰接过了地图之后,再和这老者交代了几句,便离开了皇甫城,朝着那留风城的方向而去。 Has not thought that the matter has developed this situation. 没想到事情已经发展到这种地步。 Elder Brother, the time press, I come.” Mo Xiao Lang said in the middle of Realm Of Universe. 大哥,时间紧迫,我来吧。”莫小狼太虚之境当中说道。 Long Chen nods, making Mo Xiao Lang come out from Realm Of Universe, after coming out, black flame fast is sweeping across him, flame expansion gradually, quick turned into the Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf appearance, because wants fast hurrying along, therefore Xiao Lang reduced much the body. Has been the size of ordinary horses, such words, his speed was actually faster. 龙辰点点头,让莫小狼太虚之境当中出来,出来之后,一阵黑色的火焰快速的将他席卷着,火焰渐渐的扩大,很快就变成了噬日妖狼的模样,因为要快速的赶路,所以小狼把身体缩小了不少。达到了普通马匹的大小,不过这样的话,他的速度倒是更加快了。 Long Chen stepped to sit in carrying on the back of Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf, Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf without demur, has launched the speed directly, toward keeping the direction of Fengcheng ran to go! 龙辰跨坐在噬日妖狼的背上,噬日妖狼二话不说,直接展开了速度,朝着留风城的方向奔跑而去! King Grade Third Rank Xiao Lang, the speed was faster than Long Chen, moreover Monster Beast in endurance quite superior, Mo Xiao Lang can maintain this speed, has continued to arriving to stay in Fengcheng. 王级三品小狼,速度已经比龙辰还快了,而且妖兽在耐力方面相当的优越,莫小狼能够维持这速度,一直持续至到达留风城。 Does not have the words all the way, Long Chen while these days, is setting out toward Earth Martial Realm 3-layer, a lot of time quite urgent pendulums in their front, Long Chen have not let off the slight time, suitable effort. 一路上无话,龙辰趁着这段时间,朝着地武境三重进发着,很多时间都相当紧迫的摆在了自己的面前,龙辰没有放过丝毫的时间,相当的努力着。 On the contrary is Xiao Lang, crosses actually quite leisurely and carefree. 反倒是小狼,倒是过得相当的悠闲。 His talent is aloof, only with swallowing the treasure of hot department, can the inexhaustible promotion. 他天赋超然,只用吞噬火系的宝物,就能够无穷无尽的升级了。 Because hurries along with Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf, five days, were reduced three days by Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf, later daytime high noon three days, Long Chen rushed stayed in Fengcheng, this was small town in a wilderness, quite barren, here resident, the strength generally was quite low, by far compared with other Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty cities, that World's Spiritual Qi, was similar to the Granary Central State palace wall. 因为用噬日妖狼赶路,原本五天的时间,被噬日妖狼压缩到了三天,在三天后的白天正午时分,龙辰就赶到了留风城当中,这是一个在荒漠当中的小城,相当的贫瘠,这里的居民,实力都普遍比较低下,远远比不过神武圣朝其他的城市,就连那天地灵气,也和仓央国的皇城差不多。 In Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty, this level is to lower cannot low. 神武圣朝,这种层次是低得不能再低的了。 Huangfu Fengchen, in this place, is Elder Brother, here is also very big, how can we look?” Xiao Lang turned into the human form, stands, in kept in the city wall in Fengcheng. 皇甫风尘,就在这个地方,可是大哥,这里也挺大的,我们要怎么找?”小狼化成了人形,站在了留风城的城墙上。 Is very simple, looks my.” Long Chen said that then he looks to keep the direction of Fengcheng, the sound expands suddenly said: Huangfu Fengchen, I am Long Chen, keeps the city gate of Fengcheng quickly!” “很简单,看我的。”龙辰说了一声,然后他看着留风城的方向,声音猛然扩大道:“皇甫风尘,我是龙辰,快来留风城的城门!” Long Chen this roared, spread over directly entire stayed in Fengcheng, he was powerful, has certainly this ability. Stays in Fengcheng to this, basically does not have no Military Alliance influence, has, hears the Long Chen name, nobody dares to crop up. 龙辰这一声吼叫,直接传遍了整个留风城,他实力雄厚,当然有这个能力。到这留风城当中,基本上没有什么武盟的势力,就算有,听到龙辰的名字,也没有人敢冒出头。 However, the person of watching the fun are actually many. 不过,看热闹的人倒是不少。 Long Chen resembles, probably is startling thunderclap, most people had a scare, is quick they to realize that Long Chen inevitably is Expert, can create such effect, but Long Chen this name, somewhat is how familiar. 龙辰好像,就好像是一声惊雷,大多数人都被吓了一跳,很快他们就认识到,龙辰必然是一个强者,才能够造成这样的效果,而龙辰这个名字,怎么有些熟悉呢。 Keeps the news of Fengcheng to be quite unenlightened, belongs to the middle of a wilderness small town, therefore knows the person who Long Chen reputation, actually and few, most people to Long Chen are very strange. 留风城的消息比较闭塞,属于一座荒漠当中的小城,所以知道龙辰名声的人,其实并没有几个,大多数人对龙辰还是很陌生的。 Many people from meeting poke head, look at city gate direction, Long Chen some sound devils, the people are looking around slightly, the much discussion, has not been willing before. 很多人都从接道当中探着头,看着城门这个方向,不过龙辰的声音稍微有些凶神恶煞,众人都张望着,纷纷议论了起来,就是不肯靠前。 The Long Chen vision, has swept from these faces, without one is Huangfu Fengchen, but Long Chen does not worry, if Huangfu Fengchen here, certainly can hear, he lost all strengths, stays in Fengcheng to be so big, he must catch up, requires certain time. 龙辰的目光,从这些人脸上扫过,没有一个是皇甫风尘,不过龙辰不着急,如果皇甫风尘在这里,就一定能够听得见的,他已经失去了所有的实力,留风城这么大,他要赶过来,也需要一定的时间。 Long Chen then stands most peak in city wall, is waiting for the arrival of Huangfu Fengchen. 龙辰便站在城墙的最顶端,等待着皇甫风尘的到来。 I must look for one to be called the Huangfu Fengchen person, he in the middle of staying in Fengcheng, knows that the person in his whereabouts, can tell me, I layer on layer enjoy inevitably!” Long Chen spoke this saying, then, his body hung directly in the middle of the midair. “我要找一个叫做皇甫风尘的人,他就在留风城当中,知道他行踪的人,可以告诉我,我必然重重有赏!”龙辰说这话,然后,他的身体直接悬在了半空当中。 Super Expert!” Person who stays in Fengcheng, saw that Long Chen flew unexpectedly, on the face revealed panic-strickenly the look of worship immediately, will fly, means that Long Chen was that most Expert extremely, moreover Long Chen so was young, definitely had high status person. “超级强者!”留风城的人,看到龙辰竟然飞了起来,脸上顿时流露出了惊骇而崇拜的神色,会飞,就意味着龙辰是那种最绝顶的强者,而且龙辰还这么年轻,肯定是有很高身份的人。 Looks look that under these people awe, Long Chen has thought of itself suddenly. Initially that Wang Chao looks at own look, resembles Long Chen to look at the looks of following these people now, Long Chen then understands, originally in that kind of Expert at present, unexpectedly so tiny. 看着底下那些人敬畏的神色,龙辰忽然想到了自己。当初那王朝看着自己的眼神,就好像龙辰现在看下面这些人的眼神,龙辰这才明白,原来自己在那一类的强者眼前,竟然如此的渺小。 Long Chen shouted the one breath. 龙辰呼了一口气。 His words passed around, quick had to respond, at this time a woman has squeezed out in the middle of the crowd, rushed to the spacious place, impatient beckoned toward Long Chen. Her sound is very weak, but Long Chen can listen completely clearly, she was saying that she was the Huangfu Fengchen wife. 他的话传了下去,很快就有回应了,这时候一个妇人挤出了人群当中,跑到了空旷的地方,心急的朝着龙辰招手。她的声音很微弱,可龙辰能够完全听清楚,她是在说,她是皇甫风尘的内人。 Whiz, Long Chen arrived at side of this woman. 嗖的一声,龙辰来到了这妇人的旁边。 The age of this woman, is similar to Huangfu Fengchen , about 30 years old, her look, naturally is existence of ranking among the best, an appearance of gentle woman, has a character and style . Moreover the appearance and Huangfu Qi are an excellent likeness very much, it seems like Huangfu Qi looks like her mother, when she has grown up, is a rare beautiful woman. 这妇人的年纪,和皇甫风尘差不多,也就30岁左右吧,她的相貌,当然是数一数二的存在,一副温婉妇人的模样,别有一番风情,而且模样和皇甫琦很神似,看来皇甫琦长得像她娘,等她长大了,也是一个不可多得美人儿。 This woman is attractive, but actually wears the hempen garments homespun cloth now, the hair is tying directly, the attire is very simple. No one thinks that she of such appearance, once can be Huangfu Jiazhu name brand wife. 这妇人是漂亮,只是现在却穿着麻衣粗布,头发直接束着,装束很简单。谁都不会想到,这样打扮的她,曾经会是皇甫家主的正牌妻子。 Long Chen does not know that shouted this woman called anything, then directly said: Huangfu head of household now where?” 龙辰不知道喊这妇人叫什么,便直接道:“皇甫家主现在在哪里?” I lead you to pass.” In the eyes of woman, slowly is the excited looks, she had heard the Long Chen given name, sees Long Chen to come here, has been deeply moved. “我带你过去。”那妇人的眼中,慢慢都是激动的神色,她听说过龙辰的大名,看到龙辰来到这里,已经激动得说不出话来了。 Long Chen is impatient the Huangfu Fengchen condition, then hastily is following her, crowd along the road makes way in abundance, goes with Long Chen, after waiting for Long Chen to stare their one eyes, they have anchored the footsteps. 龙辰心急着皇甫风尘的状况,便连忙跟随着她,沿路的人群纷纷让开,跟着龙辰而去,等龙辰瞪了他们一眼之后,他们才停住了脚步。 Who Huangfu Fengchen is, which Expert this is Long Chen? So to be how young?” 皇甫风尘是谁啊,这龙辰是哪位强者?怎么这么年轻?” Right, I do not know.” “对啊,我也不知道。” Huangfu Fengchen? I heard probably that Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty doesn't have strong Huangfu family?” 皇甫风尘?我好像听说,神武圣朝不是有一个很强的皇甫家族吗?” Discussed here, the discussion sound of people was getting bigger and bigger. 谈论到这里,众人的议论声越来越大。 That woman I knew that she just did not move to stays in Fengcheng to come? I remember in her family also to have a husband of being ill in bed!” “那个妇人我认识,她不就是刚刚搬到留风城来的吗?我记得她家里还有一个卧病在床的丈夫!” Suddenly some people said like this. 忽然有人这样说出来。 Few that a person knows, the person knows many. Long Chen does not let them, they can only discuss same place that was quick they to know many results. Long Chen reputation, passed on by way of some people. This stays in Fengcheng, suddenly unexpectedly has lived it up. 一个人知道的少,人多知道的就多。龙辰不让他们跟着,他们只能在原地讨论,很快他们就得知不少的结果了。龙辰的名声,也经由一些人传了出去。这留风城,一时间竟然热闹了起来。 The road is not very far, after having transferred several alleys, the woman brought a crude house Long Chen, Long Chen felt Huangfu Fengchen existed, what is strange has not seen Huangfu Qi, Long Chen entered the inside room hastily, then saw Huangfu Fengchen to lie on the bed, on face pale, past the loose clean appearance, completely vanished, displacing was a sickness dispirited appearance. 路并不是很远,转过了几个胡同之后,妇人就将龙辰带到了一间简陋的房屋当中,龙辰已经感觉到皇甫风尘的存在了,奇怪的是并没有看到皇甫琦,龙辰连忙进了里屋当中,便看见皇甫风尘躺在床上,脸上苍白,昔日风流倜傥的模样,已经完全消失,取而代之是一副病怏怏的样子。 After waiting for Long Chen to arrive, he has opened the gloomy eye, somewhat helpless looks at Long Chen. 龙辰到来之后,他才睁开了暗淡的眼睛,有些无奈的看着龙辰 Huangfu head of household.” Long Chen has anchored the footsteps, stands in the Huangfu Fengchen front, somewhat regrets looks at this painful man. His woman, then stood in Long Chen behind, in the middle of the eye full was the tears. “皇甫家主。”龙辰停住了脚步,站在皇甫风尘的面前,有些惋惜的看着这个痛苦的男人。他的女人,则站在了龙辰的后面,眼睛当中满满都是泪花。 Has not thought that you can also find here, you dived Huangfu family......” Huangfu Fengchen to be hoarse the sound, Aura quite weakly. “没想到,你还能找到这里来啊,你潜进了皇甫家族吧……”皇甫风尘沙哑着声音,气息相当的微弱。 That Young Lady Xuan relative hate, Huangfu Fengchen ten eight Martial Veins, had been ruined by her unexpectedly completely, words as the matter stands, even if there are many panaceas, Huangfu Fengchen cannot restore, his True Essence, drained thoroughly. It can be said that present he, is a disabled person. 那个璇姑娘相当之恨,皇甫风尘的十八武脉,竟然完全都被她毁掉了,这样一来的话,就算有再多的灵丹妙药,皇甫风尘也恢复不过来,他的真元,已经彻底的流失了。可以说,现在的他,已经是一个废人。 Long Chen only thought that anger well uped, the fist is gripping tightly! 龙辰只觉得一股怒火涌上了心头,拳头紧紧握着! I went to Huangfu family, has killed Huangfu Yu.” Long Chen clenches teeth to say directly. “我去了一趟皇甫家族,杀了皇甫宇。”龙辰直接咬着牙说道。 „?” The eye of Huangfu Fengchen, revealed a small color, he has smiled in a soft voice, said: Good that kills, solved to be mad slightly.” “哦?”皇甫风尘的眼睛,流露出了一丝小小的色彩,他轻声笑了起来,道:“杀的好,稍微解了一下气。” „Do you currently have the possibility of restoring? I lead you to War Clan there, there person are many, can look, is some old friends, you should trust.” Long Chen knows, Huangfu Fengchen and Long Yue and the others, some friendship. “你现在还有恢复的可能吗?我把你们带到战族那里去,那里人多,可以照顾一下,都是一些老朋友,你应该信得过的。”龙辰知道,皇甫风尘龙月等人,都有些交情。 Here, life quite difficult. 在这里,生活相当的艰难。 Huangfu Fengchen actually shakes the head to smile, said: Does not use, I think here good. To War Clan, has perhaps met is not familiar with. Our two average people, the life was here enough.” 皇甫风尘却摇头笑了笑,道:“不用了,我觉得这里挺好的。到了战族,恐怕还会不习惯。我们两个普通人,生活在这里就足够了。” Long Chen understands that went to War Clan, was the master, Huangfu Fengchen looks everywhere only will be also uncomfortable, here was perhaps more suitable he. Here unvisited, here remaining years of life, is the good choice. 龙辰明白,去了战族,到处都是高手,皇甫风尘看了也只会难受,说不定这里更加适合他。这里人迹罕至,在这里度完余生,也是不错的选择。 Two people?” “两个人?” Long Chen knows that does not suit. 龙辰知道不对劲了。 He one, had not felt that Huangfu Qi Aura, but the Huangfu Fengchen words, is the meaning probably Huangfu Qi not with them in the same place? 他一来,就没有感觉到皇甫琦气息,而皇甫风尘的话语当中,意思好像是皇甫琦并没有和他们在一起? Long Chen remembered at that time Huangfu Yu to the words that oneself spoke, probably what he said was stayed in Fengcheng Huangfu Fengchen to this, had not said that Huangfu Qi in not here, but Long Chen heard that they were missing, the subconsciousness thought them in the same place. 龙辰想起那时候皇甫宇对自己说的话,他好像说的是皇甫风尘到了这留风城,却没说皇甫琦在不在这里,而龙辰听说他们都失踪,下意识以为他们就在一起而已。 The Long Chen complexion changes. 龙辰的脸色一变。 Nearby Mo Xiao Lang, the complexion also changes. 旁边的莫小狼,脸色也一变。 Huangfu head of household, where Qiqi?” Long Chen deeply inspires, asks. “皇甫家主,琦琦哪里去了?”龙辰深吸一口气,问道。 The plump, the woman whole face tear stains knelt down on the ground, sobbing cried, being hard was saying a word. 扑通一声,那妇人已经满脸泪痕跪倒在地上,哽咽的哭着,已经难以言语了。 Huangfu Fengchen eye straight is staring at Long Chen, simply said: Long Chen, you can come to here, making me see the hope, our couples here, asked your matter! We hope that you can comply!” 皇甫风尘眼睛直直的盯着龙辰,干脆道:“龙辰,你能来这里,让我看到了希望,我们夫妇在这里,求你一件事情!希望你能答应!” But said that might as well!” Some Long Chen unclear premonitions, he held the woman at heart, making him sit on the sides of the bed, then looks at Huangfu Fengchen. “但说无妨!”龙辰心里有不详的预感,他将妇人扶了起来,让其坐在了床沿上,然后看着皇甫风尘 Sees Long Chen that firm look, Huangfu Fengchen knows that these time was really hopeful. 看到龙辰那坚定的眼神,皇甫风尘就知道,这一次是真的有希望了。 Long Chen heavy sentiment, complying that if some requests, he can be duty-bound not to turn back absolutely! 龙辰重感情,若是有请求,他绝对会义无反顾的答应! Huangfu Fengchen directly enters the subject, said: Our Huangfu family, is a Heaven Wind Imperial Dynasty wielding Wind Clan branch, in the past, Wind Clan came a woman, you knew probably. She is comes to here to make Antique Cemetery Token, I think that she will get so far as the thing to walk, what has not thought that she discovered that the body of Qiqi, three Wind Clan clansmen must have bloodlines Heaven Wind Veins that unexpectedly, therefore, she wants to shift Heaven Wind Veins to her within the body, this can want the Qiqi life!” 皇甫风尘直接进入正题,道:“我们皇甫家族,是天风圣朝执掌者风族的一个分支,前一段时间,风族来了一个女人,你大概已经知道了。她是来这里弄古坟令的,我本来想,她弄到了东西就会走,没想到的是,她发现琦琦的身上,竟然有三条风族族人必有的血脉天风脉,所以,她想将天风脉转移到自己的体内,这会要了琦琦的命!”
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