DBWG :: Volume #7

#648: Wang Ji three

No wonder, no wonder that Long Shen makes that big noise in the Martial Emperor city, no matter you, no wonder Military Alliance in Ancient Demon Region there, lost that big face, you have not managed, originally your complete thoughts on Ancient Cemetery. The idea hits actually well, but I told you, the ancient demon skeleton, I was impossible to give you, however ten thousand years of center of earth ru, I wanted!” On the Zhao Danchen face does not have the look that awes slightly, arrogant [say / way]. “怪不得,怪不得那龙山武帝城闹出那么大动静,你不管,怪不得武盟古魔域那里,丢了那么大的面子,你也没管,原来你全部的心思都在太古坟场上面呢。主意倒是打得好,可是我告诉你,古魔尸骸,我不可能给你,但是万年地心ru,我要!”赵丹尘脸上没有丝毫敬畏的神色,趾高气扬的道。 Zhao Wuji silent, said: You go, when you want ten thousand years of center of earth ru, comes back to look for me again. This Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty, I do not want in any case, who must who take away, I do not believe your Zhao Danchen not to want.” 赵无极沉默了一阵,道:“你去吧,等你想要万年地心ru,再回来找我。这神武圣朝,反正我是不要了,谁要就谁拿去吧,我不信你赵丹尘不要。” To be honest, Lord of the country, above trillion people, commands Ten Thousand Country Territory about 1000 small countries, this attraction is nothing less than big, is to Zhao Danchen, that Ancient Cemetery attraction, is bigger, because that is taking advantage that he stands up from failure! 说实话,一国之主,在亿万人之上,统领万国疆域将近1000个小国家,这吸引力不可谓不大,可是对赵丹尘来说,那太古坟场的吸引力,更加大,因为那是他翻身的依仗! Truth told you, this Ancient Cemetery, my Zhao Danchen must go, Antique Cemetery Token had one, what to do? Whom when the time comes has a look at to be fiercer, ten thousand years of center of earth ru is my, Antique Cemetery Token, is my Zhao Danchen!” “实话告诉你,这太古坟场,我赵丹尘也要去,古坟令只有一枚,怎么办?到时候就看看谁更厉害吧,万年地心ru是我的,古坟令,也是我赵丹尘的!” Zhao Danchen said maliciously, then turned around to leave, the form disappeared in corridor mouth there quickly, but that Martial Emperor Zhao Wuji, had still not acted. 赵丹尘狠狠的说完了一句,然后转身离开,身影很快就消失在了楼道口那里,而那武帝赵无极,仍然没有动作。 After waiting for Zhao Danchen to leave completely, palm that he loosened, this making a fist head. 赵丹尘完全离开了之后,他松开的手掌,这才握成了拳头。 Can see that in the Zhao Wuji heart is angry. 从中可以看出,赵无极心中是愤怒的。 Depends on a you sent into exile waste, wants to fight with me?” He looked to out of the window. “就凭你一个被放逐的废物,也想和我斗吗?”他望向了窗外。 Antique Cemetery Token, who can snatch me? Ten mahatmas toward nine large clans, [gold/metal] Mushui the fire clay, the wind and thunder demon god, each clan are the colossus, the tour of Ancient Cemetery, does not have enough luck, inevitable tragic death at the scene......” 古坟令,谁又能够抢得过我?十大圣朝九大族,金木水火土,风雷魔神,每一族都是庞然大物,太古坟场之行,没有足够的运气,必然惨死当场……” .................. ……………… Two big-ticket item matters that time day-by-day past, Long Chen cared about, Military Alliance did not have the sound, Antique Cemetery Token did not have the sound. 时间一天天的过去,龙辰关心的两大件事情,武盟没有动静,古坟令也没有动静。 Long Clan, had slapped a Military Alliance face in the middle of Ancient Demon Region, thinks Military Alliance will attack immediately, what may make the people have doubts, Military Alliance absolutely does not have any sound, even if Military Alliance most people, cry of discontent everywhere, requested to attack Long Clan, is Martial Emperor city, does not have what sound obstinately, can say that is Martial Emperor not any sound. 龙族这边,本来在古魔域当中抽了武盟一耳光,本来以为武盟会马上攻过来,可让众人疑惑的是,武盟根本就没有任何的动静,就算是武盟大部分人,已经怨声漫天,请求攻打龙族,可是武帝城方面,却愣是没有什么动静,可以说,是武帝没有任何的动静。 This makes many people believe that Military Alliance was fears Long Chen, Martial Emperor Zhao Wuji turned into the turtle, this to Zhao Wuji was the enormous insult, but Zhao Wuji has not cared this matter probably completely, all day long self-torture in the middle of the Martial Emperor palace. 这让很多人认为,武盟是怕龙辰了,武帝赵无极变成了缩头乌龟,这对赵无极来说是极大的侮辱,可是赵无极好像完全没把这件事放在心上,终日在武帝宫当中苦修。 Long Yue and the others discussed one, does not know what's the matter. Military Alliance according to the truth should attack is right. 龙月等人商议了一阵,也不知道到底是怎么回事。按道理来说武盟应该进攻才对的。 However, they had not discussed that any thing, the only means that in the situation of strict guard, the promotion battle efficiency as soon as possible, the restoration that should resume , to promote of this promotion. 不过,他们也没有商议出什么东西来,唯一的办法,就是在严格守卫的情况下,尽快的提升战斗力,该恢复的恢复,该提升的提升。 Soul Scatter Dragon Claw or Wind God Leg, Long Chen has used the peak. Therefore his following Cultivate duty, in Earth Martial Realm 3-layer Martial Fist Manual Cultivate, to Earth Martial Realm 2-layer, has missed passed for two months, after two months of study, Long Shen, the Long Yue these two Earth Martial Realm 3-layer Cultivator instructions, Long Chen felt that own is away from Earth Martial Realm 3-layer, was not far. 无论是散魂龙爪还是风神腿,龙辰都已经用到了巅峰。所以他接下来的修炼任务,都在地武境三重武拳谱修炼当中,到了地武境二重,至今已经差不过过去了两个月的时间,经过两个月时间的修习,还有龙山,龙月这两位地武境三重者的指导,龙辰感觉到自己距离地武境三重,已经不远了。 In Four Great Foundation Realm, Long Chen Cultivate, seems like speeding along to be the same, high-speed promotion, but to Three Great Martial Realm, a comprehension of character word to Cultivator was most important, Long Chen also has to routinely, steadfast disciplines own fight sense of touch. 四大基础境,龙辰修炼,就像是在飞驰一样,高速提升,而到了三大武境,对‘’字一词的领悟最重要,龙辰也不得不按部就班,踏踏实实的磨练自己的战斗触觉。 Earth Martial Realm Cultivate, many highlighting in one ‚’ character. Land features Spirit Qi, in this stretch of earth, the earth is a stretch of endless energy storage, senses this huge energy storage strength, utilizes the fight this strength, is the Earth Martial Realm primary coverage. 地武境修炼,更多的突出在一个‘地’字。地脉灵气,就在这一片大地当中,大地是一片无尽的能量源,感悟这巨大能量源的力量,将这种力量运用到战斗当中,是地武境的主要内容。 Martial Spirit, is in the middle of Earth Martial Realm, controls the great quantity True Essence capital. 武魂,就是地武境当中,掌控巨量真元的资本。 Consciousness originally, has controlled that many True Essence insufficiently. 原本的意识,已经不足以掌控那么多的真元 In the drilling of place Martial Fist Manual, Long Chen Martial Spirit also in little is progressing. 在地武拳谱的演练当中,龙辰武魂也在一点点的进步着。 Soon arrives at the Earth Martial Realm 3-layer news, Long Chen has not told other people. 快要到达地武境三重的消息,龙辰没有告诉其他人。 To Earth Martial Realm 3-layer, has thought that I will advance into to Zhao Wuji, Long Shen and ancient demon skeleton that level, these three people will compete for Antique Cemetery Token, Five Emperor Seal, Long Shen is the ally, has not related, other two matches, do not have Earth Martial Realm 3-layer actually, I simply do not have the qualifications and they resist.” “到了地武境三重,想必我就会跻身到赵无极龙山和古魔尸骸那个层次,这三个人都会争夺古坟令,还有五帝印,龙山是盟友,没关系,倒是其他两个对手,没有地武境三重,我根本没有资格和他们对抗。” In the middle of a piece of mountain, Long Chen just stopped from Cultivate. 在一片山岳当中,龙辰刚刚从修炼当中停止下来。 Surroundings, is the boundless hills. 周围,是茫茫的群山。 This is behind War Clan forest piece of hills, a boundlessness, is the deadwood dead tree, the land is everywhere barren. With the environment of that nine quiet mourning soul places, has a wee bit similar actually slightly. 这是战族森林后面的一片群山,一片苍茫,到处都是枯枝枯树,土地贫瘠干燥。和那九幽丧魂地的环境,倒是稍微有一丁点的相似。 Observed the situation for one week, Long Chen long breathing a sigh of relief , after Lingxi walks, his disposition changed. Formerly, he was aggressive, rampant domineering, but now he actually wants on reserved, became indifferent. People but who truly is familiar with his innermost feelings know, present Long Chen fearful, because he cold blood and tenacity, hid in the innermost feelings. 环视了一周,龙辰长长的舒了一口气,灵曦走后,他的性格变化了许多。从前,他咄咄逼人,嚣张跋扈,而现在他却要内敛上了许多,变得淡然了许多。可是真正熟悉他内心的人都知道,现在的龙辰更加的可怕,因为他把冷血和坚韧,都潜藏在内心当中了。 Uncommunicative, making his disposition likely is the poisonous snake and wolf, has the poisonous snake ruthless spicy, enduring patiently and quietness of wolf. 沉默寡言,让他的性格变得像是毒蛇和狼,有着毒蛇的狠辣,还有狼的忍耐和沉静。 Such Long Chen, is actually more terrorist. 这样的龙辰,其实更加恐怖。 Actually, this is also a growth and maturity. 其实,这也算是一种成长和成熟。 Departure of Lingxi, making him understand many things. 灵曦的离开,让他明白了很多的东西。 Only has the resistance, can have the change by own destiny. 唯有抗争,才能够让自己的命运发生改变。 Therefore, Long Chen has not regressed. 所以,龙辰从来没有退步。 Should go back. Does not know Antique Cemetery Token, now had news......” Long Chen to think, then stepped the footsteps, went toward the War Clan region. “该回去了。不知道古坟令,现在有没有消息……”龙辰想了一阵,便迈动着脚步,朝着战族的区域而去。 After walking 50% distances, the Long Chen indifferent complexion, actually revealed the pleasantly surprised look. 走了一半的路程之后,龙辰原本淡然的脸色,却流露出了惊喜的神色。 Because he feels that Mo Xiao Lang in Realm Of Universe, has revived at this time. In nine quiet mourning souls middle, Mo Xiao Lang has swallowed that steamer common beast fire, that is one type compared with a blue demon flame more terrorist beast fire, thinks that can take to the Mo Xiao Lang huge promotion. 因为他感觉到,在太虚之境当中的莫小狼,此时已经苏醒过来了。在九幽丧魂地当中,莫小狼吞噬了那火轮一般的兽火,那是一种比蓝魔炎更加恐怖的兽火,想必能够带给莫小狼巨大的提升。 Mo Xiao Lang, is a Xiao Lang big card in a hand! 莫小狼,也是小狼的一大底牌! Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf, is having two huge strong points, first, is the Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf that hoisting capacity ultra-fast, second, is his ancestor fire Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame, the ancestor fire is the world supernatural object of Ancestral Dragons that time, Mo Xiao Lang, although can only control few part of Avatar, but basically, the same level middle person was attacked by Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame, is very difficult the survival the possibility! 噬日妖狼,拥有着两个巨大的长处,第一个,就是噬日妖狼那超快的提升能力,第二个,则是他那祖火九幽魔祖火,祖火是祖龙那个时代的天地神物,莫小狼虽然只能掌控很少的一部分分身,但基本上,同级当中的人被九幽魔祖火攻击,很难有存活的可能! Xiao Lang or Heaven Grade Nine Rank time, Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame can kill Sikong Jiansheng. 小狼还是天阶九品的时候,九幽魔祖火就能干掉司空剑圣了。 Opens the Realm Of Universe channel, the look flame sweeps across from the chest of Long Chen together, rapidly is expanding in the middle of his present midair, that ice-cold black flame, compared with the Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf beforehand build, wants on huge one-third, from the build, can see that Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf these time made the huge progress absolutely! 太虚之境的通道打开,一道神色的火焰从龙辰的胸口席卷而出,在他眼前的半空当中迅速的扩大着,那一朵冰冷的黑色火焰,比起噬日妖狼之前的体形来说,要庞大上1,从体形,就能看出噬日妖狼这一次绝对获得了巨大的进步! Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame is evolving in Long Chen at present, quick that paint black Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf form, in the middle of flame, the feeling of bath hot rebirth. Emergying Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf, build huge, monster strength, terror. 九幽魔祖火龙辰眼前演化着,很快那漆黑色的噬日妖狼的身影,在火焰当中,有一种浴火重生的感觉。新出现的噬日妖狼,体形更加的庞大,身上的妖力,也更加的恐怖。 That is filling black flame look, looks at Long Chen, Long Chen has an ice-cold feeling, the body of Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf, had one type Aura that at this time makes Long Chen quite dread. 那弥漫着黑色火焰的眼神,看着龙辰,龙辰有一种冰冷的感觉,噬日妖狼的身上,此时已经有了一种让龙辰都相当忌惮的气息 Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf is only Earth Grade First Rank Monster Beast, whatever he is evolving like this, does not know how terrifying existence really in the future will turn into. 噬日妖狼原本只是地阶一品妖兽,任由着他这样进化下去,真不知道将来会变成怎样恐怖的存在。 This terrifying feeling, how long has not continued, quick huge Sun Devouring Demonic Wolf, in Long Chen at present transforms into Mo Xiao Lang that delicate appearance, Mo Xiao Lang bathes in the middle of the flame, the black flame vanishes on his body gradually, in some instance, he has opened the eye suddenly, at this time his eye, was still filling the black flame. 这种恐怖的感觉,并没有持续多久,很快庞大的噬日妖狼,就在龙辰的眼前幻化成为莫小狼那清秀的模样,莫小狼沐浴在火焰当中,黑色的火焰渐渐在他的身上消失,在某个瞬间,他骤然间睁开了眼睛,此时他的眼睛,仍然弥漫着黑色的火焰。 Because the Mo Xiao Lang soul is person's relations, after he turns into the human form, spookiness compared with Monster Beast of same rank, wants on small many. 因为莫小狼的灵魂是人的关系吧,他化成人形之后,身上的妖气比起同等级的妖兽,要小上许多。 On the body of Mo Xiao Lang, Long Chen felt that has almost surmounted Yunmeng Ze first Monster Beast, Mysterious Black Water Snake Aura. 莫小狼的身上,龙辰感觉到几乎超越了云梦泽第一妖兽,黑水玄蛇气息 Elder Brother.” The Mo Xiao Lang corners of the mouth have brought back light smile, traces some back of the head foolishness looks at Long Chen. 大哥。”莫小狼嘴角勾起了淡淡的微笑,摸了摸后脑勺有些傻气的看着龙辰 To what level?” Long Chen asked. “到什么层次了?”龙辰问。 King Grade...... Third Rank!” Mo Xiao Lang somewhat embarrassed saying. 王级……三品!”莫小狼有些不好意思的说道。 King Grade Third Rank, this is the Mysterious Black Water Snake level, perhaps in Monster Beast, in the middle of Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty, except for in Heaven Phoenix God bird of immortal god sea, counted present Xiao Lang to be most formidable. 王级三品,这是黑水玄蛇的层次,在妖兽界,在神武圣朝当中,除了在永生神海的天凰神鸟,恐怕就数现在的小狼最强大了。 King Grade Third Rank Xiao Lang, enough becomes the Long Chen same very big card in a hand. They coordinate the fight, Devouring Blood to add in Nine Nether Demon Ancestor Flame, the display battle efficiency, was not a in addition one so is absolutely simple. 王级三品小狼,足够成为龙辰一样很大的底牌。两人配合起来战斗,吞噬血界加上就九幽魔祖火,发挥的战斗力,绝对不是一加一那么简单了。 Younger Brother meets, all in do not call the turn, was needless to say. 兄弟见面,一切都在不言中,也不用多说。 Goes back.” Long Chen smiled, said. “回去吧。”龙辰笑了笑,说道。 Arrives at the War Clan process with Xiao Lang together, the matter that Long Chen after nine quiet mourning souls will come out to have, said briefly. 小狼一起到战族的过程当中,龙辰将从九幽丧魂地出来之后发生的事情,简要的说了一遍。 Five Emperor Seal, relates to Emperor Grade Battle Technique, if can obtain this Emperor Grade Battle Technique, to my help is relative huge, but Antique Cemetery Token, is I goes to the Emperor's Domain key, this time I went all out, this different thing must obtain.” Long Chen bites the tooth to say. 五帝印,关系到一门皇级战技,如果能得到这皇级战技,对我的帮助是相当之巨大的,而古坟令,是我去帝域的关键,这次我就算拼了命,这两样东西都要得到。”龙辰咬着牙齿说道。 Good, I accompany you to fight to the end.” Mo Xiao Lang firm saying. “好,我陪你战斗到底。”莫小狼坚定的说道。 Good Younger Brother.” Long Chen walks, while said with a smile. “好兄弟。”龙辰一边走,一边笑着说道。 So long as Mo Xiao Lang does not treat unjustly him, Long Chen will be will not treat unjustly absolutely his, even if Mo Xiao Lang will treat unjustly him, Long Chen will not treat unjustly him. 只要莫小狼不亏待他,龙辰是绝对不会亏待他的,就算莫小狼亏待他,龙辰也不会亏待他。 Elder Brother, do you think the Lingxi elder sister?” Arrives at the halfway time, Mo Xiao Lang lowers the head, suddenly said. 大哥,你想灵曦姐吗?”走到半路的时候,莫小狼低着头,忽然说道。 Long Chen was startled being startled, Xiao Lang has never been able to discuss the matter in this aspect with him. He looks up Mo Xiao Lang, Mo Xiao Lang somewhat awkward smiling, said: Asks casually that you have been very silent, I do not know that should say any good.” 龙辰怔了怔,小狼从来不会和他谈论这方面的事情。他抬起头看着莫小狼,莫小狼有些尴尬的笑了笑,道:“只是随便问问,你一直很沉默,我也不知道该说什么好。” Long Chen silent, smiled, said: Thinks that thinks very much, anything cannot say.......” Long Chen narrows eye to look at the distant place, said leisurely: One day, our Younger Brother will arrive at Emperor's Domain, when the time comes has a look, anything is true Dragon Warrior!” 龙辰沉默了一阵,才笑了笑,道:“想,很想,没什么不能说的。只是……”龙辰眯着眼睛看着远方,慢悠悠道:“总有一天,我们兄弟会到帝域,到时候看看,什么才是真正的龙武者吧!” Mo Xiao Lang firm nod. 莫小狼坚定的点头。 Quick, returned to the middle of War Clan, just returned, Long Yue heavy said to Long Chen on the complexion: Seven younger brothers, Huangfu family had a matter.” 很快,回到了战族当中,刚刚回到,龙月就脸色沉重对龙辰道:“七弟,皇甫家族发生了一点事。”
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