DBWG :: Volume #7

#642: Condition

The ancient demon skeleton, was the Ancient Demon Region inherited most mystical treasure, that Eternal demon flag, to control the ancient demon skeleton purely designed. 古魔尸骸,是古魔域祖传的最神秘的宝物了,那万古魔旗,纯粹就是为了控制古魔尸骸而设计的。 A while time, the ancient demon skeleton was controlled completely. 一会儿时间,古魔尸骸完全被掌控。 In their front Long Shen, suddenly also without enough time prevents, after Jiang Wuxie success, his ice-cold eye pupil, first looked to Long Shen. 在他们前方的龙山,一时间也来不及阻止,姜无邪成功后,他那冰冷的眼眸,首先就看向了龙山 What kind of? This Long Family senior, can you with, snatch my Ancient Demon Region ancient demon skeleton?” His look is sparkling, in the middle of spoken language, a little aggressive meaning. “怎么样?这位龙家的前辈,你跟过来,是要抢我古魔域的古魔尸骸吗?”他眼神烁烁,言语当中,有点咄咄逼人的意思。 The Long Shen eye is narrowing the eyes slightly, said: Naturally is not, you are the Ancient Demon Region thing, I could not bump.” 龙山眼睛微微眯着,道:“当然不是,你这是古魔域的东西,我也碰不了。” Jiang Wuxie smiled, said: It seems like seniors' matter to my Ancient Demon Region, suitable understanding.” 姜无邪笑了笑,道:“看来老前辈对我古魔域的事情,也相当的了解呢。” Has heard slightly. Jiang Wuxie, I come straight to the point, were not many says rubbish, since you obtained the ancient demon skeleton, can has the Earth Martial Realm 4-layer battle efficiency, you year to year received the suppression of Martial Emperor, to him, you definitely had many hatreds......” “只是稍微有听闻过而已。姜无邪,我就开门见山,不多说废话了,你既然得到了古魔尸骸,也能够算是有地武境四重的战斗力了,你常年受武帝的压制,对他,你肯定有不少的仇恨……” Here, the Jiang Wuxie interruption said: You said that you must unite with me, copes Zhao Wuji? You guess well, the person who I most want to kill now truly is Zhao Wuji, your Long Family, because there is your existence, has certainly the qualifications and my Ancient Demon Region union, unites the nature, but my condition, this condition, if you cannot complete, possibility that we have not cooperated!” 说到这里,姜无邪打断道:“你是说,你们要和我联合,来对付赵无极吗?你猜得不错,我现在最想杀的人确实是赵无极,你们龙家,因为有你的存在,也当然有资格和我古魔域联合,联合自然可以,不过我有一个条件,这个条件若是你们完不成,我们没有合作的可能性!” Jiang Wuxie, spoke words certainly. 姜无邪一下,就把话说绝了。 What is your condition?” Long Shen complexion micro cold, he guesses probably obtained Jiang Wuxie to say anything. “你的条件是什么?”龙山脸色微冷,他大概猜得到姜无邪会说什么了。 Jiang Wuxie has laughed, he did not speak first, but retroceded several steps, has arrived at side of ancient demon skeleton, then said: Condition of cooperation is very simple, I want the Long Chen life! Naturally kills Long Chen that my son ginger not becomes, so long as you give me his life, my Jiang Wuxie with your Long Family cooperation, immediately can sweep Military Alliance immediately!” 姜无邪大笑了一阵,他先不说话,而是后退了几步,走到了古魔尸骸的旁边,然后才说道:“合作的条件很简单,我要龙辰的性命!当然是杀死我儿姜无成的龙辰,只要你将他的命交给我,我姜无邪马上就和你龙家合作,马上就可以去扫荡武盟!” Really does not leave Long Shen to expect. 果然不出龙山所料。 Jiang Wuxie words, Long Yue and the others on the faces somewhat is angry, Long Yue said immediately: Grandfather, the possibility that it seems like has not cooperated, we went back.” 姜无邪的话一出,龙月等人的脸上都有些愤怒,龙月马上道:“爷爷,看来没有合作的可能性了,我们回去吧。” Trades this cooperation with the Long Chen life, this is the impossible matter, Long Clan, will be nobody will comply. 龙辰的命来换这个合作,这是不可能的事情,龙族这边,是没有人会答应的。 Long Chen also knows certainly that this is the impossible matter, Long Clan several, is heavy friendship good Younger Brother, nobody will betray own Younger Brother sisters. 龙辰当然也知道,这是不可能的事情,龙族的几位,都是重情义的好兄弟,没有人会出卖自己的兄弟姐妹。 To Long Shen, Long Chen his Long Family the obligation person who middle rescues from nine quiet mourning souls, moreover is that potential giant young people, he naturally impossible to give up Long Chen because of Jiang Wuxie, therefore his cold sound decisive decline: It seems like we did not have any possibility of cooperation, bye.” 龙山来说,龙辰就是将他龙家从九幽丧魂地当中救出来的大恩人,而且是那种潜力巨大的年轻人,他当然不可能因为姜无邪而放弃龙辰,于是他冷声果断的回绝道:“看来我们是没有任何合作的可能性了,再见吧。” Saying, Long Shen prepared to come toward Long Chen. 说着,龙山就准备朝着龙辰这边而来了。 Was the time goes back War Clan. 是时候回去战族了。 The sound that but at this time, Jiang Wuxie let somebody cool off or calm down conveyed. 可就在这时候,姜无邪冷冷的声音传来。 Slow!” Jiang Wuxie has sneered coldly, is waving the Eternal demon flag in hand, said: No matter there is a possibility of cooperation, Long Chen must remain today, when who protects him, whose life my Jiang Wuxie wants, who dares to try the ancient demon skeleton the might, although blocks me!” “慢着!”姜无邪冷冷笑了一声,挥舞着手中的万古魔旗,道:“不管有没有合作的可能性,龙辰今天必须要留下来,谁当保护他,我姜无邪就要谁的命,谁敢试试古魔尸骸的威力,就尽管挡住我吧!” Saying, under the operation of Eternal demon flag, that ancient demon skeleton was drawing out the body suddenly, under the control of Jiang Wuxie, his body is reducing unexpectedly fast, quick turned into and Jiang Wuxie similar height, his body congealed really did not have the several fold, the battle efficiency also big addition, terrifying Aura, has been sending simultaneously from the body of this ancient demon skeleton. 说着,在万古魔旗的操纵之下,那古魔尸骸猛然直起了身体,在姜无邪的控制之下,他的身体竟然在快速的缩小着,很快就变成了和姜无邪差不多的身高,他的身体凝实了无数倍,同时战斗力也大大的加成着,一股恐怖的气息,从这古魔尸骸的身上发了出来。 Whistling......” ancient demon skeleton big mouth is breathing heavily loud Aura, on the face that only gloomy eyeball, at this time turned into Blood Red, bloody Aura, has sent out from his body once more. “呼呼……”古魔尸骸血盆大口喘着粗重的气息,脸上那唯一一颗暗淡的眼珠子,此时重新变成了血红色,一股血腥的气息,再次从他的身上散发了出来。 Can begin?” Long Shen has sneered, is the senior in Cultivator aspect, he had not feared slightly this ancient demon skeleton meaning, the Long Shen genuine boundary is Earth Martial Realm 5-layer, but could not have displayed this battle efficiency now, when he restores, is the Jiang Wuxie perfect operation ancient demon skeleton, is not the Long Shen match. “要动手吗?”龙山冷笑了一声,身为道方面的前辈,他丝毫没有怕这古魔尸骸的意思,龙山真正的境界是地武境五重,只是现在还发挥不了这个战斗力而已,等他恢复过来,就是姜无邪完美的操纵古魔尸骸,也不是龙山的对手。 Who dares to block Long Chen, whose life I want!” On the Jiang Wuxie face full is the haughty looks, the Eternal demon flag in his hand wields, that ancient demon skeleton, throws instantaneously in Long Chen this direction, under stepping on his foot, the ground of this loess, has formed a giant gulf immediately! “谁敢拦住龙辰,我就要谁的命!”姜无邪脸上满满都是狂傲的神色,他手中的万古魔旗一挥,那古魔尸骸,瞬间就朝着龙辰这个方向扑过来,在他一脚的踩踏之下,这黄土的地面,顿时形成了一个巨大的深坑! Long Chen feels immediately that Aura that makes him almost suffocate, at this time is locking on own body. In the middle of his world, only remaining is the ancient demon skeleton of that high-speed migration, the body of ancient demon skeleton enlarges in his eyes, feeling that the Long Chen one type is hard to move unexpectedly! 龙辰顿时感觉到,一股让他几乎窒息的气息,此时正锁定在自己的身上。他的世界当中,唯一剩下的就是那高速移动的古魔尸骸,古魔尸骸的身体在他的眼中放大,龙辰竟然有一种难以动弹的感觉! Probably was the lamb has met lion. 就好像是羔羊遇上了狮子。 This makes Long Chen understand that Earth Martial Realm each rank disparity is big, this ancient demon skeleton is equal him, was too formidable. Did not have what revolt strength to Long Chen formidable! 这让龙辰明白,地武境每一个级别差距都非常大,这古魔尸骸相当于他来说,还是太强大了。强大到龙辰还没有什么反抗的力量! Courts Death!” What is good, at this time Long Shen blocked in front of ancient demon skeleton, has blocked the ancient demon skeleton destination. 找死!”还好的是,这时候龙山拦在了古魔尸骸的前面,挡住了古魔尸骸的去处。 Long Chen then shouted the one breath, the feelings of some creepy feeling, the back has covered entirely the cold sweat. 龙辰这才呼了一口气,有种头皮发麻的感觉,后背已经布满了冷汗了。 Long Chen, you how?” Asking that Liu Yiyi cares about hastily, in the middle of the clear eyeball, slowly is the tense look. 龙辰,你怎么了?”柳依依连忙关心的问道,晶莹的眼珠当中,慢慢都是紧张的神色。 Can look, this girl truly very much cares about herself. 看得出来,这个女孩确实很关心自己。 I am all right.” Long Chen shook the head, but at this time, Long Shen already and ancient demon skeleton has fought, Long Chen asked hastily: Eldest sister, the old seniors have not restored probably, making him fight, can have the danger?” “我没事。”龙辰摇了摇头,而这时候,龙山已经和古魔尸骸战了起来,龙辰连忙问道:“大姐,老前辈好像还没有恢复呢,让他战斗,会不会有危险?” Long Yue is smiling bitterly shaking the head, said: I do not know......” 龙月苦笑着摇摇头,道:“我也不知道……” Long Chen also can only care about the tactical situation intensely. 龙辰也只能够紧张的关心着战况了。 ancient demon skeleton, completely only then the strength of body, solely is the strength of body, can add on True Essence with the present is the Long Shen resistance of Earth Martial Realm 4-layer, obviously this Gu demon before death strength, had is strong. 古魔尸骸,完全就只有身体的力量,单单是身体的力量,就能够和现在加上真元地武境四重龙山对抗,可见这古魔生前的力量,到底有多么的强大了。 The strength of pure human body, displays is quite terrifying, every fights with the fists, the air had an intermittent airing, if hit on the ground, can make the ground have a time ultra-large earthquake, lightly such strength, Long Shen does not dare to move with him to spelling, but look solemn seeing incurred to open to incur! 纯粹肉体的力量,施展起来是相当恐怖的,每一拳打出,空气就发生了一阵阵的气爆,若是打在了地上,足足可以让地面发生一次超大的地震,这样的力量,龙山也不敢轻移的和他对拼,只是神色冷峻的见招拆招! Five Dragon Broken Heaven!” 五龙破天!” This move of Five Dragon Broken Heaven displays in the Long Shen hand, has Scent, five Divine Dragon have tied down the ancient demon skeleton instantaneously, crazy is strangling to death! 这一招五龙破天龙山手中施展出来,别有一番味道,五头神龙瞬间缠住了古魔尸骸,疯狂的绞杀着! Broken!” Long Shen exuded one to roar, an intermittent incisive fricative ancient demon skeleton that hard corpse sent from his claw and in the middle, this fight, probably a moment ago the fight of Long Chen and Zhao Danchen was similar, but, the body of this ancient demon skeleton, be more intrepid than Golden Warrior Body! “破!”龙山发出了一声怒吼,一阵阵尖锐的摩擦声从他的爪子和古魔尸骸那坚硬的尸体当中发出来,这一场战斗,就好像刚才龙辰赵丹尘的战斗差不多,不过,这古魔尸骸的身体,要比黄金战体还要强悍! Clang clang clang! 铛铛铛! Both wrong body, Long Shen had rushed to behind of ancient demon skeleton instantaneously, at this time the body of that ancient demon skeleton, presented several deep bloodstains, even deep obvious bone, but the Long Chen shocking discovery, the body of this ancient demon skeleton, does not have the blood, moreover what is more important, these by the wound that Long Shen cuts, at this time by naked eye obvious speed restoration slowly. 两者错身而过,龙山瞬间跑到了古魔尸骸的后面去,此时那古魔尸骸的身上,已经出现了数道深深的血痕,甚至深可见骨,不过龙辰震惊的发现,这古魔尸骸的身上,并没有血液,而且更加重要的是,那些被龙山划破的伤口,此时正在以肉眼可见的速度慢慢的恢复着。 Good terror resilience!” To this ancient demon skeleton, Long Chen dreaded. “好恐怖的恢复能力!”对这古魔尸骸,龙辰更加忌惮了。 Words this way, dragon senior does not know to be able to support, now he most lacks is the training time, the endurance of fight is very low, the words that continues, perhaps will be very troublesome.” Thinks of here, brow of Long Chen deep wrinkled. “照这样下去的话,龙前辈不知道能不能撑得住,他现在最缺少的就是修养的时间,战斗的耐力很低,继续下去的话,恐怕会很麻烦。”想到这里,龙辰的眉头深深的皱了起来。 Is fighting, the brow of Long Shen slightly is also wrinkling. 在战斗当中,龙山的眉头也微微皱着。 What kind, ancient demon skeleton gives your pleasant surprise to be very big!” In another side, Jiang Wuxie has laughed wildly. The Eternal demon flag in hand fast is wielding, a strength of faint trace, from this Eternal demon flag, instilled into the body of ancient demon skeleton. “怎么样,古魔尸骸给你的惊喜很大吧!”在另一边,姜无邪更加猖狂的大笑了起来。手中的万古魔旗快速的挥动着,一丝丝的力量,从这万古魔旗当中,灌输到了古魔尸骸的身上。 Jiang Wuxie is satisfied the ancient demon skeleton the strength. 姜无邪非常满意古魔尸骸的力量。 Really was too strong. 实在是太强了。 Including this mysterious old person, copes with such strenuous words, that Martial Emperor Zhao Wuji, the situation estimate is also similar, his Jiang Wuxie, had with the qualifications that Martial Emperor treated as an equal finally, all these thought that simply with having a dream almost. 连这神秘的老人,对付起来都这么吃力的话,那武帝赵无极,情况估计也差不多,他姜无邪,终于有和武帝平起平坐的资格了,这一切想起来,简直就和做梦差不多。 Long Chen, must kill! 龙辰,必须要杀死! This potential giant later generation, has given the Jiang Wuxie biggest threat. 这个潜力巨大的后辈,给了姜无邪最大的威胁。 Long Chen does not die, he doesnot can be peaceful. 龙辰不死,他不得安宁。 The strength of ancient demon skeleton is inexhaustible, Jiang Wuxie continues to operate, carried on times to spelling with Long Shen, this earthshaking fight, was much more terrorist compared with the Long Chen beforehand fight. The peripheral person has dispersed in abundance, that Jiang Wuxie feared that Long Shen sneak attacks him, hides the distant place, by in a mountain wall, vigilant looks at Long Chen one group of people, these Ancient Demon Region Expert, have encircled Jiang Wuxie in abundance. 古魔尸骸的力量无穷无尽,姜无邪继续操纵着,和龙山进行了一次次的对拼,这惊天动地的战斗,比起龙辰之前的战斗都要恐怖得多了。周边的人纷纷都散开了,那姜无邪龙山偷袭他,也躲到远远的地方去,靠在了一片山壁当中,警惕的看着龙辰一群人,那些古魔域强者们,纷纷将姜无邪围了起来。 Only if circles to Jiang Wuxie goes, otherwise is very difficult to sneak attack him. 除非绕到姜无邪的身后去,否则很难偷袭到他。 Long Chen and the others expose in the middle of the eye of Jiang Wuxie, once Long Chen has the thing that must sneak attack, he can make demon skeleton turn round to rescue immediately. 龙辰等人都暴露在姜无邪的眼睛当中,一旦龙辰有要偷袭的东西,他就能够立刻让古魔尸骸回身救援。 The vision of all people, can only hit Long Shen and fight of ancient demon skeleton. 所有人的目光,都只能击中到龙山和古魔尸骸的战斗当中。 Long Shen is flexible, the speed surpasses the ancient demon skeleton, but the ancient demon skeleton has more intrepid striking power and human body defensive power, Long Shen does not dare with it to spelling , can only drag. 龙山灵活,速度远超过古魔尸骸,可是古魔尸骸拥有更加强悍的攻击力和肉体的防御力,龙山不敢与之对拼,也只能够拖下去了。 This monster is so formidable, how can be able it repelling?” Long Shen is quiet to fight, simultaneously is pondering. This ancient demon skeleton gives his feeling, is similar to beforehand Martial Emperor Zhao Wuji. Even the strength of that human body, is more terrifying, this the old bones, is intimate slightly, it is estimated that must be finished. “这个怪物如此强大,要怎样才能够将之击退?”龙山沉静在打斗当中,同时在思考着。这古魔尸骸给他的感觉,和之前的武帝赵无极都差不多。甚至那肉体的力量,更加恐怖,他这把老骨头,稍微挨上一下,估计就得完蛋了。 It seems like , can only take risk a time.” “看来,也只能冒险来一次了。” ancient demon skeleton, only simple the fist, leaves the leg, but these attacks, casual can rumble directly the broken mountain peak! 古魔尸骸,只会简单的出拳,出腿,可这些攻击,随便都能够直接轰碎一座山峰! The fight is continuing, Long Shen was relying on Battle Technique at this time, again has displayed Five Dragon Broken Heaven, came one time to bumping with that ancient demon skeleton, first time bumped hardly, Long Shen and ancient demon skeleton in abundance was retroceding, Long Shen was somewhat shaken the complexion to be pale, but that ancient demon skeleton, tumbled on the ground directly several. 战斗继续着,龙山在这时候凭借着战技,再一次施展了五龙破天,和那古魔尸骸来了一次对碰,第一次硬碰,龙山和古魔尸骸都纷纷后退着,龙山被震得脸色有些苍白,而那古魔尸骸,直接在地上翻滚了几圈。 After being shaken draws back, Long Shen without demur, forcefully bears in the middle of oneself body that tumbling Blood Qi, before being direct clashes, move of Absolute Killing Nine Heaven, attacks again to Jiang Wuxie! 被震退之后,龙山二话不说,强行忍住自己身体当中那翻滚的血气,直接前冲,再一招绝杀九重天,攻击向姜无邪
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