DBWG :: Volume #7

#640: Eternal demon flag

ancient demon skeleton, 古魔尸骸, When nine quiet mourning soul places, Long Chen accidentally listened to Long Shen to say Ancient Demon Region that is called the ancient demon skeleton the thing, treated as him and cat discussed that has thought was that causes the thing that Ancient Demon Region here has been infertile, moreover should 7-layer in the middle of that Seven Layer Demon World, 在九幽丧魂地的时候,龙辰曾经偶然听龙山说过古魔域那叫做古魔尸骸的东西,当作他和小猫讨论了一下,一直认为就是那导致了古魔域这里寸草不生的东西,而且应该在那七重魔界当中的第七重, That ancient demon skeleton attracted enough land features Spirit Qi, now should be able to revive, can move, this ancient demon skeleton was once Expert corpse builds up after the Secret Skill sacrifice, thus became a puppet of force, particularly **, quite formidable, that Jiang Wuxie, should have to operate this ancient demon skeleton the method,” in the middle of Realm Of Universe, the cat said that “那古魔尸骸吸够了地脉灵气,现在应该可以苏醒过來,可以活动了,这古魔尸骸是曾经的强者尸体经过秘法的祭炼,从而成为了一种强力的傀儡,尤其是**,相当的强大,那姜无邪,应该有操纵这古魔尸骸的方法,”在太虚之境当中,小猫说道, Long Chen licked the tongue, eye has narrowed the eyes, 龙辰舔了舔舌头,眼睛眯了起來, At this time, Jiang Wuxie has dropped out all people excitedly, the facial expression goes in the Ancient Demon Region direction, he is Earth Martial Realm 3-layer Expert, the speed is quite uncommon, among a twinkling left beyond the Long Chen field of vision, Long Chen wants to pursue at this time, probably also without enough time, 此时,姜无邪已经抛下了所有人,神情激动的朝着古魔域的方向而去,他乃是地武境三重强者,速度相当不凡,一眨眼间就已经离开了龙辰的视野之外,龙辰这时候就算想追,好像也來不及了, His suddenly feelings of leaving trouble for the future, 他骤然间有一种放虎归山的感觉, Seven younger brothers,” at this time, Long Yue and the others, 11 arrived at Long Chen side, their complexion somewhat is intense, poured the present severe wound in ground Zhao Danchen actually forgets gradually, “七弟,”这时候,龙月等人,11來到了龙辰的旁边,他们脸色都有些紧张,倒是把现在重伤倒在地上的赵丹尘渐渐忘记了, Military Alliance other people, look at each other in blank diamay, does not dare to move heedlessly, this group of people were really too strong, Zhao Danchen was not their matches, they also can only become the grandson, has fallen back on timidly one side, Zhao Danchen was lying down on the ground at this time, nobody responds, Military Alliance person complexions feared, nobody dares to come up to tow Zhao Danchen, 武盟的其他人,面面相觑,不敢乱动,这一群人实在是太强了,连赵丹尘都不是他们的对手,他们也只能当孙子,唯唯诺诺的退到了一边去,赵丹尘此时正躺在地上,无人搭理,武盟的人一个个脸色恐惧,也沒有人敢上來把赵丹尘拖回去, Severely wounded dying Zhao Danchen, like this others are forgetting, at this time he is closing one's eyes, what no one has noted is, on him these wounds, are restoring at the naked eye obvious speed at this time, this was he takes Spirit Medicine secretly, the effect of his Golden Warrior Body formidable resilience, 重伤垂死的赵丹尘,就这样别人遗忘着,此时他正闭着眼睛,谁都沒注意到的是,他身上的那些伤口,此时正在以肉眼可见的速度恢复着,这是他暗自服下了灵药,还有他黄金战体强大恢复能力的效果, Long Chen concentration, completely in the Ancient Demon Region direction, 龙辰的专注力,全部都在古魔域的方向, Has not thought at this time, in the middle of this legend Gu demon actually regained consciousness, this Gu Motun has attracted nearby this surrounding area dozens li (0.5km) so many life Spirit Qi, in addition ** astonishing, if Jiang Wuxie manipulates this Gu demon, at least also has the Earth Martial Realm 4-layer battle efficiency, even is stronger,” Long Shen most has the person of right to speak, at this time he somewhat shocking saying, “沒想到在这时候,这传说当中的古魔竟然苏醒了,这古魔吞吸了这附近方圆数十里如此多的生命灵气,再加上**惊人,姜无邪若是操纵这古魔,至少也有地武境四重的战斗力啊,甚至更强,”龙山是最有发言权的人,此时他有些震惊的说道, Earth Martial Realm 4-layer,” Long Chen is somewhat speechless, Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty clouded over, first presented one to endure compared with Martial Emperor Long Shen, then, Ancient Demon Region also soon will have the Earth Martial Realm 4-layer this heavy peak battle efficiency now, 地武境四重,”龙辰有些无语,神武圣朝真的是变天了,先是出现了一个堪比武帝龙山,然后,现在古魔域也即将拥有地武境四重这重巅峰的战斗力吗, Is looked by the people, Jiang Wuya said: I once listened to my father to say in childhood that in the middle of Seven Layer Demon World, has an ancient demon skeleton, so long as the ancient demon skeleton regains consciousness, our Ancient Demon Region does not need to submit to Military Alliance again, but is Military Alliance must prostrate oneself in the under foot of my Ancient Demon Region, therefore I guess that Jiang Wuxie has pledged allegiance to Military Alliance, then has been enduring patiently, today, this Gu demon regains consciousness finally, I think that perhaps Military Alliance must trouble, after all the Jiang Wuxie submissive these many years, definitely are very at heart aggrieved,” 被众人看着,姜无涯说道:“我小时候曾经听我父亲说,在第七重魔界当中,有着一具古魔尸骸,只要古魔尸骸苏醒,我们古魔域就不必再向武盟臣服,而是武盟要拜倒在我古魔域的脚下,所以我猜姜无邪归顺了武盟,然后一直都在忍耐,今天,这古魔终于苏醒,我想武盟恐怕要麻烦了,毕竟姜无邪低声下气这么多年,心里肯定很憋屈,” Listened to their such saying, people were somewhat fearful and apprehensive, 听他们这样一说,众人有些胆战心惊, Not is only Military Alliance is troublesome, we are more troublesome, waits for this Gu demon to regain consciousness, Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty altogether has three big influences, Military Alliance, Ancient Demon Region, we combined to form one, Ancient Demon Region ganged up with Military Alliance these many years, first what perhaps looked was our trouble, moreover everybody do not forget that I and Jiang Wuxie had to kill the enmity of child, he will let off me,” Long Chen has pondered the moment, complexion solemn saying, “岂止是武盟麻烦,我们更加麻烦吧,等这古魔一苏醒,神武圣朝一共就有三大势力,武盟一个,古魔域一个,我们组合起來形成一个,古魔域勾搭了武盟这么多年,恐怕最先找的是我们的麻烦,而且大家别忘记了,我和姜无邪有杀子之仇,他会放过我,”龙辰沉思了片刻,脸色冷峻的说道, He complained of hardship, a moment ago also had the opportunity to kill Jiang Wuxie, now has missed, the trouble was big, 他心里叫苦不已,刚才还有机会杀死姜无邪呢,现在错过了,就麻烦大了, Listened to a Long Chen such saying, Jiang Wuya was somewhat uncomfortable, said: Seven younger brothers, sorry, I have not thought that the ancient demon skeleton will regain consciousness at this time, otherwise, I will not leave behind assigning of Jiang Wuxie,” 龙辰这么一说,姜无涯有些难受,道:“七弟,真的是对不起,我沒想到古魔尸骸会在这个时候苏醒,不然的话,我就不会留下姜无邪的命了,” Long Chen has not certainly blamed his meaning, Jiang Wuya also cares about the sentiment of Younger Brother, trades to do is Long Chen, although there are many contradictions, will not want own blood brother dead, therefore Long Chen said hastily: Second Brother you do not misunderstand, I absolutely do not have this meaning, he ran away ran away, was his luck, but we must seek the method of solution now, the ancient demon skeleton must be born immediately, we were the choice draw back temporarily, prepared to seize the ancient demon skeleton from the Jiang Wuxie hand, the Second Brother, you knew the ancient demon skeleton the operation method,” 龙辰当然沒有怪他的意思,姜无涯也是顾及到兄弟之情而已,换做是龙辰自己,虽然有再多的矛盾,也不会愿意自己的亲哥哥死去,于是龙辰连忙道:“二哥你别误会,我绝对沒有这意思,他逃了就逃了,也是他的运气,不过我们现在得寻求解决的方法,古魔尸骸立刻就要出世,我们是选择暂时退开,还是准备从姜无邪手中夺过古魔尸骸,二哥,你知道古魔尸骸的操纵方法吗,” Has snatched the ancient demon skeleton from the Jiang Wuxie hand, 姜无邪手中抢过古魔尸骸, The people thoughts move, thought that this can be a great idea, 众人心思一动,觉得这会是一个好主意, Here, although Long Chen is young, but actually most Expert besides Long Shen, therefore he has big right to speak, even the right to speak has also surpassed Long Shen, after all Long Shen just came out, person but who also cannot order Jiang Wuya Jian Chen these and he does not have the relations, but Jiang Wuya and Jian Chen and the others, basically only Long Chen follow the lead now, the Long Yue also custom listened to the meaning of Long Chen, 在这里,龙辰虽然年纪不大,但其实是除了龙山之外的最强者,所以他还是有很大的话语权的,甚至话语权还超过了龙山,毕竟龙山刚刚出來,还命令不到姜无涯剑尘这些和他沒有关系的人,而姜无涯剑尘等人,现在基本上是唯龙辰马首是瞻,就连龙月也习惯听龙辰的意思了, This is the air/Qi field that the custom forms, 这就是习惯形成的气场, Sees the people to throw the vision to oneself on, Jiang Wuya has thought a while, said: I thought that as if the father had once passed to me the Elder Brother at the same time black flag, the name was called the Eternal demon flag, moreover once exhorted him to take care prudently, cannot make know besides our Younger Brother anybody that thinks that Eternal demon flag, was operates that ancient demon skeleton the key,” 见众人把目光投到自己身上來,姜无涯想了一会儿,道:“我想起來了,似乎父亲曾经传给了我大哥一面黑色的旗帜,名字叫做万古魔旗,而且曾经嘱咐他一定要慎重的保管,不能够让除了我们兄弟之外的任何人知道,想必那万古魔旗,就是操纵那古魔尸骸的关键,” In other words, if we snatched that Eternal demon flag to be OK,” Long Chen nods, said that “也就是说,如果我们抢过了那万古魔旗就可以了,”龙辰点点头,说道, Should be this, but must first have a look at the meaning of Jiang Wuxie, if he only wants with us for the enemy, then we must certainly rob the Eternal demon flag, but if he intends to collaborate with us, destruction Military Alliance, I thought together can cooperate, after all we had received the oppression of Military Alliance,” Long Yue displayed the eldest sister big status at this time, decides saying that “应该是这样吧,不过还是先得看看姜无邪的意思,他若是只想和我们为敌,那么我们肯定是要抢夺一下万古魔旗,但是如果他有意和我们联手,一起覆灭武盟的话,我觉得可以合作一下,毕竟我们都曾经受过武盟的压迫,”龙月这时候发挥大姐大的身份,决定说道, Regarding this Long Chen does not have what opinion, 对此龙辰也沒有什么意见, Everybody is the Younger Brother sisters, fights side-by-side, the general decision, everybody discussed together that was OK without the objection, 大家都是兄弟姐妹,并肩作战,一般的决定,大家一起商议,沒有异议就可以了, After Long Yue said that solicited the suggestions of people, after the people thought to be able consistently, she just now nodded, said: That like this has decided that” 龙月说完了之后,征求了一下众人的意见,等众人一致觉得可以之后,她方才点了点头,说道:“那就这样决定了,” At this time, the Ancient Demon Region direction, vibration started, the people go in the Ancient Demon Region direction, on the scene basically was Expert, 就在这时候,古魔域方向,更加的震动开始了,众人朝着古魔域的方向而去,在场基本上都是强者了, Long Chen looks up, in the Ancient Demon Region direction, heaving in sight first is the Ancient Demon Region front door, in the front door, has a paint black front door, looks like a giant paint black mouth, inside is the endless black abyss, Long Chen remembers that the name of this place is called the black prison, middle he enters Ancient Demon Region time, the test of first pass/test, tests the people with the gravity of this black prison **, 龙辰抬头看去,在古魔域的方向,映入眼帘的首先是古魔域的大门,在大门之内,有着一个漆黑色的大门,就像是一张巨大的漆黑色嘴,里面是无尽的黑色深渊,龙辰记得这个地方的名字叫做黑狱,当中他进古魔域的时候,第一关的考验,就是用这黑狱的重力來考验众人的**, This black prison deep, Long Chen does not know, but middle he altogether has also gone in little, 这黑狱到底有多深,龙辰也不知道,只是当中他总共也进去了一点点而已, But at this time, the Jiang Wuxie form, stays in front of this black prison, the whole body was excited in shivering, conceivable, that huge strength, actually this baseless arrives now in his Jiang Wuxie top of the head, this feeling can make him how excited, 而此时,姜无邪的身影,就停留在这黑狱的前面,浑身都激动得在颤抖了,可以想象,那种巨大的实力,现在却这样凭空降临在他姜无邪的头顶上,这种感觉会让他多么的兴奋, Strength, the strength, cannot think of my Jiang Wuxie, will really have such one day, how long, how long, I by Military Alliance, was suppressed by Zhao Wuji that grandson how long, from now on, I have the ancient demon skeleton in the hand, that Zhao Wuji, is any role,” “实力,实力,想不到我姜无邪,竟然也会有这么一天啊,多久了,多久了,我被武盟,被赵无极那孙子压制了多久了,从今之后,我有古魔尸骸在手,那赵无极,又算是什么角色,” Jiang Wuxie cannot suppress in the heart excitement, crazy is laughing, 姜无邪抑制不住心中激动的心情,疯狂的大笑着, In the vibration of hills, Ancient Demon Region remaining five Great Demon King, two Great Demon Saint, Jiang Wushang, major Supreme Elder, 28 demons will wait, all arrived at Jiang Wuxie, they also knew approximately what happened, facial expressions are excited, prostrates oneself in Jiang Wuxie, shouted to clear the way with one voice: Congratulates the demon emperor, had the ancient demon skeleton, from now henceforth, Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty was the world of demon emperor,” 在群山的震动当中,古魔域剩下的五大魔王,两大魔圣,还有姜无伤,各大太上长老,28魔将等等,全部來到了姜无邪的身后,他们大致也知道了发生什么事情,一个个都神情激动,拜倒在姜无邪的身后,齐声喝道:“恭喜魔皇,有了古魔尸骸,从今以后,神武圣朝就是魔皇的天下了,” On the face of everyone, revealed the wild with joy look, 每一个人的脸上,都流露出來了狂喜的神色, Jiang Wuxie laughs wildly is waving saying: Do not congratulate only me, each of you , will therefore profit, starting today, Ancient Demon Region no longer is the Military Alliance puppet, we and Military Alliance are the same level existences, even, our Ancient Demon Region has to compare the Martial Emperor Zhao Wuji peak the battle efficiency,” 姜无邪狂笑着挥手道:“别只恭喜我,你们每一个人,也都将因此而受益,从今天开始,古魔域不再是武盟的傀儡,我们和武盟是同等的存在,甚至,我们古魔域拥有比武帝赵无极更加巅峰的战斗力,” Congratulates the demon emperor becomes Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty first Expert, we sooner or later also take series Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty, takes Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty,” fiendish person excited saying, “恭喜魔皇成为神武圣朝第一强者,我们迟早也要一统神武圣朝,将神武圣朝拿下,”其中一个魔王激动的说道, The Jiang Wuxie whole face is favorite, says with a smile: Was good, should not be flattery, all people withdraw, the ancient demon skeleton must come out, I control the ancient demon skeleton, was careful that it has not injured accidentally you carefully,” 姜无邪满脸得意,笑道:“好了,别在溜须拍马,所有人都退后,古魔尸骸要出來了,我來控制古魔尸骸,小心它不小心误伤了你们,” After his voice falls, people nodded in abundance, draw back to arrive one side, left behind a Jiang Wuxie person to stand before the front door of this black prison, 他的话音落下之后,众人纷纷点头,退开到了一边去,留下姜无邪一个人站在这黑狱的大门前, Whish, Jiang Wuxie from Universe Bag, has put out a black flag, this flag only having a face size, has the Golden border probably, the Blood Red flagpole, the flagpole, only then half meter, was grasped by Jiang Wuxie in the hand, but in this black makings, with the blood mark fuzzy latent evils, peripheral is being dense and numerous Blood Red Rune, Rune is twisting strangely, looks like the living creature is ordinary, is swaying from side to side on the flag, this on is the Eternal demon flag, 哗的一声,姜无邪乾坤袋当中,拿出了一面黑色的旗子,这一面旗大概只有脸大小,有着金色的镶边,血红色的旗杆,旗杆只有半米长,被姜无邪握在了手中,而在这黑色的气质上,用血液纹着一个模糊的魔影,周边则是密密麻麻的血红色符文,符文诡异的扭曲着,就像是活物一般,在旗帜上扭动着,这就是万古魔旗, Had this Eternal demon flag, Jiang Wuxie has been able to operate that ancient demon skeleton, used for him, 有了这万古魔旗,姜无邪就可以操纵那古魔尸骸,为他自己所用了, That black prison, leads to Seven Layer Demon World unexpectedly,” stayed in the distant place, Long Chen somewhat shocking looks at this, “那黑狱,竟然通往第七重魔界,”在远处停留了下來,龙辰有些震惊的看着这一幕, The black prison leads to Seven Layer Demon World unexpectedly, this is the matter that no one can think, 黑狱竟然通往第七重魔界,这是谁都想不到的事情啊, At this time, in the Ancient Demon Region direction, the vibration is getting bigger and bigger, Long Chen holds the breath to look, at this time, in the middle of that black prison unexpectedly filled strong black mist, instantaneously Jiang Wuxie covering, the black mist has filled, has blocked Ancient Demon Region, 此时,在古魔域的方向,震动越來越大,龙辰屏息看着,就在这时候,那黑狱当中竟然弥漫出了一股浓重的黑色雾气,瞬间就将姜无邪给笼罩住了,黑色的雾气弥漫了起來,也挡住了古魔域, From that black prison, Long Chen felt that quite dangerous Aura, looks like inside is dormant peerless Ferocious Beast to be ordinary, but compares to the murderer, inside thing, many bloody Aura, slaughters bloody, even is crazy, this feeling actually and Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon is similar, 从那黑狱里面,龙辰感觉到一股相当危险的气息,就像是里面蛰伏着一头绝世的凶兽一般,可是比起凶手來说,里面的东西,又多了一种血腥的气息,血腥而杀戮,甚至疯狂,这一种感觉倒是和太古血灵龙差不多,
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