DBWG :: Volume #7

#631: King Grade Path of Demon Heart

The Military Alliance team, in the middle of Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty is the authoritative symbol, this has over a thousand people, moreover each Military Alliance law enforcement team member, the Cultivate quite uncommon team, to the average person, has been full of the deterrent effect, when this team after the yellow Cultivator city, the people in entire yellow Cultivator city burst with joy. 武盟的队伍,在神武圣朝当中是权威的象征,这拥有上千人,而且每一个的武盟执法队成员,修炼都相当不凡的队伍,对普通人来说,充满了震慑力,当这支队伍经过黄城的时候,整个黄城的人都沸腾了。 Through inquiring, the people know that this is the Military Alliance most prominent God's favored one, gets married in the middle of Ancient Demon Region a daughter of fiendish person, naturally, this female was received by demon emperor Jiang Wuxie for the adopted daughter before then. 通过打听,众人都知道,这是武盟最突出的天之骄子,迎娶古魔域当中一位魔王的女儿,当然,这个女子在此之前已经被魔皇姜无邪收为了义女。 Person who Zhao Danchen in Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty, trillion people of prostrating oneself, is in the dream of entire Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty absolute majorities woman the sweetheart, after hearing this matter, the innumerable young girl hearts have broken to pieces, simultaneously envies the envy to hate, to wish one could to that Liu Yiyi young girl to displace, is on this day under the happiest woman. 赵丹尘神武圣朝,是有亿万人膜拜的人,是整个神武圣朝绝对多数女人的梦中情人,听闻到这件事情之后,无数的少女心都碎了,同时对那个柳依依的少女羡慕嫉妒恨,恨不得取而代之,做这天底下最幸福的女人。 It can be said that like this marries Martial Emperor city there properly married, the Liu Yiyi absolute house sparrow flew the branch changes the phoenix. In the middle of the hearsay, the Zhao Danchen natural disposition is loose, the lady in the middle of Martial Emperor city, basically has given him to favor. With Young Lady that he feels better, did not have 1000 also 800, but Zhao Danchen was familiar in Wan Huacong the piece leaf not to moisten the body, so far, did not have a woman to be able as wife to appear in his side. 可以说,这样明媒正娶嫁到武帝城那里去,柳依依绝对麻雀飞上枝头变凤凰了。传闻当中,赵丹尘生性风流,在武帝城当中的大家闺秀,基本上都已经给他宠幸过了。和他好过的姑娘们,没有1000也有800了,不过赵丹尘习惯万花丛中过片叶不沾身,目前为止,还没有一个女人能够以妻子的身份出现在他的身边呢。 In Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty, Martial Emperor Zhao Wuji, is the symbol of authority and strength, but that outstanding disciple Zhao Danchen, is symbolizing the nova of sparkle. 神武圣朝,武帝赵无极,是权威和实力的象征,而那杰出的弟子赵丹尘,则象征着闪耀的新星。 The Military Alliance team, nobody dares certainly to go forward to surround, above this time yellow Cultivator city wall, the number of people are shrugging, tens of thousands, dense and numerous people stand here, is surrounding that from distant place the [gold/metal] Yellow team of Ancient Demon Region arrival. 武盟的队伍,当然没人敢上前去围观,此时的黄城城墙之上,人头耸动着,成千上万,密密麻麻的人站在这里,围观着那从远处的古魔域到来的金黄色队伍。 The crowd was clamoring, noisy, majority were the unmarried young girls, they quite lively, probably now gets married was not Liu Yiyi, but was their such. 人群喧哗着,吵闹着,大多数都是未婚的少女,她们相当的热闹,好像现在出嫁的并不是柳依依,而是她们自己那样。 What no one has seen, two small sunspots, are keeping off in the front of Military Alliance team at this time, is Jiang Wuya and Jian Chen two people of being unafraid of death. 谁都没有看到的是,两个小小的黑点,此时正挡在武盟队伍的前方,正是姜无涯剑尘两个视死如归的人。 In the middle of the Military Alliance team, Zhao Danchen and Jiang Wuxie are riding Monster Beast at this time, walks before behind a [gold/metal] Yellow sedan chair, the spoiled child is hanging the Red silk cloth, is symbolizing the jubilation, this time Liu Yiyi, on the appearance of according to bride, stays among this spoiled child. 武盟的队伍当中,赵丹尘姜无邪此时正骑着一头妖兽,行走在身后一顶金黄色的轿子之前,骄子挂着红色的绸布,象征着喜庆,此时的柳依依,就以新娘的打扮,呆在这骄子当中。 What Zhao Danchen and Jiang Wuxie ride is Heaven Grade Monster Beast, the god empties Pegasus. This Monster Beast build compared with on ordinary flatter sturdy one time, two rib places open a pair of snow white wing, is almost the same as the wing of bird, but is sturdier, is more powerful. 赵丹尘姜无邪乘坐的是一种天阶妖兽,神空飞马。这一种妖兽的体形要比普通的马屁粗壮上一倍,两肋处张着一对雪白色的羽翼,和鸟的羽翼相差无几,不过更加粗壮,更加有力。 This god empties Pegasus, the speed of full speed flying, compared with Opening Heaven Realm 9-layer Cultivator must quickly, moreover whole body white, holy incomparable, in the middle of Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty, can be useful such ostentation the young people, has Zhao Danchen one. 这一种神空飞马,全速飞行起来的速度,比通天境九重者还要快捷,而且浑身白色,圣洁无比,在神武圣朝当中,能有用出这样排场的年轻人,也只有赵丹尘一个而已。 Monster Beast that other Military Alliance law enforcement teams ride, uniform is the Heaven Grade First Rank [gold/metal] gnus, on the forehead of each [gold/metal] gnu, is growing the shining acute angle, this acute angle is [gold/metal] gnu powerful Cultivator, is having the powerful strength. 其他武盟执法队乘骑的妖兽,清一色都是天阶一品的金角马,每一头金角马的额头上,都长着金灿灿的尖角,这尖角是金角马强悍的器,拥有着强悍的力量。 The uniform [gold/metal] Yellow armor and snow white [gold/metal] gnu, making Military Alliance this team as if walk from the myth generally. Under the illumination of sunlight, their bright flash, are quite shaking the person heart and soul. 清一色金黄色的铠甲和雪白色的金角马,让武盟这一支队伍仿佛从神话当中走出来了一般。在阳光的照射下,他们身上熠熠闪光着,相当的震人心魄。 After seeing such ostentation, these young girls' envying envy to the Liu Yiyi hates, was more serious. Even many people are fantasizing, if one day can turn into Liu Yiyi, really died wants. 看到这样的排场之后,那些少女对柳依依的羡慕嫉妒恨,更加的严重了。甚至很多人都在幻想着,如果自己有一天能够变成柳依依的话,真是死都愿意了。 That sits, in the god empties the young man on Pegasus, although is away from far away, the young girls can still feel that on him feels the astonishing charm. The youth of this keeping aloof, simply is in their hearts the most perfect man. 那个坐在神空飞马上的年轻男子,虽然隔着老远,少女们仍然能够感觉他身上感觉到惊人的魅力。这个高高在上的青年,简直就是他们心中最完美的男人。 Also what a pity, some people do not like such man. 可惜,也有人不喜欢这样的男人的。 That is Liu Yiyi. 那就是柳依依 Liu Yiyi Opening Heaven Realm 8-layer, but Zhao Danchen, is Earth Martial Realm 3-layer, if no demon emperor to act as a matchmaker, moreover Liu Yiyi is really also attractive, Zhao Danchen will not comply with this matter. 柳依依通天境八重而已,而赵丹尘,是地武境三重,如果没有魔皇做媒,而且柳依依也实在漂亮,赵丹尘才不会答应这件事情呢。 Zhao Danchen has the premonition, passes Liu Yiyi, he can the Ancient Demon Region grasping hand here firmly. 赵丹尘有预感,通过柳依依,他可以将古魔域牢牢的抓在这里的手中。 Two people both have own axe to grind. 两个人都各怀鬼胎。 At this time, the person who two did not keep eyes open arrives. That is Jiang Wuya and Jian Chen, they look like two iron pole, sewed in same place. 就在这时候,两个不长眼的人到了。那就是姜无涯剑尘,他们就像是两根铁柱子,钉在了原地。 Zhao Danchen and Jiang Wuxie two people, far away saw them. Two people are well aware to all, at this time the Zhao Danchen front hangs a big safflower, on the face is brimming with the smiling face, said: Demon emperor, where the front resembles two people to block, that Jiang Wuya is your younger brother, he is congratulates, right?” 赵丹尘姜无邪两个人,老远就看到他们两个了。两个人对一切都心知肚明,此时赵丹尘胸前挂着一朵大红花,脸上洋溢着笑容,道:“魔皇,前方好像有两个人拦在哪里呢,那姜无涯是你的弟弟呢,难道他是来恭贺的,对吧?” Sees Jiang Wuya and Jian Chen appears, the complexion of demon emperor is somewhat ugly, his hollow laugh, said: Naturally so, but my this younger brother, had already betrayed Ancient Demon Region, is the Military Alliance enemy, even if he congratulated, today I must take him, gave Military Alliance, but also looked at Zhao Martial Emperor to wait for some time slightly.” 看见姜无涯剑尘出现,魔皇的脸色有些难看,他干笑了一阵,道:“自然如此,不过我这弟弟,早就叛离了古魔域,是武盟的敌人,就算他来恭贺,今日我也得拿下他,交给武盟,还望赵武皇稍微等待一小段时间。” Jiang Wuya is the Ancient Demon Region person, moreover this time is Ancient Demon Region seeks friendships Military Alliance, Jiang Wuxie from, when acts, takes Jiang Wuya. He is preparing to leave, Zhao Danchen actually beckoned with the hand to block him, said: Demon emperor, you are Yiyi foster-father, in the future also will be my Zhao Danchen father-in-law, how I will sit, in this god will empty above Pegasus, making you begin in advance. You quite sit, this Jiang Wuya, my son-in-law on activity physique, making him experience, Military Alliance is formidable.” 姜无涯原本就是古魔域的人,而且这一次是古魔域高攀武盟,姜无邪自当出面,将姜无涯拿下。他正准备动身呢,赵丹尘却摆摆手拦住了他,道:“魔皇,你是依依义父,往后也是我赵丹尘的岳父,我怎么坐在这神空飞马之上,让你先行动手呢。你好生坐着,这姜无涯,小婿就活动一下筋骨,让他见识一下,武盟到底有多么强大。” In the strength, Zhao Danchen are more formidable, therefore the Zhao Danchen words demon emperor Jiang Wuxie, the demon emperor now starting from, although is his father-in-law, but does not dare to defy the words that he spoke. 在实力上,赵丹尘要比魔皇姜无邪要强大一些,所以赵丹尘的话,魔皇现在开始,虽然是他的“岳父”,但也不敢违抗他说的话。 Zhao Danchen does not wait for Jiang Wuxie to speak, controls the god to empty Pegasus, the god empties Pegasus to send out a shocking long and loud cry, is fanning the snow white wing, soared to go, crossed the entire Military Alliance team, in look that the people worshipped, flew in Jiang Wuya their directions! 赵丹尘不等姜无邪说话,就驾驭着神空飞马,神空飞马发出一声震天的长啸,就扇动着雪白色的羽翼,腾空而去,越过了整个武盟的队伍,在众人崇拜的眼神当中,朝着姜无涯两人的方向飞去! Under the brilliance of Sun, Zhao Danchen looks like the deity descends to earth general, in Young Lady of yellow Cultivator city, exudes an intermittent squeal. 在太阳的光辉下,赵丹尘就像是天神下凡一般,远在黄城的姑娘们,纷纷发出一阵阵的尖叫声。 The demon emperor complexion changes. 魔皇脸色一变。 In direction that Zhao Danchen cannot see, his fist has gripped suddenly, in the hand is angry. 赵丹尘看不见的方向,他的拳头忽然握住了,手中青筋暴露出来。 These years, Jiang Wuya, although has betrayed Ancient Demon Region, Jiang Wuxie actually do not kill his meaning, in his heart, always returns has the sentiments of that a wee bit Younger Brother, therefore Jiang Wuya repeatedly intruded on Ancient Demon Region recently, Jiang Wuxie has not killed him, although this Jiang Wuxie is indignant, but also decides to drive away to consider as finished his younger brother directly, but, the issue was Zhao Danchen struggles to begin. 这些年,姜无涯虽然叛离了古魔域,姜无邪却没有要杀死他的意思,他心中,总归还有那么一丁点的兄弟之情在,所以最近姜无涯屡次进犯古魔域,姜无邪都没有杀他,这一次姜无邪虽然气愤,但也决定直接将他弟弟赶走算了,可是,问题是赵丹尘争着动手了。 This idiot, these time must die.” Jiang Wuxie sighed slightly, he knows very clearly, reason that Zhao Danchen rushes to begin, like is not of pleasant to hear, his goal in his words saying should kills Jiang Wuya. “这蠢货,这一次真要没命了。”姜无邪稍微叹息了一声,他知道得很清楚,赵丹尘之所以抢着动手,并不像他话中说的那么好听,他的目的应该就是杀死姜无涯吧。 That side War Clan, Zhao Danchen has eaten that big shrivelled, is Long Clan grants, particularly that Long Chen. Jiang Wuya is also his main match, this Jiang Wuya visits to bring death, Zhao Danchen does not want his life, that is strange...” “在战族那边,赵丹尘吃了那么大的一个瘪,都是龙族赐予的,尤其是那龙辰姜无涯也是他主要的对手,这一次姜无涯上门来送死,赵丹尘不要他的性命,那才怪呢…” The Military Alliance team stopped. 武盟的队伍停了下来。 At this time, Jiang Wuya looks at Zhao Danchen to ride Pegasus arrival, the complexion is invariable, in nearby Jian Chen eye somewhat is but actually anxious, after all the opposite party regarding them, was really too strong. 此时,姜无涯看着赵丹尘骑着飞马到来,脸色不变,旁边的剑尘眼中倒有些紧张,毕竟对方对于他们来说,实在是太强了。 „Can Second Brother, spell with him hardly?” Jian Chen said in a soft voice. “二哥,要和他硬拼吗?”剑尘轻声道。 You at the same time look now, if there is an opportunity , helping me rescue my daughter, Zhao Danchen is strong, I also want him to marry inadequate my daughter!” Jiang Wuya said lightly. “你现在一边看着,如果有机会的话,就帮我救一救我女儿吧,赵丹尘再强,我也要他娶不成我女儿!”姜无涯淡淡说道。 His expression is very light, but in the middle of the innermost feelings has just likes the volcano is howling generally. 他的语气很平淡,可内心当中有犹如火山一般呼啸着。 That shouted, Zhao Danchen emptied in the middle of Pegasus to get down from the god, he stood in the Jiang Wuya body first more than 20 meters place, looks at Jiang Wuya indifferently, but Jian Chen hesitant moment, thinks, if Jiang Wuya encountered the mishap, hoped on own body, therefore he drew back several steps. 呼的一声,赵丹尘就从神空飞马当中下来,他站在姜无涯身前20多米处,冷眼看着姜无涯,而剑尘犹豫了片刻,想到假如姜无涯遭遇了不测,希望就在自己的身上了,所以他退开了几步。 The vision of people, transferred to the body of Jiang Wuya and Zhao Danchen. 众人的目光,都移到了姜无涯赵丹尘的身上。 Is Long Clan works as the Central African common life worthily No. 2 character Jiang Wuya, confronts with this Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty youngest God's favored one, in his eye has not revealed slight timid intent, instead fights the air/Qi to be turbulent! 不愧是龙族当中非常有命的二号人物姜无涯,和这神武圣朝最年轻的天之骄子对峙,他的眼中没有流露出丝毫的怯意,反而战气汹涌! Who the fellow is, dares to keep off in Zhao Danchen unexpectedly at present!” “那家伙是谁啊,竟然敢挡在赵丹尘的眼前!” Looked that young is not small, is it possible that is that bride's sweetheart? Really a woman of having no sense of shame, such woman, where has any qualifications to marry Zhao Danchen!” “看年轻也不小了,莫非是那新娘的情人吗?真是一个不知羞耻的女人,这样的女人,哪有什么资格嫁给赵丹尘!” In the direction of yellow Cultivator city, has broadcast the discussion sound. 在黄城的方向,传来了叽里呱啦的议论声音。 The clear weather, ten thousand li (0.5km) not clouds. 天气晴朗,万里无云。 Heard that you are the Liu Yiyi father. Said honestly that I comply to marry Liu Yiyi , because you are his father, your isn't Long Clan the cow? What Liu Yiyi falls to my hand, I suffer her heartily, you are uncomfortable, I am happy, Jiang Wuya, you said that you can also entrain again?” Zhao Danchen rubbish, comes straight to the point directly, spoke own innermost thoughts. “听说你还是柳依依的老爹呢。坦白说,我答应娶柳依依,就是因为你是他老爹,你们龙族不是牛吗?什么柳依依落到我手中,我尽情的折磨她,你们心里越是不舒服,我就越是高兴,姜无涯,你说,你们还能再拽吗?”赵丹尘没有废话,直接开门见山,把自己的心里话说了出来。 However, the Jiang Wuya complexion, such as during his Zhao Danchen imagination such, has not become very ugly. 不过,姜无涯的脸色,并没有如他赵丹尘想象当中那样,变得非常难看。 In fact, he was any mind, Jiang Wuya had already thought that Zhao Danchen became second nature loosely, but Liu Yiyi was only in the middle of Ancient Demon Region an obscure female, the demon emperor also has many daughters, has chosen why Liu Yiyi, because of Jiang Wuya. 实际上,他是什么居心,姜无涯早就想到了,赵丹尘风流成性,而柳依依只是古魔域当中一个默默无闻的女子,魔皇还有不少的女儿,为什么偏偏选了一个柳依依呢,就是因为姜无涯 Jiang Wuya is not a fool, such simple truth, he was already clear. 姜无涯不是笨蛋,这么浅显的道理,他早就想清楚了。 That must have a look, your did Zhao Danchen have this to assign.” Jiang Wuya starts the lip to say gently. “那就要看看,你赵丹尘有没有这个命了。”姜无涯轻轻启动着嘴唇说道。 Earth Martial Realm 2-layer True Essence, is rushing in the middle of his body. 地武境二重真元,在他的身体当中澎湃着。 King Grade... Path of Demon Heart!” 王级道心种魔!” During the process of speech, on the body of Jiang Wuya had black hazy gradually, quick his whole body covering, along with covering of this black fog, this Path of Demon Heart ** let his Jiang Wuya True Essence, is having rising suddenly, the demon that the chest congealed planted, gradually converged True Essence. 在说话的过程当中,姜无涯的身体上逐渐有黑色的烟雾弥漫了起来,很快就将他全身给笼罩住了,随着这黑雾的笼罩,这道心种魔**让他姜无涯真元,也在发生着暴涨,胸口当中凝结的魔种,逐渐汇入到了真元当中。 Path of Demon Heart **, altogether has the good four levels. Has the final level only, only then emperor palace, its fourth, is belongs to King Grade Primary Level Battle Technique, Jiang Wuya currently uses, can own True Essence promotes to original two to about three times. 道心种魔**,一共有好四个层次。唯一拥有最终层次的只有皇殿,其第四层,是属于王级初等战技,姜无涯现在使用,能够将自己的真元提升到原来的两至三倍左右。
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