DBWG :: Volume #7

#629: A peak fist

This is confrontation of Zhao Wuji and Long Shen, therefore Long Chen steps down temporarily the second line, is observing these two. 这是赵无极龙山的对峙,所以龙辰暂时退居到第二线,观察着这两人。 After Zhao Wuji appears, has not appeared immediately, his look is indifferent, probably is the same in own garden watching scenery, careful looks at Long Shen. On the face does not have any ripples. 赵无极出现后,并没有马上出现,他神色淡然,就好像是在自家的庭院观赏景色一样,细细的看着龙山。脸上没有任何的涟漪。 Long Shen was stranded for more than 30 years, actually suddenly came out on this day. Such giant accident, Zhao Wuji actually can still calm treatment, his innermost feelings have obviously how tenaciously, widow who does not remarry. Is such match, is formidabe. 龙山被困了30多年,在这一天却忽然出来了。这样巨大的意外,赵无极却仍然能够冷静的对待,可见他的内心到底有多么的坚韧,古井不波了。越是这样的对手,就越是难对付。 Limitless, many years disappear.” A Long Shen item of time is calm, light [say / way]. “无极,多年不见了。”龙山目光阴沉着,淡淡道。 Zhao Wuji silent, this revealed a helpless forced smile: Right. Many years do not see.” 赵无极沉默了一阵,这才流露出了一丝无奈的苦笑:“对。多年不见。” You have not thought that my Long Shen actually is also living?” More looks at Zhao Wuji, the Long Shen complexion is ugly, Zhao Wuji is the disciple of Chen bear, gave facing this biggest painful the disciple of enemy, in the Long Shen heart has hated in flaming is burning. “你没想到,我龙山竟然还活着吧?”越是看着赵无极,龙山的脸色就越是难看,赵无极是辰熊的弟子,面对这曾经给过自己最大痛苦的敌人的弟子,龙山心中仇恨正在熊熊燃烧着。 Zhao Wuji anything had not said that but nods. 赵无极什么都没说,只是点点头。 He also thinks that Long Shen already died, has not thought of him in nine quiet mourning souls middle. 他也以为龙山早就死了,没想到他会在九幽丧魂地当中。 That place, even if Zhao Wuji knows the method, he does not want to go. 那个地方,就算赵无极知道出去的方法,他也不想进去。 Long Shen can also bear killing intent in oneself heart. He looked at Zhao Wuji one, said: Many years do not see, your boy also had today's strength. My this return, you also understand that Military Alliance forever will not exist, these enmity, Chen Xiong Suiran died, I from your bodies, 11 will actually ask. Next time meets, could make war!” 龙山还忍得住自己心中的杀意。他看了赵无极一阵,道:“多年不见,你小子也有今天的实力了。我这次归来,你也明白,武盟不会永远的存在下去了,那些仇,辰熊虽然死了,我却会从你们的身上,11讨回来。下一次见面,可能就要开战了!” Then, leaves. 说完,走人。 Wait / Etc..” Zhao Wuji has lifted a hand, has detained Long Shen. “等等。”赵无极抬起了一只手,挽留了龙山 „Do you think to hit now?” Long Shen has turned head, on the face revealed yin cold. “你想现在打?”龙山回过头,脸上流露出了一丝阴寒。 Zhao Wuji had not replied that his body plunders suddenly in Long Shen this direction, the limpid look, had flashed through a cold light at this time finally. 赵无极没有回答,他的身体忽然朝着龙山这个方向掠过来,原本清澈的眼神,此时终于闪过了一丝的冷光。 Withdraws to me!” Long Shen drank one coldly, Long Chen and the others nods, hastily backlash. Long Chen also estimated that Zhao Wuji will not move lightly puts Long Shen to leave, if after all this time does not handle Long Shen, next time did not handle. “都给我退后!”龙山冷喝了一声,龙辰等人点点头,连忙后退。龙辰也估计赵无极不会轻移就放龙山离开,毕竟这一次如果搞不定龙山,下一次就更加搞不定了。 Two big Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty super Expert, in the middle of the midair, meet under being a focus of public attention at this time, expressions on two face both very desolate, in the showdown of this upper air, they do not have the gaudy style, has made a fist respectively! 两大神武圣朝的超级强者,此时在半空当中,在万众瞩目之下相遇,两人脸上的表情都非常的冷淡,在这高空的对决当中,两人没有花哨的招式,各自打出了一拳! A simple fist, seems like ordinary, clashes in the middle of the midair loudly, has not made a sound, resembled them to touch a fist to be ordinary casually. 简简单单的一拳,看似平常,在半空当中轰然对撞,没有发出一丝的声响,就好像两人随便碰了一拳一般。 Entire Martial Emperor city, actually in the middle of this ordinary fist, slight vibration one time! 整个武帝城,却在这平凡的一拳当中,轻微的震动了一次! This slight vibration, only then Earth Martial Realm above Cultivator can feel, although the vibration is slight, but is found in the entire big Martial Emperor city like this, can have the sensation to this attack is formidable. 这轻微的震动,只有地武境以上的者才能够感觉出来,震动虽然轻微,但是这样遍布整个偌大武帝城,就能够从中感知到这攻击到底有多么的强大了。 Long Chen to the present boundary, still the feelings of some palpitations. 龙辰到了现在的境界,仍然有些心悸的感觉。 They knock out the fist, seems like very simple, this explained they the control to their strength, arrived at a strong level, present he, cannot achieve the release that this does not divulge. All strengths hit at 1 : 00, this has exceeded the might that many Battle Technique can play. 两人出拳,看似很简单,这更加说明了他们对自己力量的控制,已经到达了一个超强的层次,现在的他,根本做不到这样毫不泄漏的释放。所有的力量都击中在一点,这已经胜过了很多的战技能够发挥出来的威力了。 Shout! 呼! After a fist clashes, they separate loudly, toward behind goes, this confrontation, can look at some of their vitalities to tumble, particularly Martial Emperor, has flown upside down at this time, to the Martial Emperor palace similar place, this has stood firm own personal appearance. 一拳对撞之后,两人轰然分开,朝着身后而去,这一次的交锋,看得出来两人都有些气血翻滚,尤其是武帝,此时倒飞了出去,一直到了武帝宫差不多的地方,这才稳住了自己的身形。 He one hand-held in Martial Emperor palace the wall of piece of Golden, at the same time looks up Long Shen, somewhat gasps for breath slightly, in his opposite Long Shen, has stood firm before then. On the face is hanging the smiling face, looks at Zhao Wuji, said: Limitless, my this fist, what do you feel?” 他一手扶在了武帝宫的一片金色的墙体,一边抬起头看着龙山,稍微有些喘气,在他对面的龙山,在此之前就已经稳住了。脸上挂着笑容,看着赵无极,道:“无极,我这一拳,你感觉怎么样呢?” The Zhao Wuji complexion had some small changes. 赵无极脸色有了一些小小的变化。 His as if words are not many, at this time has not spoken. 他似乎话不是很多,此时都没有说话。 From this confrontation, the people in entire Martial Emperor city looked, did that mysterious old person, want on strongly one compared with that Zhao Wuji probably? 从这交锋当中,整个武帝城的人都看出来了,那神秘的老人,好像比那赵无极还要强上了一丝? On the people face is the panic-stricken looks. 众人脸上都是惊骇的神色。 In Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty, appears compared with Martial Emperor Zhao Wuji unexpectedly also wants the terror the role? 神武圣朝,竟然出现比武帝赵无极还要恐怖的角色吗? What Zhao Wuji has not said that this is representing, did he admit defeat? 赵无极没有说什么,这是否就代表着,他已经认输了? This matter, to the Military Alliance person, the impact was too simply big. These Martial King, encircled the body of Zhao Wuji in abundance, a little anxious looks at Zhao Wuji, if Zhao Wuji has dropped down, then entire Military Alliance must certainly step. 这件事情,对武盟的人来说,冲击简直太大了。那些武王们,纷纷围到了赵无极的身上,有点紧张的看着赵无极,如果赵无极倒下了,那么整个武盟肯定也要跨了。 Remember, my Long Family, will recapture Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty one day, is not only your Zhao Wuji, Military Alliance all people, give me to record well!” A Long Shen move wins slightly, has sneered coldly. “记住,我龙家,总有一天会夺回神武圣朝的,不但是你赵无极,还有武盟所有人,都给我好好的记着!”龙山一招稍胜,冷冷笑了一声。 His time departure, Zhao Wuji has not spoken, no one has blocked him. 他这一次的离开,赵无极没有说话,谁都没有拦住他。 Leads Long Chen and the others, Long Shen natural turning around to go. 带领着龙辰等人,龙山潇洒的转身而去。 Who is this old person? Long Family?” “这老人到底是谁?龙家?” Day, has defeated Martial Emperor unexpectedly...” “天啊,竟然打败了武帝…” Do not speak irresponsibly, but has encountered casually one time, hits truly, who wins who defeated/carrying is uncertain!” “别乱说,只是随便交锋了一次,真正打起来,谁胜谁负都不一定呢!” Why Martial Emperor does not leave behind him, fights with him, doesn't fear him?” “可是为什么武帝不把他留下,和他大战一场,不是怕他?” What you know, here is the Martial Emperor city, Martial Emperor cares about our safety, if these people hit here, the entire Martial Emperor city have't can destroy?” “你知道什么,这里是武帝城,武帝是顾及我们的安危,这些人若是在这里打起来,整个武帝城还不得毁了吗?” Similar discussion sound, resounds under in abundance. 类似的议论声,在下方纷纷响起。 A move, Martial Emperor wound not, but he has found out the Long Shen strength, Long Chen knows that Zhao Wuji is cares about here is the Martial Emperor city, therefore did not have here and Long Shen makes war, he definitely knows, if made war here, the entire Martial Emperor city estimated that must destroy. 刚才的一招,武帝一点伤没受,不过他已经摸清楚了龙山的实力,龙辰知道,赵无极就是顾及这里是武帝城,所以没有在这里和龙山开战,他肯定知道,若是在这里开战,整个武帝城估计都得毁了。 Therefore, present Long Chen can smooth departure. 所以,现在的龙辰才能够顺利的离开。 Grandfather, cannot hit you including that Martial Emperor, you were really too fierce!” Grey clothes youth tight with complexion indifferent Long Shen behind, in the eye has been full of the look of worship, Long Shen now so was fierce, when he restored the Earth Martial Realm 5-layer strength, that also? “爷爷,连那武帝都打不过你,你真是太厉害了!”灰衣少年紧紧的跟着脸色冷漠的龙山身后,眼中充满了崇拜的神色,龙山现在就这么厉害了,等他恢复了地武境五重的实力,那还了得? Had been lucky King Crystal of little friend, he middle saves from nine quiet mourning souls us, otherwise we, will be a nine quiet mourning soul middle corpse.” Long Shen looked to Long Chen, said. “多亏了小友的王晶,还有他把我们从九幽丧魂地当中救出来,否则我们,都将是九幽丧魂地当中的一具尸体罢了。”龙山看向了龙辰,道。 Three people threw the grateful look toward Long Chen. 三人朝着龙辰投来了感激的神色。 Long Chen said pale with a smile: I and eldest sister like brothers, these should be, is not worth mentioning.” 龙辰淡笑着说道:“我和大姐情同手足,这些都是应该的,不足挂齿。” From the center of Martial Emperor inner city, four ** swings goes in the direction of Martial Emperor outer city chats, such big sound, basically the people in entire Martial Emperor city came out from the dwelling at this time. And includes the numerous people in Martial Emperor outer city. 武帝内城的中央,四**摇大摆的朝着武帝外城的方向而去,这么大的动静,此时基本上整个武帝城的人都从住处当中出来了。其中就包括武帝外城的众多人。 The Long Chen four people, are for dozens years, some first people can from Martial Emperor city this departure swaggering. 龙辰四个人,还是数十年来,第一次有人能够从武帝城这样大摇大摆的离开。 Saves Long Yue, this basic impossible mission, made Long Chen complete. Thinks that also keeps in the middle of War Clan several people, in Ancient Demon Region Jiang Wuya, currently estimated that despaired. 拯救龙月,这基本不可能完成的任务,还是让龙辰完成了。想必还留在战族当中的几人,还有在古魔域姜无涯,现在估计已经绝望了吧。 Long Chen and Long Yue have looked at each other one, they had decided that after leaving the Martial Emperor city, where must first go. 龙辰龙月对视了一眼,他们已经决定,离开了武帝城之后,首先要去哪里。 Suddenly, in the middle of the crowd that Long Chen in the Martial Emperor outer city looks, saw a familiar form, position that this form stands at this time, Long Chen once in brain. 忽然间,龙辰武帝外城仰望的人群当中,看到了一个熟悉的身影,这个身影此时站立的位置,龙辰曾经记在了脑中。 I have almost forgotten blue demon flame, this blue demon flame, delivered actually.” In Long Chen, is looking at the females of their four people with the alarmed and afraid look, Long Chen in that Zhao Danchen woman who in the middle of the Cultivator business pledge runs into. She has robbed the Xiao Lang blue demon flame, although the blue demon flame should be useless to Mo Xiao Lang, but the disposition of this woman, cunning and unreasonable ruthless spicy, is not the good thing, if not for initially Long Chen were astute, perhaps she must instigate Zhao Danchen also to kill Long Chen. “我差不多把蓝魔炎忘记了,这蓝魔炎,倒是自己送上门来了。”在龙辰的下方,正在用惊惧的眼神看着他们四个人的女子,正是龙辰商盟当中遇到的那个赵丹尘的女人。她抢走了小狼的蓝魔炎,虽然蓝魔炎应该对莫小狼来说已经没用了,可这女人的性格,刁蛮狠辣,不是什么好东西,当初若不是龙辰精明,她恐怕就要唆使赵丹尘龙辰也干掉了。 Three, wait a bit my a while.” After Long Chen spoke these words, whiz, rushed to, they must leave, no one has thought that Long Chen had the movement at this time, therefore a piece of clamoring sound got up. “三位,稍等我一会儿。”龙辰说完这句话之后,嗖的一声,就冲到了下方,他们本来要离开,谁都没想到龙辰在这时候有动作,于是一片更加的喧哗声响起。 The Long Chen speed is fast, instantaneous, he arrives at the sky of that mansion, stays in that female at present ten meters place. Sees Long Chen to look at itself, the female complexion instantaneously changed. 龙辰的速度非常快,瞬间,他就来到那府邸的上空,停留在那女子的眼前十米处。见到龙辰看着自己,那女子脸色瞬间就变了。 Gives me the blue demon flame, otherwise wanted your life.” The corners of the mouth of Long Chen have brought back the light smiling face. “把蓝魔炎给我,否则就要了你的命。”龙辰的嘴角勾起了淡淡的笑容。 „...” The females retreated in fear several steps, from the beginning does not know that exactly what happened, waits for the Long Chen look, gradually after becoming ice-cold, she hastily pulled out one also to have Yu Xiang Universe Bag from the bosom, trembling threw toward Long Chen. “啊…”女子被吓退了几步,一开始不知道到底发生了什么事情,等龙辰的眼神,逐渐变得冰冷之后,她才连忙从怀中掏出了一个还有余香的乾坤袋,颤颤巍巍的朝着龙辰扔过来。 What she has doubts, why Long Chen knows that he has the blue demon flame. 她疑惑的是,龙辰为什么会知道他有蓝魔炎。 Zhao Danchen not here?” Long Chen took Universe Bag, confirmed in that had the blue demon flame, then arrived at the ear of this female, cold sound asked. 赵丹尘不在这里?”龙辰拿过了乾坤袋,确认了一下那里面有蓝魔炎之后,便到了这女子的耳边,冷声问道。 Nearness of Long Chen, making the female be afraid, she most is afraid that mysterious old person, Long Chen obviously is this mysterious old person's later generation, a princess of her small influence, where dares to provoke Long Chen. 龙辰的靠近,让女子更加的害怕,她最害怕的还是那神秘的老人,龙辰显然是这神秘老人的后辈,她一个小势力的公主,哪里敢招惹龙辰 He... He got married the Ancient Demon Region person to go...” The women clench jaws, tremble were saying. “他…他去迎娶古魔域的人去了…”女人咬牙切齿,哆嗦着说道。 How long went to?” Long Chen asked. “去了多久了?”龙辰问。 „About five days...” The women trembled were saying. “五天左右吧…”女人哆嗦着说。 Is very good.” Long Chen has smiled one, a palm of the hand pulled out to fly this woman directly, the woman hit in the middle of a yard, does not know that hit to collapse several walls. “很好。”龙辰笑了一声,一巴掌直接将这女人抽飞了出去,女人撞进了一间大院当中,也不知道到底撞塌了几堵墙壁。 Long Chen has not managed her life and death, has flown the sky directly, arrived at side Long Shen and the others, said: Can walk.” 龙辰没管她的生死,直接飞到了上空,来到了龙山等人身边,道:“可以走了。” Long Chen below behavior and opposite party, they saw certainly. This is only a small interlude, they had not asked. 龙辰在下方的行为和对方,他们三人当然看到了。这只是一个小小的插曲而已,他们并没有多问。 Long Chen in the middle of the Martial Emperor city, the person to Martial Emperor city begins blatantly, but the Military Alliance person, is motionless, because under Zhao Wuji anything orders not to have, the Military Alliance person, can only look indignantly. 龙辰武帝城当中,公然对武帝城的人动手,可武盟的人,还是一动不动,因为赵无极什么命令都还没有下呢,武盟的人,只能够义愤填膺的看着。 After waiting for the Long Chen four people to vanish thoroughly, that Zhao Wuji the complexion was indifferent, inquired that nearby Xiao Lin said: That youth who got rid of a moment ago, recently made noisily, Yang Ningfeng that waste has killed Long Chen?” 龙辰四人彻底消失了之后,那赵无极才脸色淡然,询问旁边的萧霖道:“刚才出手的那个少年,就是最近闹得沸沸扬扬,把杨凝锋那个废物干掉了的龙辰吧?”
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