DBWG :: Volume #7

#620: Base space

The Dragon Blood war-god 620 _ Dragon Blood war-god full text read the _ Chapter 620 free 龙血战神620_龙血战神全文免费阅读_第620章 Base space Two From net() 地底空间【二更】来自网() In the Long Chen heart, spirit of risk is the suitable foot, that grey clothes youth is also so, Long Yue is also the decisive person. 【 hundred degree celsius drawnet 龙辰心中,冒险的精神是相当足的,那灰衣少年也是如此,龙月也是果断之人。【百度搜索网 The members sign on net 会员登入网】 Uses Soul Devouring Demonic Eye, Long Chen cannot see the soul from the bodies of these stone scorpions, this in other words these stone scorpions do not have the soul. As for is any thing, Long Chen now does not understand. 使用噬灵妖瞳,龙辰并不能从那些石蝎子的身上看到魂魄,这也就是说这些石蝎子是沒有魂魄的。至于到底是什么东西,龙辰现在是不懂了。 In Long Chen and the others under the eyelids, tens of thousands of stone scorpions, started to sink to the middle of the bottom, here ground was the family of stone scorpion is probably similar, after they sank, the ground will restore automatically such as beginning. 龙辰等人的眼皮底下,成千上万的石蝎子,开始沉入了地底当中,这里的地面好像是石蝎子的家差不多,当他们沉进去之后,地面都会自动的恢复如初。 As for the Long Chen three people must with, only be able to dig a pit by oneself. They have powerful Dragon's Soul Body Transformation, moreover Earth Martial Realm, Cultivate is the earth, they can achieve with the earth fusion, even further communication, therefore also approximately can in the middle of this bottom, follow the speed of stone scorpion. 至于龙辰三个人要跟进去,就只能由自己挖坑了。他们三个人都有强悍的龙魂变身,而且地武境,修炼的就是大地,他们能够做到和大地融合,甚至进一步的沟通,所以也大致能够在这地底当中,跟上石蝎子的速度。 At this time, three people turned into Dragon's Soul Body Transformation, at this time Long Yue and grey clothes youth, discovered that Long Chen Dragon's Soul Body Transformation and they are not same, Long Chen Dragon's Soul Body Transformation, the color wants on deeply many . Moreover the Dragon Scale rule wait / etc., spur these aspects, look like compared with good of Long Family sister and brother on many. 在这时候,三个人都化成了龙魂变身,这时候龙月和灰衣少年,才发现龙辰龙魂变身和他们不相同,龙辰龙魂变身,颜色要深上不少,而且龙鳞的规则等等,还有骨刺这些方面,看起來都要比龙家姐弟的好上许多。 Antiquity Blood Spirit Dragon and Red Dragon, although is Red, but is actually strongest and weakest difference, both have certainly very big disparity. 太古血灵龙红龙,虽然都是红色,但却是最强和最弱的区别,两者当然有很大的差距。 „Are you our Long Family person? How Dragon's Soul Body Transformation gets up, probably stronger compared with us.” That grey clothes youth said. “你是我们龙家的人吗?怎么龙魂变身起來,好像比我们要强啊。”那灰衣少年说道。 Long Chen shakes the head, says with a smile: I do not know, learns Dragon's Soul Body Transformation time was this appearance, the eldest sister said that I possibly was another branch of your family. We hurry with that stone scorpion, do not alarm them.” 龙辰摇摇头,笑道:“我也不知道,学会龙魂变身的时候就是这个样子了,大姐说我可能是你们家族的另外一个分支呢。我们还是赶紧跟着那石蝎子,别惊动了他们。” This Dragon Warrior matter, Long Chen does not want to make others know, therefore he changed the topic. 龙武者的事情,龙辰不想让别人知道,所以他岔开了话題。 Three people are silent, the excavation vanguard in the middle of the place bottom, their bodies and claw wait / etc., be much harder than the place bottom Ash Grey soil, breaks these soils, is very easy. 三人沉默着,在地底当中挖掘前行,他们的身体和爪子等等,都要比地底的灰色泥土坚硬得多,破开这些泥土,还是很容易的。 Is more thorough, these soils give their pressure to be bigger, they are also more difficult to withstand. These stone scorpions downward are still penetrating, when does not know can the end, therefore Long Yue said: Perhaps ok, we thorough words, were encounter the danger not to evade. Exits importantly.” 只是越深入,那些泥土给他们的压力就越大,他们也越难承受。那些石蝎子还在往下深入着,不知道什么时候才能够到头呢,于是龙月道:“算了吧,我们再深入的话,恐怕就是遇到危险也躲不过了。还是出去要紧。” The grey clothes youth nods. 灰衣少年点点头。 At this time, Long Chen in a low voice called out in alarm said: They vanished, front is somewhat strange!” 就在这时候,龙辰低声惊呼道:“它们消失了,前面有些奇怪!” Long Yue decided must walk, listened to a Long Chen such saying, Long Chen that she also can only with taking the lead continued to penetrate, Long Chen can defeat Martial Emperor Yang Ningfeng now, his strength was very possible is among three people most formidable, therefore Long Yue made him take the lead, very much felt relieved at heart. 龙月本來决定要走的,听龙辰这么一说,她也只能跟着走在前面的龙辰继续深入了,龙辰现在都能打败武皇杨凝锋,他的实力很可能是三个人当中最强大的一个,所以龙月让他带头,心里也很放心。 Long Chen vanished the direction to go toward that stone scorpion, waits for almost went to the place the time, Long Chen felt suddenly front had a cool feeling, he has anchored the speed hastily, the secret passage: What is?” 龙辰朝着那石蝎子消失了方向而去,等差不多到地方的时候,龙辰忽然感觉到前面有一阵清凉的感觉,他连忙停住了速度,暗道:“是什么呢?” His hand moves gently, goes toward the front, suddenly feels, probably the arm stretched out the soil, therefore Long Chen guessed correctly immediately that perhaps this deeply very deep place bottom, really has a midheaven place very much? 他的手轻轻碰触,朝着前方而去,忽然感觉到一空,好像手臂已经伸出了泥土,于是龙辰立刻猜到,恐怕这很深很深的地底当中,竟然有一个中空的地方? This midheaven place, big? 这中空的地方,到底有多大呢? Long Chen talented and skilled are bold, without demur, said: Here has the strangeness, I will go advanced, have the matter to remind you!” 龙辰艺高胆大,二话不说,就说道:“这里有古怪,我先进去,有事会提醒你们!” Comes to here is he proposed that therefore he also provides leadership, goes toward the front directly, suddenly the entire body emptied. After Long Chen is displaying Opening Heaven Realm 9-layer hastily, flying apsaras Divine Ability that an opening day hole, can use, own body stable in the middle of midair, then looks toward the body under. 來这里是他自己提议的,所以他也身先士卒,直接朝着前方而去,忽然间整个身体都空了。龙辰连忙施展着通天境九重之后,开启天一窍,能够使用的飞天神通,将自己的身体稳定在半空当中,然后朝着身下看去。 Immediately, he somewhat was shocked. 顿时,他有些惊呆了。 This is a giant rock cavern, big, Long Chen does not know that only what he sees is under actually has the massive crushed stones, these crushed stones and color of stone scorpion was just exactly the same, but these stone scorpions actually disappear now, this makes Long Chen have to suspect that these proliferate the entire field of vision the crushed stone, can be these stone scorpions? 这是一个巨大的岩石洞窟,到底有多大呢,龙辰不知道,他唯一看到的是下方竟然存在着大量的碎石,这些碎石和刚刚石蝎子的颜色一模一样,只不过那些石蝎子现在却不见了,这让龙辰不得不怀疑,这些遍布整个视野的碎石,会不会就是那些石蝎子? Here, is their dens, after arriving here, they by the body of stone scorpion, scatter, then turned into the stone once more? 这里,就是它们的老巢,來到这里之后,它们由石蝎子的身体,散落,然后再次化成了石头? Naturally, this is only the guess of Long Chen. 当然,这只是龙辰的猜测而已。 The midheaven space of this place bottom, under is the dense and numerous crushed stones, as for the place above, Long Chen looks up, a paint black light membrane, has blocked the great quantity soil, overhung a huge space to come out in the middle of the place bottom. Paints the black ray, looks like the level of the lake ripple is the same, is pasting in the surface of light membrane, looks like is very attractive. 这个地底的中空空间,下方是密密麻麻的碎石,至于上方,龙辰抬头看去,一层漆黑色的光膜,挡住了巨量的泥土,在地底当中撑出了一个如此巨大的空间出來。漆黑色的光芒,就像是湖面的波纹一样,在光膜的表面上流转着,看起來还挺漂亮的。 Long Chen, had just gone through the light membrane, arrived here, this membrane probably is only only useful to the interception soil, he can cut through easily. 龙辰,刚刚就穿过了光膜,來到了这里,这光膜好像只对拦截泥土有用,他可以轻而易举的穿进來。 At this time, his light membrane, swung the black ripple once again, Long Yue and form of grey clothes youth comes out from middle, they had not waited for that Long Chen went back to tell them, but has come in directly, that was because they were also worried about the Long Chen safety. 此时,他的身后的光膜,再度荡起了黑色的波纹,龙月和灰衣少年的身影从当中出來,他们沒有等待龙辰回去告诉他们,而是直接进來了,那是因为他们也担心龙辰的安危。 After seeing this inside scene, they revealed the shocking look. 看到这里面的场景之后,两人都流露出了震惊的神色。 This grotto, but also is really huge. However, a moment ago these stone scorpions?” In the middle of the Long Yue beautiful eye is glittering the ray of doubts. “这个岩洞,还真是巨大。不过,刚才那些石蝎子呢?”龙月美目当中闪烁着疑惑的光芒。 Long Chen has referred to under the endless crushed stone, said: Here probably only then these things were the stones.” 龙辰指了指下面无尽的碎石,道:“这里好像只有这些东西是石头了。” You were said that......” eye of Long Yue one bright, her words spoke of generally, had actually been broken by nearby grey clothes youth, at this time the grey clothes youth was pointing at a place surprisedly, put Long Chen and the others to look at the past, said: You look, in that dead center, has a very big stone probably!” “你是说……”龙月的眼睛一亮,她的话说到了一般,却被旁边的灰衣少年打断了,此时灰衣少年惊讶的指着一个地方,放龙辰等人看过去,道:“你们看,在那正中心,好像有一块很大的石头!” Following his vision, Long Chen they looked at the past, really saw in the centers of innumerable crushed stone, has a stone of huge sphere, this stone Ash Grey, the material quality estimate was all over the body same as stone scorpion stone. The stone steady pressure of this sphere above the innumerable crushed stones, the surface smooth, has glittered the light ray, the diameter is having more than 20 meters probably. 顺着他的目光,龙辰两人看过去,果然看到在无数的碎石的中心,有着一个巨大的球形的石头,这石头通体灰色,材质估计和石蝎子身上的石头是一样的。这球形的石头稳稳的压在了无数的碎石之上,表面光滑,闪烁着淡淡的光芒,直径大概有20多米。 This place, if has strangely, should in the big stone of this sphere.” In the Long Chen heart was guessing secretly, he waved, said: Comes rarely, we had a look in the past.” “这地方如果有古怪的话,应该在这球形的大石头上。”龙辰心中暗暗猜测着,他挥挥手,道:“难得來一场,我们过去看看吧。” Saying, he takes the lead once more, goes toward the stone of that sphere. 说着,他再次领头,朝着那球形的石头而去。 All the way, all are probably uneventful. 一路上,好像一切都风平浪静。 When must approach that sphere Giant Stone, Long Chen dangerous feelings, he has anchored the footsteps suddenly hastily, then greeted the people to retrocede, after they drew back, under foot momentarily has sent out the black ray, black Rune have shone baseless, altogether more than ten Rune, appeared in the under foot of Long Chen, then, these crushed stones fast was being attracted by these Rune, under the structure of Rune, turned into ten stone scorpions rapidly, made threatening gestures, appears in Long Chen at present. 就在要靠近那球形巨石的时候,龙辰忽然有一种危险的感觉,他连忙停住了脚步,然后招呼着众人后退,在他们退开了之后,脚下的随时发出了黑色的光芒,一圈圈黑色的符文凭空亮了起來,一共有十多个符文,出现在龙辰的脚下,然后,那些碎石飞快的被这些符文吸引着,在符文的构造之下,迅速的化成了十多头石蝎子,张牙舞爪,出现在龙辰的眼前。 Black Rune, in their bright flash. 黑色的符文,在它们的身后熠熠闪光。 Really is these stone scorpions, did they turn into the crushed stone?” Grey clothes youth somewhat amazed saying. “真的是这些石蝎子,他们都变成碎石了?”灰衣少年有些惊诧的说道。 Before, there are tens of thousands of stone scorpions, naturally was very terrorist, now only then several heads, they had not been daunted but actually. At this time in the ground has many crushed stones, ten stone scorpions, crushed stone of use also only then few part. 之前,有成千上万的石蝎子,当然很恐怖,现在只有十几头,他们倒沒有被吓住。此时地面上都有着很多的碎石,十多头的石蝎子,动用的碎石也只有很少的一部分。 In the Long Chen brain a revolution, said: „The beforehand stone scorpion, pursued we five days, I estimated that their strengths have exhausted, therefore we rush in their old haunt time, they also can only cause several to cope with us, we handled these several first said again!” 龙辰脑中一转,道:“之前的石蝎子,追逐了我们五天的时间,我估计它们的力量是耗尽了,所以我们闯进他们老窝的时候,它们也只能弄出十几头來对付我们,我们先把这十几头搞定了再说!” If such as he guessed that can be secure. 如果如他猜测,那就可以有恃无恐了。 Ten stone scorpions, Long Chen might also as well in heart. 十多头的石蝎子,龙辰还不妨在心中。 Whish, Long Chen appeared in a stone scorpion at present, that stone scorpion giant double pliers, looked like two meteorites are common, pounded loudly toward him. 哗的一声,龙辰就出现在了一头石蝎子的眼前,那石蝎子巨大的双钳,就像是两个陨石一般,朝着他轰然砸來。 Willow catkin...... Long Chen displayed this movement with the wind gently, the attack of stone scorpion directly has blown to fly him, bumped cannot bump into him, Long Chen had not been blown far, he but actually has folded quickly. “柳絮随风……”龙辰轻轻施展了这一门身法,石蝎子的攻击就直接将他吹飞了出去,碰都碰不到他,龙辰并沒有被吹远,他很快就倒折了回來。 Whiz, stone scorpion that conceal after behind tail, launched the fierce attack to Long Chen, the tail speed relative rapidness of this stone scorpion . Moreover the strength also be much bigger than the double pliers, the tail of scorpion, is its main attack method! 嗖的一声,石蝎子那藏在身后的尾巴,对龙辰发动了猛烈的攻击,这石蝎子的尾巴速度相当之快,而且力量也要比双钳大得多,蝎子的尾巴,才是它主要的攻击手段! Wind sound. 咻咻的风声响了起來。 Similarly, because of Willow Catkin on The Wind Step, Long Chen has shunted easily its attack. Dodged one side, making the attack of stone scorpion fall the vacancy. 同样,因为柳絮随风步,龙辰轻易就躲开了它的攻击。闪到了一边去,让石蝎子的攻击落到了空处。 Huangfu family Willow Catkin on The Wind Step?” Will prepare and Long Family sister and brother of stone scorpion fight, after seeing Long Chen this Willow Catkin on The Wind Step, the complexion is somewhat shocking. This Huangfu family Willow Catkin on The Wind Step, how arrived in the hand of Long Chen, was learned by Long Chen? 皇甫家族柳絮随风步?”正要准备和石蝎子战斗的龙家姐弟,看到龙辰柳絮随风步之后,脸色有些震惊。这皇甫家族柳絮随风步,怎么就到了龙辰的手中,又怎么就被龙辰学会了? Separated that short time, Long Chen did not arrive to break through a level, but also has learned two King Grade Intermediate Level Battle Technique? 分开了那么短的时间,龙辰不到突破了一个层次,还学会了两门王级中等战技 And, Long Yue was more surprised. 其中,龙月更加惊讶了。 But grey clothes youth, to this Long Chen, he is deep admiring. From the beginning some of his truly superiority feeling, after all he arrived at Earth Martial Realm 3-layer in this age, peerless rare, he also takes slightly two years old compared with Zhao Danchen. But after meeting Long Chen, his self-confidence has come under the heartless attack. 而灰衣少年,对这个龙辰,他是深深的佩服。一开始他确实有些优越感,毕竟他在这个年纪到达了地武境三重,绝世罕见,他比赵丹尘还要小两岁多。可是遇到龙辰之后,他的自信心遭到了无情的打击。 Really is a anomaly!” Grey clothes youth speechless [say / way]. “真是个变态!”灰衣少年无语道。 Long Chen is leaning on Willow Catkin on The Wind Step, this stone scorpion cannot injure him, instead the crushed stone of ground, hits Mars to spatter in all directions, blasts open. 龙辰凭靠着柳絮随风步,这石蝎子根本就伤不到他,反而将地面的碎石,打得火星迸溅,炸裂开來。 Ten stone scorpions, disperse, because Long Chen begins first, altogether six stone scorpions surrounded him. That innumerable attack, dense and numerous attacks to come toward him. To be honest the attack efforts and speeds of these stone scorpions, quite formidable, Long Chen is not willing to waste the strength and they clashes directly, he only with Willow Catkin on The Wind Step, can six stone scorpions, play runs around in circles. 十多头石蝎子,分散开來,龙辰因为先动手,一共有六头的石蝎子将他围住了。那无数的攻击,密密麻麻的朝着他攻击而來。说实话这些石蝎子的攻击力度和速度,都相当的强大,龙辰也不愿意浪费力气和他们正面对撞,他只凭着柳絮随风步,就可以将六头石蝎子,耍得团团转了。 Long Chen does not need to get rid, can be won. 龙辰不需要出手,就能得到胜利。 For example, an attack of his stone scorpion comes shortly, before he instantaneously moved sideways another stone scorpion, when attacked arrives, he was displaying Willow Catkin on The Wind Step again, the attack of stone scorpion, was only the wind blows Long Chen, the true attack, actually fell on the Long Chen behind stone scorpion! 比如说,他眼看着其中一头石蝎子的攻击而來,他就瞬间闪身到了另外一头石蝎子之前,等攻击一到,他再施展着柳絮随风步,石蝎子的攻击,光是风就将龙辰吹开了,真正的攻击,却落到了龙辰身后的石蝎子身上! The Dragon Blood war-god 620 _ Dragon Blood war-god full text read the _ Chapter 620 free 龙血战神620_龙血战神全文免费阅读_第620章 Base space Two Renews! 地底空间【二更】更新完毕!
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