DBWG :: Volume #7

#618: You smile anything

Long Yue can only smile bitterly. 龙月只能苦笑。 What now can also have to hope? 现在还能有什么希望呢? Suffers **? 遭受**? She is impossible to want, in this final time, she has prepared to commit suicide, she does not even want to leave behind the entire corpse to herself, how so as to avoid cloud of anomaly wind with own corpse, he turned into the wild animal, nothing is he cannot do. 她不可能会愿意,在这最后的时刻,她已经准备自杀了,她甚至不想给自己留下全尸,免得风之云这个变态拿自己的尸体如何,他已经变成了野兽,沒有什么事情是他做不出來的。 At this time, Long Yue smelled cloud of whole body that stench wind Scent. 此时,龙月已经闻到了风之云浑身那腥臭的味道了。 In the final moment, Long Yue recalled that its own life, the first 50% time, is her blood brother passed, latter 50% time, was and Long Clan other people passed together. 在最后的关头,龙月回想其了自己的一生,前一半的时间,是和她的亲弟弟度过的,后一半的时间,则是和龙族的其他人一起度过的。 Faces, in Long Yue fast plundering in the past, she remembered met each Younger Brother sisters' detail, finally has remembered smallest Long Chen. Long Chen this youth, has truly taken to her too many surprise. 一个个人脸,在龙月快速的掠过去,她想起了遇见每一个兄弟姐妹的细节,最后才想起了最小的龙辰龙辰这个少年,确实带给了她太多的惊奇。 Suddenly, she as if heard the Long Chen sound, Long Yue has thought did one present the illusion, Long Chen will appear in these nine quiet mourning souls middle? 忽然间,她似乎听到了龙辰的声音,龙月以为自己出现了幻觉,龙辰又怎么会出现在这九幽丧魂地当中呢? In the Long Yue heart, worry of other 1-layer, that is War Clan. In the middle of her younger brother and Long Clan matter, she chose has saved her younger brother, this thinks that War Clan these Younger Brother, likely complete dying, now, how Long Yue does not know that side. 龙月心中,还有另外一重的担忧,那就是战族。在她弟弟和龙族的事情当中,她选择了救她的弟弟,这就以为战族的那些兄弟们,很可能都会全部的死去,现在,龙月也不知道那一边到底怎样了。 Stop!” This bolt from the blue, awakened Long Yue suddenly, she somewhat blurry gaining ground, in her fuzzy field of vision, two person's shadows ultra-fast clashes probably toward her, that speed only then her most flourishing time, almost can send. “住手!”这一声晴天霹雳,将龙月忽然惊醒了过來,她有些迷糊的抬起头,在她模糊的视野当中,好像两道人影朝着她超快的冲來,那种速度只有她全盛的时候,差不多才能够发出來吧。 Who these two are? 这两个是谁呢? Long Yue suddenly has not taken lightly, she only works as this is her misconception. 龙月一时间沒看轻,她只当这是自己的错觉罢了。 The cloud of this time wind, before arrived at the body of Long Yue. 此时的风之云,已经來到了龙月的身前。 More than ten years have not bumped woman, he could not bear. 十多年都沒碰女人,他真的已经忍不住了。 Looks at the Long Yue fair face and slender and wispy body, the grandness of his crotch already high raising. 看着龙月白皙的脸和袅娜的身躯,他胯下的雄伟已经高高的扬起。 At this time, he also heard the sound, his face darken, looks hastily toward the rear area, between two forms arrived at him instantaneously at present, runs the grey clothes youth ultra-fast, his form rapid passed over gently and swiftly on the neck of cloud of wind! 就在这时候,他也听到了声音,他脸色阴沉,连忙朝着后方看去,之间两道身影瞬间就到了他的眼前,其中一个跑得超快的灰衣少年,他的身影迅速的在风之云的脖子上掠过! Who!” The cloud of wind had just made this sound, he suddenly discovered that his field of vision blurred, on the neck gushed out the blood incarnadine his front piece, that ice-cold sensation of pain told already numb him, his neck as if by pulling the half, his head quickly had been drooped. “谁!”风之云刚刚发出了这个声音,他忽然就发现自己的视野模糊了,脖子上涌出了鲜血染红了他的衣襟,那冰冷的痛觉告诉了已经麻木的他,他的脖子似乎已经被拉去了半边,他的脑袋很快就耷拉了下來。 „Did I die?” Consciousness in fast dissipation, Yun of Youxie wind unbelievable is thinking, he felt that his head in the control whereabouts, last, he saw the Long Yue pleasantly surprised vision. “我死了?”意识在快速的消散,风之云有些难以置信的想着,他感觉到自己的脑袋在控制不住的下落,最后一眼,他看到了龙月惊喜的目光。 Then, then anything does not have! 然后,然后就什么都沒有! Young Chen!” Long Yue one “小辰!”龙月的1 38 reading nets gushed out the excited tears, from the beginning what she hears is her seven younger brother Long Chen sounds, has not thought now sees is actually own blood brother! 38看書網就涌出了激动的泪水,她一开始听到的是她七弟龙辰的声音,沒想到现在看到的却是自己的亲弟弟! Long Chen stands on one side, he knows actually that Long Yue shouted his blood brother is young Chen, called his time, generally shouted Long Chen, or called seven younger brothers directly, this can give to separate out them. The name same this matter, is really some painstakingly compels. 龙辰站在一边,他倒是知道,龙月喊他的亲弟弟为小辰,称呼他的时候,一般喊龙辰,或者直接叫七弟,这样就可以把他们给区分开來。名字相同这件事情,实在是有些苦逼。 Long Yue still lay down on the ground, the look absent-minded looks at the grey clothes youth, on the face full is the excited tears, but the grey clothes youth also filled the tears to look at Long Yue, Long Chen stands on one side is neglected actually, he was smiling bitterly, has put out more than ten King Crystal from Realm Of Universe, said: Eldest sister, you leave first anxiously excitedly, first has absorbed these King Crystal strengths, your present whole body does not have True Essence, waited for True Essence, healed from a wound with Spirit Medicine is also more convenient.” 龙月仍然躺在了地上,神色恍惚的看着灰衣少年,脸上满是激动的泪水,而灰衣少年也充满着泪水看着龙月,龙辰站在一边倒是被忽略了,他苦笑着,从太虚之境当中拿出了十多颗的王晶,道:“大姐,你先别急着激动,先把这些王晶的力量吸收了,你现在浑身都沒有真元,等有了真元,用灵药养伤也方便一些。” More than ten King Crystal, place in the hand of Long Yue, these King Crystal, enough Long Yue restored about half strength, when she restored half, when the time comes Long Chen gave her again other probably was not late. 十多颗的王晶,放在龙月的手中,这些王晶,足够龙月恢复一半左右的力量了,等她恢复了一半,到时候龙辰再给她其他的好像也不迟。 The Long Chen sound, making Long Yue somewhat be in a daze. Her attention threw the body of Long Chen finally, because of Long Chen or Hundred War Martial King appearance, therefore she suddenly has not distinguished. 龙辰的声音,让龙月有些发呆。她的注意力终于投到了龙辰的身上,因为龙辰还是百战武王的模样,所以她一时间沒有分辨出來。 Seven younger brothers?” The elegant face of Long Yue has written all over the incredible look. “七弟?”龙月的俏脸写满了不可置信的神色。 Long Chen said: Right. Is I, a bit faster builds up King Crystal, the matter is not suitable late, other matters, when your recovered, I with your 11 explanations, I have over a thousand King Crystal again completely in the hand, do not save!” 龙辰道:“对。是我,快点炼化王晶,事不宜迟,其他的事情,等你的身体恢复了,我再全部和你11解释,我有上千的王晶在手中,你别省!” Long Yue looks like a clever child is the same, wooden nod, she can only guess that Long Chen this appearance should be now the Lan Ling work, where Long Chen King Crystal comes, she also clear, therefore she is obedient hastily, starts to build up that King Crystal. 龙月就像是个乖小孩一样,木然的点点头,她只能猜出來龙辰现在这一身打扮应该是蓝翎儿的作品,龙辰王晶从哪里來,她心里也清楚,所以她连忙听话,开始炼化那王晶 Sits cross-legged to sit in her, after entering the condition, on nearby Ash Grey youth face reveals the relaxed look, the gratitude looks at Long Chen, said: Really was too thank you, if this time were not you, perhaps I and my Elder Sister must be finished. Really does not know how must thank you......” 在她盘膝而坐,进入了状态之后,旁边的灰色少年脸上才流露出了轻松的神色,感激的看着龙辰,说道:“真的是太谢谢你了,这一次如果不是你的话,恐怕我和我姐姐都得完蛋了。真是不知道要怎么感谢你……” Long Chen said: Do not look on as an outsider with me, she is your Elder Sister, is the eldest sister who I swear brotherhood, I save her, is the perfectly justified matter. Without her, I estimated that will not have today's achievement, in other words, she was also my benefactor.” 龙辰道:“你别和我见外,她是你姐姐,也是我结拜的大姐,我救她,是天经地义的事情。沒有她,我估计也不会有今天的成就吧,换句话來说,她也算是我的一个恩人了。” Comes out from Ancient Demon Region, Long Yue therapy on help Long Chen, finally also helped him break through Earth Martial Realm, if did not have leading the way of Long Yue, Long Chen does not know one will enter any branch road. 古魔域出來,龙月就帮助龙辰疗伤,最后还帮助了他突破到了地武境,如果沒有龙月的引路,龙辰不知道自己会走进什么岔路呢。 The grey clothes youth nodded, says with a smile: It seems like you several so-called Long Clan, the relations also are really good, I somewhat envy, if can exit, later I did not separate with my Elder Sister. I must with you!” 灰衣少年点了点头,笑道:“看來你们几个所谓的龙族,关系还真是好呢,我都有些羡慕呢,若是能出去,以后我就不和我姐姐分开了。我要跟着你们!” „Did you think through?” Long Chen is somewhat pleasantly surprised, before this fellow the rebel, can return to the fold now, follows Long Yue, Long Clan is having this master, the strength must increase many. “你想通了?”龙辰有些惊喜,这家伙以前叛逆,现在能够浪子回头,跟随着龙月,龙族有他这个高手,实力肯定又得增加上许多了。 The grey clothes youth smiles bitterly is looking is building up, Long Yue that gradually restores, said: Hasn't thought through, after I know she comes to save me unexpectedly, I discovered one are whatever, in her eyes estimated that is the children of not being able to grow up, the eldest brother is a father, the long elder sister is a mother, I am she look since childhood am growing up, deserved a child of being obedient, after all she was my only family member!” 灰衣少年苦笑着看着正在炼化,逐步恢复的龙月,道:“沒有想通沒想通的,当我知道她竟然进來救我之后,我就发现自己无论怎样,在她眼中估计都是长不大的孩子吧,长兄为父,长姐为母,我从小就是她照顾着长大的,也该当一个听话的孩子了,毕竟她是我唯一的亲人!” Long Chen this felt relieved. 龙辰这就放心了。 Perhaps Long Yue will therefore also put down a concern. 恐怕龙月也会因此而放下一桩心事吧。 The Military Alliance strength is getting more and more small and weak. Their strengths are getting stronger and stronger, this is the good deed. 武盟的力量越來越弱小。他们的力量却越來越强大,这是好事。 After passing the half-day time, in chats of two Long Chen, Long Yue finally restored, the King Crystal Cultivator Yuan, supplemented that her within the body, making her have more than 50% True Essence. This has been able to make her be separated from the dangerous condition. 过了半天的时间之后,在两个龙辰的聊天当中,龙月终于恢复了,王晶当中的元,补充到她的体内,让她已经拥有了一半以上的真元。这已经可以让她脱离危险的状态了。 Long Chen has given Long Yue another 100 many King Crystal, he is always not the parsimonious person, this 100 many King Crystal, he has not cared. 龙辰将另外100多的王晶交给了龙月,他向來不是吝啬的人,这100多的王晶,他一点儿都沒有放在心上。 A moment ago when absorbed the King Crystal Cultivator Yuan, Long Yue heard the dialogs of two Long Chen, she just restored, received Long Chen for King Crystal that she prepared, somewhat excited looks at the grey clothes youth, said: Young Chen, you said a moment ago, completely real?” 刚才在吸收王晶元的时候,龙月已经听到了两个龙辰的对话了,她刚刚恢复完毕,接过了龙辰为她准备的王晶,就有些激动的看着灰衣少年,道:“小辰,你刚才说的,全部都是真的吗?” The grey clothes youth is smiling nod, said: Absolutely true, the elder sister, I will mix with you from now on, you may not abandon me.” 灰衣少年微笑着点点头,道:“千真万确,姐,今后我就跟着你混了,你可千万别抛弃我。” The eye of Long Yue, has flowed out the excited tears once more, but quick turned bitterly and astringently, she said: We arrived here, mixes with me can be useful, this whole life could not exit...... Right, seven younger brothers, how you return to here, War Clan matter how?” 龙月的眼睛,再次流出了激动的泪水,不过很快就变成了苦涩,她道:“我们都到了这里,跟我混都能有什么用,这辈子是出不去了……对了,七弟,你怎么回到这里來,战族的事情怎么样了?” Matter that Long Yue wants to know, was really too many. 龙月想知道的事情,实在是太多了。 Long Chen has not replied Long Yue first, but said: Eldest sister, you restored now, we are looking for that ten meters high hill, at the same time looks, I was telling you slowly other matters.” 龙辰沒有先回答龙月,而是道:“大姐,你现在已经恢复了,我们在找那一座十米高的小山,一边找,我在慢慢告诉你其他的事情。” The other two nodded, the grey clothes youth starts, in the front seeks for that hill, but Long Chen started and talk of Long Yue. 另外两人点了点头,灰衣少年开始在前方寻找那一座小山,而龙辰则开始了和龙月的谈话。 First, because Long Yue was worried that War Clan that side matter, Long Chen approximately said the War Clan matter, he described these matters simply, actually shocked Long Yue and grey clothes youth. 首先,因为龙月担心战族那边的事情,龙辰就大致把战族的事情说了一下,他把那些事情简单的描述了一下,却把龙月和灰衣少年都惊呆了。 You said...... You broke through Earth Martial Realm 2-layer in the fight, then has killed Martial Emperor Yang Ningfeng, won the victory, has expelled Military Alliance?” The Long Yue sound somewhat shivers, like is looked that the monster looks at Long Chen. “你是说……你在战斗当中突破了地武境二重,然后杀死了武皇杨凝锋,赢得了胜利,赶走了武盟?”龙月的声音有些颤抖,像是看怪物一样看着龙辰 What? Has killed Yang Ningfeng? The old fogy I cannot kill!” Grey clothes youth also amazed looks at Long Chen, breaks through in the fight to Earth Martial Realm 2-layer, this is the miracle, what miracle is, has he killed unexpectedly also Martial Emperor? “什么?杀死了杨凝锋?那老家伙我都杀不死啊!”灰衣少年也惊诧的看着龙辰,在战斗当中突破到地武境二重,这已经算是奇迹了,更加奇迹的是,他竟然还杀死了武皇 Looks at the Long Chen appearance, does not lie likely again. 龙辰的样子,不像是再撒谎。 Grey clothes young and Long Yue two people look at each other in blank diamay. 灰衣少年和龙月两个人面面相觑。 Probably more than 20 days ago, we just left from Yunmeng Ze there, you just arrived at Earth Martial Realm at that time, just past more than ten days, you arrived at Earth Martial Realm 2-layer, seven younger brothers you......” to the Long Chen talent, the Long Yue sincerity were somewhat speechless. “大概20多天前,我们刚刚从云梦泽那里离开,你那时候才刚刚到达了地武境,刚刚过去十多天的时间呢,你就已经到达了地武境二重,七弟你……”对龙辰的天赋,龙月真心有些无语了。 Has not seen such abnormal person. 从來沒见过这么变态的人。 Before grey clothes youth, has said to Long Chen, lets Long Chen well diligently, arrives at Earth Martial Realm 3-layer earlier, becomes he and existence of Zhao Danchen that rank, has not thought that now Long Chen arrived, even indistinctly has also surpassed, the grey clothes youth somewhat was immediately embarrassed. 灰衣少年之前还对龙辰说过,让龙辰好好努力,也早点到达地武境三重,成为他和赵丹尘那个级别的存在呢,沒想到现在龙辰已经到了,甚至还隐隐约约超出了,灰衣少年顿时有些不好意思了。 Nod that Long Chen can only keep. 龙辰只能不停的点头。 They look at the monster the look, making Long Chen somewhat not know whether to laugh or cry, he then started to talk about the following matter, said: Zhao Danchen said you shut in the news of nine quiet mourning soul places, moreover he must get married Second brother's daughter Liu Yiyi, I made the Second Brother go to Ancient Demon Region to go, then I came to Martial Emperor city here again, found the opportunity to look for the means to save you!” 他们看怪物的眼神,让龙辰有些哭笑不得,他然后才开始讲起了接下來的事情,道:“赵丹尘说了你被关进了九幽丧魂地的消息,而且他还要迎娶二哥的女儿柳依依,我让二哥去古魔域去了,然后我再來武帝城这里,找机会找办法來救你!” Hears Long Chen to rescue oneself comes, Long Yue is moved first, after being moved, loves dearly, she blamed Long Chen saying: You so are how stupid, knows obviously nine quiet mourning souls are can come not to be able to exit, you also come here! Now was good, three of us here, when we died, Long Family thorough was never recurring!” 听到龙辰是为了救自己才來的,龙月先是感动,感动之后则是心疼,她责备龙辰道:“你怎么这么蠢,明明知道九幽丧魂地是进得來出不去的,你还过來这里!现在好了,我们三人都在这里,等我们都死了,龙家都彻底的绝后了!” Thinks of here, she truly was mad. 想到这里,她心里确实气了。 Long Chen and grey clothes youth looked at each other, then smiled. 龙辰和灰衣少年相视了一眼,然后笑了。 What do you smile?” Long Yue strange asking. “你们笑什么?”龙月奇怪的问道。
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