DBWG :: Volume #7

#616: Wind and cloud meeting

The youth said: In the middle of Long Clan, everyone I have seen, you called my Elder Sister for the eldest sister, thinks that you were that new, with my Long Chen of the same name! Before getting so far as this damned place, your given name likes thunder reverberating in one's ears, but how did you come to here?” 少年道:“龙族当中,每个人都我都见过了,你称呼我姐姐为大姐,想必你就是那个新加入的,和我同名的龙辰了!在被弄到这鬼地方之前,你的大名可是如雷贯耳呢,不过你怎么到这里來了?” From his words, Long Chen can confirm his status. 从他的话当中,龙辰更能够确认他的身份了。 Right, this grey clothes youth, is another Long Chen. 沒错,这灰衣少年,就是另外一个龙辰 Transferred three days, Long Chen had the first harvest finally. 转了三天的时间,龙辰终于有了第一个收获。 This grey clothes youth, shut in these nine quiet mourning soul places about one month ago. Later in some news that Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty has, he does not know. 这灰衣少年,是在大约一个月之前被关进这九幽丧魂地的。之后在神武圣朝发生的一些消息,他也不知道。 Therefore Long Chen said directly: I am easy to allow to enter here, is actually rescues your!” 于是龙辰直接说道:“我易容进入这里,其实是來救你们的!” Saves us?” The grey clothes youth cannot help laughing, said: „Did you indulge in fantasy? Nine quiet mourning soul this damned places, have not exported, always only then the person comes, actually nobody can exit, do you also want to save us to exit?” “救我们?”灰衣少年哑然失笑,道:“你太异想天开了吧?九幽丧魂地这鬼地方,根本就沒有出口,从來都只有人进來,却沒有人能出去,你还想救我们出去?” Long Chen smiled, shows neither approval nor disapproval. 龙辰笑了笑,不置可否。 „It is not right, what you said saves us? We, what refers to is who and who?” The grey clothes youth frowns to ask. “不对,你说的是救我们?我们,指的是谁和谁?”灰衣少年皱着眉头问道。 Long Chen knows that grey clothes youth will not know the Long Yue whereabouts, if knows, they should now in the same place. 龙辰就知道,灰衣少年不会知道龙月的下落,如果知道的话,他们两个现在应该在一起了。 Sister Long Yue has also come, similar several days ago, she heard that you shut in nine quiet mourning soul places, arrived here on the one person alone, then at the Martial Emperor city and Martial Emperor war, after losing, shut here.” Long Chen said. 龙月大姐也进來了,差不多十几天前吧,她听说你被关进了九幽丧魂地,就孤身來到这里,然后在武帝城和武帝大战,输了之后,也被关进了这里。”龙辰道。 What?” That grey clothes youth somewhat ice-cold complexions, instantaneously become pale, his binocular some incredible look at Long Chen, said: You said that my Elder Sister to save me, had shut in these nine quiet mourning soul places!” “什么?”那灰衣少年原本有些冰冷的脸色,瞬间变得惨白,他双眼有些不可置信的看着龙辰,道:“你说,我姐姐为了救我,已经被关进了这九幽丧魂地!” This news, absolutely true, I come in mainly to rescue her come.” Long Chen said earnestly. “这个消息,千真万确,我进來就是主要为了解救她而來。”龙辰认真说道。 The look of grey clothes youth became somewhat vacant, even was somewhat painful, his squatting slowly on the ground, has been holding own head, was somewhat terrorist, mutters: Why she must brave the life the danger to save me! I have not listened to words that she spoke, moreover more than once makes her be angry, even leaves her, why can she also save me? Shouldn't she hate my?” 灰衣少年的眼神变得有些茫然了,甚至有些痛苦,他慢慢的蹲在了地上,抱着自己的脑袋,有些恐怖,喃喃自语道:“她为什么要冒着生命的危险來救我!我从來都沒听她说的话,而且不止一次的让她生气,甚至离开她,为什么她还会來救我?她不应该恨我的吗?” It seems like that between Long Yue and her younger brothers, some contradictions, Long Chen smiled gently, said: Hates? Before biological sister and brother, how to hate, how regardless of your relations, she is Elder Sister, cares very much your, only then you look at some contradictions heavily.” 看來,龙月和她弟弟之间,还有一些矛盾呢,龙辰轻轻笑了笑,道:“恨?亲姐弟之前,怎么会有恨呢,无论你们的关系如何,她身为姐姐,还是很关心你的,只有你才把一些矛盾看得太重罢了。” Said honestly that this grey clothes youth, is one at the youth of rebel. Does not obey the Long Yue tube, this has been separated from her. However these matters, cannot weaken their sister and brother's beforehand kinship. 坦白说,这灰衣少年,就是一个处在叛逆的少年。不服从龙月的管,这才脱离了她。不过这些事,也根本就不能减弱他们姐弟之前的亲情。 Kinship, this is the sentiment that anything cannot defeat. 亲情,这是任何东西都不能打败的感情。 The Long Chen words, let the grey clothes youth silent for a long time, finally he helpless shaking the head, restored, said: This woman was really too silly, I came nine quiet mourning soul places, means that I died, she also came to lose a life in vain, wanted my Long Family to be never recurring!” 龙辰的话,让灰衣少年沉默了许久,最终他才无奈的摇摇头,恢复了过來,道:“这女人真的是太傻了,我來了九幽丧魂地,就意味着我已经死了,她还來白白搭上一条性命,是要我龙家绝后吗!” Long Chen smiled, grey clothes youth these words, mean the barriers between their sister and brother, completely vanished, this naturally is the good deed. Long Chen rescues Long Chen at the same time, can save this grey clothes youth. 龙辰笑了笑,灰衣少年这句话,就意味着他们姐弟之间的隔阂,已经完全消失了,这当然是好事。龙辰龙辰的同时,也可以将这灰衣少年救出去。 After waiting for the grey clothes youth saying that his vision then threw the body of Long Chen, said dignifiedly: „Do you come to rescue my Elder Sister? Moreover you said a moment ago that you know method that nine quiet mourning souls exit?” 等灰衣少年说完之后,他的目光这才投到了龙辰的身上來,凝重道:“你是进來救我姐姐的?而且你刚才说,你知道九幽丧魂地出去的方法?” On his face, revealed the incredible look. 他的脸上,流露出了不可置信的神色。 Long Chen nods, said: I truly know the method, now the most critical matter, must find your Elder Sister, she shut here time, thinks that King Crystal was taken away by Martial Emperor. I looked for three days, has not heard her news.” 龙辰点点头,道:“我确实知道方法,现在最紧要的事情,是要找到你姐姐,她被关进这里的时候,想必王晶都被武帝拿去了。我找了三天,都沒听闻她的消息呢。” The Long Chen words, let the grey clothes youth intense, he closely was grasping the fist, exclaimed in a low voice: Martial Emperor this bastard, dares to injure my Elder Sister unexpectedly, if makes father catch the opportunity, I must tear to shreds him!” 龙辰的话,让灰衣少年紧张了起來,他紧紧的握着拳头,低声吼道:“武帝这个混蛋,竟然敢伤我姐姐,要是让老子逮着机会,我一定要将他碎尸万段!” He hears the Long Yue injured news, actually temporarily Long Chen matter why can exit forgetting. 他听闻龙月受伤的消息,倒是暂时将龙辰的为什么能够出去的事情给忘记了。 Long Chen Universe Bag, has massive King Crystal, moreover he also has many Universe Bag, therefore at this time, he puts out more than 100 King Crystal, installed Universe Bag, said: These King Crystal you accept first.” 龙辰乾坤袋当中,有着大量的王晶,而且他还有不少的乾坤袋呢,于是此时,他拿出100多颗的王晶,装到了一个乾坤袋当中,道:“这些王晶你先收下吧。” The grey clothes youth saw the Long Chen movement, it is estimated that at least more than 100, he has not thought that Long Chen actually to him, with amazement said: You how so many King Crystal?” 灰衣少年看到了龙辰的动作,估计至少也有100多吧,他沒想到龙辰竟然是给他的,惊讶道:“你怎么会有这么多的王晶?” Long Chen smiled, said: Naturally is I obtains. Had these King Crystal, you can some time restore the Earth Martial Realm 3-layer strength, enough you insisted.” 龙辰笑了笑,道:“自然是我自己得到的。有了这些王晶,你就可以在一段时间内恢复地武境三重的实力,足够你坚持到出去了。” The grey clothes youth revealed the grateful look to Long Chen for the first time, said: Younger Brother, the sentiment of today, my Long Chen does not have the tooth to be unforgettable!” 灰衣少年首次对龙辰流露出了感激的神色,道:“兄弟,今日之情,我龙辰沒齿难忘!” Long Chen hear speech/words, said with a smile dry: Let alone Long Chen, our names were the same, I am listening strangely irritable!” 龙辰闻言,干笑道:“别说龙辰了,我们的名字相同,我听着怪别扭的!” Such words of cracking a joke, actually have pulled closer among them the relations. 这么一句开玩笑的话,却拉近了两人之间的关系。 From the short exchange, grey clothes youth's disposition and moral behavior to the Long Chen, suitable liking, they quickly chatted. 从短短的交流当中,灰衣少年对龙辰的性格和人品,都相当的喜欢,两人很快就聊上了。 The grey clothes youth asked the most essential issue, said: Method that these nine quiet mourning soul places, have? I have studied here for one month, could not exit, walks again many, finally also in a small place around circle. How you know the method , is the method of exiting what?” 灰衣少年问到一个最关键的问題,道:“这九幽丧魂地,不是沒有出去的方法吗?我已经在这里研究过一个月的时间了,根本就出不去,走再多,最后也是在一个小地方绕着圈而已。你是怎么知道出去的方法的,出去的方法是什么?” Long Chen said: Method, where is I asks from Xiao Lin, the authenticity you do not need to be worried that does not have the words of any accident, should real.” 龙辰道:“方法,是我从萧霖哪里问出來的,真实性你不用担心,沒什么意外的话,应该是真的。” The grey clothes youth had not suspected that then asked: „Is method what kind of?” 灰衣少年沒有怀疑,便问道:“方法到底是怎样?” Long Chen said: He said that in the middle of this wilderness, will have a ten meters high hill, downward digs 100 meters from the vertice of this hill, will have a compass, following the instruction of this compass, we can leave nine quiet mourning soul places finally!” 龙辰道:“他说,在这荒野当中,会有一座十米高的小山,从这小山的至高点往下挖100米,会有一个罗盘,顺着这个罗盘的指示,我们最终就能够离开九幽丧魂地!” Hill, compass? Listened to your such saying words, probably also only then the special compass was good. However hill...... Hill!” “小山,罗盘?听你这么一说的话,好像也只有特殊的罗盘才行了。不过小山……小山!” Suddenly, the grey clothes youth eyes stare, said pleasantly surprised: Hill, I know that hill, ten meters high words, I should see one time! Has a hill really!” 忽然,灰衣少年眼睛一瞪,惊喜道:“小山,我知道那一座小山,十米高的话,我应该见到过一次!真的有一座小山!” Sees him to be excited, Long Chen is a little also excited, this means the Xiao Lin words will not be false. 看到他激动,龙辰也有点激动,这就意味着萧霖的话不会是假的了。 „Do you also know that hill the position?” Long Chen asked. “你还知道那小山的位置?”龙辰问。 At once, the complexion of grey clothes youth, said painstakingly: Who can know? Place that passes through, to go back accurately, that simply compared with ascending to heaven also difficultly, but I, since has seen, this explained that hill exists, you have enough King Crystal, represents us to have enough time, can find that hill once more!” 旋即,灰衣少年的脸色苦了起來,道:“谁能知道?经过的地方,要想准确的回去,那简直要比登天还难,不过我既然见过,这就说明那小山是真实存在的,你有足够的王晶,就代表着我们有足够的时间,可以再次找到那小山!” He said is reasonable. 他说的有道理。 So long as hopes, spends time, has not related! 只要希望在,多花一点时间,沒有关系! Before then, we must find the eldest sister to say first again! Now, time press, she is not only injured, but also is a female, here will be very dangerous!” “不过在此之前,我们一定要先找到大姐再说!现在就出发吧,时间紧迫,她不但受伤,而且是一个女的,在这里会很危险!” On caring about the Long Yue degree, the grey clothes youth will not compare Long Chen to be bad, he nods hastily, then and Long Chen started, steps sought for the Long Yue distance. Actually said looks, rather runs back and forth in confusion, tries one's luck. The grey clothes youth is also same as Long Chen, knows that must wander about aimlessly one, can circle to other place, the words that goes straight will definitely go around! 论关心龙月的程度,灰衣少年不会比龙辰差,他连忙点头,便和龙辰开始,踏上了寻找龙月的路程。其实说是找,倒不如说是乱晃,碰运气。灰衣少年也和龙辰一样,知道要乱走一通,才能够绕到别的地方去,直走的话肯定会绕圈的! Had enough time, the strength of grey clothes youth restored Long Yue that level. He also knew Long Chen has the Earth Martial Realm 2-layer strength, the access road: Your this boundary, was quite good, at your progressive speed, in very short time can arrive at Earth Martial Realm 3-layer!” 有了足够的时间,灰衣少年的实力恢复到了龙月的那个层次。他也知道了龙辰地武境二重的实力,便道:“你这境界,已经相当不错了,以你的进步速度,很短的时间内就能够到达地武境三重!” Long Chen nodded, perhaps actually his present battle efficiency, general Earth Martial Realm 3-layer, including this grey clothes youth, could not block, when particularly Long Chen already achieves mastery through a comprehensive study Soul Scatter Dragon Claw and Wind God Leg, and can use the fight, even, in the actual combat, the coordination of hand and foot, the whole body combat, definitely will display more intrepid striking power! 龙辰点了点头,其实他现在的战斗力,一般的地武境三重,包括这灰衣少年,恐怕都拦不住了,尤其是当龙辰已经将散魂龙爪风神腿融会贯通,并且都能够用到战斗,甚至,在实战当中,手和脚的配合,全身作战,肯定会发挥出更加强悍的攻击力! Nine quiet mourning soul places, person are many, Martial Emperor will shut in frequently some Cultivator, even also some Earth Martial Realm. Long Chen and grey clothes youth seeks all the way, on to a person, must grasp to press for an answer the Long Yue whereabouts, but nobody knows. 九幽丧魂地,人并不少,武帝经常会把一些者关进來,甚至还有一些连地武境都不到的。龙辰和灰衣少年一路上寻找,每遇到一个人,都要抓起來逼问龙月的下落,不过还是沒有人知道。 Long Chen and patience of grey clothes youth, lost gradually. Finally to more than ten days later, they felt that almost transferred these nine quiet mourning souls, has not seen Long Yue. 龙辰和灰衣少年的耐性,渐渐失去了。终于到了十多天后,两人感觉差不多已经将这九幽丧魂地都转了一个遍,都沒有看见龙月 12 th day, Long Chen caught Earth Martial Realm 1-layer Cultivator once more, this Cultivator is wanted to snatch Long Chen King Crystal, he but who, within the body lost the majority of strengths, completely is not the Long Chen match. 第12天,龙辰再次抓到了一个地武境一重者,这个者原本是想要去抢龙辰王晶,不过,体内已经失去大部分力量的他,完全不是龙辰的对手。 Long Chen according to the beforehand step, after again uniform fellow, asked him again, had to see the Long Yue whereabouts, has not thought that this person hesitant, actually said: I...... I have seen probably......” 龙辰按照以前的步骤,再制服这家伙之后,再次问他,有沒有看见龙月的下落,沒想到这人犹豫了一下,竟然说:“我……我好像看到过……” Long Chen and grey clothes youth one startled, asked hastily: Where do you see? A bit faster said the specific situation, if true, ten King Crystal are your!” 龙辰和灰衣少年一惊,连忙问道:“你在哪里看到?快点把具体的情况说说,如果属实的话,十颗王晶是你的!” Ten King Crystal, enough made him dominate here, that person of eye stared Eldest Child, a face unbelievable look, has patted until Long Chen his face, he immediately responded that said: I...... I saw the Wind and Cloud Union person to chase down her yesterday, her body does not have King Crystal, Wind and Cloud Union Eldest Child, wants her to be the wife!” 十颗王晶,足够让他在这里称霸了,那人的眼睛瞪得老大,一脸难以置信的神色,直到龙辰拍了一下他的脸,他才马上反应过來,道:“我……我昨天看见风云会的人在追杀她,她身上沒有王晶,不过风云会老大,要她做妻子!” Wind and Cloud Union?” A Long Chen brow wrinkle. 风云会?”龙辰眉头一皱。 A nearby grey clothes youth complexion cold, gloomy [say / way]: Wind and Cloud Union is a Divine Martial Imperial Dynasty big influence, the gentle breeze god was similar, they are the cateran build up, good to fight bravely ruthlessly, does not obey the suppression of Military Alliance, altogether eight masters, had shut in nine quiet mourning soul places by Military Alliance completely! And their association presidents, are Earth Martial Realm 3-layer! This month I also heard, Wind and Cloud Union King Crystal from the beginning are many, unceasing plunders King Crystal from others, therefore in these nine quiet mourning soul places, nobody dares to provoke them! However, they start to my eldest sister unexpectedly, that damn!” 旁边的灰衣少年脸色一寒,阴沉道:“风云会原本是神武圣朝的一个大势力,和风神教差不多,他们是山贼起家,好勇斗狠,不服从武盟的镇压,一共八个高手,全部都被武盟关进了九幽丧魂地!其中他们的会长,就是地武境三重的!这个月來我也听说了,风云会一开始的王晶就不少,又不断的从别人身上掠夺王晶,所以在这九幽丧魂地,沒有人敢招惹他们!不过,他们竟然对我大姐下手,那就该死!” Long Chen nodded. 龙辰点了点头。 The time press, moves immediately! 时间紧迫,马上行动!
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