DBWG :: Volume #20

#2013: Marvelous star granulated substance

Meaning of these words provocation was also too full, moreover is working as surface provocation Human Clan Life Dragon City of these many people, the rampancy and boldness of this Hundun Kunwu, can be inferred. 这句话挑衅的意味也太足了,而且是当着这么多人的面挑衅人族生命龙城,这混沌昆吾的嚣张和大胆,可见一斑。 Facing so provokes, the woman who Bing Xinyue this disposition is irritable naturally cannot endure patiently, she stands by Xing Qing, saw that here the people pay attention for the confrontation of young people, she is just about to begin to obloquy that Xing Qing has actually held down she, at this time all person vision 面对如此挑衅,冰心月这种性格急躁的女人自然忍耐不住,她就站在星晴旁边,眼看着众人都为了年轻人们的交锋而关注这边,她正要开头大骂,星晴却按住了她,此时所有人都把目光 Falls to her body, she does not have any pressure, a pair just likes the eye of stars looks at Hundun Kunwu, said: „ I have seen all, genuine outstanding character, reason that they are formidable, is not because they will display one's eloquence, Star Lord Hegemony War has not started, please 落到她的身上,她却沒什么压力,一双恍若星辰的眼睛看着混沌昆吾,道:“我所见过所有的、真正出众的人物,他们之所以强大,并不是因为他们会耍嘴皮子,星主争霸战还沒开始,请你 Leaves here. If you are not convinced, after entering the star source, displays again, how now to boast again, is false. ” 离开我们这里。你若不服气,进入星源之后再表现吧,现在再怎么吹嘘,也是假的。” Heard this saying, Hundun Kunwu has then laughed, he said: „ I crack a joke, the beautiful woman you do not care. Is a woman, has such ability, was not very easy, I want to become friends with you very much, in the future will go to Dragon God Domain to walk, can Dragon Shen 听到这话,混沌昆吾便大笑了起來,他道:“我只是开个玩笑,美女你可别在意。身为一个女人,却有如此能耐,已经很不容易了,我很想和你交个朋友,将來去龙神域走走,会会龙神 The talent of territory. ” 域的天才啊。” Xing Qing interrupts his words: Friend? Is impossible, you do not have this qualifications.” 星晴打断他的话道:“朋友?不可能,你沒这个资格。” Hundun Kunwu is no doubt rampant, but meets Xing Qing, he does not have any means. On for example now, the smiling face of his whole face by the Xing Qing ice-cold words interruption, immediately has been caused a ridicule sound. 混沌昆吾固然嚣张无比,但是遇到星晴,他沒有任何办法。就比如现在,他满脸的笑容被星晴冰冷的话打断,顿时引起了一片嘲笑声。 Naturally, what ridicule is the Dream Immortal Clan person. 当然,嘲笑的是梦幻仙族的人。 In other person of eyes, Hundun Kunwu is quite learned. 在其他人眼中,混沌昆吾还是相当有料的。 „Becoming, then meets on the star source in the middle.” “成,那就星源当中见面吧。” Hundun Kunwu smiles, not to make the Xing Qing cold words relative and awkward, he was still contented, shuttles back and forth in various crowds, a complacent appearance. 混沌昆吾嘿嘿一笑,并沒有让星晴冷言相对而尴尬,他仍然非常怡然自得,穿梭在各类人群之间,一副洋洋得意的样子。 Really vents spleen!” “真是解气!” Bing Xinyue said with a smile. 冰心月笑道。 Now has vented spleen, has angered him, feared that in the middle of the star source, he specifically will aim at us.” “现在是解气了,惹怒了他,怕是在星源当中,他就会专门针对我们吧。” Xing Qing said in a soft voice. 星晴轻声说道。 The Bing Xinyue doubts said: „Couldn't Sister Xing Qing, you cope with him really?” 冰心月疑惑道:“星晴师姐,你真的对付不了他吗?” The Xing Qing hesitation moment, looks to Long Chen, said: Only can count on him.” 星晴沉吟片刻,看向龙辰,道:“只能指望他了。” Bing Xinyue stagnates, he he has smiled one, said: He, can help to be good at the team war. But had Hundun Kunwu, the elite has fought him unable to display anything to affect, allowing him to participate, absolutely did not have any use.” 冰心月一滞,呵呵笑了一句,道:“他就算了吧,能在团队战帮上忙就不错了。而有了混沌昆吾,精英战他也发挥不了什么作用,让他参与进來,根本就沒有任何的用处。” In such discussion, time past quietly, the atmosphere was getting more and more anxious, all people were waiting for the arrival of Star Lord Hegemony War! 就在这样的讨论当中,时间悄悄的过去,气氛却越來越紧张,所有人都在等待星主争霸战的到來! Long Chen they , during is at calmly cultivates, during greets peacefully. 龙辰他们,也处在静修当中,安静迎接当中。 Suddenly, some Dream Immortal Clan people said: Has felt strange, that side Golden War God Clan, how to have been short of a person, probably the team has nine people.” 忽然之间,梦幻仙族有人说道:“奇怪了,黄金战神族那边,怎么少了一个人,好像队伍只有九个人啊。” Yes, are they willing to give up a quota? Is impossible, must know that perhaps a quota, can play the tremendous role at the team war, after all the team war is looked the population of finally leaving behind has many.” “是啊,难道他们愿意放弃一个名额?不可能吧,要知道一个名额,说不定在团队战也能发挥巨大作用,毕竟团队战是看最后留下的人数有多少的。” Long Chen also looks toward that side that really has nine people. 龙辰也朝着那边看去,果然只有九个人而已。 Monster Clan! 妖族 Hao date wolf advocating peace eclipse month wolf Lord, making Long Chen knit the brows slightly, they were the same with Mo Xiao Lang, was the people of wolf clan, moreover heard that these two three big supreme bloodlines two from wolf clan, thought leaves, Long Chen in the middle of the star source, definitely will meet Hao date 那昊日狼主和蚀月狼主,让龙辰稍微皱眉,他们和莫小狼一样,都是狼族的人,而且听说这两位來自狼族的三大至尊血脉其中之二,想必非常离开,龙辰在星源当中,也肯定会遇到昊日 Wolf clan and Eclipse Moon Wolf Clan match. 狼族和蚀月狼族的对手。 Xiao Lang also in this Shining Star, he definitely knew this Star Lord Hegemony War, should know that had Monster Clan here, he should leave here to be right, waited for after Star Lord Hegemony War, I again contact with him......” 小狼也在这璀璨星辰,他肯定知道这星主争霸战了,也应该知道有妖族在这里,他应该会离开这里才对,等星主争霸战过后,我再联系一下他……” Now under is in the glare of the public eye, some are not convenient. 现在众目睽睽之下,就有些不方便了。 The Dream Immortal Clan person was still discussing why Golden War God Clan has been short of a matter of person, but Long Chen in secret was talking with Lingxi, was waiting for the arrival of time. 梦幻仙族的人还在讨论为什么黄金战神族少了一个人的事情,而龙辰则在和灵曦暗中交谈,等待着时间的到來。 Xiao Xi, you said that I can make Dream Immortal Clan attain two scores?” 小曦,你说我能让梦幻仙族拿到两个分数吗?” Because of the appearance of Hundun Kunwu, his some are not self-confident. 因为混沌昆吾的出现,他有些沒自信了。 The Lingxi chuckle was saying: You naturally yes, even if unable to resist with the opposite party directly, you have Time Travel Dragon, is the matter that lets his suitable headache?” 灵曦轻笑着说道:“你自然是可以的,就算无法和对方正面对抗,你有时间游龙,也是让他相当头疼的事情呢?” According to this logic, Long Chen felt relieved. 这样说來,龙辰就放心多了。 In an instant, three days of dissipate suddenly, during the people anxiously wait , the Star Lord Hegemony War first war approaches finally! Surrounding atmosphere anxious to acme, even links the people who these observe, is also quite nervous, because of the birth of Star Lord, relations 转眼之间,三天的时间眨眼消逝,在众人急切的等待当中,星主争霸战的第一战终于來临!周围的氛围紧张到了极致,甚至连那些观战的人们,心情也相当紧张,因为星主的诞生,关系 To too many interest chains. 到太多的利益链条了。 The first war, the effect on morale will be big in the future. 第一战,对往后士气的影响非常大。 Before entering the star source, must first fuse Star Sand. 在进入星源之前,首先要融合星砂 Three Star Sand in big influence hand, is previous time goes in the star source time to bring, each influence only then ten grains, these ten grains of Star Sand can only make the people treat two double-hour in the middle of the star source, whether can treat three days in the middle of the star source, look at them in star 三大势力手中的星砂,是上一次进去星源时候带出來的,每个势力只有十粒,这十粒的星砂只能让众人在星源当中待上两个时辰,是否能在星源当中足足待上三天的时间,就看他们在星 Source, whether can snatch Star Sand. 源当中,是否能够抢到星砂了。 Star Sand is a mysterious thing, it the random birth in the middle of the star source, the time will grow, will vanish, does not have the trace mystically, in the middle of Star Sand is containing one mysterious strength, at least can restore the injury, can strengthen the strength of body. 星砂是一种神奇的东西,它会在星源当中随机诞生,时间长了,也会消失,神秘无踪,星砂当中蕴含着一种神秘的力量,至少能够让人恢复伤势,同时也能增强身体的力量。 About star source in all, so long as can know that Long Chen thoroughly cooked in Xiong. 关于星源之内的一切,只要是能知道的,龙辰都烂熟于胸了。 When their team ten people go in the star source, from the beginning will be definitely by the starry sky turbulent flow washing out, the star source will seem like not big, but after going, inside will present an endless Reincarnation space, absolutely will not have the end, all people in that endless void middle will roam about, 当他们队伍十个人进去星源,一开始是肯定会被星空乱流给冲散的,星源看似不大,但进去之后,里面会出现一个无尽的轮回空间,根本就沒有尽头,所有人都在那无尽虚空当中流浪, Is seeking for Star Sand, simultaneously will avoid the starry sky turbulent flow to curl to other place. 在寻找星砂,同时躲避星空乱流将自己卷向别的地方。 But outside the star source, Expert can revolve the star source, watches the star source the majority of corners, watches any fight, the person who naturally, in their eyes, enters the star source will become very small, only then thumb size, but this will not affect them to watch the day 而在星源之外,强者们可以围绕着星源,观看到星源当中大部分的角落,观看到任何的战斗,当然,在他们眼中,进入星源的人会变得非常小,只有拇指大小,但这并不影响他们观看天 Fight. 才们的战斗。 After entering the star source, first duty was to find own companion, then fought side-by-side, sought for Star Sand together, after all were many more than a strength. This is also Bing Xinyue concluded reason that Long Chen is unable to play the tremendous role. 进入星源之后,首先的任务就是找到自己的同伴,然后并肩作战,一同寻找星砂,毕竟多一个多一份力量。这也是冰心月断定龙辰无法发挥巨大作用的原因。 The time will soon arrive, Dream King has put out ten grains of Star Sand. 时间即将到达,梦幻王拿出了十粒的星砂 The people looked at the past curiously, that was one grain probably only then the anomalous gravel of soybean size, what was different from the ordinary gravel, Star Sand radiant like the stars, sent out the eye-catching ray, in small Star Sand seemed hiding an entire world, inside had endless void, 众人好奇的看过去,那是一粒大概只有黄豆大小的不规则沙砾,和普通沙砾不同的是,星砂璀璨如星辰,发出夺目的光芒,小小的星砂里面仿佛藏着一整个世界,里面拥有无尽的虚空, Even gently is also shivering, a little likely is the miniature star source. 甚至还轻轻颤动着,有点像是微型的星源。 „ Everyone grain of Star Sand, fuses in the middle of own body, you can support two in the middle of the star source are the double-hour, but fusion Star Sand, needs the quarter generally the time. At this moment the time of clock, you are need others to protect, once otherwise were broken “每人一粒星砂,融合进自己的身体当中,你们就能够在星源当中撑上两个是时辰了,而融合星砂,一般需要一刻钟的时间。这一刻钟的时间,你们是需要别人守护的,否则一旦被打断 , Star Sand will run your bodies, making others give to snatch. ” ,星砂就会跑出你们的身体,让别人给抢去了。” Dream King urged once again. 梦幻王再度叮嘱。 These detail everybody remembered. 这些细节大家都记住了。 Except for Dream Immortal Clan, Golden War God Clan and Nightmare Clan started the motion. 除了梦幻仙族,黄金战神族梦魇族都开始了行动。 The people draw close to the star source, the face of everyone under shining of blue light, such as dream is imaginary. 众人贴近星源,每个人的脸在蓝光的照耀下,如梦似幻。 Golden War God Clan to the star source other one side, they are still hiding Mo Xiao Lang, naturally Long Chen and the others cannot think that Golden War God Clan is slier, will not give itself the match to look easily that making the match prepare. 黄金战神族到了星源的另外一边,他们还在隐藏莫小狼,当然龙辰等人也根本想不到,黄金战神族更加狡猾一些,不会将自己轻易就给对手看,让对手有所准备。 Under the Dream King verbal command, time arrived, the people start to fuse Star Sand. 梦幻王的号令下,时间到了,众人开始融合星砂 Long Chen places on that water Blue Star Sand the palm, covers by the strength of Nirvana, melted in the middle of Star Sand own body gradually, that was a strength of stars, after Star Sand melted the body, Long Chen discovered on one has covered hazy star light, 龙辰将那水蓝色星砂放在手掌上,以涅槃之力覆盖,将星砂逐渐融进了自己的身体当中,那是一股星辰的力量,当星砂融进自己身体之后,龙辰发现自己身上蒙上了一层迷蒙的星光, Handsome many. 英俊了不少。 Meanwhile, in the middle of that Star Sand really the strength, was also swallowed to attract by him, changes into his strength. 同时,那星砂当中还真有一股力量,被他吞吸了,化为他自己的力量。 If Star Sand can many, can perhaps make me arrive at the Tai Su God boundary Late Stage stage, soon will greet the Highest Beginning God stage.” “如果星砂能够多点,也许就能让我到达太素之神境界的后期阶段,即将迎接太始之神的阶段。” Long Chen secret passage. 龙辰暗道。 The time of quarter passes by immediately, people almost fused successfully, as if that side Golden War God Clan some people started to enter to the star source, that star source had intermittent rippling. 一刻钟的时间马上过去,众人都差不多融合成功了,似乎黄金战神族那边已经有人开始进入到星源当中,那星源发生了阵阵的荡漾。 Dream Immortal Clan, but also two are fusing. Therefore the people were still waiting. 梦幻仙族这边,还有两人在融合。所以众人还在等待。 This competition, does not have any superiority advanced, therefore everybody does not worry. 这种竞争,先进去也沒有任何的优势,所以大家都不怎么着急。 Long Chen and Xing Qing stand in the front line. 龙辰星晴站在最前方。 Xing Qing said: Then got rid of you, I could not cope with Hundun Kunwu, I can determine, can you?” 星晴道:“接下來就摆脱你了,我对付不了混沌昆吾,我能确定,你可以吗?” Long Chen said: Avoids the direct engagement as far as possible.” 龙辰道:“尽量避免正面交战吧。” In view of this fight, they chatted the period of time again, Xing Qing then went to and each member carefully have exchanged, after going in the star source, must first do was as soon as possible completely converges in two double-hour, then can handle other matters. 针对这次战斗,两人再聊了一阵子,星晴便去和每位的队员都仔细交流了一下,进去星源后,首先要做的就是尽快在两个时辰内完全汇合,然后才可以做其他的事情。 At this time, Bing Xinyue has depended, was staring at Long Chen, said: Why did Sister Xing Qing speak these many words with you?” 这时候,冰心月靠了上來,盯着龙辰,道:“星晴师姐为什么和你说这么多的话?” Looks at her angry appearance, Long Chen is somewhat bewildered, he said: Has the relations with you?” 看她恼怒的样子,龙辰有些莫名其妙,他道:“和你有关系吗?” The Bing Xinyue climate results in the complexion to be red, she urgently said: „ I told you, I had a friend to like her, was pursuing her, do not hit the attention of Sister Xing Qing, I know that she was very attractive, your this toad and she contacted to be many, definitely will like her, do not depend 冰心月顿时气得脸色通红,她急道:“我告诉你,我有个朋友喜欢她,也在追求她,你可别打星晴师姐的注意,我知道她很漂亮,你这癞蛤蟆和她接触多了,肯定会喜欢她的,你别仗着 One can hit, thinks opportunity that many and she contacts! You are different from our status, we are the God's favored ones, you are the Human Clan rebel, you are redeeming oneself through good works! ” 自己能打,就以为有很多和她接触的机会!你和我们的身份是不一样的,我们是天之骄子,你是人族的叛徒,你在戴罪立功!” She does not dare to say too loudly, is threatening Long Chen in a low voice. 她不敢说得太大声,算是在低声恐吓龙辰 Long Chen endured patiently her to be very long, this woman is dies to nip itself from beginning to end, moreover is so bewildered, the Long Chen temperament is good, the complexion also flickered the intercool, his sinking sound track: „Did you say one again?” 龙辰已经忍耐她很久了,这女人从头到尾都是死咬着自己,而且还如此莫名其妙,龙辰脾气再好,脸色也瞬间冷了下來,他沉声道:“你再说一句?” Bing Xinyue has smiled, said: I said that has the mistake? You is a criminal, should better manage well you, moreover don't you have the woman? I most look down upon in your this eating to dig up......” 冰心月笑了,道:“我说的有错吗?你本來就是罪犯,最好管好你自己,而且你不是有女人吗?我最看不起你这种吃里扒……” ! 啪! Her words have not said that the Long Chen decisive palm of the hand pulls out on her face, immediately pulled out to fly her. The Bing Xinyue pain was called one, from the sky turned, made Xing Qing that caught up with catch, this time she, the pure white face was completely inflamed. 她话还沒说完呢,龙辰果断一巴掌抽在她的脸上,顿时将她抽飞了出去。冰心月痛叫一声,在空中翻了一圈,才让赶來的星晴接住,不过这时候的她,洁白的脸已经完全红肿了。 How?” Xing Qing looks angrily at Long Chen. “怎么了?”星晴怒视龙辰 Long Chen beckons with the hand, said: This fellow mouth is inexpensive, I make her shut up. Do not waste the time, goes.” 龙辰摆摆手,道:“这家伙嘴贱,我让她闭嘴而已。别浪费时间了,进去吧。”
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