DDCTGFD :: Volume #10

#989: Xiao Yan takes a beating

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You know well. Later we are the friends, but also can only be the friend.” “你知道就好。以后我们就是朋友的,但也只能是朋友。” Xu Ran complies so resolute, fumigated stares slightly, somewhat lost at heart slightly. 徐然答应的如此果决,薰儿稍稍愣了一些,心里微微有些失落。 She does not know that oneself suddenly will be why sad, but is quick she then to restore such as beginning. 她也不知道为什么自己的情绪会突然低落下来,不过很快她便恢复如初。 Fumigates walks away, Xu Ran cannot bear smile. 薰儿走远,徐然忍不住笑了笑。 Is the affectionate girl, he more likes. Like this conquers, has the sense of achievement. How fumigating is to Xiao Yan's, when the time comes then how to him. 越是深情的女孩,他越是喜欢。这样征服过来,就有成就感。薰儿是如何对萧炎的,到时候便会如何对他。 To fumigating, by his present strength, can definitely the overlord brace the bow hardly. 对薰儿,以他现在的实力,完全可以霸王硬上弓。 But how such has been fumigated can? 但那样得到薰儿了又能怎样? If unable to obtain the Xun'er's heart, is senseless. 要是无法得到薰儿的心,也是无趣。 He wants is not only the Xun'er's body, Xun'er's heart and love. He must fumigate is completely him. If the real overlord braced the bow hardly, even if later fumigated falls in love with him, feared that was also incomplete, will have the barrier with him. 他要的不仅仅是薰儿的身体,还有薰儿的心和爱。他要薰儿完完全全的属于他。要是真的霸王硬上弓了,哪怕以后薰儿爱上他了,怕也是残缺的,和他也会有隔阂。 Naturally he can also choose to exterminate to fumigate and remembers to the Xiao Yan's sentiment. But such Xun her original appearance? 当然他也可以选择灭绝掉薰儿对萧炎的感情和记忆。但那样的薰儿还是她本来的样子吗? However is very good. 不过现在就很好。 When pursues to fumigating, then can return to cloud mist sect to have a look at Nalan Yanran. How also did not know that girl.” Xu Ran is thinking, previous time gave Nalan Yanran compounded drug, now Nalan Yanran should be Dou Master Cultivation(Level). Actually by his ability, the casualness can help them promote to Dou Emperor Dou Ancestor even higher Cultivation(Level). “等到追到薰儿,便可以回云岚宗看看纳兰嫣然。也不知道那丫头怎么样了。”徐然想着,上次给了纳兰嫣然一颗丹药,现在纳兰嫣然应该已经是斗师修为了。其实以他的能力,随随便便就可以帮助她们提升到斗皇斗宗甚至更高的修为 But now is also not the time, rapidness that too promotes all of a sudden perhaps, will scare to death them. 但现在还不是时候,一下子提升的太快,恐怕会把她们吓死。 In this Jia Ma Empire, their present strengths is also sufficient. 况且,在这加玛帝国,她们现在的实力也已经够用了。 Xu Ran, son of a bitch!” 徐然,狗日的!” What did you just with fumigating make here?” “你刚刚和薰儿在这里做什么?” When Xu Ran is giving free reign to the imagination, Xiao Yan was red the eye to walk, eyes blood red looks at Xu Ran. 就在徐然畅想着的时候,萧炎红着眼睛走了出来,双眼血红的看着徐然 The appearance of that hatred as if must speak Xu Ran to swallow whole. 那憎恨的样子仿佛要讲徐然生吞活剥了。 Just saw that Xu Ran has to fumigate one time grasps, his thorough losing heart! 刚刚看到徐然有一次将薰儿抱住,他彻底的死心! Before passing through, he is also modern people, the divorce rate of his time is also ultra-high, two couples have one pair to arrive finally. Let alone he and Xun'er couples not. 穿越前他也是现代人,他那个时代的离婚率也是超高的,两对夫妻也不过只有一对能走到最后。更别说他和熏儿连夫妻都不是了。 Even, these years, although they tacitly approve among them the relations, but two people have not expressed the feeling mutually. Therefore their actually men and women friends are not. 甚至,这些年,虽然他们默认他们之间的关系,但两人还从来没有相互表露过心意。所以他们其实连男女朋友都不是。 Before fumigated is small, did not know the advantage of strength and talent. Waited to fumigate is bigger will despise his strength, this indisputable. 以前薰儿还小,不知道实力和天赋的好处。等薰儿大些了就会鄙夷他的实力,这无可厚非。 Xiao Yan? Did you see? However I and fumigate may there is no relations, is only the ordinary friend, to do not misunderstand.” Xu Ran shows a faint smile. 萧炎?你都看见了?不过我和薰儿可没有什么关系,只是普通朋友,你可不要误会。”徐然微微一笑。 Ordinary friend? Misunderstanding?” “普通朋友?误会?” Xu Ran, you tread the horse, when I am blind!” 徐然,你踏马当我眼瞎啊!” If you and fumigate are only the ordinary friend, fumigates comes to dance to you who can put on attractively? Even, you just also hugged fumigated. Even I with not fumigating such intimately.” “若你和薰儿只是普通朋友,薰儿会穿的那么好看来给你跳舞?甚至,你刚刚还抱了薰儿.连我都没有和薰儿这么亲密过。” Xiao Yan more said is more suffering, the tears flowed. 萧炎越说越委屈,眼泪都流了出来。 He is really suffering! 他是真委屈啊! Then attractive Xun'er, he does not even hate to raise a rumpus. Moreover he knows that fumigates is not that frivolous female student, therefore these years have drunk to fumigate maintain certain distance. 那么漂亮的熏儿,连他都舍不得动手动脚。而且他知道薰儿不是那种轻浮的女生,所以这些年一直喝薰儿保持一定的距离。 Xun'er's waist, just like wicker, weak willow tree Fufeng, gently beautiful moving. If can embrace into the bosom, that should be what kind of taste? 薰儿的腰肢,如同柳条一样,弱柳扶风,柔美动人。要是能够揽入怀里,那该是何等滋味? The Xun'er's beautiful leg is slender, wears the personal pantyhose the time, is pretty like the flower. Xun puts on the appearance that the miniskirt dances, renovated his cognition simply. 薰儿的美腿纤细修长,穿着贴身的裤袜的时候,更是貌美如花。还有薰儿穿着超短裙起舞的样子,简直是刷新了他的认知。 He sees to fumigate such pretty appearance for the first time. 他还是第一次见到薰儿这么貌美的样子。 Before why can he be so silly? 以前为什么他要那么傻? If he one step does eat to fumigate ahead of time directly should good? If ate fumigated, how that Xun possibly left him to go. 要是他提前一步直接吃掉薰儿该有多好?要是吃掉了薰儿,那薰儿又怎么可能离他而去。 valley Peng 谷塴 Fumigates that pretty, if eats, crisp askew? 薰儿那么貌美,要是吃掉,岂不是爽歪歪? Now but...... all these all give Xu Ran this son of a bitch! 可是现在……这一切全都让给了徐然这个狗日的 Who is Xu Ran? He does not know. He only knows that the Xu Ran strength is very strong, appeared to gang up with Xiao Mei, now with fumigating in the same place. Is this person? Xiao Mei is so attractive, was done by him. Why fumigates continually also likes Xu Ran? 徐然是谁?他不知道。他只知道徐然实力很强,一出现就勾搭上了萧媚,现在又和薰儿在一起了。这还是人吗?萧媚那么漂亮,被他搞到手了也就罢了。为什么连薰儿也喜欢徐然 Where do you come? What goal do you have? Definitely can go to a broader world by your strength, what do you come Wutan City to make?” Xiao Yan is roaring. “你到底是从哪儿来的?你到底有什么目的?以你的实力完全可以去更广阔的天地,你来乌坦城做什么?”萧炎怒吼着。 He always felt, Xu Ran of unknown origin, not only to fumigate absolutely. 他总感觉,徐然来历不明,绝对不仅仅是为了薰儿而来。 Perhaps, Xu Ran also has any secretive secret. 说不定,徐然还有什么不可告人的秘密。 What thing you are, dares to speak to me?” “你算什么东西,也敢这么跟我说话?” Xu Ran said lightly, direct Palestinian slap in the past, shouted on the Xiao Yan's face. 徐然淡淡说道,直接一巴掌扇过去,呼在萧炎的脸上。 ! 啪! Together bright red is in charge keeps on the Xiao Yan's cheeks. 一道鲜红的掌印留在萧炎的脸颊上。 The burning ache lets Xiao Yan and is hostile to awaken from the hatred. 火辣辣的疼痛让萧炎从憎恨和仇视中醒悟过来。 At this moment, he realized, front this is a powerhouse, is stronger than his father. Entire Wutan City could not find the strength compared with the Xu Ran also strong person. 这一刻,他才意识到,面前这是一位强者,比他父亲还要强。整个乌坦城都找不到实力比徐然还强的人。 Meanwhile, a thick sense of shame well ups. 与此同时,一种浓浓的羞耻感涌上心头。 Xiao Yan tight is pinching the fist, is looking angrily at Xu Ran. 萧炎紧紧的捏着拳头,怒视着徐然 Yo. Are you very crazy?” Xu Ran another close to slap in the past, Xiao Yan's cheeks naked eye obvious swelling, the blood overflows from the Xiao Yan's corners of the mouth. “呦呵。你还挺狂啊?”徐然又一巴掌扇了过去,萧炎的脸颊肉眼可见的肿胀了起来,鲜血从萧炎的嘴角溢出。 Xiao Yan, you are a waste, what qualifications has to obtain the Xun'er's love?” 萧炎,你不过是一个废物,有什么资格得到薰儿的爱?” „Have you with been fumigated? What advantage fumigates follows you to obtain? You protect her unable to achieve!” “你配得到薰儿吗?薰儿跟着你能得到什么好处?你连保护她都做不到!” „Does people like you coordinate to fumigate in the same place? Fumigating is so good to you, how could do you to fumigating have well what?” “你这样的人配和薰儿在一起吗?薰儿对你那么好,你何曾对薰儿有什么好的?” A fan of Xu Ran palm of the hand another palm of the hand in the past. 徐然一巴掌又一巴掌的扇过去。 Fumigates, Yun Yun, or Medusa had had very big help to Xiao Yan. Especially fumigates, has been helping Xiao Yan, but how could has Xiao Yan to fumigating made what? 无论是薰儿,云韵,或是美杜莎都曾经对萧炎有过很大的帮助。尤其是薰儿,一直都在帮萧炎,而萧炎何曾对薰儿做过什么? On him also dares here dog's bark? 就他还敢在这儿犬吠? How even if fumigated really broke faith? Present Xun private has not decided with Xiao Yan lifelong. 就算是薰儿真的变心了又如何?现在的薰儿又不曾和萧炎私定终身。 Haha.” “哈哈。” Right that you said! Does my waste, what qualifications have and Xun in the same place?” “你说的对!我这个废物,有什么资格和薰儿在一起?” You very? You have Xiao Mei, why do you also want to provoke to fumigate? Do you possibly to fumigating have the sincerity?” Xiao Yan is roaring. Has the sincerity, needs you to worry? Before me your anything is not. In this world, the powerhouse can have all. Sincerely? What thing is this? ” Xu Ran teased. “不过你就很好吗?你已经有了萧媚了,你为什么还要去招惹薰儿?你怎么可能对薰儿有真心?”萧炎怒吼着。有没有真心,需要你操心吗?在我面前你什么都不是。在这个世界,强者才能拥有一切。真心?这是什么东西?”徐然戏谑道。 Hehe......” “呵呵……” Xiao Yan looks at Xu Ran indifferently, the heart like the dying embers. 萧炎冷眼看着徐然,心如死灰。 At this moment, he importance of clear strength. Before, he faced most also taunted, his father was head of the clan these clansmen looked how he was not pleasing to the eyes cannot he, but now...... 这一刻,他才明白力量的重要性。以前,他面临的最多也只是冷嘲热讽,他的父亲是族长那些族人看他不顺眼也不能把他怎么样,而现在…… How even if Xu Ran hit him, who in Xiao Family dares with Xu Ran for the enemy? 就算徐然打了他又如何,在萧家谁敢与徐然为敌? The Xu Ran's strength even destroys completely Xiao Family sufficiently. 徐然的实力甚至足以灭掉萧家 This is the importance of strength!!! 这就是实力的重要性!!! If he has the strong strength, Xu Ran also does dare so to insult him? All these are because he was too weak, was too weak. 如果他有强大的实力,徐然还敢如此欺辱他吗?这一切都是因为他太弱了,太弱了。 He Dou Practitioner is not, a Xu Ran finger can the steamroll he. 他连斗者都不是,徐然一根手指头都能碾压他。
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